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There's a road ahead...(Old ver.)

Started by SkyMyl, December 18, 2008, 08:32:07 PM

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EDIT: Well, this died, as you can tell. I just stopped working on it. But, I've revived it. You can find the new, one-shot "There's a road ahead..." here!


It would seem you just woke up from your slumber. You get off the bumpy seats you had been lying down on the whole ride. It would seem you fell asleep during the bus ride.

The only two people in the bus are you and the driver, and the driver is obviously in the middle of driving the bus. As you look out the window, you see that you're in the desert. You still haven't reached your destination yet. Just then, the bus creeks to a stop. The Driver turns around to face you and says that it's the last stop. Opening the bus doors, he urges you to get off the bus. You assume that your at your destination, so you pick up your backpack and step off the bus, but as you land on the ground and look ahead of you, you realize you were wrong. There is no house, there is no stable, there is no market, there is no church, nothing. You look behind you and see the road the bus was driving on, now the road the bus is driving down. You look ahead and see the same road split into two seperate paths. You can't go back, seeing as you spent over one hundred dollars to get this far. Looking ahead, the two roads stretch...and seperate the farther they would seem as though nothing awaits at the end of both of these roads. You have no choice but to take a path. But, which one?

Take the path to the left
Take the path into the right
??? (You don't know what it is until you choose it.)



Left because it's less crowded... (all those people going right...)




Um... I would like to roll initiative.

And ??? I guess.



Gregg Casey demands we take the unknown path (???)
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums



"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)




Thinking it over, you decide to see what happens when you walk down the middle path, as the path less traveled. And so you walk. And walk. And walk. And still walk. It seems like you've been walking for hours, with the hot sun beating down on your head. But then you remember, it's only been fifteen minutes. Shaking your head, you walk just a little further until you see something ahead. A house. At least, it appears to be a house, from as far as you're standing. Running forward, it only takes you a few minutes to discover what you were squinting at moments ago.

It is in fact, a house. A brown, 2 story house with an empty doghouse on your left. You're about to go and knock on the front door, when you realize, what would a house be doing in a lifeless, secluded desert? Looking behind you again, you see that the two roads have vanished. You look back at the front door and knock three times, and wait for someone to answer. While you're waiting, you look at the porch and see a shovel to your side. Suddenly, you hear a Female voice scream out.

"Someone...anyone...Please, HELP ME!!! I'm i-"

The voice is cut off. You know you can't stand and do nothing, and you pick up the shovel and use it as an axe, chopping down the wooden door until you can make a hole big enough for you to climb through. After some effort, you go through the hole and find yourself inside the house. It's a dark hallway, with a flight of stairs in front of you, the bathroom on your left, and the kitchen to your right.

You don't know if anyone heard you break through the door, and don't know if there's anyone else here. You should have enough time to check a few rooms.

Go to the bathroom
Go upstairs (WARNING: If you go upstairs, you won't be able to come back down!)
Go to the kitchen


Gregg Casey demands we go upstairs.
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums



You decide to see what's in the bathroom, so you start cautiously walking to the left, back against the wall. Looking at the hallway as you're doing so, you can see it's a poorly kept house. Planks from the wooden floor are missing, the paintings on the walls have tears and scratches on them, blood stains everywhere, and shattered urns. You take note of this and reach the door that clearly says 'Bathroom' on it. Reaching for the handle, you see a green tab above it that says vacant. Taking this as your sign to hide in here for a while, you open the door and go in.

Inside the bathroom, it's actually surprisingly nice. Ocean blue wallpaper, a nice, large mirror in front of the sink, cabinents on the walls, a bookcase for those who want to read on the toilet, but it's awfully small. Lifting the lid up off the toilet, you take one look and you're disgusted. The toilet bowl is dirty beyond belief, and the site is revolting. It would be improper for a lady such as yourself to sit on that! Looking back in the mirror, your hair is a mess. Taking a brush from your backpack, you straighten it the way you like it, and put the brush back in. Then you decide to search around the bathroom for anything that might be of use to you. Searching through the cabinents, it seems perfectly normal, with dental care products and hair care products about. While rummaging through the cabinent under the sink, you see a small handgun on its side, next to some ammo. Taking the gun, you make sure the safety is on, and put it in your pocket. You take the ammo and put it in the other pocket, then you sit next to the sink to wait and think for a while.

You still don't know where your friend's house went, you don't know where you are, and you don't know why you're saving someone you haven't even met yet. Sudden impulse, perhaps? Maybe you heard her voice before? You also wonder why there's a house in scenic nowhere, and why someone would be in danger here. As the thoughts race through your head, you think you've waited long enough, pick up your shovel, and walk back to the hallway. In a few minutes, you're right back where you started, and no one seems to have heard you break in. You may only have a few minutes left to explore, but you don't know if you should go upstairs or to the kitchen.

Go Upstairs
Go to the Kitchen

* Handgun obtained!