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There's a road ahead...(Old ver.)

Started by SkyMyl, December 18, 2008, 08:32:07 PM

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I will break the tie I choose.......



Quote from: Phaze on December 24, 2008, 01:24:30 PM
Quote from: darkmario on December 24, 2008, 12:29:26 PM
I will break the tie I choose.......
Er, its going left...
Point taken.

Anyway, the story comes later. I have to get ready for Christmas Dinner, so tomorrow, probably.



You go to the door on the right, which has a label on it that says, "WARNING: KEEP ALL FORMS OF FIRE AWAY FROM THIS ROOM". How cute. You decide to just open the door, and inside is a small room filled with firearms. On all the walls, stacked in piles, and on Shelves. You know that you'll need a few weapons, as you don't know if what you saw is actually what lies through the double doors. After placing your shovel next to the door, you look inside the room. You take another handgun, a survival pouch, some Grenades, and a Sawed-Off Shotgun. Closing the door carefully, you wonder if anyone in here is using these weapons. You decide to destroy it when you're done here. Walking back to the Double Doors, you think you're prepared now. Just then,

"If anyone's here, HELP ME!!! PLEAFF! MMMPH!? MMMPH!!!"

There's the voice again! It's coming from the door to the left! Should you rescue the girl, or go through the Double Doors again?

Go to the left and save the life of a girl
Go through the Double Doors





Gregg Casey Sodo the Emo Squid demands we go left for a huge lesbian orgy the sake of the poor Pyro girl.
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Quote from: Byte on December 27, 2008, 08:43:17 PM
Gregg Casey Sodo the Emo Squid demands we go left for a huge lesbian orgy the sake of the poor girl.
Shhh, you'll spoil the surprise.

I'll get the next part up soon. I'm just a bit busy.

Oh, and any more comments about Pyro and I'll shoot you.




You can't leave an innocent lady to her doom! Sprinting to the left, you see three doors. You don't know where the voice came from, so you decide to knock on the door to your left. After about half a minute, you don't get a response. You knock on the door in front of you. Nothing. You knock on the door to your right, and you hear a Male voice shout.

"WHO'S THERE!? Arron, is that you!?"

Pulling out your Handgun for defense, you knock on the door again, just in case.

"Knocking twice in a row? That's Arron all right." *Click*

You hear a click sound, and the knob on the door starts to turn. Hiding behind the still-opening door, you decide to catch the man by surprise. After about a minute of waiting, you hear the man ask, "Arron? Are you there? Arron? You. Wait right here." The man walks out of the room, looking around the room, with a confused gaze on his face. You decide to strike now. Walking from behind the door, you tackle the man to the floor. The man falls over, taken by surprise. Holding him down, you take the safety off your gun and hold it at his neck.

"What in the...AAHHH! Who are you!?"
You hold him tighter, still. "I'm a traveler. But it would seem you're torturing an innocent woman, and I can't let that go unnoticed."
"She...she saw what we do here...and we had to dispose of her. But we've decided to keep her here for the time being."
"'We'? So there's more people here?"
"What of this building?"
"It's o-our base of operations. Our last one to be exact. Should anything happen to it, we would be screwed."
"What is it you do here?"
The man whimpered.
"Answer me!"
The man started to cry.
"dang it, answer me!"
He was still crying.
"For the last time, answer me or I will kill you!"
"I'm going to die...nothing can change that now."

You grow severely impatient and pull the trigger on your gun. The bullet goes through the man's back, thus killing him. You get up off of him and look back at him. Why would his death be inevitable? What was going on in this house? How did you get here to begin with? The questions race through your mind, but you dismiss them for now. Walking through the open door, you see a girl, roughly your age, brown hair and green eyes, bound and gagged to a chair. She is wearing nothing but a Bra and Panties, leading you only assume what the man did to her. You take the gag off of her, and she lets in a breath of relief.

"Who are you?"
"M-my name is Sophia. I was on my way to the Market, but I saw this house as opposed to a single building. I knocked on the door, and when no one answered, I just decided to walk in. That's when I got captured. But who are you?"
"My name is Elena. I was on my way to a friend's house but the area was entirely different. There was a fork in the road. I took the middle path, found this house, and I wound up here. I heard someone scream, so I walked inside to see what it was.
"That would be me..."
"What was that man doing to you?"
"He...he..." She started to tear up.

She runs into your arms and starts to cry. Holding her close to your chest, you comfort her. Great, you just made a sexually tortured girl cry. Where do you want go from here?

Ask her what she knows about this place.
Ask her if she saw anything suspicious.
Ask her to join you.

(...okay, 'Fan'service time is over. That's all you get.)