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There's a road ahead...(Old ver.)

Started by SkyMyl, December 18, 2008, 08:32:07 PM

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Just as you're about to walk down the stairs, Sophia stops you from going any further. You turn to her and she points out something.

"Elena, we can't leave that man's body just lying there on the floor. We have to do something with it before someone notices!"
"But there's still the matter of the blood on the floor itself. We couldn't clean that off."
"Regardless, we still have to dispose of the body."

Nodding your head, you gesture for Sophia to pick up the legs of the man's now lifeless body whilst you both carry him to the closet Sophia was just trapped in. With some effort, you're able to pick the man up and drag him to the closet. Taking two towels out of the closet, you shut the door behind you. That's when you remember the two doors next to the closet. What could lie behind them. You give the towels to Sophia and ask her if she could clean the blood. Sophia responds in the affirmative and takes the towels. You walk to the doors and open the one across the closet. Immediately upon opening the doors, you are greeted with a foul odor. Covering your nose, you look inside the room.

It's completely empty. There is nothing inside but the blackness of the walls. Just as you decide to walk inside, you hear a crunching sound. You look down and find is causing the smell. At least a dozen rotting corpes lie in the room, and you just so happened to step on the only skeleton. Letting out a small shriek, you back away and slam the door. It would seem that this room contains the victims of this organization. After regaining your composure, you walk into the remaining door. Through that door is a similar room as the last two, small and empty. But at the bottom of the room is a small key. You don't know why these three rooms are empty, but you pick up the key and put it in your pocket.

You double back to Sophia, who just finished mopping up the mess you made. Lying out the second towel on top of the blood stain, she throws the blood stained towel to you, which you catch and throw into the closet. Walking across the hall to the Closet with the weapons in it, you open it and tell Sophia to take what she wants. Sophia takes another handgun, and finds nothing of interest. But she decides to dig into the pile a bit and chances upon a small machete. Swinging it around a few times for giggles, she also finds a Shotgun and some Shotgun shells. She decides to take these three items, and closes the door. Afterwards, she turns to face you and asks what you want to do.

On one hand, you're armed even better than before, with a partner, so you think you should be able to stand your own and go through the Double Doors. But you haven't explored the Kitchen yet, and there might be an elevator somewhere there, according to Sophia's claim. You don't know if you'll be able to come back up again, though.

We couldn't reach an agreement before, so let's try again. Where do you want to go?

Go through the Double Doors
Go down to the Kitchen



I'm scared of those double doors.



You don't know what lies behind those Double Doors but you assume it can wait. You tell Sophia that you should inspect the fridge and see what's in there. So you both continue down the stairs, and go to your left. To the left is a small hallway, and at the end is a door. Through it is the Kitchen.

The house, while filthy, disgusting, creeky, and ominous, was very different from the Kitchen in comparison. The Kitchen was very large, and very roomy. On one side was the counter, spanning the walls with its smooth rock-like surface. Above the counter was a line of cabinents, normally used to hold spices, cans, containers, dishes, and the like. Back to the counter, there was a sink, a drain dish, an oven, a stove, the aforementioned refridgerator, a dish rack, a toaster, a toaster oven, and a microwave. (Not necessarily in that order.) To the right of the kitchen was a long table, cleared off for now, lined with a tablecloth and a vase of flowers.

You look at Sophia and point to the fridge. Running over to it, she grabs the handle of the silver fridge and opens it to find...a perfectly normal fridge. Everything was in order, with bottles of wine, soda, juice, and milk on the door, to the fresh produce in the drawers. Nothing seemed out of place. You decide to inspect the rest of the room to find something else, such as a switch. While you're searching, Sophia wastes no time and pulls out a container labeled 'Leg of Lamb'. She runs over to the drain dish and pulls a fork out, and starts digging in to it. Hearing the rustling, you look towards her and glare at her. With the most Innocent look ever, she offers you some.

"Do you want some lamb? It's still warm!"
"You're eating...while our lives could still be in danger?"
"I haven't eaten in two days! Plus, the better in shape we are now, the more of a chance we'll have for survival later!"

She has you there. You go into the fridge and search around for anything to munch on. Taking out some apples, a few pears, a bunch of bananas, a container of chicken, a container of Steak, and a few bottles of water, you place them on the table and wonder where you're going to put it all.

"Why not put it in the backpack you're wearing?"

A backpack? You reach for your back, and sure enough, it's there. How did you forget you brought your backpack with you? You unzip it and find a few matches, a flashlight, your cell phone (Which is in the process of dying), a map, and your brush. You reach into the fridge again and salvage whatever food you might need, stuff it into a few seperate containers, and place it in your backpack. After placing the backpack on your back, you find it's not that heavy. You then turn to Sophia, who's already finished her food. She runs over to the sink and immediately starts to wash the container. After finding the appropriate cabinent, she places the container in it and places the fork back in the drain dish, then walks back to where you were standing.

"...was there really a need to wash it?"
"Force of habit. I'm sorry."
"Well, this doesn't help our situation. You said there was something suspicious about that fridge, and I don't think you're lying. It does seem rather large compared to other fridges I've seen."
"Ditto on that last part. Hmmm...maybe there's a switch inside it?"
"There's no harm in searching."

You both decide to open the fridge again and look inside. Right next to an unsliced ham, which was foolishly uncovered, there appears to be a small button hidden beside it. Moving the ham to the side, you do see a small button, cleverly hidden so that anyone without curiosity such as yours couldn't find it.

Well, what do you do?

Press the button
Go back upstairs
Inspect the Kitchen some more

(Okay, I fixed some of the errors in my other parts, in a bit of a retcon. Also, I was in a bit of a rush in doing this part...)
(Oh, and tell others to join in! If we only have 3 users voting, then the game is almost set to go in one direction until a mistake is made.)


Inspect the kitchen a bit more. After all, you might be a sig-disabling cock-mongler if you press the button.
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums



Inspect the kitchen. Maybe there's other things you may need before pressing the button.


You can't just hastily press a button without further investigation. You don't know what might happen, but it wouldn't hurt to inspect some more. You tell Sophia that the cabinents above the counter might hold something of interest. While it's a tad cliched, it would be wise to check it out. She replies in the affirmative, afterwards you both walk to the cabinents.

Opening the cabinents, nothing seems out of the ordinary. It's still filled with containers, bowls, plates, and cups, and nothing of importance. You continue checking cabinent until you reach the last one which holds only cookbooks. Thinking there to be something lodged in between the pages in the books, you open them and start to skim through them, finding a note a single sheet of paper lodged between a recipe for Key Lime Pie and Coconut Cream Pie. Placing the book back inside the cabinent, you call Sophia over and show her what it says.

"To all members of the 3rd Squad,

The reason we informed you of the first note's location was to find the second note, which has ultimately led you to this final note. The reason you were made aware of these notes was to find the Safe Key and the Room key to room 7-3, both of which are lodged inside the Ham, which has spoiled by the time you read this note.

You are without a doubt wondering what is happening, and why you are being made aware of the key's location. Squad Zero is becoming far too powerful, and will corrupt the rest of the organization within months. You are the only ones who have the abilities to stop them, by any means necessary. You shall be contacted by a few of our associates, who will help you stop Squad Zero. The remaining four Squads have been informed of this conspiracy, via similar methods to yours, but do not have the proper, well-developed skills to take on this uprising. They will still aid you in any way possible, despite this fact.

As you know, your former captain, Toshi Yamamoto, has recently been murdered. We can only assume that Squad Zero murdered him, possibly because Yamamoto had every piece of information on every Squad. Sophia N. Richardson, the co-captain of the 3rd Division has been promoted to Captain, and will be carrying out this mission. After reading this note, place it on top of the stove in the Kitchen and burn it, leaving no trace of it. Then find the keys from the ham inside the fridge, press the button next to the ham, and go down the elevator. That will be all.

Signed, Evans Miller.

Folding the note and placing it in your pocket, you turn to Sophia, who is on her knees, staring into at the floor in shock. You kneel down and calmly ask her:

" that your full name?"
"Do you know what these squads are?"
"No. I'm as stumped as you."
"It states that you have been promoted to Captain of this Third Squad. Do you have any answer to that?"
"I swear, I don't know what the Squads are for!"
"I have to ask you again, why did you come here, Sophia?"
"I told you, I came here to buy some groceries from the Market."
"What did that man do to you?"

Sophia started to tear up a little.

"Look at me, Sophia. Did the man rape you?"
"I...I...I don't know. I can't remember. I woke up without my clothes on, and I felt pain. He started asking all sorts of bizzarre questions, and demanded I answer him. About five minutes later, you came in."
"Do you remember what kind of questions he asked you?"
"No. Well, now that you mention it...I recall him asking what Squad I was from."
"My last question: Why did you lie about being raped?"
"...I don't know. I was in shock, and I was confused."

Taking a deep breath, you stand up and open the note again. Reading it again, you can't deny it. Something is going on, but you don't know what. You can't leave and do nothing, you still need to figure out what's going on in this house.

"I'm sorry about asking you so many questions, Sophia."

Sophia doesn't respond. Her eyes are closed and she's deep in thought, possibly wondering why part of her memory is gone. After some time, she stands up, takes a deep breath, and walks over to the fridge. She takes out the ham and sets it on the table, and takes a knife from the drain dish. Cutting the ham open, she does in fact find two keys inside it. A gold key, labeled Saviour, and a silver key, with nothing on it. She hands you the keys, which you place in your pocket. She picks up the ham and discards it in the trash.

(OKay, there are no choices here for a reason. The next part is going to play out on its own, but it'll be some time before I can get it out, so think of it as part of a half, as opposed to a small part. Until then, comment on how the chapter was, the game so far, ect. Lastly, you could say this was made up on the yeah..)


"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums



Hmm... I wonder who these Squads are, and what they are doing? I'm assuming that Sophia has either amnesia, is lying, or the letter is talking about her mother. But at least it is safe to also assume she is not one of the bad guys.

Also, we've checked all the other rooms in the house? I know we have for the downstairs. But weren't there other doors upstairs that we failed to explore? Or was that it?


Quote from: MasterYoungLink on January 12, 2009, 03:23:58 PM
You tell Elena that the cabinents above the counter might hold something of interest.
Umm... Isn't the protagonist Elena? D=