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What do you do when you listen to music?

Started by Zovistograt, December 19, 2008, 12:56:42 PM

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Headbang?  Groove in your seat?  Rock out with air guitar?  What do you do? :3

I usually headbang to gabber and other hard and fast electronic music.  I kind of move back and forth in my seat if it's more of a grooooooovin' song, and if it's a real anthem, I will do a powerhand pump in the air.

I also play pseudo-DDR with my feet or pseudo-Stepmania with my hand.
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)


When i'm just listening to music on my iPod I always headbang, I just can't listen to music and be still :P

I always sing with it if i'm listening to it on the computer, sometimes quietly, and sometimes I yell if i'm listening to a good rock song or something, my neighbors probably think i'm crazy lol


Depends on where I am. Dance, sit quietly, sing, it all depends.


Usually just move my heels up and down to various rhythms. I'm rather calm, no matter what the song.
Become a Failbook fan: Victory Road :3

The Game Boy Pocket.
Put it in your back pocket.
Sit down and it breaks.


I usually just rock my heel up and down if I'm by myself...which is usually the case.


Sittin' In a Bar by Rehab... lol love it...


Depends on the song. Although on my favorite songs, I close my eyes, rock my head back and forth to the beat of the music and lip-sing.


I usually just lay down or do things on the computer, or sometimes I'll do things that need to get done like reorganizing things or folding laundry.


Well for one I always sing along to songs that I know well enough to sing. If I don't know the lyrics I'll usually hum. ;)
I also will dance around in my seat or standing up if it's an appropriate song to dance to.
I do tap my feet at times too.

I'll do a variety of things depending on the song.


I drum to the music with my index fingers. Sometimes, i play my 360 with my music on.



Drum to it, air guitar, or just do the bass pedal. Particularly when it's double-bass.


I'll always sing along with it, but sometimes I'll dance a little to it in my seat. :x


tap my fingers or my foot to the rythym or headbang a little.
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Read, write, or surf the internet. No dancing for me.