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Don't Panic (A Post-Apocalyptic, Semi-Literate RP)

Started by Light, December 26, 2008, 07:42:04 PM

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The moonlit sky is abundant with stars as you travel across the land. You've passed by trees, sand, rocks, mountains, deserts, and even volcanos. You have also seen beasts of unspeakable horrors and terror, some of which you were forced to fight and sometimes kill. You are tired, your only wish being that you can return home again. That is what has kept you going this entire time.

A few years ago, a great disaster called "Armageddon" took the world by surprise, killing thousands and stranding hundreds. Armageddon consisted of meteor showers, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornados, and the like. The few who survived were separated from family members, not knowing if they had survived or not.

You're ready to pass out. You're ready to give up, and let nature take its course on your body. Do you give up, or do you continue?


This RP takes place on the fictional continent of Olmora. Though it was united at a time, Armageddon has separated it into four sections; a large center and three surrounding islands. The residents are all humans, and are more than likely separated from family members, friends, etc. Your goal is to survive, find out what Armageddon is, and reunite yourselves with those who you were close to.

Layout (a crude sketching of what the continent looks like):

Olmora: The continent on which the RP takes place.
Traceasa: The largest piece of land Olmora is made up of; it is in the middle.
Klik: The smallest of the three surrounding islands. It is located southeast of Traceasa.
Almeria: One of the three surrounding islands. It is located to the north of Traceasa.
Monoria: The largest of the three surrounding islands. It is located southwest of Traceasa.


1 ) No Godmodding.

2 ) OOC conversations must be designated by OOC// or (()) while the RP is going on.

3 ) There is a maximum of two characters per person.

4 ) Shops and places to live in are few and far between, so keep this in mind.

5 ) A few boats have survived Armageddon, so you may use them to travel from island to island, or to Traceasa.

6 ) With this being a semi-lit RP, make sure you form complete sentences, spell correctly, and post in paragraph format.

7 ) Keep violence and romance to a PG-13 maximum. No need for excessive blood and gore here.

8 ) Don't try too hard to have the RP go your way. If it's flowing towards a certain objective, don't continuously try to have it revolve around your character.

9 ) You must have your character approved by me before you can start RPing.

10 ) Have fun!

Character Form:

Starting Point: (Traceasa, Klik, Monoria, Almeria)


Name: Harver Rose
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Long red hair, average height, blue eyes, caucasian. Usually wears jeans and a black T-shirt.
Weapon: Katana.
Biography: Harver grew up with his parents, who groomed him to become a scholar in every way imaginable. He grew up to be a gentleman with an evergrowing passion for knowledge. Right after he started his studies abroad, Armageddon struck, and he was stranded, no knowing if his parents were alive or not...
Starting Point: Monoria



Harver Rose, 19, currently in Traceasa (LightningSword)
Josh Elliot, 17, currently in Traceasa (Red)
Jasmine Taylor, 17, currently in Traceasa (Sh0rTi)
Shu J. Inco, 16, currently in Traceasa (Shujinco)
Gregg Casey, 35, currently in Traceasa (Byte)
Tav Xero, 14?, currently in Monoria (Marth Xero)
Lance Jackson, 18, currently in Traceasa (JNeedForSpeed2014)
David Alleyne, 18, currently in Traceasa (Triforce_Luigi)
Blank, Unknown, currently in Traceasa (Riddler_Rob)
Solon, 18, currently in Traceasa (Birdie of Aces)

The goings-on:

The First Day: Noon. Harver and Jas have found a young man with amnesia (Solon). Deciding to have him tag along, they are beginning to trek back to the ship with Solon in tow. Shu has just defeated a giant beast in the forest, showing a somewhat alter-ego within him. As more creatures begin to find the whereabouts of the surviving humans, what will happen to them?
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Hmmm... Seems fun. I might not be here the next couple of days, what with family and all, so I might not post that much for the next week. But after then, I should be fine.

Name: Josh Elliott.
Gender: Male.
Age: 17.
Appearance: Caucasian, black hair, on the taller side. Usually wears jeans and a tee-shirt.
Weapon: Sniper Rifle.
Biography: All of Josh's relative fought in wars, so he grew up learning the ins-and-outs of everything about military. Even though war didn't particularly interest him, he took a fond liking to his dad's M21. 
Starting Point: Almeria.


You've got my interest. ^^

Name: Jasmine "Jas" Taylor
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Weapon: Twin blades (two short katanas)
Biography: Jas has hardly any memory of life after the disaster. The last thing she remembers doing was quickly packing up her belongings after her martial arts class was through for the day, then quickly running off in attempt to find someone... but who? Before she could find the person, all sorts of explosions shook the area, and she ended up knocked unconscious. Finding nobody around upon awakening, she had no choice but to live by her motto: "I depend on me and only me." 
Starting Point: Traceasa (because nobody's picked that. xP)
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Meh, I'll go for it.

Name: Shu J. Inco (LOL)
Gender: Male
Appearance: Small cocasion kid. Semi- Tall. Wearing a torn up baseball jersy with jeans.
Weapon: Hand-gun
Biography: Seperated from his parents during Armageddon. Has been surviving whichever way he can ever since. (Short, I know.)
Starting Point: Traceasa


Shorti, Red, you're accepted.
Shujinco, spell caucasian correctly, and you're in.
Spam, be more specific with your weapon.

We'll start later today.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Well, I'm waiting then, since I'm not the boss for once. xP))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Let's begin, then.))

Harver stood on the coast of the island of Monoria. He let the waves gently wash over his boot covered feet. The pages of the book in his hands rustled slightly as a midnight wind gently washed over the shore. The young man's eyes were fixated on the larger island a few miles away. "Are you there, mother... father?" He asked seemingly to himself, unaware that no one was near him. He turned and saw a couple of boats a few hundred yards away. He began to walk in that direction, curious of the existence of them.

The boats were each about the size of a couple of two story houses combined, so they could fit quite a bit of people. He turned, and saw no one in sight. Deciding it would be best to leave the current island he was on (he had been traveling for days, and had not seen his parents), he shoved off and did his best to pilot the ship to Traceasa. Seeing as the current was taking him directly to the island, he had no need to steer, and sat down, opening up his book, entitled, "The Laws of Physics, and Other Rules to Live By". The book he held was his life, and what he grew up with.

((By the way, the currents in this story are much like the Whirl Channel from DMDTS, except, depending on where you depart from, they will either lead to Traceasa or the island nearest to you.))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Are sign-ups still open?

Name: Gregg Casey
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Appearance: He wears a torn red shirt and blue jeans. He has an odd, almost yellow face with dark brown hair. Armageddon left him with three fingers on either hand.
Weapon: Gregg Casey has a small automatic pistol from his younger days, and carries a walking stick around for stability and self-defense in close combat.
Biography: Mr. Casey does not remember much about his past. He knows he had a wife and two beautiful children before Armageddon, but he remembers close to nothing about his childhood.
Starting Point: Klik
Other notes: Mr. Casey doesn't, so to say, "look before he leaps".
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


((DMDTS... it inspires everything we do. xD))

"Hmmgh..." Brown eyes open as the moonlight shines down on the figure below it. Said figure, Jas, pulls herself to a sitting position, then stands, only to be faced with a harsh wind. She moves her arm in front of her face, and turns away from the gust, but her eyes water anyways. Single teardrops roll down her face, streaking through and clearing some of the ash and dirt that covered her cheeks. When it finally stops, she picks up her twin blades, and places them on her back. Yes, she was tired, but it wasn't best to stay in the cave she napped in. If a tide came in, she would drown because she definitely does not have the energy to swim. So she sets off, searching for higher ground.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Indeed, it does. Byte, you're accepted.))

Harver set down his book, marking his place midway through Chapter 6, "The Laws of Gravity and Force", as he saw the mainland of Traceasa approach. He looked up, and judging by the position of the moon, there was still another good four hours until the sun would rise. He sighed, and began searching for a working "port" that he could dock at.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


After about half an hour, Jas finds herself standing on top of a grassy hill, looking over the ocean. She sits down, and watches the moon reflected in the water, rippling because of the waves. Eventually, she pulls off her jacket, and lays down on it, using the article of clothing as a pillow. Her gaze is directed in the direction of the waters until her vision blurs, and fades to nothing.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Gregg wakes up on a sandy beach. It appears to be almost midday on this strange island. He's been walking around for days trying to find something, anything. He's assumed it's deserted, but he hasn't walked inland quite yet. He needs to conserve energy as much as possible.

"I need to get out of this place." Gregg says to himself. He looks out into the ocean. Nothing for miles. It seems endless. Could this be the only land left on Earth?
"I need a darned book..."

Suddenly, Gregg hears something off in the distance. He looks over. "Is that... Holy poop! A boat! Hey! HEEEEEEY! OVER HERE!" It's amazing. He's seen a boat! The boat could take him inland (if there is any inland) and maybe he'll see his family again! Maybe... maybe...
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


((Heh, I hope the boat Gregg sees is not Harver's, because he's on the other side of the waters.))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.