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Sonic Chronicles, Should I Buy It?

Started by JrDude, December 28, 2008, 01:41:50 AM

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I got a few games for Christmas, and more to come for a late Christmas, but I also got a lot of money and have been wanting Sonic Chronicles for a while, so, should I get it? Is it worth the buy?
Dude .


HECK YES.  I got Sonic Chronicles for Christmas, and I must say it is one of the best Sonic games ever (in my opinion, it's in a 3-way tie with SA2B and the day levels of Unleashed).  It doesn't feel quite as slow as I expected it to be, as most characters get multiple turns per round (making it look more like a fight and less like a board game) and the Elite Beat Agents-style games that are performed during special moves make it very involving for a turn-based RPG.  There are plenty of characters to use, they all have awesome abilities (it's definitely the best display of Shadow's power, destroying his typical "Sonic ripoff" style), the levels are great, and it has perhaps the best story and dialogue to hit a Sonic game so far.  My only regret is that it's way too short and kinda easy.


People say it's too short, I played it for hours a day and I finally beat it today (got it Christmas Day).  I love how they didn't add too many new characters and they stayed true to the Sonic Adventure storyline (and Battle, Heroes, etc)

It reveals more about the Echidna clans, you hear about [spoiler=A certain robot's]Emerl[/spoiler] origins, along with more of its kind.  The storyline was like a book to me (meaning good book, I couldn't put it down).  I will warn you, the overwords aren't the prettiest (hand drawn, as I've read on YouTube; see my thread for one annoyance) and I've also encountered another annoyance with the overworld in one of the alien's colonies (could not get a Chao egg on top of the military base(?) of that colony), along with one of the evil leader's robots' bases looked like there was no pathway (the doorway thing above the door was blocking what I thought you had to go into a furnace-like thing to get to  D=­).

[spoiler=Reply to SmashBro]The final boss with Super Sonic was a big disappointment.  On my second turn, I KO'd him.  I also hate how they pulled the Super Mario Galaxy "now play the story again!" thing.  Unless there's more to it after I beat it again, I'm just going to get the Chao I'm missing from the garden and put it to the side until the road trip to Disney in February.  I was also disappointed when Eggman had to leave, as I loved his Bombardment POW move.[/spoiler]

One more edit: [spoiler=Technical Character Spoilers]Forgot to mention the lovely Team Chaotix mention when you talk to GUN (meaning that they're not playable)[/spoiler]


Dude .