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Roleplaying for Dummies

Started by jnfs2014, December 31, 2008, 09:05:01 AM

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I made this thread hoping that someone out there will use this to help them in RP'ing.

First of all, Roleplaying is like writing a book, but with several people. Most RP's are varied, so one wouldn't take long to catch your eye. Let's begin with the basics.
Question 1:
Do you write in book or play format?
Answer: Book is recommended, since play format is too sloppy. You wouldn't want to read a book with lines to memorize and asterisks, would you? However, everyone has their own preference.

Q2: How long do my posts have to be?
A2: Your posts can be from 1 line to a paragraph, and if necessary, 2-3. Only in certain instances does this not apply.

Q3: What's Godmodding?
A3: Godmodding is basically invincibility. Infinate ammo, one hit KO's, using other people's characters, etc. This type of RP'ing will NOT be tolerated at all, and GM'ing once will kick you out of an RP AND ruin your reputation.

Q4. How do I start an RP?
A4: You should follow these steps as a beginner:
1. Think of what topic you are going to post about.
2. Create a snazzy title.
3. Post your prologue, map (optional), and rules.
4. Post your sign up sheet and your character.
5. Open it up for signups.

Q5: My RP is going out of control! What do I do?
A5: First of all, do NOT try to fix it yourself. Lock it, PM a Mod telling them what happened, wait for the results, then reopen it.

Q6: What are the basic rules of Roleplaying?
A6: Each RP can have its own rules, but most of these you can find in almost all of them:
1. No spamming-This rule includes posts like "Lolz" or anything that doesn't have to do with the RP.
2. No flaming-This includes "You suck, stupid fag". While sometimes it is necessary, most of the time it will not be tolerated.
3. No Godmodding-See above.
4. Keep it PG:13-Hey, some of us ARE that young. No excessive profanity, sexual scenes, and images of excessive gore.

Q7: What are Ooc, Ic, and (()) for?
A7: These 3 mean in/out of character:
Ooc: Out of character
Ic: In character
(( Out of character))

Q8: What does "semi-literate" mean?
A8: Semi-literate basically means that Grammar is a very big issue. Capitalize, use quotation marks, and don't have every post look like it could be in a children's book.


Questions and comments are welcome.


Not a bad guide.

I don't really know much about RPing at all, so I would say if there's any more content you can add, I can definitely see myself nominating this for PotW.


You should cover all the 'basic' rules of RolePlaying

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze



Also, I recommend that you explain "Ooc//" "Ic//' and "(())"



I thought it was OoC//= Out-of-character
IC//= In-Character
and (()) is the same thing as OoC//

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


Quote from: Marth Xero on December 31, 2008, 11:13:26 AM
I thought it was OoC//= Out-of-character
IC//= In-Character
and (()) is the same thing as OoC//
Lol, fixed.



This is great...
I was thinking about starting a RP on a different website and I might start one here...


The guide should definitely be a lot more expansive if you even want to call it a guide. It barely grazes the information about RPs. Also, we already have a floated thread about the guidelines of RPing.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


There's a thread about the guidelines, but some people still don't know how to RP... so it is helpful. With that said, there should be a good and bad example of what an RP post should look like. I'll volunteer mines!

Bad: "Kei- Ha ha, keep dreamin' shorty.
*She rolls her eyes then starts being sarcastic*
Nice, what we need... Another Koga.

Good: "Jas manages to find some chicken, rice, and various vegetables... a few of those vegetables happen to be spicy. "Oooh, perfect!" She starts grabbing her ingredients, then runs off to make a meal."

I'll suggest some other things when I can think of them.

"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Quote from: LightningSword on December 31, 2008, 05:29:15 PM
The guide should definitely be a lot more expansive if you even want to call it a guide. It barely grazes the information about RPs. Also, we already have a floated thread about the guidelines of RPing.
that being said, this guide will only cover the basics.


Hmm... I find this rather interesting, especially since I was the first one to write any sort of guide on Role Playing for FCD as well as link to the location of a guide to help even advanced RPers.

Of course, method of RP prefference changes with each person, as I am more of the "Play Format" as you call it than a "Book Format". But again, to each their own. It's not a abd start, but has a ways to go. Especially Godding/Modding/Godmodding and all the various terms for it. More details could be given on it, especially in the area of "Controlling someone else's character" as there are things some people consider modding and controlling that the person doing it may not even realize. To me, something that is considered one of the biggest "No-nos" in RPing and you give it a 1 sentence description.