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Final Fantasy XIV: The Great War. A Semi-literate Final Fantasy Roleplay.

Started by jnfs2014, December 31, 2008, 04:15:05 PM

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Alex finished tending to an old woman wound at the hospital clinic and looked at the TV in his father's office...

Those darn Kremian will be the death of us all... thought Alex...


Chris made sure his gunblade was sharpened before heading out. Since Xera, the city he lived in, was very suburban compared to most cities, he merely walked to Greill Mercenaries Inc.

(( Lol, get the pun?))


Alex now leaving the clinic looks for something to do as he's been bored for weeks...

((I got it and also how advanced is the world now?))


When he arrived, Chris undoubtably knew what they were talking about: The new weapons that had just come in. Even though it creeped him out a little, he couldn't help but say that it was "normal" for him.


Drake set the newspaper aside and left his house, bored out of his mind.

Maybe I should take a vacation. Maybe to Xerasu... It's not too far. Although it might not be the safest place to go with that new dictatorship.


((Name: Jas (Sh0rTi)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race A: Xerasu
RaceB: Human
Weapon 1: Twin blades
Weapon 2: Shuriken
Class: Ninja
Bio: Jas lived as peacefully as she could with her family. She started taking martial arts nearly a decade ago, and was fine making the most of her life... until the dictatorship held a draft in her area, calling for all young, skilled fighters. Well, Jas, being the rebel that she is, ran away, preferring not to become a dog of the government. She left no hint as to where she would be going, and left without saying goodbye to her family.

Name: Keisha (Sh0rTi)
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race A: Kremian
Race B: Dog-person
Weapon 1: Reiki (long katana with dark powers)
Weapon 2: Vulcan (Jak 3-style machine gun)
Class: Mercenary
Bio: Keisha grew up in the Kremian mountains, but soon became bored with that lifestyle. She was involved with the arrest of a criminal, and since then the thrill, the adrenaline rush from the danger never left her mind. That's when she set out to become a bounty hunter, traveling the world in search of the most notorious criminals.

How many chars are allowed?))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Chris sighed.

"Dang it," he uttered, half out loud,"I know something's not right!"


((Sh0rTi....appearance? Oh, and 2))


While in the street Alex he was ponding the thought of going on a quest with someone... as he ran into a Black Mage... "Sorry he said..."


((Oops... ^^; Lemme edit it in with my other char... But before I do that, what time period would it be set in? Futuristic, modern, FFX-like?))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


"Just considering going on a little vacation," replied Drake, not really paying attention to who he was talking to.


((FFX-Pre-Sin era. For you non-FFX players, that's inbetween futuristic and modern. Say maybe 2050.))


Chris tried to stop it, but the feeling that something bad was happening took control.



Jas wakes up in her hotel room with the sun's ray in her face. "Shit," She woke up far later than the midnight that she planned to awaken at. "Gotta keep moving," the young woman quickly grabs a toaster pastry out of her bag, and eats it in record time. She takes a couple of seconds to admire the wavy form of her hair when she undoes the braid it's in, then quickly pulls her hat on over her eyes. A quick glance around the room tells her that she has all her belongings, and she leaves, now checking out and carefully making her way though the Xerasu streets.

The bounty hunter at the end of a chase, in a Kremian alleyway... Keisha smirks at the person backing away from her, and into a wall. A blast behind her blows her hair around, giving the woman an even darker look. "Time to give up now, buddy," the grimy-looking captive raises his hands in defeat, and Keisha quickly bounds him. She then presses a button on her watch, calling for her airship. An hour later, when her bounty is turned in, and her reward is claimed, she pulls up a screen, looking for another person to prey on.

"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."