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Final Fantasy XIV: The Great War. A Semi-literate Final Fantasy Roleplay.

Started by jnfs2014, December 31, 2008, 04:15:05 PM

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Chris, by this time, is extremely paranoid. He turned on the TV in the building, only to find extreme horror.
The Prime Minister of Rhyasin, the President of Trachnii, and the new Commander of Kremia all stood on a stage. The Prime Minister walked up to the microphone. "People of the world! We have gathered here for one reason:To declare war on Xerasu."
Chris immediately shut his TV off  and left the building. He then saw several riots taking place, all  of them because of a Kremian/Trachnii/Rhyasin tourist.


Drake continued walking, passing by a store with TVs in the window. They were mostly on the news channels. And suddenly, he saw the world's leaders declaring war.

Well, this is gonna suck, he thought. As if things weren't bad enough already...


Chris sprinted home, grabbed all of his belongings, and ran to catch a train to the Xerasuan countryside.

((Italics are broken.))


((How so? They look fine to me...))

Drake stared at the TV for a moment then decided.

Maybe moving to Xerasu's countryside, where the war probably won't be too bad, would be a good idea.


((probably 'cuz I'm on my Wii))

Chris sighed when he got aboard the train. He just wanted to be as far away from the war as possible.


Rhyasin will suffer for this war. The army here has no real experience anymore, mused Drake. There hasn't been a war in over a century.

He continued walking, hoping to get a boat to Xerasu, where he could easily get transportation to the countryside.


Chris found out that this train was going to Xerasia, a town with very little commercial industries.


Drake dashed through the streets, towards the shore, where he could conceivably get a ship to Xerasu.


After arriving in the small, quaint village he went to his house and unpacked everything he had. Chris then laid down for a quick nap.


((How does he already have a house?))

Drake soon found a boat willing to go to Xerasu and boarded it.


((He...uh....wait a second.))

Chris awoke and visited the town Mayor.

"Mr. Mayor," he said in his sweetest voice,"would you mind me using the spare house at the edge of town? I could do manual labor for rent."


((Exactly. I'm just gonna timeskip to when I get to Xerasu, is that okay?))

The boat soon arrived, since Xerasu was not that far away. He left the ship and thanked the captain, then proceeded to head towards the nearest town.


The Mayor nodded. Chris then started back home, content that he now had a place to live that wasn't so war-like.


Drake, upon reaching the nearest town, found a train station and got a ticket on one headed to a small town called Xerasia.

((Funny coincidence there. >_> <_<))


(( Yeah))

Chris finally laid down for about an hour. He then heard a small knock at the door.
It was an old lady, coming to bring him a home-cooked meal. After thanking her, Chris sat down
and began eating his generously given food.