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Without a Trace (A DMDTS Sequel)

Started by THEBIRD, January 17, 2009, 11:00:20 AM

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Without a Trace
A DMDTS sequel
Don't bother joining this RP if you can't bother to at least skim the entire thing.

A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR :: This story, although a sequel of the RP Dead Men Don't Tell Secrets, is brand new. You don't need to have participated in my last RP to join this one, and it's not required for you to need to know anything at all about the old RP for this one. Without a Trace is fresh, in a brand new setting, with a brand new antagonist, with perhaps some old friendly faces, but still different. Feel free to join without being intimidated by needing to read the lengthy pages of my old RP.

DMDTS EPILOGUE :: The vortex in Slander, summoned by the gems, sucked the evil that had overshadowed the land. The cult of the Dead Men was finally gone with the tragic end of their leader. The gems that the heroes had collected submerged back into the sea, each to its respective home. The gang went home as heroes. The continent held a masquerade in their honor. This masquerade of the continent also further brought peace and reconciliation to each country. No one ever saw the identities of the heroes. And they gave out false names to further hide it. Afterwards, when the stories of how the Dead Men were destroyed was told, and written down into history, the gang finally decided it was time to go home... With each stop at each country, more of the heroes left. It was a final, sad goodbye. But, it seemed, their adventure had finally came to an end. They had met during a stroke of fate, strengthened by a common goal, had shares of their own fun and laughs, comforted each other during sadder times, and in the end conquered their enemy. As more and more people got off at each stop, one question remained: Would they ever see each other again?


One month later, on a continent nearby...

A mysterious figure walked stealthily along a fence during the night. He was wearing very formal clothes for a harmless midnight stroll. He donned a black tuxedo, dazzling red tie, and a black raccoon-like mask to cover his face. You could still see his white eyes behind the mask. They were like headlights piercing through the night. It was a slightly unsettling sight.

"Russo," a voice came behind the mysterious man. A smile appeared on Russo's face, though he did not bother turning around. The man who had called for Russo was a few feet away, looking as if he was about to cross the street.

"So, you decided to bother showing up after last night's mishap, Marc?" Russo asked in a deep, controlled voice. Marc, unlike Russo's pale white skin, was of a dark complexion. He had black, curly hair in an afro style. Russo's silver hair was tied into a ponytail with a black cowboy hat over it. The cowboy hat, like his suit, had a red line around it right over the rim.

"Yes sir," Marc replied, continuing his watch across the street. "I'm for you, no matter how bad things get."

"I can only hope you are as loyal to me as you say, Marc," Russo replied, toying with the silver locket on his neck. He had black gloves over his hands, as well as black boots. "Don't forget what happened to some of the other... less fit men of mine."

"Of course not, sir," Marc replied, stuttering only slightly. "I am not like them."

"And so you will do as I say, completely, no questions asked, no matter how strange the request may seem?"

"Of course, sir!"

"Good," Russo finally replied, after what seemed like an hour of silence. "Then, Marc, you and I should take a walk. There are some things I need to talk to you about."


SOOTOO is a very sketchy island in the northeast. It's filled with cacti, deserts, pubs, and men riding horses. Just take a look at any old Wild West movie, and you'll find SooToo.

MONTE ISLAND is a beautiful, friendly, laid back place to be. You can find the most delicious foods, trinket shops, and the three giant coves surrounding the island are picture-perfect. It's like a vacation in the Caribbeans.

FUTURA is extremely futuristic. Instead of a flat land, theirs goes up. The first plat-form has the bottom of buildings with doors to go in and entrances to elevators.  Then, you can continue moving up each level (there are four in all). Twisting roads that move up also bring hover cars to their destinations. And the beautiful waterfall that falls down through the country is worth looking at, or perhaps rafting down on. The at the bottom is where many new visitors come out of each day.

SANS PORT is a newcomers village. Anyone new to the Continent of Segasan, will first visit this port to get an ID in check. This country is very friendly, and houses many libraries and museums dedicated to the continent's history. It really looks exactly like the island

THE BRIDE OF SANS-FUTURE connects Sans Port and Futura. There are heavily equipped Futura guards on either end of this bridge, preventing anyone from actually using it unless Futura allows it.


Ah, Segasan. You need a break from your life, wherever you once lived. So, why not take a vacation at Segasan? It's a great continent to the east of Slander. Of course, since you've never been here before, you're going to need to go straight to Sans Port and get your identification. Who knows if they'll even let you leave Sans Port even after you do that. Segasan is a very cautious, protective, and paranoid continent. Don't want to upset them now, do we?

* = required

* AGE:
- BIO:
- ITEM: [ Item, not weapon. Sorry, customs takes anything that looks dangerous. ]
- ITEM 2: [ Still no weapons. Sorry, but do you really want them thinking your going to try to murder someone on your vacation? ]
* STARTING PLACE: Sans Port [ Everyone starts here. You're brand new to Segasan, and this is where they stick all the newbies. ]


1. No Godmodding.
2. Literacy counts.
3. Read before you think. Think before you post.
4. OOC is fine. Two pages of nothing but OOC is bad. Use whatever method you want to get across the fact that you're talking out of character. Just make it obvious, okay?
5. This RP is rated PG-13 for some violence, suggestive themes, and elaborate plots.
6. I'll allow a max of 3 characters per person. A minimum of one, if you will.
7. There is a set plot already, please don't interfere with it as it already has been pre-created. But, you can create as many side-plots as you'd like. And you can refuse to join the main plot and only participate in one of the other plots that you or one of the other RPers make themselves.
8. Oh no, you have to wait for me to accept your character before you can participate! ...Mwahahahaha...


Here we go, the next installment in the Dead Men adventures. It's been three years since all that drama on Slander (so if you're using an old character, make sure to add three years to the age!). Whether you participated in the old Dead Men drama back in Slander or not, you still want a chance to visit this new continent. Hopefully, no one here will stir up trouble. You want a nice, relaxing, vacation. Whether you get it or not, all depends on the choices you make in Segasan. Are you ready to join a new Dead Men fighting team, or do you really want to pitch the bucket and set up camp by the beach? Your future is in your hands...

Oh, and while you enjoy your stay in Sans Port, you may want to read up on the continent you are about to soon enjoy (since it is the only country with a library or museum...). I'm not saying this is something you have to do to get some sort of plot going. And I'm not even saying that knowing the history will reveal a plot. But if you do pick up a book having to do with Segasan's history, except a PM from me with a summary of the book in it. Just warning you now, so that you can be sure that you actually want to read the book before you actually read it.

Name: Solon
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Blonde, spiked up hair and electric blue eyes. He is wearing a pair of blue jeans, some white sneakers, a white t-shirt with a black jacket over it, and a black mask over his eyes.
Bio: Solon left Slander without a trace. It was said that he died, and that was that. But in reality, he was following a mysterious letter about the Dead Men to Sans Port in Segasan. Now, after three years of getting a base together, he is searching Sans Port for a new heroic team that can help him with the information he knows.
Item: Lighter
Item 2: Grappling Hook
Homeland: Crescent Island:
Starting Place: Sans Port

Alright, enough of that! Enjoy the sequel... Without a Trace.


Solon (Birdie of Aces) :: Currently in Sans Port
Mira (I_AM_A_PERSON) :: Currently in Sans Port
Jas (Sh0rTi) :: Currently in Sans Port
Jason (JNeedForSpeed201) :: Currently in Sans Port
Venice (Triforce_Luigi) :: Currently in Sans Port
Harver (LightningSword) :: Currently in Sans Port
Shu (Shujinco) :: Currently in Sans Port
Roy (Marth Xero) :: Currently in Sans Port
Lanbar (Dr. Hobo2) :: Currently in Sans Port
Tanbar (Dr. Hobo2) :: Currently in Sans Port
Riou Bentley (Kierou) :: Currently in Sans Port
Orlando "Wolfe" Stevens (Birdie of Aces) :: Currently in Sans Port

New players always welcome to join.


idle- They don't come on too often (maybe check in once a week or so), therefore they kind of are just assumed to follow the group they are in.
expired- Left the RP. You can leave by dying, PMing me that you want out, or making an announcement right in this thread.

Main Group
Solon, Mira, Jas, Jason, Venice (idle), Harver, Roy, Lanbar (idle), and Tanbar (idle).
The Main Group is currently attempting to leave Sans Port by stealing a pirate ship.

Secondary Group (1)
Shu and Riou
The Secondary Group is only just forming in a conversation between Shu and Riou. Not much is known about what they are planning or whether they will stick together yet. There is still a possibility they will join the Main Group, but of course they can always stick with a side plot and join later or not at all.

Secondary Group (2)
Washed away at sea.

The Letters in a Nutshell
Letter One - From 3 years ago, talked about the Dead Men still alive, brought Solon to Segasan.
Letter Two - Told Solon to form a group to stop the apparently reborn Dead Men.
Letter Three - Told the newly formed group of the mysterious Elemental Gems they would need to steal, sealed away in the Sans Port Museum
Letter Four - Told the group that they should hide under the alias of band mates and tour around the countries for easy access.
Letter Five - Told the group they needed to get out of Sans Port fast because of a band of pirates. They could not be seen by the pirates for they were out to ruin their plans and they would need to steal their ship and set sail for Monte Island, where their band's first performance is.

Max Headroom

NAME: Mira
AGE: 18
BIO: Unknown
ITEM: Magnifying glass
ITEM 2: Grappling hook
HOMELAND: Nimbuslus Island
STARTING PLACE: Sans Port [ Everyone starts here. You're brand new to Segasan, and this is where they stick all the newbies. ]


Quote from: I_AM_A_PERSON on January 17, 2009, 01:23:46 PM
NAME: Mira
AGE: 18
BIO: Unknown
ITEM: Magnifying glass
ITEM 2: Grappling hook
HOMELAND: Nimbuslus Island
STARTING PLACE: Sans Port [ Everyone starts here. You're brand new to Segasan, and this is where they stick all the newbies. ]

(( Alright, you are accepted *stamps you with acceptance stamp*. Have fun in Segasan! ))

Max Headroom

((Yay for vacation! XD))

Mira sailed his way to Sans Port. Once he got there, he docked his boat and looked around for some kinda of city hall.


* NAME: Jas
* AGE: 19
* GENDER: Female
* APPEARANCE: (Remember, she now has fangs and claws too.)
- BIO: After the whole Dead Men incident back on her home continent, Jas didn't travel much. Since being on Crescent Island, she's started working on her careers. Between trying to work her way up the ranks in the culinary career and trying to teach other ninjas to develop their skill... let's just say that a bottle of tequila didn't work very well. Now she's here, in this new part of the world, looking to relax, though she doesn't know what pulled her to choose this place. "Jas: If some other drama starts, I swear heads are going to roll!"
- ITEM: (Poor Jasi's gonna feel naked without her blades. xP) Fingerless gloves
- ITEM 2: A long silver chain. (The part she keeps on her pants is only a small portion of the whole thing)
- HOMELAND: Crescent Island
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Quote from: Sh0rTi on January 17, 2009, 02:15:28 PM
* NAME: Jas
* AGE: 19
* GENDER: Female
* APPEARANCE: (Remember, she now has fangs and claws too.)
- BIO: After the whole Dead Men incident back on her home continent, Jas didn't travel much. Since being on Crescent Island, she's started working on her careers. Between trying to work her way up the ranks in the culinary career and trying to teach other ninjas to develop their skill... let's just say that a bottle of tequila didn't work very well. Now she's here, in this new part of the world, looking to relax, though she doesn't know what pulled her to choose this place. "Jas: If some other drama starts, I swear heads are going to roll!"
- ITEM: (Poor Jasi's gonna feel naked without her blades. xP) Fingerless gloves
- ITEM 2: A long silver chain. (The part she keeps on her pants is only a small portion of the whole thing)
- HOMELAND: Crescent Island

(( And another acceptance. *A sticker for your troubles* ))


((First post by a non-Veteran!

Name: Jason
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Average height/weight. Brown hair and eyes. Wears dark jeans and a black long-sleeve T-shirt.
Bio: Jason grew up in Slander, though never meeting any of the crew. During his childhood, he was often picked on for being so shy. They, however, didn't know that his parents were brutally murdered by the Dead Men. After hearing about our heroes, Jason decided that he might go on his own quest.
Item: Flashlight?
Item 2: Book on Segasan History.
Homeland: Crescent Island.
Starting Place: Sans Port.))


NAME: Venice
AGE: 20
APPEARANCE: Best I could do in five minutes. <_<
BIO: After the whole "Dead Men" crisis, and the time he stole the Cloud Gem, Venice continued to steal around Crescent Island. Eventually, he got bored of that, and decided to take a long vacation to Segasan.  
ITEM: A wallet, which contains all of his money. It's half-empty. Or half-full.
ITEM 2: Lighter. I'm not feeling very creative.
HOMELAND: Crescent Island


Quote from: JNeedForSpeed2014 on January 17, 2009, 03:12:21 PM
((First post by a non-Veteran!

Name: Jason
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: Average height/weight. Brown hair and eyes. Wears dark jeans and a black long-sleeve T-shirt.
Bio: Jason grew up in Slander, though never meeting any of the crew. During his childhood, he was often picked on for being so shy. They, however, didn't know that his parents were brutally murdered by the Dead Men. After hearing about our heroes, Jason decided that he might go on his own quest.
Item: Flashlight?
Item 2: Book on Segasan History.
Homeland: Crescent Island.
Starting Place: Sans Port.))
(( Welcome to the saga. You can have a cookie for being new *gives half-eaten cookie* Um, about that... Uh, I was a little hungry, so... ))

Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on January 17, 2009, 03:16:12 PM
NAME: Venice
AGE: 20
APPEARANCE: Best I could do in five minutes. <_<
BIO: After the whole "Dead Men" crisis, and the time he stole the Cloud Gem, Venice continued to steal around Crescent Island. Eventually, he got bored of that, and decided to take a long vacation to Segasan.  
ITEM: A wallet, which contains all of his money. It's half-empty. Or half-full.
ITEM 2: Lighter. I'm not feeling very creative.
HOMELAND: Crescent Island

(( Also accepted. You can have some cash, so you don't steal it from me later *bag of fake gold for you*. ))


((Yay! Now I can make more DMDTS Sims! Let's make Solon and Venice roomies. =D Er... when are we starting BoA?))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((You still owe me a half cookie.))


Quote from: Sh0rTi on January 17, 2009, 04:02:18 PM
((Yay! Now I can make more DMDTS Sims! Let's make Solon and Venice roomies. =D Er... when are we starting BoA?))
(( XD DMDTS Sims? That's interesting... I want pictures. And we start... NOW *dramatic music* ))

A man with blond hair and blue eyes covered by a mask was strolling through the town. It was early afternoon and he could just be seen walking out of an information desk building. Without any pedestrians noticing, he snatched an apple from a fruit market. Whistling, and watching carefully over the town, he continued walking as he took a bite from his "free" apple.

Quote from: JNeedForSpeed2014 on January 17, 2009, 04:05:09 PM
((You still owe me a half cookie.))

(( Well, if you really want it back... ))


Name: Harver Rose
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Appearance: Caucasian. Long-ish red hair, blue eyes, white shirt with a black jacket over it whenever it's cold, black slacks, black shoes.
Bio: Ever since the Dead Men incident, Harver tried to rebuild the destroyed part of the Land of Emit, but inevitably left it up to the officials there. He traveled to Crescent Island and began to live near Jas, making sure he stayed in close contact with her since their adventure.
Item: Black fedora with a red trim around the middle.
Item 2: N/A
Homeland: Land of Emit
Starting Place: Sans Port, which begs the question, why even have this category here in the first place?

Also, since the Dead Men incident happened three years ago, Harver no longer has the fire powers he had gained from that adventure.

[spoiler=Wait what is this?]((Congratulations on finding this post, if you're in Big Brother. You're beginning to put the pieces together. However, this is only a part of it. Try to stay kool, though.))  ((4))

If you can't find them, try quoting.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.