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Without a Trace (A DMDTS Sequel)

Started by THEBIRD, January 17, 2009, 11:00:20 AM

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Max Headroom

Mira smiled, but didn't bother to remove his mask.


Quote from: Sh0rTi on January 17, 2009, 07:02:31 PM
((Yeah, that's them. Though Venice Sim = baka and almost burned the darn house down. I have it recorded. xD))
(( XD So, Solon is actually the better one of the two? And you better get him a lot of hot girls. Seriously, I want him out at the clubs every night. And no guy on guy, or threesome with two guys. I mean it, no gay stuff. ))

"So, where you from?" Ronald asked as he chose the picture he would use for the ID. He took the camera and plugged it into his computer. "Wherever it is, couldn't have been better then here. But from your look, I'm going to have to say your from Slander. There are lots of ninjas and thieves there. Which is why Segasan is so much better. The only crooks we got are ones migrating from different countries. And its my duty to figure out who are bad and who are good. The bad guys don't get to leave Sans Port if I mark them dangerous on their ID. So give me a good impression, ya hear?"

Max Headroom

"I hear." Mira said. "But I came here from my house in Nimbuslus Island. I moved there from Scalus when I was 10, so your assumption was somewhat correct."


((Don't worry, I'm not a yaoi fangirl. xP *Goes to make yaoi moments for the hell of it* No threesome with two guys? Damn, there goes Jas' fantasy. x3 On with the RP *Watches*))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


(( You should reenact DMDTS with our Sims characters, record it, then post it in the DMDTS topic XD ))

"Hm. Scalus is slightly like SooToo, except SooToo is much less strict. And less militaristic. It's actually more like Scalus terrain-wise only. Numbuslus Land... Well, that place is one of a kind, I'll give it that much. This continent isn't big on religion at all. But, height wise, you may find Futura to be quite steep!" Ronald began laughing at his own bad joke that wouldn't make sense to a newcomer who had never visited Futura before, and wouldn't be funny to someone who had.

"Well, fill out this form with your information. It's simple, really. Just your name, age, gender, DOB, and other trivial things. I'll be back in a moment with your picture. I've just sent it to the printer in the other room." He gave Mira the form and a pen, then walked out of the room to get the picture.

Max Headroom

Mira took then form and pen and wrote his name, age, gender, date of birth, but hesitated on the trivial things. He read and re-read what the form was asking him.


(( If you want the other things on the form :

Medical History:
Other Places Traveled:
Rare Accomplishments:
Other Notes: ))

Ronald walked back in with the picture. "Okay," he said as he walked back in. "Are you finished with that form? I'll just need to take that info, run it through the computer, print it onto a card, laminate it, and you'll be able to have it back."

Max Headroom

"Hold on," Mira said, as he filled out his birthplace, skipped to fill out the places traveled, skipped the rare accomplishments, sighed the form, then handed it to Ronald. "Some of those things I'm not certain about."


"Hm," Ronald said, reading it. "Well, I'll just put you under 'no medical history', and assume you have no rare accomplishments. Not many do, anyway." He walked out of the door with Mira's form, only taking a second to shout, "Wait there!"'

Max Headroom

He then remembered the Dead Men incident. "Wait! I remembered something about my medical history! Can I fill that in real quickly?"


Ronald stopped halfway down the hall, hearing Mira shouting. He walked back in through the door. "Sure," he said, handing Mira the form. "Better the truth then a lie or assumption."

Max Headroom

"Agreed." Mira said, as he summarized a gut injury and operation 3 years ago. He did not bother to mention the incident. "Here you go." Mira said, handing the form back to him.


"Well," Ronald said, looking at the form. "Sounds like theres a good story on that one. Sword duel, perhaps?" But Ronald did not wait for a response. He swiftly left the room and went out to create Mira's ID.

Solon began climbing the building, finding any blocks to hold onto. But, he quickly fell. After a few failed attempts to climb the building, he remembered his grappling hook. "Oh yeah!" he exclaimed, and took it out. He threw it as far up as he could, and began the climb. He walked by the windows and looked in each one to make sure no one was noticing him. Until, he spotted one guy he was sure he recognized. It looked just like Mira... He must have been 30 floors up, and getting tired. He knocked on the window, hoping he wouldn't be recognized after three years of no contact, and the help of his mask to hide his identity.

Max Headroom

Mira looked at the mask person in the window. "Solon?" He asked, trying to imagine that person without the mask. He tried mentally reconstructing his face, then tried to remember what Solon looked like. He forgot. It had been too long. He failed to recall what everyone looked like, yet he was able to remember their names and the incident. If there was any memory of them, it had to have been deeper into his memory.

"Weird." Mira looked away from the window, assuming that if it truly was Solon, he didn't want anyone to know it was him. If that were the case, he thought that Solon was overdoing it. It's not like the history books had the wrong names or anything.


Solon ducked out of the way when Ronald walked back in. He might get in trouble if he was found scaling the side of a building.

"Okay then," Ronald said, holding his new ID. "You haven't been deemed safe to travel yet. For now, stroll Sans Port and have a good time. You'll run into me again when I feel you've turned out well enough for me to approve and let roam this grand land. But for now, have fun knowing that you are part of something great, and you may go."