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Without a Trace (A DMDTS Sequel)

Started by THEBIRD, January 17, 2009, 11:00:20 AM

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Harver grinned back at Jas. "Oh? Well, it seems that fate must have brought us together once again," he said. "Wouldn't it be interesting if we saw everyone else here?" He imagined Solon, Mira, Venice, Tanbar and Lanbar, and all of their other friends hanging out with them once more. That would be nice, he concluded in his thoughts.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

Max Headroom

"Will do." Mira said, as he made his way to the door. "In the mean time, where can I learn more about this city?"


Quote from: Sh0rTi on January 17, 2009, 07:02:31 PM
((Yeah, that's them. Though Venice Sim = baka and almost burned the darn house down. I have it recorded. xD))

((I'm not sure whether to be proud or disturbed. <_<))

Venice got off the boat, bored out of his mind. From what he knew of Segasan, he needed to get some sort of ID upon arrival. Well, that was gonna suck. He decided that it was necessary, and approached the information building and entered. He went up to the front desk and did his best to act somewhat polite.

"Excuse me, where can I get an ID?"


Quote from: I_AM_A_PERSON on January 17, 2009, 09:16:40 PM
"Will do." Mira said, as he made his way to the door. "In the mean time, where can I learn more about this city?"
Ronald grinned. "Well, you could talk to anyone about that. I, for one, could answer any question for you. But others are the silent type, and they much more prefer the library," he rolled his eyes before continuing, "and reading the books they have there."

Solon eventually made it to the top of the building, noting that it seemed Mira, Harver, Jas, and that kid from Crescent Island were all here. "What a strange coincidence," Solon muttered, "if my eyes aren't deceiving me..." He picked out Harver quickly in the crowd. His flaming hair instantly gave him away. He sat there, watching, trying to decide whether his eyes were playing tricks on him, or if what he was seeing was real.

The secretary rolled her eyes. That was the second person in a day that couldn't read. "30th floor," she snipped, pointing at the map of the building. "Talk to Ronald."


Venice silently ascended to the thirtieth floor through whatever happened to be the fastest way there. Looking around, he noticed two people talking. He assumed that one of them was Ronald, and approached them.

"I need an ID," he said immediately, not really feeling like being particularly polite. And then he noticed that the other person there seemed really familiar, and seemed almost exactly like Mira. He wrote it off as a really bizarre coincidence and turned back to Ronald.


"Well, this is really the only country to get information on Segasan. Thank you for your time, Mira, I think it was. And stop by any time you'd like if you want to talk about Segasan's history!" Ronald concluded before turning to his new guest. "Aha, another Segasan lover, ready to convert to our very fine and prestigious way of living! Why don't you just sit right down in that chair, smile, and I'll take your ID picture!"

Max Headroom

Guess I'll go to the library then. Mira thought, as he made his way out of the building.


Venice sat in the chair, and briefly thought that Ronald needed to get away from this continent, before something clicked in his brain. Ronald had called the person there "Mira." That couldn't be a coincidence. He ignored that fact for now, though, and just waited for the ID picture to be taken.


Ronald hummed a happy tune and clicked away at the camera. He took the camera off the tripod and brought it over to his laptop, as he had just done for Mira. "I was just singing the Sans Port national anthem," he began as the pictures loaded. "It has a great history to it. It all began back when there was a great war between Futura and SooToo. We, along with Monte Island, were just born and didn't want to get into the fight. You see, Futura and SooToo had been living on the continent for quite a while. Sans Port was born when a bunch of historians built a bridge to the vacant island above Futura and settled there. That's why we have so much information about our lands. Oh, and you know what else is-" He stopped talking in a search for another form and pen.

"Well, I've just sent your picture to the printer. Please fill out this form with all your information, and hand it to me when I get back."


Ronald needs a life, thought Venice, filling out the form. He paused at "Rare Accomplishments." He wondered if helping in the whole Dead Men thing counted as rare, but eventually decided to just leave that part blank.


"Alright, that's your picture... I'll just be taking this form," Ronald said, taking it from Venice. "Ah, hello Venice," he added as he read the form. "I'll be right back with your card completely done!"


Quote from: LightningSword on January 17, 2009, 09:14:17 PM
Harver grinned back at Jas. "Oh? Well, it seems that fate must have brought us together once again," he said. "Wouldn't it be interesting if we saw everyone else here?" He imagined Solon, Mira, Venice, Tanbar and Lanbar, and all of their other friends hanging out with them once more. That would be nice, he concluded in his thoughts.

"As long as weird, Michael Jackson-impersonating people don't show up," Jas starts. "I'd be happy with that. Even if it is another 'dangerous quest,' that we get sent on, I wouldn't care. It's been kinda... boring without everyone else. There's nothing to laugh at now that there's no Blondie falling from things or raging, drunk, Doublemint Twins. Then Venice was the only punching bag I had that was still living," she says, recalling the time that he took one of the gems.

'Hehe, good times. There's no way any of them would come to a place like this. It's filled with so much paranoia! Then again, why am I here?'
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."

Max Headroom

Mira started to wander about the city, trying to locate the library.


"Right..." responded Venice. He hated being this nice. Of course, if he wasn't, they'd probably kick him out.


Ronald was back shortly with his ID done. "There you go, my fine young fellow," Ronald said cheerfully. "Of course, you haven't been deemed safe to go off on your own quite yet. As I told the other guy, when I feel it's time, you'll run into me, and we'll get everything sorted out! Until then, you get to stay on this very fine country of Sans Port!"