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Without a Trace (A DMDTS Sequel)

Started by THEBIRD, January 17, 2009, 11:00:20 AM

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The cashier sighed. "No idiotic drunks allowed," she said sharply. "Either leave or I'll have security kick you out like the last guy."
"Hm? These?" Solon asked, holding the papers in one hand. "Uh... Yeah, music," Solon muttered, realizing he didn't have any music to read. "Lemme just..." But he had already disappeared into the basement and locked the door behind him without finishing that sentence.


((You forgot to respond to my post Birdie.))


Quote from: Kierou on April 25, 2009, 03:03:01 PM
Riou stepped carefully off the ship, taking in the sights and sounds of the town. Approaching a passerby, he inquired, "Excuse me, do you know of anyplace where I can grab a bite to eat?"

(Usually I am extremely clumsy introducing characters.)
The pedestrian stood there for a moment, taking in the tourist. "There's a great seafood joint a couple blocks down... 'Sea Harbor' it's called. It resembles a lighthouse, can't miss it." The man watched him for a moment longer before adding, "If this is your first time here... You won't be allowed inside the place without an ID. You can get one of those at the Town Hall right in that white building to your left."


"Thanks." Riou said, handing the man a dollar for his trouble. He walked to the building and ascended the stairs, then walked into the building. Approaching the front desk he said, "Hello. Could I please get an I.D. card?" He asked this with a smile on his face. Despite his intelligence he was not in the least stuck up. In fact, he was rather amiable.


OoC//  Should we reference real world bands in this? 

Getting impatient, Roy found the biggest amp he could find (which wasn't that big) and plugged his guitar in.  He looked over all the equipment, and frowned.  There's no POD, how can I have emotion without a POD?  I have a feeling that they have no idea what they're doing.  Hey, remember whe yor life was perfect...  Roy laughs to himself, remembering all the good time he used to have.  He used to play on street corners, and everybody would crowd around to hear him play.  That's all over now...
"I hope you don't mind if I start early, or late, but earlier, if you know...  A-hem, don't look like a fool.

His mind drifted back to what his life was.  He started playing a song that reminded him of what his life was.


formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


Shu sat on a bench across the street and a little right of the hardware store he just got kicked from. He could still see it. He doubted that they could see him.

He was extreamly mad... at everything. Forgetting his wallet, Getting kicked from that hardware store, and his unability to steal those gems.

Shu looked at the store. An obviously drunk man entered. He looked really buzzed. I hope he can cause some trouble for those god darn, humorless bastards!


Quote from: Kierou on April 26, 2009, 06:34:55 PM
"Thanks." Riou said, handing the man a dollar for his trouble. He walked to the building and ascended the stairs, then walked into the building. Approaching the front desk he said, "Hello. Could I please get an I.D. card?" He asked this with a smile on his face. Despite his intelligence he was not in the least stuck up. In fact, he was rather amiable.
"30th floor, room to the right of when you get off the elevator," the secretary said in a rather monotonous voice, as if she'd said it a million times over (which she probably had). In fact, the sign that had once told the reader which office was where had been taken down, but that was partly because of the remodeling going on.
(( Well, this is an entirely different planet... So, instead you could just give the band a different name... Like instead of 'The Beatles", they could be... "The Cockroaches" or "A Beetle". But I'd refrain from referencing them as they are in this world, since they don't exist on this planet. ))

Solon heard the music from the basement and smiled, forgetting his plans to go back to the music store and rob it again that day. "Freehand?" he whispered to himself. Quickly he ran up the stairs and opened his basement door. Without making a noise he slipped out and listened to the rest of Roy's song patiently. Then, when all went silent, Solon clapped slowly and softly for Roy.

"Good sound you've got there," he commented. "Is that song from memory or did you just make it up? I don't see any music lying around anywhere."


"Sssso" Lanbar started as he kept balance by leaning on the counter. "You're -hic- sssaying...There'sss no beer?...'Cause -hic- won't like me if i don't gotsss my beer."


OoC// mmk, oh, and subliminal message ftw, if anybody catches my drift...

"What?"  Roy turned, seeing Solon.  "Oh, I uh, it's from memory.  My improv tends to sound more like an Eruption than actual music...  Speaking of which, what will we be playing?"  ...  
Roy was never one for actually writing the music, a fact that pained him greatly.  He just seemed to lack a medium to base his songs off of.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


"Thanks." Riou said, entering the elevator, and pressing the button labeled "30". Upon reachingbhis floor, he headed immediately to the instructed room, and said, "Erm... I'm here to get an I.D."


Jas sighs and clicks her mic off. "This is gonna take longer than I thought," she leaves the room to get a glass of water. The ninja doesn't drink it, but ends up leaning against the counter and just holding the cup.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on April 27, 2009, 02:24:04 PM
"Sssso" Lanbar started as he kept balance by leaning on the counter. "You're -hic- sssaying...There'sss no beer?...'Cause -hic- won't like me if i don't gotsss my beer."
"There is not any beer," the cashier repeated. "And you won't like me if I get mad."

Quote from: [-Xephyr-] on April 27, 2009, 02:32:37 PM
OoC// mmk, oh, and subliminal message ftw, if anybody catches my drift...
IC//"What?"  Roy turned, seeing Solon.  "Oh, I uh, it's from memory.  My improv tends to sound more like an Eruption than actual music...  Speaking of which, what will we be playing?"  ...  
Roy was never one for actually writing the music, a fact that pained him greatly.  He just seemed to lack a medium to base his songs off of.
"Hm... Do you know a lot of songs?" Solon asked, stroking his chin. "Maybe you could remember the other parts and teach us? I think we should start our band with some good cover songs."

Quote from: Kierou on April 27, 2009, 02:33:05 PM
"Thanks." Riou said, entering the elevator, and pressing the button labeled "30". Upon reachingbhis floor, he headed immediately to the instructed room, and said, "Erm... I'm here to get an I.D."
The man there seemed tired, his eyes bloodshot and his reactions slow. "Okay, right," he said slowly. "Here." He handed Riou a sheet to fill out his personal information.


Riou quickly filled out the form and handed it back.


"Most of the songs I know are instrumentals." Roy nods towards the relaxing Jas "And I don't want to leave anybody out.  I do know songs with lyrics, but first I need an idea of what everybody likes to play, y'all should already know what I like to play."

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


"I could play basically anything," Jason muttered,"as long as it's not extremely hard.