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Hector's Salvation- Endgame

Started by HTA!, February 15, 2009, 09:46:39 AM

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"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Its beginning to seem like we need more than one day per phase.
If that's what you guys want, I'm fine with it.

Hector awoke to the sound of rain on his thatch roof. Thunder ripped through the cold night air and a small hole allowed a puddle to accumulate on the floor. He slowly got up, his eyes burning from lack of sleep. It was the first time since the incident that he had slept alone... and to be completely honest it unnerved him.

He sat and listened to the rain for a time, but he started as a scream tore through the night followed shortly by a howl so chilling Hector literally started quivering.

He rushed form his hut through the rain, kicking up water anywhere. Others had taken notice and were running with him towards the sight of the noise... but it was too late.   

Birdie of Aces hung limp across his bedpost, his body torn to shreds.

Hector groaned and walked back to his hut in a black depression. Birdie had been the Code Breaker, a man given one clue for every riddle ahead of all the other players. The innocents would have to step it up.

The rain continued to fall...


Code Breaker is dead.
Get it into high gear.

Riddle was solved by Java-Java, and he solved it rather quickly.
You had to PM Lord Layton.

jnfs2014 guess is that Java is evil. Since he solved the riddle, he used it to find out BoA's role, and killed him.


Quote from: JNeedForSpeed2014 on February 19, 2009, 02:51:39 PM guess is that Java is evil. Since he solved the riddle, he used it to find out BoA's role, and killed him.
Well then, your accusation is wrong.
If I were evil, it would have been much more valuable to kill someone like a Seer not someone who can get clues...

If you notice, HTA said I solved the riddle rather quickly, yet the Vamps did not have their act together.
It wouldn't make sense...


I think we should have a meeting in Chat.



I think you should be voting.
I'm extending the day phase until tomorrow, I have an amazing amount of homework.


The Land of the Flowing Water, that's what the locals had named this place. Spring water was abundant, and it was often thought that the God's themselves resided in the dense jungle maze. Spirits, ghosts, mystical beings... what wonders the jungle hid away.

But from Hector's view, he would sooner have the entire jungle burned to the ground before setting foot back in that humid death trap. He sent one of the locals who had seen a contingent of Spanish soldiers earlier that week to go and find some sort of help. He didn't expect the man to survive more than a night, but there was little else he could do to stop the madness.

Although, he had actually received a tally that would convict a man today. He hadn't paid attention to who, but all would be revealed at the hanging. Hector set the strong rope on the tree they were using for a gallows and everyone anxiously gathered around to hear the verdict. Two warriors stood next to him as he read off the votes, counting in his mind as the same name kept popping up. His stomach began to churn as he realized that he would actually have to sentence someone to death. How in the world could he have gotten himself into this mess...

"I have counted your votes, and we may have made some progress today!" shouted Hector pointing to a figure in the crowd.
"JNFS, may god have mercy on your soul."

The warriors rushed forward before he had a chance to run. They quickly shoved his head through the loop and set him on a stool. Tears flowed openly down his face and his arms quivered. "Was this truly and act of god?" Hector thought to himself bitterly as the limp body swung in the air. Hector turned away. "This truly is a godforsaken place..." he whispered.

"JNFS was an innocent. He was the hunter. Pray to whatever gods you believe in, we are in for one hell of a night."

Hector slowly walked back to his hut, the taste of vomit in his throat.


JNFS was killed by votes. He was the Hunter, and I'll leave it to him to explain his role in the death thread.

Well done innocents. Well done. I will have a riddle posted before tomorrow it will take me a bit to thresh it out though.

Night Phase 2 Start


Hector found a note sitting on his bed as he returned.

It reads:

I am a symbol of everything and nothing.
But I am not alone.
We are the are builders of thought and speech.
The endless din and drone.

To find my name, look at the start
I'm fifth in line to be heard.
Cut in half, across or down.
I'm symmetrical, isn't it absurd?

To me assign the number 1
My brothers successive in count.
When you reach the end, go back again
And give us all a shout.

All of us numbered, all with a name
Now its time for the end of this game.

First we start with the highest ranked
He is your first clue

Next comes the key to it all
The start of this little code

The last in line is a cry for freedom
The age at which you vote

When put together the answer is clear.
But when you find it, please, don't dote.

Hector set the note down and in a stupor alerted the townsfolk.
He told them that if they could give him the answer before the next day good fortune would come their way.

(Clue will be given out tomorrow at 6:00 pm. Its not a school day, so I will probably only let this phase run for 1 day.)



Dammit, wrong guess. But what does the Hunter do, exactly?

Quote from: JNeedForSpeed2014 on February 20, 2009, 08:23:29 PM
Also, I'm too lazy to post my role. :P

That's also one long riddle.


The Hunter had the ability to protect the innocents for one night.
This meant that no matter what, on that night no innocent would die.

Only worked once.

The riddle is long because the last one was easy.
Here's a little note, you only get 2 guesses here.

Work through it, think it out.


So basically if everyone voted out an innocent then the votes would remain null.
"Many people see technology as the problem behind the so-called digital divide. Others see it as the solution. Technology is neither. It must operate in conjunction with business, economic, political and social system."


Quote from: SSBBRAWLIN on February 21, 2009, 12:33:21 AM
So basically if everyone voted out an innocent then the votes would remain null.
Not everyone voted for JNFS, but there were enough to lynch him.


Is the answer only good if you're the first person to solve it?


Quote from: GreatGonzalez106 on February 21, 2009, 12:54:25 PM
Is the answer only good if you're the first person to solve it?
I'll give you all a hint soon.

Work it out with each other, you guys are on teams you know.