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MadWorld - Caption It!

Started by Macawmoses, March 19, 2009, 07:40:26 PM

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I'm going to give a series of pics relating to MadWorld, one a day or so for a while, and evaluating the best of the best. Cool, right?


First one:

My Caption: The Wii really is realistic!

Think you can do better? Want to win the overall prize? Post!

The Riddler

Jack dislikes shoplifters... but this guy wanted it so much he just wouldn't let go!


Video game violence can drive even the kindest people mad.


Cop: Quick! We have to get this oddly colored guy to the hosp--OSHITMADWORLDKTHXBAI [Takes the game and runs]


Caution! Purchasing MadWorld does not automatically make you good at Frogger.


Guess the wrist-strap won't be much use to him now.
Also, is that real or just a promo? >_>

The Riddler


Here's my cheesy attempt:

"Hands off my MadWorld!"