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Movie Review: Monsters vs. Aliens

Started by Zovistograt, April 11, 2009, 04:40:38 PM

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My mom wanted to see this as part of her birthday weekend (her birthday is tomorrow but we're doing family stuff because it's Easter), and I got some DDR at the arcade out of it, so yeah.

Basically the entire plot of Monsters vs. Aliens is in the title of the movie.  It's nothing particularly new that they're throwing around, and they tried inserting some sort of love subplot between Susan (the main character and giant girl) and a narcissistic weatherman, but they kind of failed at it.  The movie itself started out ok and then they had one good action scene with Susan doing everything and destroying San Fransisco...and then they kicked it into high-speed and didn't let you enjoy it after that, and to top it all off it was an entirely cliched final scene with the alien ship self destructing etc.  There aren't even any spoilers that are notable.

There were two scenes, though, that I would definitely check out on Youtube when/if they're uploaded or whatever:

1. The President of the United States attempts to make first contact with the giant alien robot by giving a powerful old-skool electro-funk performance.

2. The mad scientist cockroach guy plays a liberally-altered version of Dance Dance Revolution / Pump it Up (it had both sets of arrows) to "hack" (i.e. guess the password, because half of hacking know) the main computer on the alien ship.  At the climax, he yells "DANCE!  DANCE!" which reminds me of the DDR announcer a bit >.>

So, pretty much, it's not worth paying for really unless
-you have nothing better to do
-you have younger siblings who like this stuff
-you have a giantism fetish (lol, Susan)

I really hope Pixar's "Up" is going to be awesome because everything else being made in the 3D department right now seems to suck.  Oh well, that's why I just watch anime.

"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)


I knew it was going to suck. That's pretty much all I am going to say other than...

Up's looking good already and I can't wait for another Pixar movie :)

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change