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Battle For Terra

Started by Light, April 20, 2009, 01:43:20 AM

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Upon being dragged to seeing Monsters vs. Aliens yesterday by my ever so loving sisters, I found myself face to face with a plethora of trailers. Up, Ice Age 3, same old same old... oh, what's this? One trailer caught my eye, and it seemed to me to be the first attempt to making a serious, dramatic 3D, CGI movie.

Battle For Terra is a futuristic story about the last of the human race (*coughterranscough*) trying to find a place to survive. The nearby planet of Terra apparently has the answer for survival, but instead of trying to negotiate with the locals of the planet (*coughprotosscough*), the general of the humans orders an assault on Terra.

I think this could be a big step forward in CGI animation, if it's marketed well. Seeing as how the movie releases in a few weeks, however, the odds of that are slim. Still, I plan on seeing it, mainly because it interests me.

What do you think? Is this the WALL-E for third party animation studios, or just another Delgo?
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


So THAT'S what the commercial meant by "Mankind's Last Hope". Meh, sounds interesting, but I for one liked Wall-E, but this doesn't seem like a Wall-E type of movie. Seems like it's gonna be like this: A race, living peacefully on it's planet, then outta nowhere, aliens (humans) attack to take over the planet, the people on the planet don't know why, so assume the worst and fight back.
Humans really are spoiled jackasses, it's a fact in movies and real life.
Dude .