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Super Mario Bros. 7: The Demonic Trials (Epilogue Posted!)

Started by shadowmarioguy, May 08, 2009, 03:12:00 PM

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Chapter 29: A Demonic Resurrection

Mario's Death

"Is it really over?" Velno wondered aloud, staring at Mario's lifeless body.  "I actually defeated him.  I've managed to do what no one has ever done before, and yet I feel... empty...  This wasn't the result I was looking for..."  He noticed that the Nexus Gate had finally opened, and shook off his feelings of doubt.  "Regardless, I have a duty to fulfill.  I have to venture into the Nexus, find the gateway that leads to the Nightmare Vault, and open it."  Without another word, he stepped into the purple vortex and vanished without a trace.

"Mario..." Glaive whispered, stepping out of his chamber.  "He's really dead...  I never thought I'd see the day..."

A device strapped to Ace's waist burst into a sequence of beeping sounds.  His body trembling, the demon slowly reached down and brought the gadget to his hear.  "What is it?"

Luigi emerged from his chamber, his cheeks soaked with tears.  Instead of crying, he merely stared at his brother's corpse in disbelief.  Never before had he witnessed such a shock.  Seeing his brother lying dead before him was too much to bear.  He couldn't even cry.  His body began to quiver with silent rage as his bloodshot eyes targeted the portal that Velno had vanished into.

Ace, still shivering in awe, silently listened to the man on the other end of his phone call. "I'm sorry.  I cannot do that," Ace replied firmly, his hands shaking.  "I heard you the first time.  I don't care if Zeus gave the orders; I still refuse... No.  This is more important."  With that, he hung up and turned to face the Nexus Gate.

"Who was that?" Glaive inquired, trying to lift the cloud of darkness that hung above their heads.

Ace sighed.  "I just received strict orders from Zeus himself.  He says that we have to retreat for now.  He doesn't believe that I am fit to handle a situation of this magnitude.  The Nexus is open, and he isn't fully confident that I can finish the job.  Of course I refused, even if it costs me my job.  This is personal."

Glaive nodded, and Luigi stepped forward.  After a few moments of silence, he rushed forward into the Nexus, and was quickly followed by Ace and Glaive.  No matter how bleak the situation was, they were prepared to sacrifice everything to avenge their fallen hero.

Peach heaved a deep sigh as she stared out the hospital window at the full moon.  "Oh, Mario...  Why do you have to make me worry so much...?"  A tear suddenly dripped down her cheek, and her body began to tremble.  She gasped, as if she could feel Mario's death.  "Mario!  Something happened to him!"

"You're just being paranoid," Kay T. assured her.  "Mario is going to save the kingdom, just like he always does.  The best thing for us to do right now is to wait until he comes back."

Flustered, Peach pushed her aside and stormed out of the door.

"Maybe we should follow her," Mark suggested.  "If she's going to check on Daddy, it'll probably be dangerous.  She'll need us to protect her."

"Good idea," Luke agreed.  "Besides, she might be right.  Daddy could be in trouble, and it's our job to help him."  The two brothers eagerly rushed out of the room after Princess Peach.  They were completely unaware of the horrors had occurred deep beneath Mushroom Castle.

"So, this is the Nexus?" Velno wondered aloud, slowly taking in its dark atmosphere.  He found himself in an enormous circular hallway, torches lining the inner part of the circle and tall doors lining its circumference.  The walls and ceiling were painted black, and the soft carpet beneath Velno's feet was dark red.  "It's so simple... and yet, it looks exactly as I pictured it.  All of these doors lead to a different dimension.  Now... which one leads to the Nightmare Vault?"

Duel of Tears

"You'll need time to figure out which door to open, and time is something you no longer have," Ace informed him as he emerged from the shadows with Luigi and Glaive.  "You didn't really think you could just walk away from us after what you did to Mario?  I'm gonna make you pay, even if I don't have any cards to use against you."

Glaive drew his sword and pointed it at the cyborg.  "It's a good thing you've entered the Nexus, since you'll be passing through the door that leads to the Underwhere very soon... The pain that you've caused cannot be forgiven."

Luigi's body began to burn with a dark green flame.  "Remember that Inner Darkness that you mentioned earlier?  I can feel it burning inside me even stronger than before...  It's feeding off of my hatred for you!"  With a chilling battle cry, he sprinted forward and launched a wave of dark flames at his foe.

Velno made a swift vertical motion with his hand, causing a wall of ice to rise from the ground.  The ice wall blocked Luigi's flames, but the fierce plumber shattered the wall with his fist and threw a right hook at the cyborg's face.  Velno caught Luigi's fist, kneed him in the stomach, and elbowed him into a nearby wall.  Ace followed suit and threw a combination of punches and kicks that Velno effortlessly blocked.  Velno raised his palm and fired a series of yellow beams, causing Ace to back off and take cover.

"Luigi isn't the only one who can use flames!" Glaive declared, lighting up the room with his blue inferno.  He unleashed a wall of fire from his left palm, which Velno quickly doused with an Iceball.  Realizing that his flames were ineffective against Velno's water-based attacks, Glaive gripped his sword and dashed toward Velno.  Raising the blade above his head, the demon leapt into the air and slashed downward at his foe, who caught the blade between his middle and index finger.  With a pompous chuckle, Velno tore the katana from Glaive's hand and tossed it aside.  Without missing a beat, Glaive engaged Velno in hand-to-hand combat.

Meanwhile, Ace caught Glaive's sword and began to carve a shape into the floor.  Luigi caught on and formed a Flaming Blade in his hand, slicing at the ground in the opposite direction.  As the shape was completed, Luigi signaled for Glaive to move out of the way.  Glaive fled backward and launched a flame at the ground, sending chunks of debris flying into the air.  Ace clapped his hands together, and an explosion erupted inside the symbol he and Luigi had carved.  Smoke and ash obstructed Ace's view as he attempted to assess the situation.  Had Velno finally met his end?

Just as he was about to celebrate, Velno dashed out of the smoke clouds and grabbed Ace by the throat.  He slammed the demon into the wall and prepared to choke him to death.  "Did you think you could kill me with such a weak explosion?  If so, you are gravely underestimating the durability of my skin.  I am completely mechanical on the inside, and my skin is compiled from hundreds of dead humans.  It's too bad you won't get the chance to learn from your mistake."

"Ace!" Glaive screamed, picking his sword up from the floor and sprinting madly toward Velno.  With one swift strike, he stabbed the cyborg in the back.  The blade only sunk a centimeter or two into Velno's skin.

Velno grinned.  "Not good enough, Glaive."

It was Glaive's turn to laugh.  "Actually, I think it was."  Flames erupted from his palms and engulfed the blade.  Almost immediately, the blade detonated in a violent explosion.  Ace fell to the floor, desperately gasping for air.  "That's one of my last resorts," Glaive explained.  "I sometimes store gunpowder in the blade of my sword, just in case.  All I have to do is light it up with my flames, and it explodes."

"How intriguing," Velno sneered, emerging from the dust and debris with only minor injuries.  "Against a normal foe, it would have worked wonders.  But against me, I'm afraid it won't help you.  And now that you've sacrificed the blade of your sword for that attack, it's only a matter of time before you run out of tricks."

Approaching Destruction

Meanwhile, back in the underground cave in Mushroom Castle, Slade and Grambi emerged.  "Thanks for taking me here," Grambi thanked Slade.  As he walked forward, he spotted Mario lying face-up in a pool of blood.  He fell to his knees, struggling to hold back his tears.  "Mario... I can't believe you met your end in such a horrible manner..."

Though he did not shed any tears, Slade appeared to be saddened by Mario's death.  "If Mario has been beaten, it's likely that the situation is as grave as you've been told.  We don't have much time.  We can grieve for Mario later.  First we need to take care of business."

Grambi nodded.  "Very well...  Allow me to explain my plan...  Long ago, the four Oracles of Power- the Star Rod, Power Star, Shadow Rod, and Z Star, were created to keep the balance of negative and positive energy in check.  Without the Star Rod, that balance will soon be thrown off, and the world will face an even larger threat.  I need to start by destroying the other three Oracles of Power, eliminating the imbalance altogether.  The world has evolved much over the years, and the need for the Oracles of Power has diminished."  He dropped the other three Oracles of Power in a pile next to the drained Star Rod.

"So how do you plan to destroy them?" Slade asked, puzzled.  "I didn't even know they could be destroyed."

"With a spell that only a few people in the Overthere and Mt. Olympus know," Grambi replied.  He clasped his hands together.  "Per vox of Zeus, deleo illa quattuor oraculum."  A red circle surrounded the oracles, and a black hole opened up in the floor below them.  A high pitched rasping blasted through the cavern as the oracles sunk downward into the abyss, never to be used again.

"So that's it, huh?  What do we do next?"

"Next, I must create a barrier around the Nexus that will keep everyone out- and in.  This way, demons cannot use it as a tunnel to escape into this realm, and Velno will never wreak havoc ever again," Grambi explained.  "We're making a great sacrifice, however.  When people die, they won't be able to pass through the Nexus into the Underwhere.  They'll float around as spirits in this world for all eternity.  Not only that, but people that are currently in the Underwhere won't be able to pass on into the Overthere.  There are a lot of downsides, but Zeus absolutely refuses to let the demons escape."

"If you're sealing everyone in, then Luigi, Ace, and Glaive will be trapped with Velno in the Nexus," Slade informed him.  He stepped forward.  "And you'll be trapping me too."

"You mean they didn't retreat as Zeus ordered them to?!" Grambi thundered.  "In all of my years as king of the Overthere, this may very well be the hardest thing I've ever had to do.  Perhaps it would have been best if you hadn't told me that."

"Either way, I'm going after them.  I want to fight on Mario's behalf just as badly as they do.  Even if I spend the rest of eternity there, it'll still be worth it.  Besides, I don't have anything better to do.  Now that Mario has opened my eyes to the futility of my efforts, I have nothing left to live for."  With that, Slade sprinted into the Nexus after Velno.

"How could I ever live with myself if I went through with this?" Grambi wondered aloud, staring blankly at the Nexus Gate.  "What do I do?  I shouldn't let the lives of a few people take priority over the lives of millions... but it still doesn't feel right...  I wish there was some other way to handle this..."

Internal Struggle

Grambi looked back at his son's corpse, struggling to find an answer.  He didn't notice that the fatal wound on Mario's left breast had started to glow a deep red color.  A gentle pulse echoed through the silent cave.

"...You let yourself die?  How pathetic!  You always find a way to screw things up.  Don't you understand?  I already told you that if you die, I don't have a body to inhabit- and that just can't happen.  I need you for a bit longer, so until then, I cannot allow you to die.  I can restore you... but only if you agree to allow me to make a few 'changes' to your body..."

"What do you want from me? Who are you?  Where did you come from?"

"Me?  I AM you, and everything you represent.  Even in death, you cannot escape me.  You cannot comprehend what I am.  In one sense, I am the body that your soul resides in.  In another sense, I am a part of the very same soul that you possess.  I can be everything about you, and at the same time, I can be nothing at all."

"Just leave me alone!  I never agreed to coexist with you!"

"You never had a choice.  You were born with me at your side.  However, I awakened much later on.  It was you that woke me from my slumber.  And from now on, I'm only going to get closer.  And very soon, you will be the one trapped in an endless hibernation, and your body will belong to me forever!"

Grambi heaved a deep sigh and aimed his open palms at the Nexus Gate.  "Forgive me..."  Suddenly, his spell was interrupted by a fierce rumble.  He whirled around and saw vivid flashes of red erupt from Mario's body.  The room shook, and chunks of debris began to collapse from the ceiling.  Mario's' eyes slowly opened, and a red aura began to swirl around him.  He gradually rose to his feet and observed his injuries.  They were all still there.  Yet somehow, he was still alive.

"What... happened to me...?" Mario inquired, staring at his open palms.  "I feel... strange...  How am I still alive...?"

"Mario!  What's going on?!" Grambi screamed in horror.  "I thought you were dead!  Just look at those wounds!"

"Oddly enough, I feel fine.  In fact... I feel even better than usual," Mario said with a confident grin.  Even as he spoke, blood continued to drip from his wounds.  "I haven't felt this good in a while.  I think I'm ready for a rematch with you-know-who."

"You can't!  I have to seal the Nexus right away!" Grambi protested, still pale with shock.

"Why would we do something so drastic when there's still a chance I can stop Velno?  I have to at least try.  I don't know how long my body's going to hold out.  I'm alive for now, so I might as well make use of my existence.  Besides, I'm the Mushroom Hero.  If you seal up the Nexus, it means that I couldn't do my job.  It's my duty to keep this kingdom safe, so let me handle this while I'm still alive.  If I die, then you can do whatever it was that you were planning to do."

Grambi nodded slowly.  "Okay...  But I'm counting on you!  Oh, and Slade joined the battle too!  They're all fighting somewhere in the Nexus!"

"Thanks for the tip.  I'll be back soon.  But as to whether I'll be returning as a live human or as a mere corpse... that remains to be seen."  With one final wave and an uncertain grin, he disappeared behind the purple vortex.

"Mario... What's happening to you?"

Duel of Tears

Glaive gripped the hilt of his blade, staring intently at Velno.  "So, you think that my blade is gone for good?  Trust me; it's a lot easier for me to make a substitute than you think."  He began to channel his flames into the hilt until blue flames in the shape of a blade emerged.  "I'm not backing down until I'm sure that you're rotting away in the depths of the Underwhere!"

Glaive swung his blazing sword at Velno, who effortlessly parried his attacks with his index finger.  At last, the cyborg grabbed the flames and doused them with an Iceball.  With Glaive's sword rendered useless, Velno landed a powerful right hook on the demon's gut before kicking him to the ground.

With a bloodthirsty scream, Luigi emerged from the shadows and blindly charged at Velno.  The plumber put everything he had into one final assault, desperate to avenge his fallen brother.  Despite his efforts, each and every one of his attacks was rendered useless by the cold and calculating Velno.  Growing more impatient by the minute, Velno swatted Luigi away with a single blow.  The plumber collapsed onto the ground beside his two fallen comrades.  Not one of them could find the strength to stand up.

"I hope I'm not too late to join you," a voice echoed from nearby.  The three heroes gasped in surprise as Slade stepped onto the battlefield.  "I'm glad I decided to drop by.  It looks like it's not too late to put an end to Velno's plan.  Not only have I just arrived to assist you, but Grambi is also at the entrance to the Nexus as we speak.  He's sealing up the gateway that you worked so hard to build.  What a pity."

"Slade!  First you fail to defeat Mario, and then you betray me?!" Velno thundered angrily.  "For your treachery, I will sentence you to the same fate as these three fools."

"Wrong.  For the murder of Mario, I will sentence you to an eternity of pain.  We'll be trapped in here forever, not even able to pass on to the Underwhere if we die.  Your plans have failed."  Slade drew his Nightmare Blade and prepared to battle against his former master.  "Since we're going to spend the rest of eternity in here, we might as well make the most of it."

Fighting Spirit

"That's very noble of you, Slade.  I really appreciate it, but the plan's off.  Grambi has decided to give me another shot at sending this trash to the scrap heap."

"That voice..." Luigi muttered in disbelief.  "It couldn't be..."

"It is him..." Glaive whispered, staring intently at the shadows from which a familiar figure emerged.

Mario arrived on the scene, blood still dripping from his wounds.  His face was covered with cuts and dried blood, but the hero was grinning from ear to ear.  "Sorry I made you all worry.  I'm touched that you made such a noble effort to avenge me, but it turns out that I'm not dead after all.  Well, having died once before, I know for a fact that he did kill me.  For a while there, I was actually dead.  But somehow, I managed to reclaim my life- though I'm not sure why or for how long.  Whether it's only temporary or for keeps, one thing is for sure- I'm ready for a rematch, Velno!"

Slade turned to face Mario, his eyes widened.  "But your injuries... You're in no condition to be fighting!"

"I've been through much worse, especially during my battle with Lord Shade.  Besides, although it may not look like it, I feel great.  In fact, I haven't felt this good in a while.  I've got this strange feeling surging through every vein in my body...  I'm not sure what it is, but I like it!  I can feel a strange power pulsing inside me, and I think it just might be the key to beating this chump."

As he stepped forward, Glaive noticed that a red aura was swirling around him like a gentle tornado.  "That power...  It's completely different from anything Mario has used in the past.  Usually he emits a blue aura that represents his fierce determination... but this... This is something completely brand new...  And strangely enough, it almost feels familiar somehow..."

Mario vs. Velno

"I can't believe he actually managed to survive..." Ace mumbled.  "What a guy..."

"That's my Bro!" Luigi cheered.  "I knew he wouldn't die so easily!  He's back, and he's stronger than ever!"

Not wasting any time, Mario and Velno charged at each other and began to exchange a ferocious combo of punches and kicks.  Mario landed an uppercut that sent Velno reeling back, but the cyborg quickly regained his balance and performed a roundhouse-kick that caused Mario to skid backward in pain.  The plumber quickly retaliated by lunging forward for another blow to Velno's face.

"Wait a minute..." Glaive muttered, recalling some of Mario's earlier battles.  "This aura...  I've seen Mario with this aura a few times before...  There was one time in the hospital against Yaridovich, and I think I caught the same vibe from him when he and Hunter battled for the first time in Forever Forest.  I also recall seeing the red aura when I was spying on Mario's battles in Blizzard Peak."

"Mario's all over this fight!  I don't know what happened to him, but he's fighting on an even playing field with Velno!" Luigi observed excitedly.

Glaive frowned.  "Hmm... But somehow, this time is different from the other times that red aura has appeared.  In the past, whenever Mario's aura turned red, his personality changed entirely.  He would be overcome with feelings of anger and hatred, and he wouldn't hesitate to kill his foes in the most brutal fashion.  This time, his personality hasn't changed a bit.  He's still the same cool and confident warrior I've come to know...  But what does this all mean?  Am I getting myself worked up over nothing, or is Mario in serious danger?"

Mario and Velno simultaneously slammed each other with their hardest punches, sending each other staggering backward.  Both of them stopped to catch their breath.  "You certainly are full of surprises," Velno said with a grin.  "Now I understand why you have been chosen."

"Chosen for what?"

"You'll find out soon enough.  But for now, we must decide who the victor will be."

Before their fight could resume, Slade intervened.  "Velno, before you continue this fight, please tell me something.  My plan to seek revenge on the human race...  My desire to slaughter my very own parents...  What was supposed to happen after you released the demons into this world?  What about me?"

A wicked smile spread across Velno's face.  "That's an easy one.  Though you shouldn't use phrases like 'supposed to happen', as I'll be continuing the operation as soon as I deal with this plumber.  At any rate, the demons from the Nightmare Vault were supposed to storm into this realm and destroy all life as we know it- including you.  I would be the sole survivor, and I would use the bodies of the demons' victims to reign over this abandoned world forever.  Since you've already betrayed me, I don't mind telling you this, but I never cared about you or your aspirations.  I did care that you favored demons over humans, and that you wanted to release the demons from the Nightmare Vault to destroy this world.  That desire made you easy to control.  When this was all over, I was planning to eliminate you anyway.  You've already served your purpose.  You were the perfect pawn, and for that, I thank you.  Farewell."  Velno aimed the pistols in his palms at Slade.

Just as Velno fired his attack, Mario swiftly intercepted the beams and deflected them with a single swipe.  His head was hung low, and his body was quivering with rage.  "Hunter... Lorne... Slade... You toyed with their emotions... and then you planned to kill them when they were no longer useful to you..."  The red aura surrounding his body began to expand, and the entire room started to shake.  A blinding purple flare flashed from the plumber's body, causing everyone in the area to shield their eyes.  When the light finally died down, everyone gasped in unison.  Standing before them was an entirely new Mario.  His shirt was a shade of purple, his overalls were dark green, and his skin had a slight tint of purple.  Instead of their usual sapphire color, his eyes were as red as the aura that surrounded him, which was now glowing brighter than ever.


Chapter 30: A Hollow Victory

As the vivid flashes of red light faded away, each of the warriors gasped in unison.  Mario had gone through a transformation unlike any other.  His shirt was a shade of purple, his overalls were dark green, and his skin had a slight tint of purple.  Instead of their usual sapphire color, his eyes were a deep shade of red.  The plumber's body began to quake, and his eyes locked with Velno's.

"What... happened to you...?" Velno inquired, completely taken by surprise.  "What did you do to yourself?"

Demonic Transformation

Instead of replying, Mario sprinted forward at a speed that was unlike anything Velno had ever encountered before.  With a motion that was too quick for Velno to block, the transformed hero's fist connected with Velno's chest.  The cyborg staggered backward, but Mario pursued his foe and landed six uppercuts on his chest before ending the combo with a roundhouse-kick.  As Velno soared backward, Mario raced after him and grabbed him by the throat.  With a bloodthirsty cry, Mario slammed Velno into the wall and began to mercilessly beat him to a pulp.  After a devastating series of blows, the plumber cupped his hands together and pelted Velno with a hailstorm of Fireballs.

"He's doing it... Velno doesn't stand a chance!" Luigi cheered. "I don't know what happened, but whatever it is, there's no way Velno can even fight back!"

"Mario...  I've never seen him like this..." Glaive whispered in disbelief.  "I'm sensing such a familiar thirst for blood...  Mario may be winning, but does he have control over his actions?  Does he still remember who he is?"

His irises flashing red with malice, Mario ended his barrage of Fireballs and wrapped his hand around Velno's throat. With a wicked laugh, the plumber smashed Velno faced-first into the floor.  He then proceeded to ruthlessly stomp on his grounded opponent, concluding the assault with a kick that sent Velno soaring toward the inner wall of the Nexus.  Mario pursued him at record-breaking speeds, pressed his palm against Velno's face in mid-air, slammed him into the inner wall, and released a pointblank Thunderball!

"What's happening to him?" Ace wondered aloud.  "He's out of control!  We'd better do something, before Mario becomes a greater threat to us than Velno!"

That transformation...  Could he be...? Slade wondered, staring at the plumber in stunned silence.

Mario grinned wickedly as he slowly backed his prey into a corner.  His body bleeding and heavily scorched, Velno aimed his pistols at Mario. He fired a series of yellow spheres at the Mushroom Hero, who caught them in midair and tossed them back.  Velno began to tremble in horror as his assailant advanced toward him.  Mario reached out to grab his neck, but Velno's right arm quickly disintegrated, revealing a hidden blade underneath it.  With a triumphant laugh, the cyborg stabbed Mario in the chest.

"Not good enough..." Mario whispered, laughing maniacally as he tore the blade from his chest, sending a fountain of blood into the air.  He snapped the blade from Velno's arm and began to use it against him.

"You're a monster!  Stay away from me!" Velno screamed in terror.  "Don't come near me!"  Mario's responded with an evil smirk.  Velno's desperation grew as the plumber drew closer and closer...  Just as Mario was about to end Velno's life, the cyborg's mouth grew approximately three feet wider.  Velno opened his mouth and prepared to devour Mario whole.  "Did you forget about my ability to consume human beings?"

Just as Velno's mouth was engulfing Mario's head, the plumber raised his fist and punched a hole through the back of the creature's throat.  Velno cried out in agony and fell to his knees in pure anguish.  Mario raised his right palm and placed it on Velno's forehead.  "Now... you die..."

A bloodcurdling scream echoed through the Nexus as a tower of flames erupted from Mario's palm and trapped Velno in a furious blaze.  Velno's body thrashed about in misery, until he finally fell onto his back.  His body remained still.

"You did it!" Luigi cheered, rushing over to embrace his brother.  "You finally defeated Velno and ended this entire mess!"

Mario whirled around, his eyes still lit with a wicked glow.  Without a second thought, Mario threw a right hook at Luigi's face.  Luigi tumbled backward onto the ground, blood dripping from his nose.  "Stay away..."

"What did you do that for?" Luigi asked, staring up at his brother in sudden fear.  "You can go back to normal now...  The fight is over..."

Mario's frown curled into a bloodthirsty smile.  He slowly raised his palm and aimed it at Luigi.  His fingertips lit with flames, Mario prepared to end his brother's life in the same way he had ended Velno's.

Glaive's Sacrifice

A thin stream of blood ran down Mario's palm.  The plumber looked to the side to see Glaive standing with his sword held firmly in his grasp.  Since the blade had been shattered, Glaive was channeling his flames into the hilt in order to create a flaming sword.  "Leave this one to me."  He stepped forward, and his eyes locked with Mario's.  "It's incredibly ironic, but now I see what I have to do.  First you sacrifice yourself to give us the strength to regain our own free will.  Now the roles are reversed, and you're the one who needs help.  Mario, you willingly gave up your life to save us, and I couldn't call myself a true friend unless I was willing to do the same for you."

"What is he talking about...?" Luigi whispered in confusion.

"He's repaying the favor for Mario's sacrifice earlier," Ace explained.  "This time, Glaive is going to try and give his life in order to help Mario regain consciousness of who he is.  But in this case, Glaive won't be brought back to life with some mysterious power...  His death... will be permanent..."

"I understand what I need to do.  I can't back down," Glaive chuckled with a weak grin.  "I'm not afraid of death."  He charged at Mario, his eyes lit with determination.

Demonic Transformation

Without showing any signs of hesitation, Glaive sprinted at Mario with his fists clenched.  He threw a right hook at the plumber, who caught Glaive's fist and violently twisted his arm.  A sickening crack could be heard as Glaive screamed in agony and fell to his knees.  Not giving his foe any time to rest, Mario delivered a brutal kick to the demon's chin, knocking him onto his back.

Glaive wiped the blood from his chin and slowly rose to his feet.  "It's like I'm fighting a machine..."

"Kill..." Mario whispered, softly chuckling to himself.  "Glaive... die..."  With a bloodthirsty howl, the plumber charged at his prey.

A wall of blue flames erupted from Glaive's left palm.  That should slow him down.  Glaive gasped in horror as he saw Mario sprint through the inferno, not bothering to acknowledge the severity of the burns on his body.  Laughing maniacally, Mario emerged from the blaze and kneed Glaive in the gut.  The demon clutched his chest in agony as he coughed up a mouthful of blood.  Mario lunged forward and struck Glaive's ribs with his right fist, resulting in another crack.  As Glaive staggered backward, Mario pursued him with several more blows to the chest.  Glaive could do nothing his bodied swayed lifelessly against the impacts of Mario's blows.

"Mario... What's happened to you?" Slade whispered in awe.  "I want to help... but what would I gain from aiding these people?  For what purpose am I even alive for...?"

"Mario!  Stop this at once!" Ace commanded, stepping forward with his fists raised.  "We're your friends!  You already defeated Velno!"

"Bro, you've got to calm down!  We're not your enemies!" Luigi pleaded as he charged into the battle to aid Glaive.

Ignoring the pleas of his comrades, Mario leapt into the air and smashed Glaive into the ground with his fists.  Glaive bounced off of the ground and back into the air, and Mario sent him face-first into the wall with a devastating roundhouse-kick.  Glaive swayed back and forth for a moment before collapsing onto the ground.  Just as he prepared to finish Glaive off, he whirled around to see Ace behind him with his fists raised.  Mario countered by elbowing Ace in the gut, grabbing the back of his head, and slamming his face into the floor.

Seeing his two fallen comrades, Luigi stepped forward.  "Bro...  You've got to stop this...  There's no reason for you to attack us...  We're your friends... so change back to normal, okay?"

Before Mario could react, Glaive's fist collided with his face.  Mario's eyes reflected pure hatred as he turned around to see Glaive standing defiantly before him.

Fallen Hero

"I'm... not finished with you... yet..." Glaive insisted, pausing between breaths.  His body was battered and bruised, but his eyes remained fiercely passionate.  "I can still fight...  You're nothing compared to the real Mario... His punches hurt a lot more...  You're just a beast..."  Glaive channeled his flames through his broken sword and charged at Mario one final time.  "For Mario's honor, I swear on my pride that I'll return him to his normal self!"

Time seemed to stand still as Glaive swung his blade at Mario.  The plumber grinned and formed a blade of ice in his hand.  He effortlessly sliced through Glaive's sword and pierced the demon's chest with his razor-sharp dagger of ice.  The demon stopped dead in his tracks, leaning helplessly against Mario's body.  Blood trickled from his mouth.  "Mario...  I hope that spilling an ally's blood will bring you back to your senses..."  He fell to the floor, warm blood rushing from the fatal wound on his chest.

Suddenly, Mario fell to his knees while clutching his head and grunting in agony.  The color of his clothes and skin slowly returned to normal, and his red aura faded away.  Lying in a pool of blood before him was Glaive, his body covered with gashes and bruises.  "Glaive...  Did I... do this...?"

Glaive slowly shook his head, a weak grin spreading across his face.  "No... it wasn't you...  It was something else inside of you... and I just know... somehow... that it is connected to the Nightmare Vault..."

"Glaive... how could you sacrifice yourself for me?"

"It... was worth it... to see such a noble man live on...  I'm glad that I could... finally be of use to you... after all of the battles you had to fight alone..."  His grin widened, and his eyes began to close.

"Please, Glaive, save your strength...  You survived through Lord Shade, and you can make it through this too..."

"Not this time, my friend..." Glaive whispered.  "But before I go...  I have one final request...  There is one conflict that still must be resolved...  My life's goal has been to lift the curse on the Nightmare Vault by somehow ending the civil war that ravages its people...  Please... Mario, you must find a way to fight the battle that I could not live to finish..."

"You're not ready to die!  Please, Glaive, stay with us!" Mario pleaded, tears streaming down his cheeks.  "Please, don't die!  We made it through so many battles... so many struggles...  You can't just pass away at the very end..."

"Sometimes... that's how the world works...  Please... do not grieve for me...  I'm satisfied with death...  I finally got to have my rematch with you..."  A peaceful smile spread across Glaive's face as his life slowly drained away.  "Farewell... my friend...  It was an honor to know all of you...  I'm glad I was able to finally settle the rivalry between us... " His eyelids slowly shut, and his body grew cold.

Mario buried his face in his palms, weeping over his comrade's demise.  "Glaive...  How could this happen...?  After all of those battles we fought side-by-side, you met your end at the hands of your own comrade...  How can you possibly be satisfied?!"

Unbearable Suffering

A wicked voice burst into a series of weak chuckles.  "Heh... heh heh heh...  I can't complain, either..."  The weeping heroes turned to face Velno, who was lying lifelessly on the ground with his eyes closed.  "It was a fitting death... I finally got to see the evil within you... an evil that I knew existed...  You've finally come to understand that all humans have hatred built up deep inside of them...  I hope you're happy with your little victory, because this is only the beginning...  The worst is yet to come... and believe me... Glaive's death will be the least of your worries..."  He burst into insane laughter as his life faded away, and the room grew silent.

Slade drew his Nightmare Blade and held the point to his throat.  "What do I have left to live for...?  I've killed so many people... and now I find that I was just a pawn...  I don't deserve to live anymore..."

Mario grabbed the blade with his bare hands, causing blood to trickle down his palms.  "No... no more... I don't want to witness anymore deaths...  Slade, you cannot use suicide as a way to escape your crimes...  Instead, you have to stand up to the wrongdoings you have committed and find a way to atone for them..."

Slade tore the blade from Mario's hands.  "That's easy for you to say!  You've never committed a crime in your life!"

"Do you really believe that?  Long ago, I took away the life of a person very dear to me.  And to make up for it, I swore that I'd never take away another's life unless it was absolutely necessary.  Once I understood what it felt like to lose a loved one, I wanted to avoid killing at all costs in order to prevent others from feeling the same way I did when I lost Pauline...  Not only that, but I promised that I'd always protect anyone that I could..."

"Is that why...?"

Mario nodded.  "That's why I decided to take on the responsibility of protecting this kingdom.  I feel that somewhere, up in the depths of the Overthere, Pauline smiles each time I manage to save this kingdom from distress."  He put a hand on Slade's shoulder.  "Now it's time for you to find a way to atone for your past.  Otherwise, you'll never be able to lift the burden of your sins from your shoulders...  If you were to kill yourself right now, it wouldn't bring back all of the people that you murdered, nor would it make the world a better place.  The only thing you can do now is find a way repent for your crimes..."

A single tear dripped down Slade's cheek, and he sheathed his blade.   "Okay... I'll try..."

"Bro... what happened to you just now?  Your clothes... and your skin... they changed..." Luigi muttered in confusion.

Mario stared blankly into the distance.  "I'll tell you as soon as I figure it out myself..."

There was a long pause.  "Well, I think it's time for us to get going..." Ace suggested.  "In the end, we were triumphant...  But this victory did not come without its losses."

"The earthquakes have died down," Peach whispered as she entered the front gates of Mushroom Castle.  Her hand clutching her heart, she gazed up at the castle with tears forming in the corners of her eyes.  "Is it over...?  Is he okay...?"

"Wait for us!" Mark called after her, sprinting to keep up with Princess Peach.  They waited for Luke to catch up with them before moving on.  They hesitantly pressed the front doors open and peered inside.  The castle was silent.  Peach stared at the floor with a forlorn look on her face, waiting for something to break the stillness of the bleak castle.  She glanced upward for a moment, and her eyes lit with joy.

Several yards away, down at the end of the corridor that led deep into the castle, five figures appeared.  His arm hauled over Ace's shoulder, Mario grinned wearily at them.  His clothes were tattered, and his body was covered in gashes, blood, and bruises.  On the other side of Ace was Luigi, using Grambi's shoulder for support.  Walking alone on the far left of the corridor was Slade, who smiled faintly before returning to his stoic demeanor.

Looking Forward

"Mario!" Peach shrieked with glee, rushing to embrace him.  Mark and Luke followed her, equally excited.  In mere seconds, the heroes were surrounded with three crybabies.  Mario weakly stepped forward and put a hand on each of his children's shoulders.  He smiled weakly.  "I'm okay... just a little beat up, that's all.  There's no need to worry; it's all over."

"But Mario...  Wasn't there one more member of your team?" Peach inquired innocently.  "His name was Glaive, right?"

Mario looked away.  Everyone grew silent.  "Glaive is..."

A dreadful silence filled the room.  After a few minutes, Peach's eyes lit up.  "Wait a minute!  Glaive survived through the battle with Lord Shade, so we should be able to use the Star Rod to bring him back from the Underwhere!"

Mario hung his head, and his tears stained the floor.  "No...  The Star Rod, along with all of the other Oracles of Power, is gone...  I'm sorry...  We couldn't avoid casualties this time...  I couldn't even beat Velno with my own power...  I failed..."

A somber mood hung above their heads like a dark raincloud as they returned to the hospital in Toad Town.  Not one of them spoke.  Though they had achieved victory, it had come at a high price.  At last, the solemn heroes met at the front doors of the hospital.  Among them were Mario, Luigi, Peach, Mark, Luke, Wario, Waluigi, Ace, and Slade.

Mario, almost finished wrapping his wounds, finally spoke up.  "Even though we were victorious, something just doesn't feel right.  There's still a lot that we don't know about that guy I fought against in Blizzard Peak- I believe Crimson was his name.  And then there's the civil war in the Nightmare Vault, which Glaive is depending on me to end.  It seems as though Velno was only the beginning, a mere taste of what's to come."  And there's that creep that I keep hearing inside of my head...  I wonder how long it'll be before I hear from him again...

"So, what now?" Peach inquired, staring off into the distance.  "This is always the hardest part of any battle...  We have to find a way to move on, even after all of the losses we suffered."

Mario clenched his fists as he stared at the ground.  "Peach, I want you to send a squadron of Toads into Mushroom Castle.  There is a room filled with dozens of rotted corpses that are identified with name tags.  Have the squad give each of them a proper burial in the castle's cemetery, using the name tags to give them each their own gravestone."

Peach nodded slowly, a puzzled look on her face.

"After that, you can all move back into the castle as if nothing happened.  My father sealed the Nexus Gate shut, so everything should be back to normal.  As for Mark and Luke, you're free to live with Luigi and me."

The children were overjoyed, and began to cheer in celebration.

"We're going off on our own," Waluigi informed the group, Wario nodding beside him.  "If we had been there... maybe, just maybe... the battle might've turned out differently.  We want to prepare for any future assaults on the kingdom.  We'll wander around for a while, and see what we can find."

Wario grinned.  Finally, we can get the heck away from these softies.  We're supposed to be thieves for crying out loud!  I haven't even looked at money for over a week!

Slade nodded.  "I think I'm going to do the same.  Lorne has already ventured out into the wilderness to find a reason to live, and I think it's time that I joined him.  Thank you for everything you've done, Mario.  Regardless of how you may feel, you are an exceptional man who has shown me the error of my ways.  You saved countless lives today, and for that, I thank you."  With that, he turned and slowly vanished into the horizon.

Everyone turned to Ace, who had remained silent for the entire conversation.  "Princess Peach, would it be okay if I stayed at your castle for a while?  I'm not ready to return to the Nightmare Vault just yet.  I assure you that I'll only be staying for a week at the most."

"That's fine," Peach replied warmly.  "Any friend of Mario's is welcome at my castle.  Feel free to stay as long as you like."

Mario turned to face the direction of Forever Forest.  "Alright then...  It's time for us to go."

"What will you do now?" Peach called after him.  "This is the first time you've had a chance to relax since Lord Shade attacked the kingdom."

Without looking back, the plumber replied solemnly, "I guess the only thing I can do now is prepare for the next time the kingdom is in danger."  His tone was slightly bitter, as if implying his life had no other meaning.  "Right now, I can't afford to let my guard down for too long.  I have a strange feeling that my greatest battles have yet to occur.  I have to wait until those struggles finally come to an end, and I retire from my job as the Mushroom Hero.  Only then can I truly live in peace."

Peach nodded silently.  "I understand...  But to celebrate your victory, we simply must do something special.  I'll throw a party at my castle sometime soon, so make sure you stop by."

Mario turned around and smiled warmly.  "I suppose a party wouldn't hurt.  I'll see you there."

Without another word, Mario, Luigi, Mark, and Luke turned and walked toward their home in Forever Forest.  For now, their adventure was over.  However, as Mario's intuition predicted, there would be little time for relaxation.  Before long, a conflict dating back to the beginnings of time would arise from the darkest depths of all creation.


Epilogue: July 27th

Evil Within

The sun had set on the Mushroom Kingdom, and the Mario Brothers ventured home for a well-deserved nap.  They put the younger brothers to bed and decided to go to sleep early.  Luigi fell asleep almost immediately, but on the top bunk of the bed, Mario tossed and turned with great apprehension.  He stared at the ceiling, his body covered in sweat from the summer heat.

How long can I last?  Every time I try to close my eyes, I can hear his voice...  What's going to happen to me?  Am I a danger to everyone in this entire kingdom?

"That's it...  Just close your eyes...  And while you sleep, I'll slowly begin to take control.  Face it; it's only a matter of time before your resistance crumbles, and I'll be the dominant conscience within you.  You've kept this mental struggle up for a rather long time, but don't you think it's about time you gave up?  Otherwise, you just might be driven insane..."

Mario sat up and stared at his palms.  His body was trembling, and the voice in his head was giving him a splitting headache.  "Get... lost..."

"I'm afraid I can't do that.  You'll soon find that getting rid of someone like Velno is much easier than eliminating a part of yourself...  You can rest assured that I won't be leaving any time soon. Think about it.  It was only a matter of days ago when I started to take control during your battle with Yaridovich.  Back then, you needed to feel extreme hatred in order for me to have an influence on your body.  But now I can talk to you almost anytime I want.  And I'm going to continue to grow closer to you, and at a much faster rate...  Soon you won't even be able to fight without me taking control, and then I'll only be one step away from having absolute dominance of your body."

Mario's body began to quiver even more furiously, and he buried his face into his palms.  His body temperature started to rise, and his headache grew even worse.  "I can't go on like this...  Something has to be done..."

"Don't forget about me.  I'll leave for now, but you can expect to hear from me again soon.  By then, I'll be a lot closer to having full control.  Until then, good luck trying to get some sleep.  Oh, and enjoy living in constant fear, while you still can..."

Looking Forward

It was the twenty seventh day of July- a day that brought grief and sorrow to the Mario Brothers.  As Mario woke from his slumber and groggily rubbed the sleep from his eyes, he knew the date without even glancing at the calendar.  "It's today...  Peach decided that she was going to throw a party for me today, but I have something much more important to do...  If that squadron of Toads gave all of Velno's victims a proper burial, I should be able to stop by her grave before the party starts."

The plumber quickly dressed himself in his trademark overalls and silently crept out of the house.  It was still morning, and he did not want to awaken Luigi or the young brothers.  Moreover, he wanted to be alone.  He would have time to be social when the party began.

It was only six o'clock in the morning, so the normally lively town was still asleep.  Not in any sort of rush, Mario took the time to admire the kingdom's seasonal beauty.  "I almost forgot how beautiful this place looks during the summer.  I haven't had the time to stop and appreciate it, but then again, I've been busy with Lord Shade and Velno."  There wasn't a cloud in the sunny blue sky, and the luscious green vegetation sparkled under the sun's brilliant rays.

Mario entered Mushroom Castle unsure of where the cemetery was.  However, the plumber had no particular reason to hurry, so he took his time wandering through the castle's maze-like interior.  He passed by a few different rooms that were familiar to him, such as the one where he had battled Lorne.  The plumber smiled when he remembered all of the damage he had caused.  After basking in nostalgia for a few hours, Mario finally found what he was looking for.  After a little bit of searching, he located his loved one's grave.

He placed a handful of flowers on the grave and silently stared at the ground, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.  Hours seemed to pass before he finally spoke. "Pauline...  It's really been another year.  Actually, it's been a few years.  I'm sorry that it's been so long, but I was busy upholding my vow to protect this kingdom.  During my previous adventure, I learned a bit more about the circumstances of your death.  I met the creature who attacked us on that night, and I learned that he stole your body for his own purposes.  I hope that you can finally rest in peace now that I've freed you from Velno's grasp."

He paused for a moment.  "...I hate to admit it, but I've never told anyone the full story other than Luigi.  After all that they've been through... maybe it's time that I finally told them everything."

Demon Arrival

Meanwhile, as Luigi prepared for the party at Mushroom Castle, two shadows emerged from the depths of Forever Forest.  One of them, six feet tall with a black robe masking his entire body, whispered, "You should check to see if the Mushroom Hero is home.  I'll stop by the castle to see if he's already at the party."

The other shadow nodded.  "Cole, am I permitted to slay any of them?"

Cole shrugged.  "I would try to avoid it, but if you are unable to restrain yourself...  Well, let's just wait until we've completed our objectives before you go that far.  Do you understand, Swift?"  Without waiting for a response, Cole vanished into a characteristic puff of black smoke.

Swift grinned as he saw the door to the Mario Brothers' house swing open.  Luigi practically shoved Mark and Luke out the door, urging them to go on ahead.  "I still have to get the parade ready, so go ahead without me.  I'll be there soon."  Mark and Luke sighed in unison and vanished into the green pipe that led to Toad Town.  Luigi shut the door behind them.

Holding a green telephone to his ear, Luigi muttered, "Yes, yes, I do have insurance.  Yes, Mushroom Castle.  What?  Of course I have permission to have a parade at the castle!  It's Luigi, you know, of the Super Mario Brothers?  Never heard of me?!  C'mon, I starred in that one game for the GameCube!  You know, with the ghosts?  ...Yes, yes, I'm the green guy with the vacuum.  Yes, I'm positive the green guy has a name.  What?!  House-sitter?!  No, that's just a rumor!"  His conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door.  "Hold on a second."   He answered the door, expecting to see that Mark and Luke had forgotten something.

Instead, a man in a cerulean tunic was at the door.  He had deep, sapphire eyes and a smile that appeared sincere, but something about it felt unnatural- as if the man rarely smiled.  His shaggy brown hair was partially covered by a blue cap, and his brown boots were soaked in mud.  "Pardon me, but does a man named Mario live here?"

Luigi raised his eyebrows suspiciously.  "Yes...  But he isn't here right now..."

Swift's eyes narrowed.  "I see.  Perhaps I can wait for him, then?"

Luigi shook his head.  "I'm afraid not.  I'm about to join him for a party, and we won't be back for some time.  Besides, after what we've just been through, I don't think Bro wants to see any demons for quite a while."

"How did you know?" Swift inquired, a wicked grin spreading across his face.  "What gave me away?"

"First off, you've got the same stench as the other demons we've faced, the stench of blood.  Then there's your creepy smile, and the fact that you're wearing boots covered in mud.  I don't know what the weather is like in the Nightmare Vault, but here in the Mushroom Kingdom, people usually don't wear boots in the middle of summer."

"Very perceptive of you.  I can see that your brother's intelligence has rubbed off on you."  Swift reached into his tunic and pulled out a long, golden dagger.  "Now we'll see if his fighting skills have rubbed off on you as well!"  He jogged forward and performed a horizontal slash with his blade.  Luigi ducked beneath the swing and lunged forward, landing a right hook on the demon's face.

Luigi grinned wryly.  "I guess so."

"Interesting.  That punch was a lot stronger than anything I'd expect from a human," Swift observed nonchalantly, Luigi's fist still wedged in his cheek.  He wrapped his hand around Luigi's wrist and shoved the plumber backward.  "However, this kingdom's problems are miniscule when compared to the never-ending civil war in the Nightmare Vault.  If you were to test your skills there, you'd soon find that you have serious limitations.  I didn't want to severely injure you, so I held back before.  Since your skill level is a bit higher than I expected, I'll have to use one of my actual moves."  Swift gripped the hilt of his dagger with two hands and held it parallel to the ground.

Luigi felt a gust of wind rush past him as Swift dashed forward, stabbing him in the lower chest.  His blade wedged in Luigi's flesh, the demon continued to sprint forward, eventually smashing Luigi through the living room wall.  The plumber lay on his back in a pile of rubble, and Swift viciously tore the blade from his body.

"A blade held parallel to the ground combined with the speed of a bullet...  That is the secret to my technique, and it is also how I earned my name- Swift.  It is the ultimate stabbing motion.  I was only going at about half my usual speed, so I apologize if it didn't impress you.  I was also trying extra-hard not to kill you."

"What... do you want...?" Luigi groaned, blood spilling from his wound.

"Don't worry; this has nothing to do with you.  It's your brother that we want, and you're going to help us get him."

Back at Mushroom Castle, the celebration was in full swing.  It was more of a feast than a party; there was a single table that stretched down the entire length of the dining hall.  Golden chandeliers hung above their heads, and the table was lined with the kingdom's finest palettes, such as Shroom Steaks, Royal Syrups, Tasty Tonics, Super Sodas, and Fried Shrooms.  Most of the kingdom's residents attended the party, and all of Mario's comrades were there, even Lorne and Slade.

The party dragged on for a few hours.  Everyone enjoyed themselves, and Peach took the time to deliver a speech regarding Mario's astounding bravery and courage.  As the sun began to set, the celebration ended, and the majority of the guests left.  Only Mario's closest friends remained.  Mario had requested that they meet him after the party.  Among them were Princess Peach, Ace, Lorne, Slade, Wario, Waluigi, Mark, and Luke.

At last, Mario silently walked in, took a seat, and cleared his throat.  There was a long pause as Mario attempted to figure out what he was trying to say.  "I... I've made you all worry about me for long enough...  It's time that I stopped keeping secrets.  I've decided that I'm going to reveal everything... about the woman I killed with my own hands."


"I'm sure you all know that I wasn't born in this kingdom.  I was born in Brooklyn, before being sent here by my father to keep me safe from Lord Shade.  After Bowser began to attack the kingdom, the Yoshi tribe sent me back to Brooklyn in order to protect me.  I grew up in Brooklyn, somehow knowing in the back of my head that I was different from everyone else.  For a while, I was just an ordinary guy.  I became a carpenter and planned to live an average life.  That was when I met Pauline.

"On my way home from work one day, I passed by a construction zone.  That's when I saw an ape come out of nowhere, grab a completely helpless woman, and carry her to the top of a building.  Without even thinking, I raced after the ape- who I later learned was Donkey Kong- and rescued the woman.  She introduced herself as Pauline, and we immediately fell in love.  We dated for about a year, and she soon became the most important person in my life.

"For a long while, I kept her safe from the dangers of the city.  There were always thugs and delinquents that would try to harm her, but I didn't let one of them lay a hand on her.  That is, until Velno came along.  He was a cyborg designed by Lord Shade that escaped into the sewers of Brooklyn during Shade's first attack on the planet.  Velno had a limited life span, but he kept himself alive with the flesh of human corpses.  And it just so happened that Pauline was exactly the type of person he was looking for.

"One night, Velno snuck into our apartment and attacked us.  I did my best to defend her, but I just wasn't strong enough to stand up to him.  I was tossed aside as Velno prepared to take the life of the woman most important to me.  I was thrown into a violent fit of rage, and I charged forward at Velno.  I remember seeing flashes of red light as I allowed my anger to take control.  I was so intent on annihilating Velno that I accidentally slaughtered Pauline, only managing to slightly injure my intended target.  Velno escaped, and I was left with the woman I loved dying in my arms."

Peach's cheeks were damp with tears.  "Mario... you must have been so heartbroken..."

Mario nodded.  "So every year... I would pay my respects to her on the anniversary of her death.  Now that she has finally been given a proper burial, I can visit this castle's cemetery to visit her whenever I want."

Demon Arrival

"Interesting story...  Those flashes of red you saw as you slaughtered Pauline...  Don't they remind you of that ominous red aura that you've been seeing a lot lately?"  The castle's lights grew dim, and the doors slowly creaked open.

"Who's there?" Mario called out into the darkness.

"You should really watch your tone.  I am known as Cole.  I am the one in charge of the Demon Resistance."

Ace burst from his seat and saluted the shadowy figure.  "General Cole, sir.  What brings you here?"

Ignoring Ace's question, Cole casually strutted over to Mario.  "Ah, the Mushroom Hero.  I've heard so much about you.  You're probably wondering what a person like me is doing all the way out here.  I'm sure you've heard bits and pieces about the civil war in the Nightmare Vault.  Allow me to fully explain the situation so that there is no more confusion.

"Firstly, you should know that the Phoenix has been dead ever since the demons were sealed away in the Nightmare Vault.  However, his followers have continued to support his hatred for the human race, and thus they still call themselves demons of the Phoenix.  Despite this, their true leaders are a species known as the Grimnexes.  They were originally created when the Phoenix went to war with the Olympians.  They were meant to be used as weapons of war against the Olympians, but by the time they were created, it was already too late.  After the war ended, the demons were sealed away, and the Grimnexes along with them.  Now they live in the depths of the Nightmare Vault, slowly picking the Demon Resistance apart.  Once our resistance crumbles, the Phoenix demons will have total control of the Nightmare Vault.  No longer focusing on warfare, they will then have plenty of time to search for a way to escape.  And when that happens, all is lost."

"You came all the way here just to tell me that?" Mario inquired, raising his eyebrows in suspicion.  "What are you getting at?"

"I'm going to be as blunt as I possibly can.  Mario, the Demon Resistance is losing the war.  We have come to ask for your assistance in defeating the demons that are under the rule of the Phoenix."

Everyone in the room gasped in unison.  Though some did not understand the situation fully, they knew that Cole was trying to recruit Mario for some sort of foreign war.  Peach stepped forward.  "No... Mario has sworn that he will protect this kingdom, not yours...  Besides, the demons were sealed away because of their evil deeds.  How can he be sure that your side isn't just as dangerous as the Phoenix's side?"

Mario smiled gently and gestured for Peach to stand back.  "He's only interested in me, Peach.  Please, stay back.  My opinion is the only one that he cares about, isn't that right?"

Cole nodded.  "Please, Mario.  We desperately need your help."

"I'm afraid that fighting a civil war in the Nightmare Vault is something that I cannot afford to do.  I have a duty to protect this kingdom, and that duty takes priority over your problems.  Besides, I'm a human.  Just as humans protect this world, I think it would be best if demons protected their homeland.  Right now, I am perfectly content with protecting the Mushroom Kingdom.  There are still threats that I must deal with in this kingdom."

The doors swung open, and Swift stepped in.  He dropped Luigi's unconscious body on the floor beside Mario.  "Perfectly content, huh?  That's strange.  You barely defeated Velno, a cyborg that would have found his abilities to be quite limited in the Nightmare Vault.  How do you expect to defeat a more formidable opponent, such as the notorious Crimson?  Face it.  You're slowly losing your ability to protect others.  Just look at your brother.  I could have killed him at any moment if I wanted to."

"What are you talking about?!" Mario thundered, clenching his fists.  "Are you calling me weak?  In that case, I'd be happy to demonstrate a few of my abilities!"  He sprinted at Swift with his fists raised, but collapsed onto his knees only a few feet away from his target.  His body began to sweat, and he slowly struggled to his feet.  "Not... now..."

"See?  This is exactly my point.  You don't know anything about the power you've been using since you defeated Lord Shade.  Do you honestly believe we don't know about your little internal struggle?  I believe you said something along the lines of, 'Demons should protect their own kind just as humans do', correct?  We would never sink so low as to ask for help from a human.  When we traced your origins to a demon kin, however, we decided to pay you a little visit."

Mario's eyes widened with shock.  "What... What are you saying?"

Cole's eyes glistened for a moment.  "Mario, we've come to take you home.  One of your ancestors was a demon, and you inherited a very small amount of his blood.  There's a strong possibility that this demon's soul lives on within yours, and he was awakened by your feelings of hatred.  Now he is struggling for control of your body, and if this keeps up, he will succeed."

"Mario... is this true...?" Peach inquired with shock.  "Why didn't you tell me...?  All this time, I've been selfishly waiting for you to save the kingdom.  I didn't even once consider that you were struggling just to hold on to your identity."

Mario hung his head.  "So that's why you came...  You found out that I was related to a demon, so now you want to recruit me before the Phoenix does."

Mushroom Hero

"Please," Cole pleaded.  "We can't afford to lose this war...  We can teach you to drown out the voice of that demon within you.  Come to the Nightmare Vault with us, and you can finally learn the answers to all of your questions."

"I think that's enough begging for one day," Swift sighed.  "Well, we'll give you four days to decide.  That should give you enough time to say goodbye to all of your friends- unless you choose to stay and would rather die a brutal death at the hands of a demon inside of you.  We should get going, Cole.  It's dangerous for you to be out in public for this long."

Cole nodded.  His face suddenly appeared to be aged and weighed down with deep sadness.  "Trying to fight against such an enormous force for so long really has taken a toll on me.  My men are starting to lose faith, and my people are starting to leave us for the Phoenix.  Mario, I hope to hear a positive response from you..."  They turned to exit the room.

Ace stood up and approached Cole.  "Sir, about my position in Poker Face..."

Cole stared straight ahead.  "I'm sorry.  Your position has been terminated for disobeying direct orders."  With that, Cole and Swift vanished behind the darkness of the night, leaving confusion and anxiety behind.

"Ace... You lost your job because of me..."

Ace shook his head.  "No.  I chose to fight on your behalf, so I must pay the consequences.  But more importantly, what are you going to do?  Will you go to the Nightmare Vault to fight in a war that doesn't even concern you?"

Mario remained silent for a long time.  He needed time to fully assimilate all that he had been told.  At last, he spoke.  "No... You're wrong, Ace.  This battle does concern me.  I made a promise to Glaive that I'd find a way to end the civil war in the Nightmare Vault, and it seems as though I've just found a way to fulfill that promise.  Not only that, but if the Demon Resistance loses the war, this kingdom may be put in jeopardy as well.  In order to protect this kingdom, I will temporarily depart in order to fight in the Nightmare Vault."

"But how can you trust them?!" Peach insisted.  "How do you know they're telling the truth?  Anyone can walk up to you and claim that your ancestor was a demon!"

"That's true..." Mario admitted softly.  When he closed his eyes, instead of seeing black, he saw red.  "But somehow, deep in my heart... I know that they're telling the truth.  If I want to be absolutely sure, the only way for me to find out is to pay a visit to the Nightmare Vault."

As the confusion grew thicker, no one even considered the safety of Cole, the leader of the Demon Resistance.  They would soon learn that on his journey back to the Nightmare Vault, Cole was assassinated by a squad of Phoenix spies.

"Ah, so our hero has decided to leave his kingdom vulnerable for a while," Crimson muttered with a faint grin.  "Very good.  I didn't think it would all work out exactly as I planned, but it seems that I have underestimated my brilliant mind."

Smithy nodded.  "It would appear so.  Now, what would you like me to work on next?"

Crimson stroked his chin for a moment.  "Hmm...  Yes, you may resume our main project.  Mario has triumphed over the Demonic Trials.  While he fights in the Nightmare Vault, we will be busy setting the stage for the final battle.  And when Mario returns, he'll find his kingdom in ruins...  And as the land burns around us, the Armageddon will begin!"

As the kingdom was shrouded in darkness, a disfigured body stirred within the depths of the Nexus.  He rose from a dried puddle of blood, observed his wounds, and stood straight up.  He stared at his palms in confusion for a moment, and then looked straight ahead at one of the many doors that bordered the hallway.  He limped over to the door and forced it open with a mighty pull.  "Home at last," he declared in a raspy voice, grinning as he stepped into the swirling vortex.

Moving On

The sun rose on a brand new day- the day that Mario would depart from the Mushroom Kingdom.  Some of Mario's closest friends gathered around his house in Forever Forest to see him off.  Among them were Luigi, Mark, Luke, Ace, and Slade.

"Do you really have to go, Bro?" Luigi asked for the hundredth time.  "You don't have to leave us.  You're the Mushroom Hero, after all."

"Not anymore," Mario replied with a grin.  He placed a hand on Mark's shoulder.  "I'm temporarily resigning from that duty.  I'm passing the title on to Mark until I get back.  With Luke and Uncle Luigi to support you, I'm confident that you'll do a fine job.  Until I return, I guess you could just call me the Demonic Hero."

"Daddy... why do you have to leave us again?" Luke whined in confusion.  "You just got back!"

Mario gave his son a gentle hug.  "Right now, I have to go to the Nightmare Vault to find out if everything that Cole said about me was true, and to find a way to win the struggle inside of my soul.  The way I am now, there's no way I could protect anyone.  That alternate personality inside of me could take control at any second, and then I'd be a danger to all of you.  I refuse to let that happen.  I'll find the truth, and I'll come back stronger than ever."

"Mario, I want you to know that we're going with you," Slade informed him.  "Fighting in the Demon Resistance will allow me to partially make up for the sins I've committed in the past."

Ace stepped forward.  "And I may not have a job with Poker Face anymore, but that still won't stop me from helping the Demon Resistance.  I'll do whatever I can to support you, for this kingdom's sake, and for Glaive's."

"Alright then.  Ace, I think you know the way to the Nightmare Vault."

"Actually, with my Nexus Pass, we can just exit through the Nexus Access Point below Mushroom Castle," Ace informed them.

"Good," Mario muttered.  "I have to make a quick stop at Mushroom Castle anyway."

Peach, unable to sleep, stared up at the sky from her bedroom window.  The horizon was a beautiful gradient of red, orange, and violet.  Her cheeks were damp with tears.  "I can't believe... he's going to leave us again..."  The door creaked open, and she jumped in fright.

"It's only me," Mario whispered with a warm smile.  "I wanted to say goodbye before I departed."  Peach remained silent as the plumber gave her a gentle hug.  "I'm sorry, but I have to leave once again.  If I don't take care of this now, all of you will be in grave danger.  But that's not what I came here to talk about.  I wanted to thank you.  Do you know why I finally told you about Pauline?  I told you because I was grateful.  Thanks to your support, I was finally able to put her death behind me.  You've always treated me with kindness and warmth, no matter what might have happened in my past.  The last thing I want to do is make you feel like Pauline's replacement."  He held her closer.

"Mario... when will you return...?"

Mario did not answer.  "When Pauline died, I felt empty.  Until I accidentally stumbled upon the pipe that led to this kingdom, I felt like my life had no meaning.  When I rescued you from Bowser for the first time, I finally felt content.  Now it's time for me to move on.  I have to end the civil war in the Nightmare Vault."  He turned and started to walk away.  "That is my life's new purpose."

Peach tried to speak, but could only fall to her knees as Mario opened the door and took his first step out.  "I don't know if I'll ever see any of you again.  But I can never be happy until I've found all of the answers I'm looking for.  Farewell, Peach."  He closed the door behind him, and solemnly pressed on toward the castle's basement.

Peach buried her face in her hands as a river of tears flowed down her face.  "Mario... come back..."

As he reunited with Ace and Slade, Mario turned back and took one last look at Peach's bedroom door.  "I'll be back, someday."

Ace's face was stern. "Don't make promises you can't keep.  You've stuck yourself in a dangerous world, and you'll soon find that it is a lifestyle much different from the one you've become accustomed to.  Sooner or later you're going to have to make a choice- will you stay in the Mushroom Kingdom, or will you move on to the Nightmare Vault?"

Mario said nothing, looking straight ahead as he took his first step into his next adventure.

Thus marked the day my path became intertwined with theirs- the day I took my first step into the world's greatest, and final, struggle.