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A Fight to Remember

Started by THEBIRD, May 31, 2009, 02:45:29 PM

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"Is there a firing range here?" Robert asked, materializing a high power revolver. "I don't wanna get rusty."


'Of course,' Z replied back to him, speaking solely to him in his mind. 'The training grounds are located out back. Just keep walking through the forest until you find a circular clearing. That's the arena. If you follow the forest a little more ways down, you will come upon many other training equipment, including shooting targets.'

Z curtly turned toward all of them, using his speaking voice for the first time. "I will give you all time to get settled. If anything else is needed, keep your minds open, and perhaps the answer will come."


"Dibs on the best room!" James yelled as he quickly zoomed off. He stopped to open the door to the castle then was off again, slowing down only to make turns and to check rooms.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


On the third floor was the common room. It was set up a lot like the lounge, only bigger and with more tables and other recreational activities located in it, like chess and a training dummy. From there was a staircase that led to a hall with quite a few doors. Inside was each person's bedroom. They were all identical, with a big bed, chest at the end of it, bedside table and lamp, and a door leading into a bathroom with all the necessities. The rest of it was up to each person to add their own taste and jazz the place up.


'How boring' James thought to himself as he took the room on the left closest to the stairs. "Getting here early does give advantages, such as the closest room," James thought to himself as he threw his bag in the corner and jumped on the bed. 'At least the bed isn't too hard. I would have to be taking my leave if it was' He thought to himself again as he began to fall asleep from all his running around.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


'Boring?' Z replied to James' thoughts. James was having a dream now. He was in a completely black room with Z standing over him. "Why," Z began, "I think you'll find it quite the opposite." The image changed to James' room now. James could see a carbon copy of himself opening the trunk, and jumping inside, disappearing into the darkness below. Then, another copy of James attempted to jump in the trunk, but it appeared to be a normal trunk. "Strange, isn't it?" Z commented. "Nothing ever is what it appears to be. But it only shows its true colors when you least expect it..." Suddenly, James dream faded away.


     James sat up and looked around to see that he was in his room again. He had had a weird dream. He remembered seeing the same guy that was at the front of the island in his dream. He realized what had happened. With an angry yell, he jumped out of bed and began to talk to himself. "Good job conscious. 'Join the good guys! Good guys always win and get the girls!' Now look! I join the darn side that has the psychic!" He then went up to the chest and gave it a good kick with his left foot.
     The chest didn't move as James began to jump his right foot. "I swear if... GAH," James said as he gave up and sat on the bed again. 'I wonder what that guy is up too?' As his mind wandered to the guy that made the gun appear from his hand. He began to get up when an idea came to him. He began to imagine himself giving a middle finger to nothing. 'Asshole. Read this' He happily thought as he began to walk down to where the firing range was. "Wait where is the firing range?" James asked himself as he began to walk aimlessly around the castle. Maybe he would find something. Like the Kitchen.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Name: Jonathan "Jon" Hall
Super/Mutant Name: Shiver
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Power: Cryokinesis (ice control)
Skill: Can handle a sword/knife adequately
Weapon: Carries a small dagger, but doesn't use it much since he can make his own weapons out of ice.
Appearance: Usually wears a black t-shirt under a blue coat. When in action, he wears a blue hooded cloak over a blue outfit. Blue eyes, black hair, average build.
Side: Good
Biography: I'll get around to this later. Possibly.


"Riou, having followed Z's instructions, had reached the firing range. He stood 500 feet from a target, and produced a sniper rifle, more specifically, a Dragunov, took aim and fired off seven shots.  Seven headshots.


Quote from: MagnumSonic on June 01, 2009, 02:46:44 PM
     James sat up and looked around to see that he was in his room again. He had had a weird dream. He remembered seeing the same guy that was at the front of the island in his dream. He realized what had happened. With an angry yell, he jumped out of bed and began to talk to himself. "Good job conscious. 'Join the good guys! Good guys always win and get the girls!' Now look! I join the darn side that has the psychic!" He then went up to the chest and gave it a good kick with his left foot.
     The chest didn't move as James began to jump his right foot. "I swear if... GAH," James said as he gave up and sat on the bed again. 'I wonder what that guy is up too?' As his mind wandered to the guy that made the gun appear from his hand. He began to get up when an idea came to him. He began to imagine himself giving a middle finger to nothing. 'Asshole. Read this' He happily thought as he began to walk down to where the firing range was. "Wait where is the firing range?" James asked himself as he began to walk aimlessly around the castle. Maybe he would find something. Like the Kitchen.
'You know, I know a short cut to the kitchen. Like the rest of this mansion, sometimes it is there, and other times it is not,' Z thought, sending it to James. 'I'll tell you now your going the wrong way.'

(( You're accepted T_L ))


((Why the hell am I just now seeing this RP...? This time, my chars are Higurashi inspired. >x)

*Name: Jasmine Grey
*Super/Mutant Name: Midnight (Sounds like a porn name 0.o)
*Age: 17.5 (12/4/91)
*Gender: Female
*Power: Pyrokinesis (SP? Fire manipulation)
Skill: Hand to hand combat
Weapon: Over-sized cleaver and a short katana
*Appearance: [spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler] Her "costume" consists of a black hoodie, mask, dark jeans, and boots
*Side: Good (This Jas is kinda psycho so she may drift back and forth. >xD)
Biography: Three years ago, Jas was kidnapped, and locked under the dark depths of a clinic, with experiments being performed on her. The culprit always talked about cracking the secrets to some sort of virus, and as the years passed, the teen began to lose her sanity. One night, she just snapped, blacked out, and the next day, she awoke in a forest, covered in blood...   

*Name: Takano Miyoko
*Super/Mutant Name: Oyashiro-sama
*Age: 27 (4/15/82)
*Gender: Female
*Power: Poison manipulation
Skill: Science and Medicine
Weapon: Throwing knives/syringes
*Appearance: [spoiler][/spoiler][spoiler][/spoiler] She normally wears a nurse outfit, and when in combat, she wears all cameo.
*Side: Evil
Biography: Her original name is Miyoko Tanashi, but she changed it when she was adopted by Hifume Takano, the one who sparked her interest in science and medicine with the study of a mysterious syndrome. However, her adoptive grandfather's work was perceived as ridiculous, and died without dignity. Miyoko has completed Hifume's work, and discovered the dark secrets of this disease. Now she plans on exposing the world to it, as revenge.))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Name: This is a very closely guarded secret by him
Super/Mutant Name: Shade
Age: He looks to be 21
Gender: male
Power: Stealth.  He disappears in shadows and is nearly transparent in direct sunlight.
Skill: Has a way of stabbing a knife in places you didn't know you had.
Weapon: One dagger, the blade being black down one side and white down the other.
Appearance: Very pale, short blonde hair and very ordinary looking.  Nothing stands out about him, just a simple, handsome face.  Also, has a very fit and toned body.  At night, he wears a dark cloak kept close to his sides.  During the day, he wears 'civilian' clothes.
Side: Shade is a mercenary, he goes were the money is.  Which is always the evil side because the good people are too stuck up to pay for Shade's services.
Biography: Nobody really knows where he came from but him, he just appeared silently.  In the night.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


((Slightly? One of your characters is a very close, almost exact, copy of a character. And her superhero name... Oyashiro-sama... Really?))


(( You put the bloody murderer with the ax on the good guy's side? XD Shorti and Xeph are both accepted. ))

Animale sat on a log in the forest. He had called a bald eagle, and now stroked it gently. "I bet if I called enough of you, I could fly," he crowed. The bald eagle squawked in reply. "Well, I'm really not that heavy. Maybe 110 or 120?" The bird seemed to make fun of him with a chirp. "Hey, hey, hey, I do have some muscle!" Animale replied with annoyance. When the bird chirped again, Animale said, "Oh, shut up," and had him fly away. "The birds here suck," he muttered with annoyance. "I'm talking about you, George!" There was a familiar squawk, then a fluttering of wings, and George the bird was gone.


Quote from: Kierou on June 01, 2009, 06:35:19 PM
((Slightly? One of your characters is a very close, almost exact, copy of a character. And her superhero name... Oyashiro-sama... Really?))

((I know. Maybe that's because I'm RPing as her...? I don't normally use canon characters, but Takano fits, and I couldn't resist. Deal with it, and be grateful that I didn't use the loli. >.>' And who said the "Bloody murderer" had to stay on the good side. *Cue evil laugh*))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."