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A Fight to Remember

Started by THEBIRD, May 31, 2009, 02:45:29 PM

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((Dealt with. :P))

Robert withdrew his sniper rifle, and headed over to the training dummies.

Hey Z, do you have any dummies that can withstand a massive steel Battle-Axe? He inquired to their telepathic leader.


'We have everything. Steel dummies, wood dummies, and every other of every different type. I'm sure you could find one to fit your need. Try one of the thicker, bigger steel ones,' Z replied. The leader opened the trap door that led out of his secret room and onto the roof. He gazed down below so he could watch the events outside.

Robert was fighting on the training grounds. And it looked like Animale was having bird troubles. "I'll give them the day to keep their innocence," Z decided out loud. "But tomorrow we must start planning."


Jas is unpleasantly awakened by the glare of the sun bouncing off a reflective surface. She shuts her eyes tighter, and turns over to inhale the scent of the grass that she is laying on. 'Wait, grass...?' Now that she thinks of it, the air is fresh, not overly sanitized. She hadn't been outside since that day, why is she out here now? 'And why does my head hurt?' The girl opens her eyes and looks around, then down at her tattered clothes, and over to the blood-stained weapons at her side. 'Well... I'm not in that intercourse ed up hospital anymore, but I sho' as hell ain't goin' back.' "Never." And with that she picked up the blades, and began to walk.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Quote from: Sh0rTi on June 01, 2009, 07:40:21 PM
Jas is unpleasantly awakened by the glare of the sun bouncing off a reflective surface. She shuts her eyes tighter, and turns over to inhale the scent of the grass that she is laying on. 'Wait, grass...?' Now that she thinks of it, the air is fresh, not overly sanitized. She hadn't been outside since that day, why is she out here now? 'And why does my head hurt?' The girl opens her eyes and looks around, then down at her tattered clothes, and over to the blood-stained weapons at her side. 'Well... I'm not in that intercourse ed up hospital anymore, but I sho' as hell ain't goin' back.' "Never." And with that she picked up the blades, and began to walk.
'And you won't have to,' said a voice in Jas' head. 'I am Z, leader of The Super Human League. On Ferrah Island is our base. Perhaps if you find our castle, a new home may await you.'


((Wouldn't your member title mean that you are currently dead ShOrTi?))

Right, thanks. Robert said, dragging a large steel dummy to the center of the field. He focused for a second, and a large steel Battle-Axe materialized in his hand. He took large arcing swings at the dummy with the axe, his movements brutal, yet somehow possesed an innate gracefulness in their slow fluidity.


((Yes, I am Zombie Sh0rTi. Pleased to meet ya. ^^ Nah, it's just me matching it to my avi and sig.))

"Huh!?" Jas spins on her heel, and looks around for the source of the voice, but realizes that nobody is there. Since those people began tormenting her, she's been hearing voices in her head. "No!" Her body tenses, the weapons that she holds nearly falling to the ground. To Jas, this one is no different, and it would take more to convince her that it is. "No, no, no, no, NO! Go away!" She collapses and backs against a tree as Z continues speaking to her, pulling her knees up to her chest, and gripping at her head, obviously horrified. 
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


'Ah yes, I feared this would happen,' Z thought, sighing out loud, but still thinking clearly. 'Listen for a moment. If you follow my directions you will meet me in person, then you will know whether I am real or not.' He gave her a moment to calm down and allow this information to sink in. 'Would you be willing to take an hour out of your day to follow my instructions? If I ask you to do anything unpleasant, you may ask me to go away, and I will leave you be. But think about what my future holds you. A chance to be with others like you. A chance to be free from the scrutinizing eyes. A chance to be you.'


     'So your telling me that if I go to the wrong place at the wrong time then I could be trapped somewhere? Then I'll make a deal. You tell me a way to the main hall and I'll take your first mission. As long as it isn't TOO dangerous. I do prefer to live until I'm not a virgin.' James said to himself in his mind. Hopeful Z was listening. James was starting to get freaked out by the mansion and was ready to go to sleep again.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Jas pries her nails away from her left wrist. It seemed to itch uncontrollably... 'A chance to be me...? Maybe I don't know who I am anymore,' the girl is still shaking a bit, but she manages to pull herself up from the ground. 'But I won't be weak.' "Fine," she whispers, voice ragged. "I'll listen."

((BoA, can I add hypnosis to my villain's skill please?))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Quote from: Sh0rTi on June 01, 2009, 08:36:31 PM
Jas pries her nails away from her left wrist. It seemed to itch uncontrollably... 'A chance to be me...? Maybe I don't know who I am anymore,' the girl is still shaking a bit, but she manages to pull herself up from the ground. 'But I won't be weak.' "Fine," she whispers, voice ragged. "I'll listen."

((BoA, can I add hypnosis to my villain's skill please?))
(( Sure, I don't know if I'll ever update it on the main page, though... I'm lazy... ))
'Alright,' Z began, 'you are in New Ferrah City. By the harbor is a small ferry that will take you to Ferrah Island. The man will ask you to guess his name. Tell him it is 'Z'. He will let you board the ship and you will get to Ferrah Island within the hour. Await my next instruction once you hit land.'

Z then switched over to James and thought about his deal. 'Just find the picture of an apple, grape, and pear. Behind it will be a small passageway that leads to the kitchen. It's in the next hallway you enter.'


Gracias my homie! James thought to himself as he ran to the next hallway. On one of the walls was, just as Z said, a painting of an apple, grape, and pear. He was about to kick it when he remembered what happened with the chest in his room. He then grabbed it by the frame and lifted it up. It came up easy as he moved it to the side. Alright. That's what I'm talking about. Need anything while I'm in the kitchen Mr. Leader? James thought in a sarcastic manner as he walked into the passageway and headed into the kitchen.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


((Do it for the Jasi that's suffering through finals. *Cute look*))

Jas nods, and begins her search for the harbor that houses the ferry, avoiding as many people as possible, ignoring their stares, and keeping her eyes cast towards the ground. Once she gets to the boat, she looks up at the man who is guarding it with dull eyes. The life seems to have been sapped from them. "This boat will take me to Ferrah Island?"
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Jas scares me now. >_<))

Jon lay fairly still on the old mattress in his apartment in New Ferrah City. He was bored out of his mind. There wasn't much in the city for him, and he briefly contemplated leaving for somewhere else before dismissing the thought. It would be too difficult, he reasoned. And besides, he was living comfortably enough already. Even if it was a tad monotonous. He sat up, figuring that he would not be able to fall asleep. He fiddled around with his ice powers for a while, shaping a miniature ice sculpture of himself, before putting it aside and yawning. He needed something better to occupy his time.


Jake was too impatiant to walk around the sewers.

He turned to X. "Lets just get this over with. WHERE ARE THE ROOMS?"

((Also, I changed up my character a bit. Forgot my appearance. :P ))

((A thing I have to ask is, can I kill people in intesting, creative and gruesom ways?))


((That's the point TL... and killing people in interesting, creative, and gruesome ways was my idea first! xP))

Jas has been sitting on the ferry for half an hour, the cold metal of the blade she smuggled on board pressing against her back. 'Almost forgot what the sky looks like,' she looks up towards the dizzying heights, lost in her own world.

"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."