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A Fight to Remember

Started by THEBIRD, May 31, 2009, 02:45:29 PM

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Robert walked all the way down to the front gate, sheathed his dual katanas, sat down, and started meditating, leaning against the wall while standing, eyes closed, arms folded across his chest.


'Alright,' Jas steps off the ferry, and walks, taking in the area around her. She comes to the river that was mentioned, looking for a bridge, though she is prepared to just wade across it if she has to.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


There is no bridge. The river encircles the castle, but not at a close range, and has no bridges, fallen trees, or even stepping stones at the moment to use to cross it.


"Hope that I can at least get new clothes," Jas mutters before placing a bare foot into the river. When she's sure that she won't lose her balance, the girl places the other foot forward, and makes her way to the other side, paying attention to any change in the water's depth, if it has any.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Eventually she is going to have to swim across, as the water is at least 8 feet in depth at its middle. When she makes it out of the water, there is a hand there to help pull her out.


Jas emerges from underneath the water, blinking away the water on her eyes. "Hm?" Her eyes follow the person's hand upward to see who is assisting her. She takes the hand, but still partially pulls herself out of the river.
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Upon arriving at the island, Jon stepped off the ferry and looked around for the castle Z had mentioned.

"So," he spoke to the air, "what now, Z?"


((Um...I'm sorry about not posting earlier. I had some computer problems, can I get a short summary?))


Quote from: Sh0rTi on June 02, 2009, 04:49:51 PM
((Oops, kinda time skipped to where Jas is already... ON A BOAT MUTHAFUCKA! er... because BoA wasn't here. ^^'))
((Never thought I'd be on a boat... it's a big blue watery- *brick'd*))

Prospekt looked around, frowning in disappointment. He then chuckled. "This place could use a bit of renovating," he said aloud to no one in particular. He then began to walk around the sewer-y area, seeing if there were any large, open "rooms" available.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Jake didn't look too pleased with his smart-ass response. He trudged over to the soggy couch and jumped down upon it. He stretched out and encompassed the entire thing, as if he were taking a nap.

"So... what's on the TV? MORE DEATH? Hahahahaha." He asked, obviously amused by his (as he thought) rhetorical question.


(( Summary: Not much. Mostly introduction of the setting and characters. ))

Quote from: Sh0rTi on June 02, 2009, 06:57:58 PM
Jas emerges from underneath the water, blinking away the water on her eyes. "Hm?" Her eyes follow the person's hand upward to see who is assisting her. She takes the hand, but still partially pulls herself out of the river.
Z pulled her out, but does not say anything for a moment, as he has another thought to respond to. In this case, it was Jon's. I am with another girl across the river. It is right past the trees; we will wait for you.' He then turned to Jas. "Hello, Jas," he greeted her. "I am Z, the ever-present voice in your head."
There were quite a few chambers. Eventually if one walked far enough, toward the middle of the sewer system there was small wooden door. Inside was a small hall with many untidily made rooms available for sleep. They contained a bed, a bed-side box, and a small candle sitting upon that box.
X got a shadow ball ready, and shot it at Jake. His intentions were for Jake to move over and allow X to sit down. "Perhaps death," X grumbled, preoccupied with finding his station. Once he found it he rapidly turned up the volume and began listening closely to what the news reporter said.


Mark stood there on the shore facing the island. "Well...this looks like the place." He said to himself. "...But...How do I get there?"
David silently sat in the middle of a large room. "Hmhmhm...Yes. That's what David will do. Hahaha..." He sat there crosss legged and wearing a straight jacket. "Yes, once they let David go, they'll see David's powers!"


Jon walked past the trees and found  the river Z mentioned. Preferring not to get wet, he froze himself a path across with his powers and walked over. Once across, he turned to the bald man and the girl.

"Your Z?" he said, addressing the bald one.


James watched as the wine flew away past him as he anxiously looked at the fridge to look for some nom noms. Inside was plenty of food but James looked at only one item. Grapes.
"That's some goooooooooood eatin' right there it is," James said in a hick accent. He grabbed the food and began to hurry after the glass of wine. If he followed it he would be with Z and finally get to meet him.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


"Well... if that's the way your going to be about it..." Jake moved enough to lets another sit next to him.

"Hey... I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat? Preferably bloody and still alive."