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A Fight to Remember

Started by THEBIRD, May 31, 2009, 02:45:29 PM

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Quote from: Dr.Hobo2 on June 03, 2009, 04:10:47 PM
Mark stood there on the shore facing the island. "Well...this looks like the place." He said to himself. "...But...How do I get there?"
David silently sat in the middle of a large room. "Hmhmhm...Yes. That's what David will do. Hahaha..." He sat there crosss legged and wearing a straight jacket. "Yes, once they let David go, they'll see David's powers!"
Z did not answer Jon for a moment, as he heard another voice in his head. 'You can get a ferry across', Z told Mark. 'The password is 'Z'...' Then he turned toward Jon, the wine bottle flying out the entrance of the castle which opened at Z's will, and flew into his hands. "Yes," Z replied to Jon's question, "I am Z."
X sat down, still staring intently at the TV. He didn't respond to Jake's for a few minutes. The newscaster seemed to be talking about the crime of New Ferrah City. It was finishing up a story about a robbed bank, and X moved to the edge of his seat. And then the newscaster said, "And that's a wrap! Back to you, Tom." X jumped off the couch and screamed, "What the intercourse ?" His energy caused the candles in the room to go out, and he threw a shadow ball at the TV, breaking it. "They didn't even mention my story? WHO DO I HAVE TO KILL? SOMEONE, PLEASE, TELL ME! WHO DO I FUCKING HAVE TO KILL TO GET MY NAME MENTIONED BY ONE FUCKING PUBLICIST?"


Mark jumped back looking around. "Did...did someone..." He noticed a ferry nearby. Well...Lets see if I'm crazy or not. He walked up to the ferry and talked to the man there and mentioned the password. Not much later, he was on the ferry. Okay, so maybe I'm not going crazy...


Quote from: Birdie of Aces on June 03, 2009, 06:56:36 PM
Z did not answer Jon for a moment, as he heard another voice in his head. 'You can get a ferry across', Z told Mark. 'The password is 'Z'...' Then he turned toward Jon, the wine bottle flying out the entrance of the castle which opened at Z's will, and flew into his hands. "Yes," Z replied to Jon's question, "I am Z."
X sat down, still staring intently at the TV. He didn't respond to Jake's for a few minutes. The newscaster seemed to be talking about the crime of New Ferrah City. It was finishing up a story about a robbed bank, and X moved to the edge of his seat. And then the newscaster said, "And that's a wrap! Back to you, Tom." X jumped off the couch and screamed, "What the f***?" His energy caused the candles in the room to go out, and he threw a shadow ball at the TV, breaking it. "They didn't even mention my story? WHO DO I HAVE TO KILL? SOMEONE, PLEASE, TELL ME! WHO DO I f***ING HAVE TO KILL TO GET MY NAME MENTIONED BY ONE f***ING PUBLICIST?"
"Hahahaha... I guess you didn't kill them well enough!"

Jake spotted a Sewer rat crawling across the room. "You see, you have to do something like THIS!"

With a wave of his hand, Jake made the creature into a pancake. He had caused the area around the poor animal to aproximatly 10 G's, or 10 times earth's gravity, effectivly crushing the creature.

"You got to be creative about it." Jake walked over to the squished rat, eyed it for a moment, then took a big bite out of it's pancacked head with a loud crunch.

"Mmmmm, yummy. So, who did you kill and how?" Jake asked.

((Where are the rest of the evil people?))


Quote from: Penmoet on June 03, 2009, 10:07:55 PM
"Hahahaha... I guess you didn't kill them well enough!"

Jake spotted a Sewer rat crawling across the room. "You see, you have to do something like THIS!"

With a wave of his hand, Jake made the creature into a pancake. He had caused the area around the poor animal to aproximatly 10 G's, or 10 times earth's gravity, effectivly crushing the creature.

"You got to be creative about it." Jake walked over to the squished rat, eyed it for a moment, then took a big bite out of it's pancacked head with a loud crunch.

"Mmmmm, yummy. So, who did you kill and how?" Jake asked.

((Where are the rest of the evil people?))
(( In the sewers, and I think one person is trapped in an insane asylum. ))
X didn't respond. He paced back and forth for a moment, glancing at Jake every once in a while. "Well it seems you are quite insane," X finally said to Jake with an evil grin. "I've got a plan... Yes, I've got a plan..." He continued pacing back and forth some more, until finally he stopped directly in front of Jake. "You want to become the best of the best, yes? Well, I can help you with that. I can make you great. I can make evil rule the world! Yes, because I've got a plan."

X picked up the broken TV and hurled it into the sewer water nearby. It promptly sunk, never to be seen again. "Listen to me, what's-your-face, I've got my first mission ready. In order to rule the world, we are going to need some more help. There is an insane asylum in a small town outside the city. They often stick powerful people like myself or you into these places, mistaking mutants for psychotics. Sometimes, it goes both ways. Yes, I know a truly heinous mutant who belongs in that straight-jacket. The crazier the better, as it seems, we need psychos running around to do our dirty work. My mission is to infiltrate the insane asylum and break out David."

(( Evil mission update. Check the front page for a more detailed explanation of the job. ))


James came out of the castle and watched as the wine bottle flew into what appeared to be Z's hands. James began to walk forward and noticed that quite a group was forming up. And one of them was a girl... covered in blood and holding a bloody axe. 'I'll talk to you later when there isn't a killer, bloody girl next to you man. I still hold my promise that I'll take the first mission.' James thought to Z. He was serious about the first mission as he was getting a bit freaked out from the castle.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


OoC// We'll just say my character was here the whole time. =P

Shade stepped out of the corner where nobody could see him and walked behind Xavier silently.  "Is there money involved."  He said with a cold voice right behind Xavier's ear.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


Robert walked over to the group, balancing the massive axe across his shoulders, and stood next to the bloody, axe wielding maniac.


Quote from: Xeph on June 04, 2009, 02:40:37 PM
OoC// We'll just say my character was here the whole time. =P

Shade stepped out of the corner where nobody could see him and walked behind Xavier silently.  "Is there money involved."  He said with a cold voice right behind Xavier's ear.
"No," X replied harshly. "There is only the chance to free a quite evil man from the depths of the asylum he belongs."
'I expect you to be ready for a mission soon,' Z replied to James. 'My readings tell me our enemies are planning something that must be stopped.'

Good mission update.


'Sounds like it will be a cold night. I'll go get my coat.' James thought to himself in a way as he hurried back in and went the same way to the room. It was there fortunately and he soon found his brown coat that he threw on. He then grabbed his rope and put it on a slot he sewed onto the inside of the coat. He also grabbed a pack of gum. Trident.
After double checking to make sure he had everything James hurried back downstairs and outside where he ran up to, and next to the man who had went out to go shootin' and now took it upon himself to have a giant axe. James exhaled and inhaled a huge breathe before finally saying, "Hi," in a playful voice while making a face to the man. He leaned forward a bit to see the girl that looked like she had a bad period was standing next to him. "Oh lordy," he told himself as he stood up straight and looked at Z. "Ready Mr. Z!" James told him, saluting while he wiggled around a bit.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


((Why is everyone scared of Jasi? All she needs is love. ;_;'))

"Well I can see that now," Jas lets go of Z to wipe more of the water off her face. She swings her hatchet to her side to flick the remaining blood off the blade, then looks at the one who was wary of her, James. She glares at him for a few moments before asking, "... You got somethin' to say?"

((And "bad period"? Oh Mylantis wtf? xD))
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


((Robert is right next to her.))

"That's quite the blade." Robert comments, producing the same cleaver Jas has, while dismissing his axe. He takes a couple of practice swing at the air.

"The way this is weighted, if you don't make contact, you're left vulnerable."

((Meat cleavers are VERY heavy towards the blade.))


"Well," Jas looks at the weapon in her hand. "I do have this," she points at the stolen katana on her back. "Besides, I was... rushed. I didn't have time to be picky with the choices in front of me. Maybe I'll train, so I can make my chances of getting hits on the target higher, but I'm pretty sure I'm strong enough to handle it."
"I know they hope I fall, but tell 'em winning is my muthaeffin protocol."


Jake was slightly startled by the appearance of Shade, but quickly ignored him, as he saw Shade as a waste of time at the moment.

"So... who is this David character? And what can he do?"

((Fun fact: It takes about 2.5 G's to effectivly crush a person. It takes about 10 G's to crush a person faster.))


"I see." Riou said. "What are your powers, by the way? Mine as you have seen, is the ability to produce weaponry from my body."


"How about introductions first! Hi names James. Call me Quicky!" James said as he shook both of their hands very fast. About 200 mph. "And if you can't tell I can move pretty quick," He told them both. He noticed that when he shook the girls hand he got a little bit of blood and water on himself. "Also I hope to apologize. Your arms are probably feeling a bit warm. I know mine is," He told them as he took a step back from the people hold big weapons.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change