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Your Memories Are Not Enough

Started by Superkeeleybro, October 07, 2007, 07:54:24 AM

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Another good chapter; however, I noticed something in your writing. You use the word "anyways" a lot. I read it twice, and thought Ok, that's fine... But it started cropping up more and more in that second part of the chapter. If you can try to avoid using "anyways" a lot in the future, I'd be greatly appreciative.

Other than that, exciting chapter! Draconis evolving certainly puts a new spin on things...
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


I tend to overuse a certain word in my writings. I guess it was 'anyways' when I was writing that chapter. I tend to overuse 'though' these days. I'll be on the lookout for such words, though I might not get them all.


It's fine; your writing is excellent! For your "though" problem, try to even that out with the use of the word "however", or others of the like.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Chapter 16: Hope

Forde was up first, as always. Outside the small window, the sun?s approaching light brightened the far horizon but the rest of the sky was dark. A chill breeze blew this morning. Forde shut the window just as quickly as he had opened it. The cold wind from outside had awakened Kita, and Chiro was beginning to stir.

?Why is it so cold?? Kita muttered as she stretched.

?Sorry, I just opened the window a second,? Forde answered. ?It seems like fall is coming fast. There may even be a bit of frost on the ground.?

?I don?t mind winter. It?s the only thing that slows Chiro down. As soon as he gets a hint of winter weather, his hibernation instincts become hard to fight.?

Chiro?s eyes popped open at the mention of his name. ?Whatcha talking about?? he chattered as he hopped on Forde?s shoulder.

?I just thought I felt a cold breeze when I opened the window,? Forde explained. ?Fall is quickly coming.?

Kita couldn?t help trying to sense Chiro?s thoughts. The little squirrel had a sudden desire to gather nuts, berries, and other food into little hiding spots. Even the mention of Fall set him off this bad.

?We?d better get going then!? Chiro shouted, waking up Draconis and Hurdy. ?If it?s almost Fall, we can?t afford to waste time! Let?s get up and going, there?s a battle to be won!?

Draconis yawned and sat up. ?What?s got him going so early? The sun hasn?t even risen.?

?It?s almost Fall!? Chiro stated, a hint of a desperate plea to action in his voice. ?We must get going!?

?Fall?? responded Hurdy, who had just been floating calmly in his water. ?I?ve read about the seasons. Back home we just had a wet and dry season. I guess since we are further North, there must be four seasons here. I think I might like seeing what seasons can be like.?

?Don?t mind him,? Kita offered. ?Even the slightest seasonal shifts set him wild. Let?s go to breakfast.?

?That?s just what I had in mind,? Forde said as he opened the door.

Out in the castle corridors, the stone walls and stone floors gave little warmth. They quickly made their way to the dining hall and took their places. An early messenger was reading off a report to the king.

?Sire,? began the messenger. ?After yesterday?s battle, we only have around 2000 fighting men and pokemon. Around 500 dead and 500 injured. The medics are working as fast as they can to get any injured back to battle. Estimates of enemy casualties are also in. Both Rinn and Eltanah lost 1000 from each of their armies from death or injury. I would also like to report that food supplies are once again higher than expected.?

The king dismissed the messenger, and then turned to Forde. ?You got all that, right? We seem to be fighting them off well. I would be happy, but my scouts report that the elite units of both armies haven?t moved in yet. They seem to be waiting for the time when our defenses are weak. That?s when they?ll strike the hardest. The food supplies are unusually high, which is the only good news. At least we haven?t had to start rationing the food among the soldiers yet.?

?A little good news gives us hope,? Forde answered. ?King Verault, I expect that the walls will not last even half the day today.?

?Neither did I, to tell the truth,? King Verault declared. ?From all the reports I get, I could tell they were preparing a strike to shake our control of the outer defenses. I?ve told all my generals to have a plan to organize fighting in the streets, if it comes to that. Even without the walls, we still have this castle, which we can defend much more tightly than the outer walls. I only hope this battle will end soon. At most we have 2000, and they still have 6000. I still have hope for Midern. I will never fall as long as I have my kingdom to protect. There is still the hope of my other soldiers coming.?

?Yes, it seems hope will have to win today?s battle,? Forde declared. ?Where?s Leon and Corvon? They should be down here by now.?

Corvon walked in a minute later with Lucario. ?Good morning,? he greeted. ?What?s today?s battle plan??

?I?ll tell you soon, but first tell me where Leon and Elomir are,? Forde declared.

?I thought they?d be down here by now,? Corvon responded. ?I think at least one of them was awake when I headed down here. The hallways all seemed a bit cold.?

?All the stone doesn?t keep the cold out that well,? explained Verault. ?It hasn?t been cold enough to light the fires yet, so I guess we?ll all have to endure a little morning chill.?

They all paused as they heard noises from the hallways. Leon came into view, and he seemed to be pulling something forward.

?Can?t you move any faster?? Leon yelled at something in the hall. ?We?re going to miss breakfast!?

Soon, it became apparent that Leon was trying to help Elomir move faster by pulling him forward. The dragon took slow steps, and finally the two were in the hall.

?See Leon? that didn?t take so long,? Elomir drawled.

?They are all waiting for us, it took forever,? Leon argued.

?Let me explain,? offered Forde. ?Dragon types are much more sensitive to cold than most pokemon, especially a Flygon. The cold makes their heart beat slower and so their body and mind follow along. Once it warms up, he?ll be fine.?

?That does explain a lot,? Leon said as he took his place at the table. ?Winters in Alagarde are usually mild, with only cold rains, but during those times, Elomir would hardly move around. I thought it was just because we had to stay inside most of those days, but now I see what really happened.?

?Well, Prince Leon, winters here are not bad, but we get a fair amount of snow,? King Verault added. ?Anyways, finish eating quickly, the battle is continuing. It slowed down during the night, and the enemy retreated to their tents, but as soon as it got light enough to recognize between friend and foe, they began to attack. Just follow Forde?s orders, since you all are under his command. I trust he?ll put you where we need you.?

Leon finished off his food as fast as he could and was ready to head out. Elomir seemed to be moving a little faster, since he was warmed by sitting near Draconis?s tail flame. They all followed Forde out, who led them to a side door of the medical hall. This side seemed to be for injured pokemon, and Forde led them right to two beds, where Annox and Peoria were sitting, having just finished their breakfasts as well.

?Hurdy, Draconis, it?s good to see you!? Annox greeted cheerfully. ?I see that Draconis has evolved. It must be a tough battle out there, but I think I?m ready to face it. They said I?m fit to return to battle. Peoria?s healing well, too, but she still can?t fight.?

Peoria seemed a little disappointed. ?I?d like to help,? she began. ?But my injury needs time to heal. They said I need to not move around much or the wound could open again. We?ve heard from some of the other pokemon how the battle is going, and it sounds like you could use all the help you can get.?

?You just concentrate on getting better, Peoria,? Annox said softly. ?I?ll come see you again when I get time again.?

?That would be kind of you,? Peoria agreed. ?It might get a bit depressing here with all the injured, so seeing a healthy face is good for me.?

They bid Peoria farewell, and headed out to take their position. Instead of being led to the Eastern Wall as they had been before, Forde led them West. This wall of the city had the least damage, but still had one portion knocked down. Fighting was already going on at the gap.

?This is where you?ll be fighting today,? Forde commanded. ?I expect that the rest of Midern?s army may be coming from this direction later today. Hold on until they arrive. Once they are here, make sure that they can get in the city without taking heavy losses. You may hear distant explosions and see parts of the wall collapse, but just hold on to your ground here. Leon, Elomir, provide air support and keep an eye out for the reinforcements.?

?Sure thing,? Leon stated as he and Elomir took off. The sun had risen and so it was warming up, which meant that Elomir was moving much faster.

?Ah, it?s good to be warm again,? Elomir said as he circled upwards into the sunny sky.

?I?ll get some blankets to keep you warm tonight, so you won?t end up that way again,? Leon suggested.

?That would be nice. I don?t like the cold.?

?Then you?re just lucky we haven?t been targeted by any ice pokemon. I think I?ve seen a few in Rinn?s army from afar.?

?I?d better keep an eye out to make sure I don?t fly too close to them.?

Back on the ground, the others made ready to join the battle. This part of the wall had collapsed differently. It looked like whatever made the hole had punched cleanly through, and the resulting debris was spread out over a wide area instead of piled up.

Draconis dove right into the battle, his inner flames raging to be released. Lucario and Corvon followed, also taking positions where the battle was fiercest. Hurdy and Annox both stood for a minute, looking reluctantly at the battle. The first sight of battle after recovering made Annox feel a bit queasy, like his gut was against battle.

?Are you sure you?ll be alright?? Hurdy asked, worried about his larger friend. ?You seem reluctant, and I?ll admit that I am, too.?

?It?s just that seeing battle again brought back a few bad memories,? Annox muttered. ?I?m fine now. Let?s go help Draconis. He almost seems to be enjoying this.?

?Sitting here won?t do much. Okay, I think I?ve got the courage now.?

The two ran up next to Draconis, who had just knocked over an enemy Breloom. Draconis finished it off with a slice of his claws, causing Annox to gasp in shock.

?Draconis! Why did you do that?? Annox demanded as he knocked an enemy away with a vine whip. ?There was no reason to kill it if it can?t fight anymore!?

?This is war, Annox,? Draconis stated. ?Any enemy that lives could come back tomorrow, so I?d rather not take that chance.?

?That?s not what you said the other day,? Hurdy protested after using a water gun attack. ?We left those one pokemon on the wall to be captured by Midern.?

?All the fighting has changed my view on the war,? Draconis explained after slashing an approaching enemy. ?I don?t see why you two still hold on to such childish views. This is war, and you two need to grow up!? Draconis concluded his comment by striking a killing blow to another enemy. He grinned and added one more comment. ?You might even enjoy it.?

Annox looked away from the pokemon his friend had just killed, feeling sick again. To his side, one of Midern?s soldiers was fighting against one from Rinn. The two traded blows, until the Rinn soldier got the upper hand and finished off the other. Annox looked back at Draconis, who was already surrounded by blood and death. Did war really mean throwing away all compassion, and showing no mercy?

No, Annox decided. That wasn?t the way it had to be. He didn?t have to enjoy fighting, but if it meant protecting his friends, then he could do it. Annox once again charged, facing an enemy Quagsire. Annox unleashed his razor leaf attack, and the Quagsire collapsed, covered in small cuts.

Annox stopped by the downed foe. ?Sorry we had to be on opposing sides,? he whispered before moving on.

Meanwhile, Corvon and Lucario fought brilliantly. Only a few scratches were on either of them. Hurdy fought nearby, having a little trouble against the opponents. His attacks just didn?t seem strong enough, nor his legs fast enough. Enemies would not go down easy, unlike when Draconis would finish them in one or two blows. Even his powerful water gun didn?t bring them down most of the time, and so Hurdy was beginning to take a few hits.

In the distance, the sounds of explosions could be heard, and many more parts of the wall fell. The sounds seemed to be drawing closer. Corvon looked up at Leon, who tried to convey some message with gestures. It became apparent that he was trying to say that the explosions were going to be nearby soon.

?Lucario, we need to warn the others,? Corvon said with a bit of desperation. ?The explosions are going to be nearby. Tell them right away!?

(continued below)


(continued from above)

?Okay, I?ll tell?? Lucario was suddenly cut off as a section of wall just a short distance away exploded. Through the gap, they could see the red and white of an Electrode approaching. As it neared, Lucario shot an aura sphere, but the attack didn?t finish off the Electrode. Instead, it kept rolling before stopping against the wall that was right by them. The pokemon glowed for an instant before releasing a massive explosion.

Pieces of the wall flew all over. The gap was now so large, they would need three times the number of defenders that they had to cover it. To make matters worse, an enemy battalion approached, filled with heavily armored soldiers and evolved and powerful pokemon.

?That?s Rinn?s elite forces!? Corvon gasped, but then turned to all of Midern?s forces nearby as he shouted his next commands. ?Everyone gather together! We may not have the wall of stone, but if we make a wall of soldiers, they?ll be sorry they ever fought with us! Stay together!?

The defense gathered. Corvon and Lucario were at the front. Draconis and Annox were right by them, but Hurdy was missing. Up in the sky, Leon signaled again, pointing West. That was the signal that the expected reinforcements were coming.

?Okay, men!? Corvon commanded. ?Reinforcements are coming from the west! We must hold on until they come!?

Up in the sky, Elomir and Leon watched as the reinforcements made their way towards the city. Suddenly, a beam from below almost hit Elomir, and left the air freezing cold in its wake.

?An ice beam!? Elomir growled. ?We?d better get out of here.?

?Those look tougher than the other forces,? Leon observed. ?It looks like an Abomasnow is the one shooting at us. Watch out, here comes another!?

Elomir tried banking to the side, but the attack still hit his lower legs. He winced and lost control of flying as he almost blacked out from pain.

?Elomir! Elomir, snap out of it!? Leon yelled. ?You?re going to crash!?

Elomir was heading towards the ground as he regained his focus. He bent his wings, forcing himself upwards again, just in time to avoid the ground.

Leon wiped a bit of sweat from his forehead. ?That was close! Let?s head over and help the reinforcements before we get shot down.?

?I?ll be glad to be out of range of any ice beams,? Elomir added.

Back at the collapsed wall, Hurdy had gotten out from under the piece of stone that had fallen on him, just as Rinn?s army began to surround the smaller group that Corvon led. He was separated, that much was true. Hurdy pondered the next course of action. Charging the group would just get him hurt or killed. All the pokemon looked like they would be a tough match by themselves, and Hurdy doubted that he could even beat some of them at all. Instead, Hurdy decided to sneak away and rejoin his group from another direction.

Hurdy kept low in the pieces of rock that had been blasted from the wall. So far, no one had seen him. He kept moving, but the rocks got smaller and smaller as he neared where he wanted to go. A final stretch where no cover would be available was before him. Hurdy prepared himself and took off at the fastest run he could manage.

Suddenly, Hurdy was knocked aside by a charging enemy. It was a Lairon that had broken away from the group to deal with him. Hurdy got up and blasted it with a water gun, but the Lairon just shook the attack off.

?Such a weak attack,? the Lairon snorted. ?You won?t be a challenge for a member of Rinn?s elite forces, like I am.?

The Lairon stomped the ground before charging again. Hurdy dodged to the side, hitting the Lairon with a quick mud-slap. The Lairon took a moment to shake the mud from its face, which gave Hurdy another chance to use water gun as the enemy charged. The Lairon made it through his water gun, and hit Hurdy with its iron head. Hurdy slid across the ground from such an attack, badly bruised and scraped. The Lairon kept coming. Hurdy hit it with a few more attacks, but the Lairon finally got another hit in. Hurdy could barely stand from the pain, and as soon as he did, he was knocked down again.

Hurdy feared for his life. His opponent was relentless, and he was almost finished. He only had the strength to get up one more time. He would have to get away while he still could. He got on his feet again, and tried to run past the Lairon. He seemed to have made it, and the Lairon was turning. Suddenly, Hurdy found himself on his back.

?You forgot my tail,? the Lairon taunted. ?Now it?s time to finish you.? The Lairon raised a foot to crush the Mudkip. He launched it downward with all his power. Hurdy raised his small legs to try and block the clawed foot from crushing him. He caught the Lairon, but felt like his legs were going to break. The Lairon kept pressing downward, and Hurdy?s legs began to hurt. The Lairon was too strong, Hurdy couldn?t stop it.

Hurdy soon reached a point were the pain in his legs was unbearable. It seemed he would pass out, but then it seemed his legs had gone numb. Hurdy tried pushing back, and suddenly he felt different. It seemed like he wasn?t even trying anymore. Hurdy now realized what to do. He used his newfound strength to throw the Lairon aside. Hurdy got up and found himself standing on two legs.

Perplexed, Hurdy looked down at himself. His front legs were wider and stronger now, almost like arms. His lower legs had also changed to better support standing. Hurdy could waste no more time looking at himself as Lairon rolled over and prepared to charge. The Lairon charged once more, and Hurdy unleashed a water gun and mud bomb. The water and mud flew with much more force than Hurdy had managed earlier, blasting the Lairon back as it collapsed from damage.

Hurdy jumped in triumph, and began going to meet with his friends again. After a few steps he tripped, falling on his still large head. He dusted the dark blue fin on the back of his head off as he got up and continued on. Walking on two legs seemed so awkward, but Hurdy knew he would get used to it eventually.

As Hurdy got back to his friends, he yelled to them. He tried to run, but tripped again. They separated from the fighting as he walked up to them.

?Where have you been?? Annox said. ?We?ve been worried ever since you disappeared!?

?I was separated during the explosion,? Annox explained. ?These opponents were too tough for me, so if I didn?t evolve, I would be dead.?

?Your evolution has certainly made you graceful,? Draconis teased.

?Walking on two legs is at least twice as hard as walking on four,? Hurdy declared.

?You?ll get used to it,? Draconis said. ?Now back to battle!?

The circle of defenders had grown smaller as it lost numbers. Only about half of the forces that started were left. Corvon and Lucario both looked like they had been through some difficult battles, and they continued fighting. Now that Hurdy looked closer, Draconis and Annox looked like they had been through quite a bit as well. It wasn?t just him that was having a tough time against Rinn?s elite.

Suddenly, Elomir landed on a part of the wall that remained standing. Draconis shot a flamethrower that took out an Abomasnow that aimed at the two. The reinforcements finally arrived, and began driving off the enemy.

?I?ll find Forde and ask what to do next,? Leon yelled from above as Elomir took off again.

With the reinforcements, the weary defenders that had fought with Corvon took a brief and much needed rest. Soon Leon was back with news of the rest of the battle.

?Forde says that all forces need to make their way to the center of town. The enemy has already gained most of the outer parts of the city on the Northern and Eastern sides. We risk being cut off and surrounded if we don?t join the rest of Midern?s army now!?

The reinforcements stayed to fight as the rest of them made their way towards the castle. Soon, they were fighting as they retreated to the center of town. Before long they had joined the rest of Midern?s forces, who defended the center of town as the injured were moved from the medical center into the castle. The sun began setting, the clouds taking on the same color as so much of the blood that had been spilled that day. They made their way to the castle, where Forde was waiting.

?Take a well deserved rest,? suggested Forde. ?As troop numbers get lower, we may not be able to afford giving anyone more than a few hours of rest, so enjoy it while you can. The reinforcements should help, but I don?t think they?ll cover the amount of troops we lost. We?re going to have a meeting with the king soon, so wait there.?

?Oh, I?d better go check on Peoria first,? Annox said as he rushed off to where the injured were being taken.

?We?ll come too,? Hurdy followed, now a little better at walking and running on two legs.

?I better go wash up first,? Draconis stated, examining the blood on his claws and arms.

As the three headed off, Forde, Corvon, Lucario, Leon, and Elomir all went inside the castle. The king looked exhausted from fighting and issuing orders all day, as did Crim, his Scizor. He motioned for them to take their seats, his arm covered in bandages. Several of the commanders also joined them.

After they had done so, he began. ?I?m thankful you all survived the fierce battle today. The reinforcements number around 800, so that will be helpful. Without the walls, our losses were heavy. With the reinforcements, our forces should number around 1500. Rinn?s and Eltanah?s normal ranks took heavy losses, but their elite units only took small losses. Reports show about 5000 total enemies left. Staying in the city would cost us too many men and pokemon, so I?m withdrawing all troops to the castle. The injured have also been moved here. As long as we hold the castle defenses, they will have to sacrifice too many men to have a sure victory over us.?

Soon all the troops were inside the castle, and the enemy took positions in the city, surrounding the castle. They sent two messengers, which demanded to see the king. The king took his place on the walls to hear the messengers.

?We have been sent to deliver this message,? they began. ?King Verault, you have fought honorably. Our countries demand your surrender, if you wish to live. If you surrender, the treasures of your kingdom will be split between Rinn and Eltanah, and a tax will be laid upon your people, amounting to one-third of their production. You will retain control over your kingdom, but be subject to the wills of Queen Iridia and King Zeidhelme.?

?I?ll only surrender when Queen Iridia and King Zeidhelme both come and can tell me face to face why they wanted this war!? King Verault said from the wall of the castle.

?You have until dawn to reconsider.? The messengers bowed as they left.

The king returned inside the castle. Dinner was distributed to all the soldiers and pokemon. Afterwards, the king invited Forde, Leon, Corvon, and the pokemon to a private meeting to be held in his throne room.

As they arrived, the king looked over Forde and his companions. ?Forde, you have served me well as tactician in this battle and advisor throughout my reign. Most of you are not bound to my kingdom, so I?m not forcing you to stay if you believe this to be a lost battle.?

Leon was the first to answer. ?I?m staying as long as Forde is. He?s the only one who can help me solve the problems back in my own kingdom.?

Corvon was next. ?I work for Forde, so unless he tells me to go, I?m staying.?

All eyes now rested on Forde, who gave his answer. ?I?m staying as long as you are alive, King Verault. Should you fall, escaping might be difficult, but I can manage. As long as I?m free, nothing else matters.?

The king smiled. ?It?s good to know that I can count on you. As I said, I?m not surrendering unless the leaders of Rinn and Eltanah can convince me they had just cause for this war. We have until dawn, so until then, get your rest.?

They all went to their separate quarters after the meeting was over. Leon and Elomir were walking through the hallway when they thought they heard something singing faintly up ahead. They continued on, and were almost to reach their room, when a familiar looking man with a Jigglypuff passed by.

?Mellano?? Leon questioned.

The man seemed startled by Leon, but calmed down as he saw who he was. ?Yes, it?s me, Mellano the merchant.?

Mellano seemed to be wearing a bit more dull clothes than his usual ones with the flashy buttons. He also looked more worried than usual, and was carrying something rectangular in his hand, draped in cloth.

?What are you doing here? Did you get caught up in this war, too?? Leon inquired.

?A little bit,? Mellano answered. ?An inconvenience, that?s all. I had set anchors before I knew this battle would occur, and couldn?t leave after it started. I finally got the clearance to leave, and since I?m from Deltan, none of the armies will bother me. In fact, I was just leaving now.?

The cloth over the thing Mellano was holding slipped, revealing a thick purple plate made of some metal. Mellano quickly wrapped it back up and headed off down the hallway.

?Farewell, Mellano,? Leon called after him. ?Say hello to Tark and the crew for me.?

Mellano disappeared just as quickly as he came, and Leon and Elomir entered their room. After searching a bit, Leon found some extra blankets to keep Elomir warm. Leon had to admit that it was cold at night here, colder than it had ever been anywhere else in their journeys. It must have been something in the weather patterns, because Midern wasn?t really any further North than Alagarde. Elomir was already asleep after flying all day, and Leon soon followed.

Back in Forde?s room, space was running a little low. Annox had begged Forde to move Peoria up, and succeeded. That meant four pokemon had to sleep on the floor, while Forde and his two would take the bed. Hurdy told them of his day?s battle that resulted in his evolution, but even after one day, Hurdy was a bit clumsy on two feet. Draconis and Annox also recounted their day to Peoria, who wanted to hear about the battle. Kita added her highly accurate version of the day?s events, and Chiro added his story that seemed to jump around and was a bit exaggerated at parts. Soon, they all were asleep, but Forde left to a dark part of the hallways. On time, Mewtwo and Mew appeared.

?With both of us, it didn?t take long to find Uxie,? Mewtwo explained. ?It was much easier than remaining hidden while reading minds, at least.?

Mew now added her report. ?Uxie didn?t like the fact that someone was tampering, and agreed to help us. As the being of knowledge, Uxie said that it should be the only one with the power of erasing memories. However this happened, not even Uxie knows, which does worry me.?

?We didn?t even have to try to convince Uxie to return both leaders to their original memories.?

?We started with Queen Iridia, since we found Uxie down near the desert anyways. It took all day, but she?s back to normal. She immediately pardoned you, and sent her fastest messenger to tell the troops to come back.?

?Unfortunately, only bad news travels fast,? Mewtwo joked. ?It will take the messenger at least until the end of tomorrow to reach here. Uxie is already working on King Zeidhelme as we speak. By tomorrow he should be normal again, and also withdraw his troops.?

Forde seemed impressed. ?Good work, you two. I knew I could trust you. Once Zeidhelme is free, go check King Xanos in Deltan, and I?ll discuss with Leon about restoring his father to normal.?

?As long as you can hold on another day, then it will all be over,? Mewtwo stated.

?How is the battle going anyways?? Mew asked.

?As expected, which means that Midern is losing. Today we lost the advantage of the outer walls, and so all troops are now in this castle. Still, 1500 against 5000 isn?t good odds. As long as we keep them from breaking through any of the castles defenses, we should be fine. The moat will slow them down for a little bit, until they fill it in. If the castle is breached, then we?ll have a tough battle. I?m not entirely sure of the outcome if that happens. Among the pokemon and humans you met, the only change is that Hurdy became a Marshtomp. He?s still getting used to his new form.?

?What about Draconis? Did he calm down??

?From what I heard from Corvon, he still has quite a bit of bloodlust. His friend Annox rejoined him, and seemed to calm him down a little. If I remember, it may just be the nature of a Charmeleon to be a bit hot-headed and seek battle. Once this war is over, I?m sure he?ll be fine.?

?Well, I guess we?ll see what?s left when the war?s over,? Mewtwo said as he teleported.

?Make sure that everyone stays safe,? Mew added as she went away.

Safety was the last thing Forde could guarantee now. Forde knew he could count on Corvon?s and Lucario?s strength. Only the best could even get a scratch on either of those two. Even Kita or Chiro had trouble beating Lucario, even with Forde?s training. Those four would be fine. Leon and Elomir seemed to have trained well enough to be above most danger, but Annox, Draconis, and Hurdy were the ones he was worried about. They had already had a few close calls, and tomorrow would be the worst fighting of it all.


Ridley for Brawl!  hi i'm Toad! :)



Chapter 17: An Uncertain Closure

Before dawn, Forde was preparing to head to a final meeting with the king. He would have to wake the others, so he first awakened Kita.

Kita did her usual stretching as she rose. ?So, Forde, did Mewtwo and Mew bring any good news??

?Yes, Kita, but I?d like to reveal it to everyone, so help me wake them.?

Kita prodded Chiro, who hopped to his feet once awake. ?Morning, Kita. Ready for another day of battle??

?I am,? Kita responded. ?But first, help wake everyone.?

?Alright!? Chiro responded while climbing on Annox?s head. Chiro jumped up and down a few times while shouting ?Wake up!? As soon as Annox began stirring, Chiro retreated to one of the bushes at the top of Annox?s shell.

?Huh? Who?s on my back?? Annox muttered as he yawned. Annox looked back, and saw Chiro in the leaves on his back. ?Oh, good morning, Chiro.?

?These bushes on your back are very nice,? Chiro complimented.

?Thanks, as long as I?m healthy they should stay that way. They also need plenty of sun.?

Forde had already awakened Hurdy, who relaxed in his water before he would have to leave it. Kita had awakened Draconis, who was sitting up on his bed of heated sand. Only Peoria remained asleep now.

?I suppose we should just let her rest,? Forde suggested. ?Now, everyone, I have some important news. Today will be the final day of fighting. Give it your all and stay alive. Once the fighting is over, I may even have a way to get you home much faster.?

?That?s great!? Annox exclaimed. ?We?ll finally be going home! I think Peoria would want to hear this.?

Annox?s shouting had already interrupted Peoria?s sleep. She got slowly on her feet, and walked over to Annox. ?What?s so important that you?re yelling about it this early??

Annox seemed a bit embarrassed about being scolded by Peoria, but then gave an answer. ?Forde says today is the last day of battle. I thought that you would like to know. Do you want to come home with us after this is over??

Peoria thought for a moment. ?Yes, there isn?t much left here for me. Those I knew are gone. I?ll come as long as we make one extra stop, back where the fort was. If I don?t go back there, I?ll never really feel that I paid proper respects to my comrades.?

Annox seemed cheerful, despite the solemn tone Peoria took. ?That?s fine. As long as you come with us, that?s all that really matters.?

?It?s getting close to dawn,? Forde interrupted. ?The king wanted a final meeting with me and all of you, so we had better get going. Leon, Elomir, Corvon, and Lucario are probably waiting for us.?

Forde headed out first, and the others followed. Annox stayed a moment. ?Peoria,? he began. ?Have a good day, and get better soon.?

?I will, Annox. I?m feeling better each day, especially once I know you?re safe.?

Annox blushed and ran off to catch up with the others. Peoria sighed and sat on the pillow that made up her bed. She would have fallen back to sleep if it had been any other day, but she was worried about the others, Annox most of all.

At the king?s hall, commanders rushed in and out, getting their initial orders from the king. The king looked worn down, like many of the soldiers. Corvon and Lucario stood, talking while waiting for the others.

?Another day of battle, Lucario,? Corvon said. ?I wonder how it will end? Things aren?t looking too good.?

?We?ll be fine,? Lucario replied. ?I?ve seen few enemies that could match me. I take it none of your injuries are slowing you down??

?No, they?re just scratches. I?m a bit tired after the tough fighting yesterday, but that?s normal.?

?Yes, everyone looks a bit tired. Even I?m wearing out.?

?That must be saying something, then. You usually aren?t slowed down by anything.?

?I want to focus my mind for the battle now. I?ll still hear everything that is said, so don?t disturb me.?

?Okay, Lucario. I was done talking anyways.?

Leon and Elomir entered a short time later. They seemed in good spirits, and looked to be in good shape.

?You?re always up early, Corvon,? Leon greeted.

?It?s the time I always woke up when I lived in the mountains. I?m used to it.?

?That must be nice. I?m used to getting up after the sun rises, rather than before. I?m pretty sure Elomir feels the same, right??

Elomir hadn?t been paying much attention to the conversation. ?Yeah,? he muttered. ?I don?t really like the cold of the morning before the sun is up. We should be done with this battle before long, and then we can get back to the real quest.?

?Do you mean our quest to help my father, or your quest to return to Allia?? Leon teased. Elomir gave him an angry look, so he quickly apologized, and then grew silent.

Soon, Forde and the pokemon had arrived. With their arrival, the king beckoned them over, and they all stood before the throne. ?I wanted a final meeting with all of you,? King Verault explained. ?Again, I thank you all for sticking with Midern during these times. Now, Forde, is there anything you?d like to say before I begin??

?Yes,? Forde answered. ?I?d like to announce that today will be the last day of this battle. As long as Midern can last through today, everything will turn out fine.?

?What makes you so certain of this??

?As you know, I have numerous contacts. Two of them have been helping me, and sent word that both Queen Iridia and King Zeidhelme should be changing their minds shortly.?

?That is good news. As always, your mysterious ways prove to help my kingdom. Anyways, I do have a minor matter that arose during the night. The toxic plate was stolen from the castle last night. Whoever did it put the guards on duty to sleep. Our main suspect is Duke Arville of Deltan, who was rumored to have been in the castle with his Jigglypuff last evening.?

?Wait, is Duke Arville?s first name Mellano?? Leon inquired.

?Yes, he frequently goes by only that name when going about trading goods at various ports. Have you met him before??

?Actually I met him last night. And is the toxic plate a rectangular purple object? I saw him with that, too.?

?Then he did take it!? Verault exclaimed. ?I wonder why? It isn?t too powerful of an object, and was kept more for its historical value than its worth. We have collected all the different plates here at Midern, but I wonder why only that one would be taken, and by a respectable person like Duke Mellano Arville! This is shocking news, and I?ll have to send word to King Xanos later. Right now, we need to be focused on the war. You are all dismissed.?

They headed up to the battlements of the castle, which were already packed with soldiers. Dawn was quickly approaching, and the sun could be seen peeking over the horizon. An enemy messenger approached, requesting the king?s final decision.

?We will not surrender!? King Verault shouted from the top of the walls. ?We will defend the sovereignty and honor of this kingdom!?

The messenger made a hasty retreat back to his commander, and the trumpets declaring the beginning of battle were sounded.

?Leon, Elomir, you two fly up to the towers, and then help out wherever the defense is having trouble,? Forde commanded. ?Corvon, Lucario, I trust your judgement, so fight when and where you think will help the most. Annox, Hurdy, Draconis, you had better stick with me. This is going to be a tough battle. If the enemy breaks through the walls, then we?ll head to the inside of the castle to drive off the enemy.?

Soon, the arrows began to fly from both sides. Pokemon also began to shoot at each other from afar. As the enemy got closer, this exchange grew more intense. In the air above, flying pokemon on both sides fought. Leon and Elomir had joined this battle.

Elomir headed for a flock of enemy birds, and unleashed his dragon breath. The attack cut through the flock, downing a few of the birds. Elomir then rushed forwards, hitting birds with both wings and claws. Elomir couldn?t get all of them, so some counterattacked with their own beaks and claws, leaving many small scratches on Elomir. Some of Midern?s other aerial forces came and finished off the flock. This left a little free time for Leon to shoot several arrows at the enemy, most of which found their marks.

Down below, Lucario and Corvon were launching their own ranged attacks at the enemy. Corvon?s crossbow pierced many foes with its bolts. Lucario?s aura sphere downed a few. Over with Forde, Draconis, Hurdy, and Annox each shot their attacks. Kita divided her energy between defeating foes with psychic blasts and using her abilities to keep the grappling hooks and ladders of the enemy off of the nearby wall. Chiro remained on either of Forde?s shoulders, and was going all out today. Bolts of electricity shot from the small squirrel, defeating or paralyzing many of the enemies that were in range.

For the first few hours, the battle continued in this way. Very few enemies ever reached the top of the walls, and those that did were swiftly dealt with. A few times, the enemy tried to bring out pokemon that could explode, but a focused effort by the defense quickly dealt with anything that threatened to break through the castle walls. The moat around the castle had been completely filled in by this time by stone placed by ground and rock pokemon.

Elomir and Leon had continued fighting other pokemon in the air. A lightning-fast Pidgeot had given Elomir a nasty slash on his side. Elomir retaliated with a dragon claw attack. The Pidgeot turned and began approaching for another attack, but Elomir retaliated with a dragon breath. The Pidgeot went down, spiraling towards the ground. This battle had drawn them out above the enemy troops, and they tried to make their way back to the airspace above the castle. From below, a powerful ice pokemon shot an ice beam that came too quickly for Elomir to evade. The ice attack completely knocked out Elomir, who started plummeting.

?No, Elomir!? Leon shouted. ?Wake up!?

Leon tried all the methods he knew to wake up Elomir, but none of them worked. In desperation, he knew he had to land inside the castle walls. Leon pulled on Elomir?s wings, trying to gain altitude needed to reach the castle. Leon?s attempts worked, and they slowed down a little before hitting the top of the castle walls. The impact separated the two, who both crashed down into the courtyard. Leon landed in a tree, which slowed his fall before hitting the ground. Elomir was not as lucky, and fell on his side. One of Elomir?s wings was caught under him, and Leon heard a snapping sound right before he hit the ground and was unconscious from the impact.

Forde and Corvon had seen the crash. ?Corvon, you take charge of the pokemon!? Forde commanded. ?It?s obvious that Elomir was injured, and I?m not sure about Leon. I?ll need to see.?

Forde rushed down to the courtyard. He checked Elomir first, and felt sorry for the dragon as soon as he rolled him off of his side. The wing he had landed on was broken badly, an injury which would take months to heal. Medics arrived, and Forde told them to take care of the Flygon first. Forde checked Leon next, and it looked like he would be alright once he woke up. He would probably have a serious concussion from his landing, but that would heal.

In Forde?s absence, Corvon took charge of the younger pokemon. Lucario could fight well without help, so Corvon focused on pointing out targets for the three to take out. Suddenly, a group of soldiers emerged from the enemy ranks that looked stronger than the rest. Among them was a man who had the air of command about him. He wore no armor, had long black hair tied in a ponytail, and was clad in light clothing in the colors of Eltanah that did not restrict his movement. He wielded a long curved sword, and beside him was a massive Tyranitar. This man looked to be the general of Eltanah?s forces.

Contrasting to the thin swordmaster that led Eltanah was the general of Rinn. This man also led an elite unit of troops towards the castle. He was massive, and wore a single plate of armor, preferring to leave his arms free. He wielded a great axe that was almost as wide as he was. Beside him was an Empoleon, which blasted away many defending pokemon on the walls with its powerful streams of water.

The two generals led their troops forward. The troops advanced and were focusing all their attacks on the defenders while the two generals approached the walls. Soon, they had reached the wall, and the general of Eltanah signaled to his Tyranitar. The pokemon pulled its arm back before hitting the castle wall with a shattering blow. The stone broke apart, leaving an opening into which the generals and their troops advanced.

?Head down!? Corvon commanded. ?We?ve got to stop them!?

Draconis, Hurdy, and Annox all headed inside.

?Wait, don?t fight those two generals until I get there!? Corvon called after them, but they didn?t hear his call over the roar of battle. Corvon and Lucario both headed after the three, but were slowed by others who moved to stop the enemy from getting further inside the castle.

Draconis, Hurdy, and Annox were some of the first to arrive where the generals had breached the wall. They turned a corner and saw the enemy approaching.

?I?m going in,? Draconis stated as he began to rush towards the Tyranitar and Empoleon.

?Wait, they might be too powerful!? Hurdy yelled after Draconis, but his friend did not stop.

Draconis ran forward, unleashing his metal claw attack at full force on the Tyranitar. The Tyranitar made a small grunt of pain, but then pulled back his fist.

?What?? Draconis uttered in disbelief. ?My attack didn?t do anything!?

Draconis tried unleashing a flamethrower, but his attack was cut short since the Tyranitar hit him squarely in the chest with a punch. Draconis was rocketed backwards from the force of the blow, and Hurdy and Annox could only stare, dumbfounded, as their friend slammed into the wall they were standing right next to. Draconis had hit the wall so hard the stone had cracked. He fall down onto his face, but it was obvious that the blow had dealt serious injury to Draconis.

(continued below)


(continued from above)

?This isn?t good,? Annox said in despair. ?There?s no way we can take them if they can do this to Draconis!?

?Draconis needs help, we?d better get him out of here!? Hurdy panicked after seeing his friend injured.

Annox and Hurdy had no time to move Draconis, as the generals and their pokemon were now getting close. Some of Midern?s troops and pokemon had come, and they all tried to fight the enemy. The generals cut down any troops. The swordmaster dodged any blows, making Midern?s soldiers look like clumsy fools as he sliced them to pieces. Rinn?s general knocked the swords of his enemies aside, before finishing them with single blows. The Tyranitar and Empoleon were just as effective. The Tyranitar would take out any challengers with brute force, while the Empoleon would use its razor sharp wings to slice enemies. Soon, Midern?s forces began to fall back under the power of the enemy generals.

By the time the fighting reached them again, Hurdy and Annox had gotten Draconis on top of Annox?s shell. It looked like their friend had most of his ribs broken, so they were very careful in loading him on the shell.

?Annox, they?re here!? Hurdy shouted as the Tyranitar and Empoleon approached. ?You get Draconis to safety, and I?ll hold them off!?

?But you might get hurt, too!? Hurdy argued.

?It?s better than both of us getting hurt! Just go!?

Annox started down the hallway, but paused after he got halfway. The Empoleon approached Hurdy, and battle began. Hurdy led with mud-slap, blinding the Empoleon for a second. Hurdy then forced the Empoleon back a few steps with consecutive mud bombs. The Empoleon raised its head, and shot water into the ceiling. The water formed a mist and removed the mud, making so the Empoleon could fight at full power again. Empoleon rushed forwards, slicing at Hurdy with its wings. He tried dodging, but received nasty cuts each time, despite avoiding most of the attack. The Empoleon continued forward as it used its drill peck. Hurdy raised a hand to try and shield himself, but felt agonizing pain. He looked down at his arm, which hung limp and was bleeding heavily. The combined stress of the pain and injuries overcame Hurdy, who fainted.

Annox had been watching the battle from a safe distance down the hall. He gasped as Hurdy collapsed. Suddenly, Corvon and Lucario rushed down the hall, giving Hurdy hope again. Lucario jumped in and retrieved Hurdy, before jumping back to avoid the Empoleon?s attacks.

?Here, you?d better take him,? Lucario said to Annox, as he placed Hurdy next to Draconis on the back of his shell.

?I feel like such a coward, always running away,? Annox replied.

?I don?t think you are. You always save your friends. Being brave and dead won?t help anyone. These enemies are too strong for you, so just go!?

Annox took off down the hallway, and was soon passed by King Verault and Crim going the other direction. In the hall, Corvon and Lucario had engaged the generals, but since it was two against one in both the human and pokemon battles, they had to focus only on avoiding attacks.

Corvon thought he heard the sound of more soldiers in the hall as King Verault arrived. ?Corvon, fall back! We?ll let my troops handle them.?

Corvon and Lucario did as the king commanded, but watched as the first of the king?s personal guards fell to the enemy generals. The king?s personal guard was good, and so they lasted much longer than normal soldiers, but they still were not on the same level as the two generals.

?I hate to say this,? King Verault said to Corvon. ?But it looks like you and I will have to fight them ourselves.?

The king signaled for his troops to fall back, and he and Corvon stepped in. Crim and Lucario were going to face the Empoleon and Tyranitar.

?I never thought we?d meet in battle, General Stiles of Rinn and General Kalen of Eltanah,? the king stated.

Stiles gripped his axe more tightly. ?It?s nothing personal, but I have my orders.?

?Iridia has deemed your kingdom an enemy, and I?m here to carry out her will,? Kalen added, with a flourish of his sword.

Corvon chose to face the General Stiles of Rinn. As long as he watched the movement of the axe, he would be fine. Corvon faked an attack with his sword, stepping back just in time to not get cut in half. Corvon flicked his sword out, catching the general across the arm. Stiles swung his axe again, this time with only one arm. Corvon avoided the attack but was caught by a punch from the general that sent him to the floor. Corvon had to roll to avoid a few hits from the axe, and then lashed out with his sword as he jumped to his feet. He hit the general on the side of his face, giving him a nasty cut. Stiles retaliated with another swing of his axe, which nicked Corvon?s leg as he stepped backwards.

King Verault was showing his true skill with his halberd. He kept General Kalen at a distance with the tip of his weapon. At times, the general would try to move in, but the king blocked his attacks with the reinforced pole of his weapon before driving back Kalen. The two seemed at a stalemate, only getting the smallest of scratches on each other.

The pokemon were faring much worse. Lucario had chosen to face the Empoleon. He had hit it with an aura sphere at first, but then the enemy moved in too close to give him time to unleash another. Lucario traded blows with the Empoleon, but its razor-sharp wings had already cut him several times. He was wearing down, but the Empoleon seemed to keep going. He hit it with a force palm attack, but it retaliated with a hydro pump that blasted Lucario to the ground. The Empoleon was instantly after him, and cut his left arm deeply. The injury slowed Lucario down, and he was forced to take a defensive stance to keep the opponent from winning.

Crim and the Tyranitar went head to head. Scizor hit Tyranitar several times with its metal claw before the enemy countered with a stone edge attack. Scizor was smashed into the wall by the power of the attack, but quickly regained his composure. Scizor was once again attacking the Tyranitar, but it didn?t seem to be going down anytime soon. It waited again until the perfect opportunity to strike, and then lashed out at the Scizor. Scizor was dazed from the blow and also was forced to defend or risk being defeated.

The fight against the generals continued, and they were slowly losing. Corvon had scored a few more hits on Stiles, who was wearing down. King Verault had finally scored a good hit and Kalen now had an injury on his sword arm that was slowing him down. The two generals backed off, reassessing the situation.

?Man, you two are strong to be able to force us to fall back,? Stiles stated.

?Your mastery of your weapon, King Verault, is impressive,? said Kalen. ?It was the best fight I?ve had in this entire war.?

?It looks like our troops will just have to fight you, while our pokemon fight for us,? Stiles concluded.

Kalen gave a mischievous smile. ?It looks like that battle is going to be the reverse of ours.?

Forde, along with Kita and Chiro, ran down the hall to meet the King and Corvon. ?My pokemon will take it from here. Call back Lucario and Crim.?

?Crim, return to me,? King Verault called out.

?Lucario, that?s enough,? Corvon declared.

It was up to Kita to beat Empoleon. A blue glow surrounded her as she focused on creating a barrier to help block attacks. The Empoleon tried to use this moment to attack, but she hopped backwards and hit it in the face with a psybeam. The Empoleon reeled from the attack, giving Kita another opening to attack. After getting knocked down by the second attack, the Empoleon got up and was greeted by a third attack from Kita. Kita already had the advantage, and wasn?t going to let the Empoleon have a chance to recover. It endured the third attack, and moved to attack Kita. She used another psybeam to try and stop it, but the Empoleon broke through the attack, and managed to slice Kita with one of its wings. The Empoleon swung its second wing at Kita, but found it couldn?t move as Kita unleashed the full power of her psychic attack. The Empoleon was flung backwards into the wall with incredible force, and it collapsed.

Chiro battled with Tyranitar. Using the move Forde had taught him from something he made called a technical machine, Chiro spat up a powerful poison on the Tyranitar. The toxic attack badly poisoned the enemy, which now rushed its small opponent. Tyranitar wanted to end this quick, and tried to stomp on the squirrel. The squirrel disappeared for a moment, and Tyranitar thought it had won, but then had an intense pain on the back of its neck. Chiro had unleashed his super fang, biting through the Tyranitar?s thick skin. The Tyranitar tried to grab Chiro, and finally succeeded. Chiro struggled in its grasp, but then unleashed a discharge attack. The electricity caused Tyranitar?s hand to go limp and Chiro was freed. Chiro protected himself, and avoided the Tyranitar?s next attack as it collapsed from the poison that had been coursing through its system.

The two enemy generals commanded their troops to cover them as they retrieved their downed pokemon and retreated. Midern?s troops slowly drove the enemy back out of the castle, where they fought them for the few remaining hours of the battle. The enemy generals never returned to battle that day, and so Forde accompanied Corvon and Lucario to the part of the castle where the medical staff and supplies were.

Corvon took a roll of bandages. ?Forde, I?ll take care of me and Lucario. Thanks for your help in the battle.?

Corvon took care of Lucario first. He applied the healing paste made of berries and then bandaged the cuts. He took special care with the deep cut, making sure it wouldn?t get infected. Once this was done, he bandaged the gash on his leg, and then handed the supplies to Forde.

?Well, it looks like you finally found someone that could beat you in this war,? Corvon said to Lucario. ?It looks like we might have to go do some more training when we have the time.?

?Those generals had strong pokemon,? Lucario agreed while testing his bandaged arm. ?Good thing Forde was there to back us up. Kita, Chiro, you both fought in excellent form.?

?Not good enough, I still got hit.? Kita winced as Forde cleaned her wound and put bandages on it.

?Forde?s strategy never fails me,? Chiro added, a bit pridefully. ?I didn?t even get hit this time.?

?Well, that Tyranitar almost had you, except your shock paralyzed it,? Kita stated. ?But still, I have to admit you fought perfectly. The look on its face when you used super fang was priceless. I?d also like to thank you, Lucario, for weakening the Empoleon. Even after fighting you, it was pretty tough. Alone, it would have been an unpredictable match.?

?Well, I think I?ll go check on the others,? Forde stated. ?They were the first to go up against the Tyranitar and Empoleon, even though they shouldn?t have.?

Forde led the group over to Annox, who had not left the side of his friends. ?I stayed here, like you said I should, Forde,? greeted Annox. ?Neither of them has shown any signs of waking up. The medics explained their conditions. Draconis has many broken ribs, and Hurdy has a broken arm. I must be lucky to have avoided any major injuries during this war, which allowed me to help my friends. I never really liked fighting much anyways.?

?Thanks for the report, Annox,? said Forde. ?Injuries like this will take months to heal. You should be by their sides and support them. That will help them the most. Now, what about Leon and Elomir??

Leon and Elomir were a bit further down. They both seemed to be unconscious, but Leon opened his eyes as they approached.

?Hello, Forde,? he said faintly. ?Oh, you?ve brought Corvon and Lucario, too. How?s Elomir doing? Is he going to be okay? They said his wing was broken.?

Forde walked over to Elomir, and looked at the work the medics had done. Elomir?s wing was encased in an intricate cast that kept it from moving. It looked like the wing would recover, but it would be a long time.

Forde returned to Leon. ?His wing is broken, but I think it will heal. It?s going to take a few months, but it will heal.?

Leon closed his eyes in relief. ?Thanks you, Forde. I didn?t know if he would be okay. The medics have been so busy, they never had time to tell me about his condition. My head hurts, and everything still is a bit blurred, but I think I?m recovering well. I?ll rest now, while you go finish the battle.?

?Yes, that would be for the best, Leon,? Forde said as he got up and walked away. Forde and Corvon returned to the walls, attacking enemies from the top for a few more hours. Soon, the clouds in the sky had turned orange from the setting sun, and a new trumpet call issued from the enemy camp. The call was for the battle to cease, and so the weary troops on both sides breathed sighs of relief. Soon, a messenger came to the castle gate.

Once the king had come, the messenger divulged his message. ?King Verault, both King Zeidhelm and Queen Iridia have decided to call a cease to the war. They are both traveling here to meet with you in person to decide what to be done next.?

The king smiled and thanked the messenger before sending him on his way. The brief but vicious war that would later be known as the Siege of Midern was over. It had cost many lives, but the king still knew his people had their freedom. The meal that evening was extravagant, in celebration of the war ending. Now that crops and food could be brought into the city again, it meant that the rationing of food for the citizens had ended.

Forde waited in with Annox until Draconis and Hurdy awakened. Hurdy was first, and didn?t seem to be in too bad of shape except for his broken arm.

?So, the battle is over now?? Hurdy asked.

?Yes, it is,? Forde answered. ?Mewtwo, Mew, and Uxie pulled it off. Even with this war over, there is still so much left unanswered. I?ll have to investigate how this all started in the first place. I may even need to visit each legendary again, just to see how much each one knows. It?s been a while since I did that.?

?Well, it sounds like you have your work cut out for you,? Hurdy replied. ?I?d like to meet the legendaries, but I won?t be in shape to do much until this heals. I?m also beginning to miss my home and my family. I often find myself wondering how they are doing when I?m not busy.?

?You?ve all done so much more than you had to. The king may have some reward for you before you leave. As it stands, I don?t think you, Draconis, or Elomir will be leaving for some time.?

?Well, at least I?ll get to see what fall and winter are like,? Hurdy joked. ?Now, it looks like my arm is broken, but anything else??

?No, Hurdy, that?s your main injury,? Annox answered. ?Draconis has it much worse.?

Soon, Draconis had awakened. The slightest movement, even breathing, was painful. He seemed happy to have his friends around him and to be alive. ?I guess rushing into battle was a mistake that time,? he said, barely in a whisper. ?I?ll have to become stronger. The battle is over, right??

?The battle is over,? Annox said. ?Draconis, you?ve broken most of your ribs. You?ll be healing for a few months.?

?What? A few months? Do I have to stay here the whole time??

?No,? Forde replied to calm Draconis. ?After a few weeks of healing, you might be able to move around, but until then, you?d better get used to this bed.?

?It does hurt to do anything, so I think I?ll try to sleep.?

?Goodnight, then,? Annox stated.

Forde and Annox walked down to Leon and Elomir. Leon was resting again after having dinner, but Forde wanted to talk with Elomir, so he dismissed Annox to head up to the room and go talk with Peoria while he waited. After about an hour, Elomir finally awakened for the first time, moaning in pain.

?Elomir, it?s me, Forde? Forde said quietly.

?Forde? What happened to me? I can?t move my wing.?

?This may be a shock, but you were shot down. Your wing is broken, but it should heal. Also, the battle is over now and Leon is fine.?

?A broken wing? That?s no good. How long will it take to heal??

?A few months. You and Leon will probably have to stay here until winter is over. You weren?t the only one with serious injuries. Draconis and Hurdy also have broken bones and will have to stay here and heal.?

?Sometimes I think it was a mistake to join this war, but if me and Leon had stayed home, we would have ended up in a war anyways. At least here we didn?t have to fight those we considered our friends.?

?Yes, that is true. Mewtwo and Mew have convinced Uxie to help us, and that?s how the war ended. Uxie could also be used to restore Leon?s father, so please discuss that with him once he is awake again. For now, you should get your rest so that you can heal.?

?Okay, thanks for telling me all this. Leon will be happy to hear that you can restore his father. I?m also glad, because it means I?ll get to go do what I want. Goodnight, Forde.?

Forde left Elomir and went to his own room. Kita and Chiro both looked exhausted and so they went to their sleeping spots as soon as they arrived in the room. It felt a bit empty without Draconis and Hurdy in the room. Annox had already fallen asleep, and Peoria had cuddled close to him, but was not asleep yet.

?It must have been a tough day,? Peoria spoke softly to Forde. ?He talked for a little, but fell asleep. He told me about Draconis, Hurdy, and Elomir. It?s sad that they got hurt. I know from experience that having an injury that puts you out of the action is no fun. Their injuries are even more serious than mine. I feel sorry for them. I?ve also been missing my old buddies back at the fort. I was happy there, but now that?s gone forever. Oh well, I guess I?ll just try to fall asleep.?

Forde just listened in silence to Peoria, and once she was asleep he headed off to meet with Mewtwo and Mew. The two appeared on time, and had anxious expressions.

?How did the battle go? Is everyone doing alright?? Mew asked right away.

?No deaths, thankfully,? Forde answered. ?Two close calls, though. The first was when Elomir was shot down. His wing is broken now. The second is when the enemy generals broke through the walls. Draconis had several ribs broken, and Hurdy had an arm broken.?

?It could have been worse,? Mewtwo stated. ?Anyways, we?re wondering where you want me, Mew, and Uxie to go next.?

?I think that I?m going to have you go restore the king of Alagarde next. I?ll need to talk to Leon about this, so come see me around mid-morning.?

?That?s fine,? Mew said. ?Uxie is getting a little worn out, anyways. Restoring all these lost memories isn?t easy on Uxie.?

?Even legendaries have their limits,? Mewtwo added. ?Goodbye.?

Mewtwo warped away, and Mew followed after. It was going to be up to them to do most the work now. Forde had to make sure that no influential people remained under this strange amnesia that seemed to change their very natures. Mewtwo and Mew would be needed to see if any such people were in Deltan. King Xanos seemed unaffected, but Forde had to be certain. There was also the unsolved mystery of why Mellano, the Duke of Arville, had taken the toxic plate. Forde knew quite a bit about the man, and couldn?t come up with a reason why he would take it. That would have to be dealt with later.


OH! This... this was... beautiful.  :'( I wanna cry, It's so beautiful.  :'(

I mean... this fan fiction... It's good, no, GREAT. It's not the unintelligible garbage by wiiboychris... and It's not copy pasta... from wiiboychris. It's not by wiiboychris!! It's amazing and wonderful. I only had time to read half of the first chapter, but wow! It was so good. Why must I have school? I want to stay home and read this! Great job, keep up the good work.


...And the battle of Midern is over. It seems unlikely that everyone is still alive, seeing as there have been many injuries. I'm still waiting for someone to die. xD I know that sounds harsh, but even fictional characters have their limits.

Good job with this chapter.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Epic. pm me what posion plate is for please. ;)

Ridley for Brawl!  hi i'm Toad! :)


Sorry for this announcement, but it will make things simpler for me.

First, since this is at the same chapter at the other place I post, it will follow the same posting schedule. This means chapters only every other week.

Sorry if you have to wait longer, but it's better than me completely running out of chapters and not having anything to post for a month. I'll try to get more chapters written, but college keeps me pretty busy.


It's ok. Also, please consider entering this in the FFotM contest. We need more participants!
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Chapter 18: Forde?s Departure

Forde woke Leon early the next morning. Leon was feeling back to his usual self again. The sun was shining through the windows, but the chill in the morning air was creeping into Leon?s heart. Forde must have noticed, since he looked concerned.

?Leon? Are you doing okay? I have something very important to discuss.?

?I don?t know, but something seems to be bothering me. Now what did you want??

?This may be a surprise, but I can restore your father.?

?Really? How soon can you? Elomir might have to stay here, but I can help!?

?Calm down, you both will stay here. I have friends who found out the way to do this.?

?Send them to my father as fast as possible!?

?Okay, that?s the answer I was expecting. There is one other matter. Now that your father will be free, didn?t you promise Elomir something??

Leon felt as if his heart had vanished. He had promised Elomir that he could go to the desert after Leon?s father was back to normal. This meant that his friend and partner would soon be leaving. Leon held back his tears, trying to keep a strong face.

Kita took this chance to fill the silence. She put a paw up on Leon?s arm. ?Don?t worry, Prince Leon. Elomir still loves you as a friend. Leaving will be hard for him as well. Cherish the few months you still have together while we are gone.?

Leon looked at Forde. He was in his traveling cloak again, with all his supplies. Chiro was nestled in the hood, peering anxiously at Forde.

?Let?s go, Forde!? Chiro pestered impatiently.

?You?re leaving?? Leon asked.

?Yes,? Forde quickly answered. ?There is too much to do. I need to visit many places to make sure nothing like this will happen again. Corvon and Lucario are coming with me, but they are busy preparing their own supplies. I?m leaving the others in your care. Take good care of Draconis, Hurdy, Annox, and Peoria. They might need some guidance and protection on their way home.?

Forde began walking away as soon as he concluded his last statement. Leon got up off the hospital bed, and followed a few steps before stopping.

?But I barely know them! And where is their home anyways?? Leon yelled after Forde.

Forde paused in the doorway at the far end of the room. ?Just take them to the Western edge of Farna and they can take care of themselves. You?ll have a few months to get to know them while you spend the winter here. I must be going now, so goodbye!?

Forde was gone the next instant. Leon grew cold, and quickly put on his shirt. He winced as it pressed on a few of his bruises, but once it was on completely, it was comfortable. Leon walked over to Elomir, who was still sleeping. Leon brushed his hand lightly over the dragon?s back, who muttered something in his sleep contentedly. Leon kept doing this for a few minutes, thinking of how much he was going to miss his friend when he would finally have to go. Annox awakened a short time later, and so Leon went to go explain the situation to him.

?Annox? I know I never have really spoken to you much before.?

?I guess that?s another thing the war got in the way of. I still don?t even see why everyone had to fight and kill each other in the first place.?

?Yes, it was a confusing war, wasn?t it? Your friends got to talk to me a little bit, but when we first met you, you were running for the wall. I never really saw you much after that.?

?Well, I know that you?re a good human. You?ve helped me and my friends.?

?It?s good that you trust me, because I?m in an unexpected role now. You see, before you woke up this morning, Forde told me he was leaving and that I was to take care of you and your friends.?

?What? Forde left, after all that we did for him??

?I?m afraid so. He said he couldn?t sit around here for months while the rest of us heal.?

?Maybe I should have just stayed home after all, if Forde isn?t going to keep helping us.?

?Calm down, Annox. It will be fine. Elomir and I can help you all to get home in the Spring.?

?Do you promise??

?Yes, I will do all I can to see that you and your friends make it home safely.?

?That?s great! I?ll go tell Peoria. She?ll probably be fine with this. Draconis might be a bit mad, though. Hurdy usually never gets mad, so telling him will be easy.?

?Okay, perhaps it?s best that your friends hear it from you. I?m counting on you to tell them.?

Annox ran off to tell Peoria. Once he was done telling her, she voiced her opinion. ?I don?t really like that he left so soon. He could of at least said goodbye to all of us.?

?That?s what I thought, too! We fought for him and he just leaves us!?

?Oh well, nothing we can do about it. Since we?re going to be stuck here, why don?t we just lighten up??

Peoria began tickling Annox with the tip of the large green leaf on her head. Annox burst into laughter as she continued playing with him.

?That?s? that?s enough?? Annox panted between bursts of laughter. Peoria soon stopped, and Annox was thankful they had been alone up in Forde?s room. It would have been embarrassing if the guards saw them acting so silly. The two returned down to the room full of the injured, where Leon and the others were, but they both sported large smiles.

Leon glanced at the two as they entered, thinking it strange for them to be in such high spirits. While they had been gone, Leon had got breakfast for them all, and so he gave the two their share. Annox and Peoria chatted playfully, but Leon was deep in his own thoughts, only taking a few spoonfuls from his bowl of oatmeal. It began to lose its heat quickly, and Elomir seemed to be stirring, so Leon finished it off as fast as possible.

Elomir blinked his eyes, and adjusted his back legs. His tail twitched in annoyance since most of his body had to remain motionless for his wing to heal properly. Leon held a bowl of food for him to eat, and Elomir took a few bites before pausing.

?Thanks, Leon. You?ve always been my best friend.?

?I?m always here when you need me. Now finish your breakfast.?

Elomir ate the bowl of fruit and then slurped up all the water from a bucket Leon had filled. Leon just watched his friend, trying to get the courage to say what he had to.

?So did you enjoy your breakfast?? Leon asked.

?Yes. It was good.?

?Is there anything else you want??

Elomir must have noticed something in Leon?s voice, because he gave him an odd look. ?Just say what you mean,? Elomir suggested. ?I can tell there?s something you don?t want to talk about.?

?Okay. Well, um?? Leon fumbled about where to begin. ?Forde left but before he did he told me something important.?

?Forde left? I thought he was the only way we were going to get your father back!?

?Yeah, well, he left, but said he had friends who will restore my father.?

Elomir?s eyes seemed to glimmer with a new, hopeful light. ?That?s great! Once I heal, we?ll get you home, and then I?m going back to Allia!?

?Your feelings haven?t changed at all, have they??

?No! I still love Allia! I even dream about her sometimes.?

?I guess I can?t compete with love. At least we still have some time together.?

?Well, I?ll miss you, too. I just feel that this? this is something I have to do. It just feels like I?m not supposed to be away from my own kind now that I?ve met them.?

?Okay, it?s your choice. We?re supposed to look after the others now, but you?ll have to rest and get better first.?

?Fine. How about we find something I can do without moving?  If you don?t, I?ll be really bored.?

?Okay, I?ll go see if the king has anything we can borrow to amuse ourselves.?

Leon walked out of the room just as Draconis and Hurdy were waking up. Annox and Peoria told them of Forde?s departure.

?What? How could he leave?? Draconis raged weakly before collapsing into a fit of coughing.

?Don?t lose your temper, I?m sure he has his reasons,? Hurdy stated to calm Draconis down. ?Being angry doesn?t look good for your health.?

Draconis finished his coughing, and now looked in pain. ?I guess I went overboard,? he said in a wheezy voice. ?It feels like I?m being stabbed all over my chest each time I cough.  I better stay calm.? Draconis breathed in and out a few times in silence. ?Okay, there. I?m not as angry now, but I still think Forde owes us a bit more after all we did for him. Was he just using us in his larger goals? Maybe we were wrong to trust him.?

?It was our decision the entire time,? Hurdy stated. ?We were free to choose to leave whenever we wanted. If you don?t like Forde, then just don?t follow him again.?

?I guess I?ll do that,? Draconis stated.

?Oh, Forde also said that Leon was to take care of us,? Annox added.

Draconis laughed weakly. ?That must be easy. All me or Hurdy can do is lay here as we heal. Man, this is going to be boring!?

Meanwhile, Leon had made his way to the king?s chamber. The king was busy, so it took quite a while to speak with him. The king already knew of Forde?s departure, and had made some preparations.

?Prince Leon,? King Verault began. ?Since you and your friends will be staying here for several months and have provided valiant service to my kingdom, the best of my hospitality will be open to you all. As we speak, I?m having a few servants prepare your room to hold all the pokemon. Since you seem to be in need of entertainment, I?ll have some games sent. If you need anything else, just ask my servants. I wish all your friends a quick recovery.?

As the king commanded, Leon?s room was prepared, and all the pokemon were moved up to it. Leon looked over the games provided, and picked up the familiar looking chess set. It had been ages since he played, but Leon remembered how the game worked. Elomir had played the game with Leon before, but didn?t really like it. Hurdy found it enjoyable, and actually ended up beating Leon after a few games. Draconis also took a similar attitude to Elomir, and didn?t enjoy the game. Annox and Peoria grew bored, and so they left the room to walk around the castle together.

After a day of chess, everyone but Hurdy was tired of it. Over the next week, Leon tried a few other games, and finally found one that everyone liked. It was a tactical strategy game played on parchment. It had been designed by one of the king?s strategic advisors. It was an intricate game with many aspects and could last for months, which was perfect for the situation they were in.

Soon fall came in full force. The plains of grass began to yellow and the few trees turned crimson or gold. Annox and Peoria didn?t go out much anymore, and instead stayed inside the warm room with the others. After about two months, everyone had healed well enough that they could move around. Draconis and Elomir still had to be careful and not exert themselves, but they enjoyed being able to move around again. Hurdy?s arm had completely healed, too.

Along with their healing came the first snow. Since none of them had ever seen snow before, they all walked outside in the castle courtyard to enjoy it. Hurdy ran out and jumped in a pile of fresh snow.

?Snow!? Hurdy shouted as his head popped up from beneath the white pile. ?It?s so fun to play in.?

Draconis seemed to eye the falling flakes warily. A few hit the large flame on his tail, evaporating into steam. He raked his claws through the snow, but then pulled them back. ?It?s different, but I like warm sand more,? he said.

Annox and Peoria barely ventured outside for a brief moment. Neither of them liked the snow, and they both wanted to go somewhere warm. They both retreated back inside the castle and huddled for warmth.

?Peoria,? Annox said quietly. ?Do you remember what we used to do when we lived in the forests North of here??

?Yes. As soon as fall hit, all the grass pokemon buried themselves partially in the ground and hibernated until Spring. Lucky for us, we have the warm fireplaces of this castle. Without them, both of our leaves would dry out and fall off from being exposed to the cold.?

?It was strange back then, to just go to sleep and then wake up just as the cold Spring rains began. I?d rather spend my Winter inside with you than hibernating.?

?That?s sweet of you to say.?

Elomir had ventured outside, wearing a large brace that kept his wing and shoulder motionless. He grabbed some snow with his arm that wasn?t impeded by the brace, but the cold soon began making him slow and groggy.

Leon walked out through the snow for a minute, but then noticed that only Hurdy seemed to be enjoying himself.

?We?d better head in,? he suggested.

(continued on next page)