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Video Game Genres - Your Skill Level When It Comes To Them

Started by Doodle, June 27, 2009, 04:22:16 PM

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Dog Food

FPS: Yeah, no. Maybe it's because I'm not used to 360 controllers, but whenever I play those kinds of games at my friend's house or with my cousins, I always suck. I'm getting better at TF2, but still get killed more often than I kill (but I usually get at least one kill in... Except this one time where I was getting raped because I kept on respawning when I died in one of the spots, but people from the other team were standing there waiting for me and every time I came back someone shot me before I even had a chance to do poop ;-;).
Rhythm: Mediocre. I get bored quickly with games like GH and RB. Too much repetition.
Platformers: I'm alright. Usually I try and go very fast and end up dying quickly. But when I take my time and go through a game that I like, I'm good. It all depends on whether I get bored and abandon it before I'm done...
Racing: I don't really play racing games. I'm more for Free-for-All rather than sticking to a set track and going down it. I'd say a little less than average?
Fighting: Button smashing games I'm not that great. But fighting games like Brawl I'd say I'm pretty good at. I'm the best out of everyone I know in real life, at least.
Puzzle: I'm good at puzzles, and it's also one of my favorites. I have Tetris on my phone and I play it whenever I get bored :)
RPGs: I'm good at these, and also like them a lot. Games where you get to choose what you do and suffer your own fate have always interested me.
Strategy: I'm good at strategy games. RPGs and Strategy games I play a lot online, so I get the practice.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


You can only suck at Animal Crossing if you don't play it.


FPS: 3/10
Rhythm: 10/10
Platformer: 7/10
Everything else: idklol


Racing: "Why'd you overlap me? ;-; "
DDR: "lol what you nerd"
RPG's: "Wait you can do that in here?"

I don't play much else, I'm quite bored of most games now, except for a few.


Rhythm: Pretty bad.  Hand cramps on Guitar Hero and lack of coordination in DDR.
FPS: Pretty good.  I'm not pro, though.
RTS: Not good at all.  I can't micromanage for crap.
Platforming: Really good, imo.  Been playing these since childhood.
Racing: I'm pretty good, this being one of my favorites.
Fighting: I button mash, but I still have fun.
Puzzle: I'm usually pretty good depending on the game.


Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!


from best to worst:

Rhythm (I play on Heavy on DDR and play difficult kb files on Stepmania)
Racing (always was good at these for some reason)
RPG's/adventure games
FPS (I suck at FPS :()
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)



I'm good at FPSs, racing, puzzle, action/adventure, some platformers, and arcade games.

Turn based RPGs are another story. I suck at them, only when it's real time do I do good at them.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Platformers: SUCK
Fighting: SUCK
Racing: SUCK
Puzzle: Alright
Action/Adventure: Alright but mostly SUCK
Arcade: SUCK
FPS: More SUCK than good
RPG: I'm good.(How can you not be unless you can't do basic Math?)
Strategy(FE, Advance Wars things) Loltastic
RTS: I'm fine

I suck more than I do good unfortunately. I know the reason is because I have horrible finger reflexes.
"Oh look guy" *2 seconds later* 'Bang Bang'

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Customrobo13 on June 28, 2009, 01:05:19 PM
10/10 wut
u crazy
no i'm just good
i beat GHIII on Expert in a day, including Raining Blood.




I'm a pro at Tetris, probably because I played it all the time when I got bored in class. Most other games I feel like I'm a pro at eventually, then I play someone with no life, and then I'm like "Damn, I suck".
Dude .

The Seventh

Platformers: AWESOME!
FPS: pretty good.
Tetris-esque games: pretty good too
Anything else except for guitar hero-esque games: good
Guitar Hero-esque games: decent.  Can't go above medium with the guitars, or I risk totally phailing.
Quote from: JrDude ♪ on June 28, 2009, 04:31:51 PM
I'm a pro at Tetris, probably because I played it all the time when I got bored in class. Most other games I feel like I'm a pro at eventually, then I play someone with no life, and then I'm like "Damn, I suck".
Same kinda happens with me.


Quote from: Silverhawk79 on June 28, 2009, 03:32:54 PM
no i'm just good
i beat GHIII on Expert in a day, including Raining Blood.

i did that on release day to prove to the world I was badass

silver i'll battle you, and if I beat you on a song by 200,000 will you change my rank to something not green becuase i'm really intercourse ing sick of this green rank i've had it for song long and now otaku brigade is gone and I can't handle it anymore man :(

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!