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Happy July...Summer Events

Started by Macawmoses, July 01, 2009, 12:38:44 AM

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July 1st is upon us, and to me, the beginning of Summer. Happy Canada Day to my fellow canucks, and an early Happy Independence Day to the vast majority of the Americans here. That said, let's move on to some of the stuff we have planned for this summer!

Mysteries of the Campfire

For those of you that even vaguely remember the failure of Camp NSFCD, you'd remember one highlight being my writing of MotC. I never posted all of it up, but I've already began its sequel. Will you be able to solve the mystery? I think not.

BiWeekly Sleepovers

Sleepovers will be occurring every two weeks, or so, here on NSF. Each one will have:

-Mii Making

Of course, other elements will exist...such as some game tourneys, etc.


Speaking of game tourneys, every night is game night at NSFCD this summer. The schedule will look something like this, but will randomly change from time to time.

Monday: Mario Kart Mondays Alternating with SSB
Tuesday: TF2 Tuesdays hosted by Javert and Co.
Wednesday: Pokémon Battle League hosted by Macbeth
Thursday: The Conduit hosted by Macbeth
Friday: Rhythm Gaming hosted by Super and Co.
Saturday: TF2 Bro Nights hosted by Tortylla (?)
Sunday: Starcraft Sundays hosted by Javert

These are all subject to change, and likely will. Sometimes we'll double up nights, etc. Each board affected (The Conduit, Pokémon, TF2, Starcraft, Mario, Smash Bros, Rhythm) will have a thread posted on it with details for the week. Check em out!

Furthermore, it should be noted that these, and other, games will be the focus of tournaments across the forum. They will be announced randomly, but I'll try and add them in here.

Returning Features:

Some of our other features may or may not make a comeback. It's hard to say. The front page is for sure making a comeback, though, in some shape or another. The arcade might just return. Who knows what else? A lot is speculative right now, but you can bet that if others do return, we'll have things planned for them!


...are coming. I've devised a number I will be running, and perhaps others will be too. Contests will be on a grand scale, meaning that whomever earns the most points by the end of the summer will win. Expect howling at moons, Jimmy Wales, and Sleepovers all counting for something, though.

The sort-of-randomly-annual NSFCD Awards

Remember those things that myself, Super, and Silver always win? Along with Kaz, Vaatix, and Genius? Yes, well, the NSFCD awards will be returning once again to an NSFCD near you. Hopefully ours  :robotveryhappy:  We'll get to see who really has the largest penis, and e-penis. Not to mention see who is best staff, best user, best...emoticon are. Terrible shame you won't win.


Isn't that the language of Goblins? I don't know, and frankly don't care. The word sounds fun. And that's why I picked it. Hopefully you have a blast this summer, as it won't be for a lack of trying on our end! If you have any ideas on how to spice summer up, feel free to share. I won't kill you just yet. Happy camping...but don't forget your computer.


To bad I won't be here for most of it.  :(

Hope you all have fun.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


I'm going to miss that first sleepover :(  Damn party.


Kids, don't forget about the sleepover.



"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)


When you're not lookin'...