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The Man who Lived in a House of Mud - a 4-word-game story told in Omegle

Started by Zovistograt, July 04, 2009, 05:04:19 PM

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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: 4 word game go
You: Once there was a
Stranger: man who lived in
You: a house made of
Stranger: mud and hated the
You: mess he always had
Stranger: to sweep away before
You: guests came over. When
Stranger: at last he saw
You: his guests arriving, he
Stranger: took out the knife
You: and started to stab
Stranger: the chicken fillet he
You: was cooking in frustration.
Stranger: darn the stove he
You: exclaimed, and then he
Stranger: opened the porch door
You: and threw the stove
Stranger: into the Robinsons backyard
You: who were away for
Stranger: the 4th July fireworks
You: in America! The guests
Stranger: were stunned as they
You: saw the ruins of
Stranger: a good meal on
You: the floor next to
Stranger: the body of Mrs
You: Robinson, who was bleeding
Stranger: all over the floor!
You: One guest asked him
Stranger: '' Any side salad Bob?''
You: And Bob replied "Yes,
Stranger: ''Cool - no onion though''
You: The guest seemed satisfied.
Stranger: if not a little
You: cautious to avoid the
Stranger: pool of red stuff
You: that is slowly staining
Stranger: his shiny wood floor
You: The guests moved in
Stranger: and threw him out
You: and then partied until
Stranger: it was 1999 - 2009!
You: At that point, Bob
Stranger: wanted to explain that
You: he can time travel
Stranger: He was a timelord!
You: He then went to
Stranger: visit Azukre Prime to
You: capture the mud demons
Stranger: but found only water
You: so he drank it
Stranger: and got really drunk
You: and went back to
Stranger: where he could rest
You: and did so. After
Stranger: a short sleep he
You: had a terrible hangover
Stranger: so had more alcohol
You: and repeated this cycle
Stranger: until it left him
You: in the form of
Stranger: a big glass of
You: green vegetable juice. He
Stranger: realised life was too
You: short for green juice
Stranger: so he drank red
You: bull and grew wings.
Stranger: That's just 'bull' he
Stranger: He laughed so hard
You: that his wings exploded.
Stranger: Should have drunk tea!
You: He said to himself
Stranger: and poured a cup
You: in a dainty teacup
Stranger: dainty but very manly
You: because it had a
Stranger: queer steer to it
You: and that's how he
Stranger: discoverd that he was
You: actually not a man.
Stranger: No - all man but
You: with the power of
Stranger: greyskull he could turn
You: tea into the blood
Stranger: he loved Dracula and
You: went for long walks
Stranger: to find the fiend
You: and lured him with
Stranger: his guitar and violin
You: at the same time
Stranger: as the world began
You: and life blossomed anew
Stranger: Aww. But back to
You: the matter at hand
Stranger: and indeed it was
You: time for the party
Stranger: so Bob dressed to
You: impress. He knocked on
Stranger: the green door to
You: his own house to
Stranger: see if he could
You: get it back sometime
Stranger: he'd lost his door
You: his windows, his house.
Stranger: and the very place
You: where he was born.
Stranger: To lose was not
You: an option for Bob.
Stranger: as he couldn't spell!
You: So he used his
Stranger: power of flirting to
You: get the attention of
Stranger: some sexy guy that
You: seemed to be in
Stranger: the need of rescue
You: so Bob used his
Stranger: power of the force
You: to remove the scorpions
Stranger: and the blood suckers
You: and the giant worms
Stranger: No! Not the worms.
You: Bob decided to leave
Stranger: and said a goodbye
You: as he rode into
Stranger: the sunset but
Stranger: he
You: looked back one more
Stranger: time to a stranger
You: and that stranger said
Stranger: this has been fun
You: and signed off Omegle.
Stranger: goodnight and farewell friend
You: I wish you well.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
"I lovat a gabber.  I could listen to maure and moravar again.  Regn onder river.  Flies do your float.  Thick is the life for mere." - James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, page 213)