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Started by jnfs2014, July 11, 2009, 07:54:00 PM

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Have any of you seen this film. My sister rented it today, and I was eager to watch it because it had Nicholas Cage in it. However, this movie was a few cuss words short of a rated "R" movie. An ok movie, but scary for PG-13. Your thoughts?

Dog Food

It seemed interesting, but other movies ended up coming out that I went to see instead. The premise was intriguing with him searching for the next date of a big disaster and trying to stop it. But I have a feeling the ending will be disappointing, yet I still want to see how it plays out. Which is why I'll probably watch it online.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


 My brother just rented that and watched it a little while ago. I know something about the ending, but it wasn't at all what I expected from it.
Also on the ratings I too recently watched a movie (Defiance) that I thought didn't fit the R rating. Rated R for Violence and Language. It had some cursing, but not nearly as much as some PG-13 movies. As for violence it had maybe 1 or two scenes that might be distasteful to some.