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Why can't the other evildoers be as awesome as Team Rocket

Started by bluaki, July 16, 2009, 09:43:05 PM

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No, I don't mean the fools Jessie, James, and Meowth in the anime.

  • They created their own legendary Pokemon (I believe this may be anime-only, but meh)
  • They also created an artificial shiny Pokemon, the Red Gyarados
  • They take over what is, if I remember correctly, the tallest skyscraper in the Pokemon world: Silph Co.
  • That Silph Co. building alone probably contains more Grunts than all of Sinnoh does in D/P.
  • In taking over that building they also control most of the city it is housed in (Saffron) by blocking numerous buildings from civilian access.
  • They own an official gym
  • They actually kill a Pokemon, a Marowak. Not just fainting.
  • They monopolize gambling game corners in Kanto (and Johto too I think)
  • They remain untouched by police forces and have no notable barriers preventing their goals until Red, who I believe is the strongest NPC in all Pokemon games, defeats them.
  • They are the only evil force in TWO regions. Three, even, if you include the Sevii Islands. Galactic has only one region and Magma/Aqua don't even have a single region to themselves.

    I haven't played G/S in forever so I don't remember much of what in particular they did in that game.


For some reason, as a kid, I always wanted Jessie, James, and Meowth to actually be in one of the games, there was someone that looked similar to Jessie, but not sure if it actually was.

And of course they're the most evil, their purpose is money I believe, while the rest just have some goal for a better world. One wants the world to have more land, one wants the mostly-covered-in-water'd earth to have MORE water, and one wants to leave the world and start a new one.
Dude .



Quote from: JrDude ♪ on July 16, 2009, 09:57:30 PM
For some reason, as a kid, I always wanted Jessie, James, and Meowth to actually be in one of the games
They were really in Yellow. Of course not to the same frequency as in the anime where they try to interrupt any plans to even catch a wild Pokemon. I think the NPC sprite showed both Jessie and James but the battle was of course a single battle and with the Pokemon they are shown to have in the anime, including a meowth.


Yeah...these new baddies are just...weak. I really hope our remakes here spike Team Rocket back to popularity, as I'd love to see them back in black.


It's because their ambitions aren't so stupid.  Team Aqua and Magma were really trying to make the world better for pok?on, but their idea of what was better was too twisted to be good, but too stupid to be considered a good plan.  Cyrus is some miserable punk who wants to erase all emotions from the world, but the forces were against him from the beginning.  Since Giratina intervenes when the Lake Trio can't balance the powers of both Diagla and Palkia, Cyrus really was screwed from the beginning. 

Team Rocket, on the other hand, has a very simple goal: money.  Their ultimate goal is to take over the world, but they are down to earth.  They can actually get things done before the 10-year old hero shows up and screws with them.


I agree that Team Rocket is awesome. It must be because of their simplicity. They want money and world domination, and are mostly efficient in their methods. As for killing Pok?mon, I'm pretty sure they've killed more than just one, but that's in the Pok?mon Adventures manga, in which even normal Trainers can kill the opponent's Pok?mon (yes, shocking but true :O). It's discouraged and unwanted, but not against the rules.

Anyway, I actually like Team Galactic. I find them to be surprisingly dark and mysterious. Cyrus is a great leader too. I saw a random episode in which his true identity wasn't known to Ash and his friends, or even Cynthia for that matter. I thought it was awesome because they never find out until he purposely drops his charade. Team Aqua and Team Magma just look cool though. All their little devices and outfits are cool, but neither were powerful or that convincing.
I dunno hao 2 put imgs heer :(

****************Mack was here******************


Team Rocket takes over the Radio Station thing in GSC if I'm recalling correctly.  They also had those weird radio signals at the Lake of Rage, didn't they?


Team Rocket was a Mafia. Mafias are awesome.

Team Magma/Team Aqua were Eco-terrorists, which are lulzy, but lame.

Team Galactic started as a team that was like a drug inspired conquest, but in Platinum it's revealed that someone just stole Cyrus's crayons in kindergarden.

So in general

Mafia>Eco-terrorist>Butthurt Miley Cyrus.

Broken down scientifically



Quote from: Diloon on August 25, 2009, 12:36:25 PM
Straight up cult next gen I hope.
Team Galactic is kind of like a cult, except it's all filled with morons. Maybe if they all followed an actual god-like leader who owns your ass the first time around, it would be cool.

You know... like a real RPG.


Dude .