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Started by Syncopathic, July 19, 2009, 04:05:05 PM

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Everyone has one or two. You can deny it all you want, but you'll still have some sort of imperfection. So tell us, what is your flaw?

Mine are:

1. Shyness: If I'm put in a situation where I have to be with people I do not know, I'll stay quiet.
A good example of a situation like this is groups. I'll stay quiet in groups most of the time. There have been times I stayed quiet the entire time I was in a group. Only time I stop being quiet is when someone brings up something that I can relate to. After that, I'll start talking a little more. Eventually, I'll be able to talk to the people without any trouble. Of course, this takes a good while.
2. Eye contact: This used to be a major flaw of mine, but recently, I've gotten a little better at it. But it's still somewhat of a problem. If I keep eye contact with someone for too long, I feel like I'm staring, and thus look at a different direction. I remember a time when I would avoid it completely. Now, I can keep eye contact for a good amount of time before I get that feeling.
3. Voice: I tend to have low volume when I speak. I've had people make fun of me because of that. Even when I would speak up, they'd still be "What? I can't hear you Alex. Speak up!". I also tend to get tongue tied easily. I'll be talking and out of nowhere, I get words mixed up. It's nothing major really.


No wonder you have the shut in character from Zetsubou Sensei in your avatar XD

shy, lazy, untrusting, often spiteful, etc.
Basically anything that deals with social stuff. I just hate people to such a large extent.


I guess my flaw would be giving presentations in front of people.
I used to not be able to do it, but now I can. I don't give very good presentations, though.


Quote from: Nayrman on July 19, 2009, 04:06:56 PM
No wonder you have the shut in character from Zetsubou Sensei in your avatar XD

shy, lazy, untrusting, often spiteful, etc.
Basically anything that deals with social stuff. I just hate people to such a large extent.
Ah yes. I am extremely lazy myself. I also happen to be somewhat untrusting. I guess stupid people are to blame for the latter.
As for the former, I've always been like that. It's intercourse ed me over many times.


Pretty much every one you have Sync. I'm also a bit lazy and unenthusiastic at times.


...Hmm, apparently Sync and Ryan share common traits with myself...>,>...

...Also, I don't read enough books...D=...

Quote from: Gaitorbait208...I was about to have to Veritas Est Fortis your mom...


Quote from: Sync on July 19, 2009, 04:10:51 PM
Ah yes. I am extremely lazy myself. I also happen to be somewhat untrusting. I guess stupid people are to blame for the latter.
As for the former, I've always been like that. It's f***ed me over many times.
bad childhood involving my peers got me to the point where I'm pretty much untrusting of everyone under nearly all circumstances.

The Seventh

I can be a little quiet, but that's kinda changed lately.

Even if something doesn't scare me, I sometimes jump for no reason (as with that, it's gotten a whole lot better over time, as it's a rarity anymore, possibly due to the fact I don't take Focalin anymore :| )

I daydream easily (strattera helps with that A LOT, though).

I like fast stuff, or doing lots of things quickly, as in doing it as fast as I can without half-assing it.  It can lead to some missed things, however...

So, most of my flaws are due to my ADHD (or whatever's left of it).


I don't like social things. Or being in public.

Quote from: Viewtifulboy on March 11, 2013, 07:28:20 AM
Good job! I, Viewtifulboy, declare you the CHAMPION!

I'm the official winner of the Viewtiful Victory roleplay championship!

Dog Food

I daydream. Constantly. As soon as class starts, the teacher will say something and then I'll connect it with something else, which connects it wit something else, which connects it with something else... And there you go, I'm into a full-fledged story within my thoughts while the teacher is onto a new subject.

I'm stubborn. I've always viewed this as a trait I like, although it never brings me anything good.

Short temper. This, mixed in with how stubborn I am, gets me in trouble a lot with my mom.

Competitiveness. I like to win. I'm fine with winning as long as no one starts bragging about it. That's why I hate bragging and throwing stuff in people's faces, and never do it when I win. I just like to win, but I'm thankfully not a dick about it. It just tears me up on the inside while I put on a smile for the other person, which is easy if they're nice about it. Otherwise I may not be able to hold back my temper.

There's a million other things wrong with me. But most of them (like my independence, stubbornness, and sarcasm) I like about myself, whether they are generally considered good or bad.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.

Captain Justice

I'm extremely lazy

I zone out in class/straight up fall asleep in class way too often

I want to be better then everyone else (lol).

thats about it, I guess I'm a little stubborn also.
Quote from: Talim on September 04, 2009, 05:26:53 PM
Yesterday, sort of. I was on the verge of crying. Why? I got into an argument with a couple other people from #nsider and it got me really upset. I didn't really cry much though
Quote from: Tsumaru on September 20, 2009, 11:29:22 AM
Can we ban Hoss, please?


I argue alot. I'm right everyone else is wrong sort of stubborness. Even if i know i'm wrong i still argue.

I talk with my hands sometimes and it annoys me.

I'm an achievement whore

Gwen Khan

Quote from: Sync on July 19, 2009, 04:05:05 PM
3. Voice: I tend to have low volume when I speak. I've had people make fun of me because of that. Even when I would speak up, they'd still be "What? I can't hear you Alex. Speak up!".

I have the same problem, also I tend to be lazy and apathetic


I'm extremely lazy. I usually do my homework in school the day it's due, or not at all. Rowing is the only thing I actually put effort into.
I either trust people too easy, or not enough. Not really sure which.
I don't like starting things, but once I start something I finish it.
I physically can't be mean to women unless they're total ninnyes. Even ugly ones i have to be nice to. :(


I'm shy, but I don't really consider that itself so much of a flaw.

1. Speaking. I'll agree with Sync in that I get tongue-tied pretty often. I'm not very good at giving presentations and such because I can get quiet.
2. Perfectionism/OCD. If I can, I try to follow things through to perfection. If I can't, I give up easily at the beginning or hold off doing it. It turns into laziness a lot for not wanting to do things that I can't do so well.
3. I'm really passive about everything. I don't start conversations myself very well, I'm not very assertive to others at all, I never argue, I don't go out and find friends myself but rather let them find me or have my current friends introduce me to others, etc.