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The Lion, the Witch, and the Wand

Started by Dog Food, July 26, 2009, 07:10:21 AM

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Dog Food

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wand

It is the day you have finally been waiting for, ever since you got your acceptance letter. It is September 1st, and you are off to school. But, this is no regular school. You have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Your summer was spent in Diagon Alley, where you found your school list and bought all the required equipment. From then it was a nervous wait until now you were finally ushered to King's Cross, where you entered Platform Nine and Three-Quarters.

Now, it is your destiny to board the Hogwarts Express to take you to a mystical place of wonder and magic. For you are special, and now is the time to hone the power marked down for you since birth.

Important Things To Know [also remember to follow the general RP and Forum rules]

1. You may have up to five characters at one time.

2. I must accept your character before you may begin.

3. This takes place 20-30 years after Voldemort was vanquished (or a few years after the Deathly Hallows epilogue).

4. This RP is set very closely to the book format, so a previous knowledge of the series would be beneficial.

5. You can not join half-way through a year. I'll give some time for people to join and make their character(s), then I won't allow any more participants and begin the RP. After the year is over, I'll re-open the RP for new characters to join, and so forth.

6. There will be some new teachers, or I may get lazy and just use some of the teachers from the book (now probably decrepit and old, so don't complain). Also, if you read Deathly Hallows, you'll remember some new characters introduced towards the ending. You may hear from them once in a while, too.

7. Every new character starts at the age of 11.

8. Beware of book spoilers.

Character Sheet
Screen Name: [Your full screen name on this site]
Name: [First and Last, and middle if you want]
Gender: [male or female]
Appearance: [Sprite, link to a picture, or typed description is fine]
Wand: [Length, magical residue within it, wood type, and best class for it]
Ancestry: [Muggle, pureblood, half blood]
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.

Dog Food

We are currently in Year One of Hogwarts. September 1st, at the Great Hall preparing for Dinner.

Currently not accepting new applicants. Kindly wait until the next year to join.

NOTE: In this RP, everyone will have the same schedule (possibly until third year, if everyone chooses different electives).


Screen Name: KJ
Name: Jasmin Cecerian
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Appearance: A girl of medium height with long, silky, dark brown hair and emerald eyes. She has what seems to be naturally tan skin, although it could just be from being outside every day of the week. She has always been more of a tomboy, and is thin with some muscle from playing sports with the neighborhood kids almost everyday. She had always been perplexed about how her skin seemed to stay perfect while others got acne, scratches, and bruised easily, until she learned she was a witch.
Wand: 10 inches, Phoenix feather, Mahogany, great for Transfiguration
Ancestry: Unknown. Jasmin never met her parents and has been living in foster care since birth.

Screen Name: KJ
Name: Cherri Lambergini
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Appearance: A small girl with curly blond hair and astonishing dark blue eyes. She has very white skin, her blond hair almost matching the color, and freckles all over her small nose. She usually wears a quizzical look, and can often be found blankly staring ahead, daydreaming.
Wand: 9 inches, phoenix tail, mahogony, best for Charms
Ancestry: Pureblood

Screen Name: MagnumSonic
Name: Destiny Dublem
Gender: Female
Age: 11
Appearance: Pale skin like her brother, but just a little shorter. She has snowy white hair that goes to her back and is combed nicely for the most part. She is only half sister with her brother. Destiny's mother died during child birth and she has been under her Pure Blood father her entire life. Her eyes are as blue as the bottom of the ocean, like her mothers.
Wand: 9.5", Phoenix ashes, Oak, Defense against the Dark Arts
Ancestry: Half Blood

Screen Name: MagnumSonic
Name: Keegan McHill
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Appearance: Tall boy for his age, standing at 5' 11". He has brunette hair that covers his green eyes and ears. It goes to the top of his shoulders. He is very stick like for his size, weighing about 130 lbs. Until he found out from his father of his wizard blood, he was a quiet, nerdy kid who got picked on.
Wand: 10", Fairy Blood, Heartwood, Transfiguration
Ancestry: Half blood. Mom = Muggle Dad = Wizard

Screen Name: Triforce_Luigi
Name: Patrick Quinn
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Wand: 10 inches, dragon heart string, best for Transfiguration
Ancestry: Half-blood (Muggle father.)

Screen Name:Kierou
Name:Robert Thorpe
Age: 11
Appearance: Tall, with a moderate build and lightly tanned skin. He has unruly green ((Magickally coloured)) hair and deep green eyes. He wears a simple white cotton t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers, and his school robes have the Kanji Sui, embroidered in blue, across the back.
Wand:13 inches, Acromantula fang, Best for Defense Against The Dark Arts.
Ancestrey: Pure blood.

Screen Name: KJ
Name: Harris McKenna
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Appearance: A short, skinny boy. He has short, mousy brown hair with long bangs that stop right above his light brown eyes. He has thick eyebrows hidden behind his bangs and a small small nose, along with small ears. His face is covered with freckles all along his cheeks and nose, along with some acne that looks like it'll worsen with age.
Wand: 12 inches, unicorn hair, Rosewood, great for Charms
Ancestry: Muggle

Screen Name: KJ
Name: Zachary Baker
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Appearance: Untidy jet black hair that sticks up in the front. He has deep blue eyes and a very handsome face. He is tall with a strong build, and always has a mysterious gleam in his eyes.
Wand: 11 inches, elm, dragon heart string, best for Defense Against the Dark Arts
Ancestry: Half-Blood

Screen Name: MagnumSonic
Name: Dragan Dublem
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Appearance: Normal sized pale boy with a sinister smile planted onto his face. Originally suppose to go to Durmstrang with his half-sister. He has greasy, black hair that is frizzled and uncontrolled. His eye are a bloodstained red with his pupils being a dull grayish color. Though from different mothers, both him and his sister were born at the exact same time.
Wand: 8", Gorgon tear drop, Elm, Dark Arts
Ancestry: Pure Blood
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.

Dog Food

I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Screen Name: MagnumSonic
Name: Keegan McHill
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall boy for his age, standing at 5' 11". He has brunette hair that covers his green eyes and ears. It goes to the top of his shoulders. He is very stick like for his size, weighing about 130 lbs. Until he found out from his father of his wizard blood, he was a quiet, nerdy kid who got picked on.
Wand: 10", Fairy Blood, Heartwood, Transfiguration
Ancestry: Half blood. Mom = Muggle Dad = Wizard

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

Dog Food

Quote from: MagnumSonic on July 26, 2009, 12:47:12 PM
Screen Name: MagnumSonic
Name: Keegan McHill
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall boy for his age, standing at 5' 11". He has brunette hair that covers his green eyes and ears. It goes to the top of his shoulders. He is very stick like for his size, weighing about 130 lbs. Until he found out from his father of his wizard blood, he was a quiet, nerdy kid who got picked on.
Wand: 10", Fairy Blood, Heartwood, Transfiguration
Ancestry: Half blood. Mom = Muggle Dad = Wizard
Accepted. During the Sorting you'll find out what your House is.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Screen Name: Triforce_Luigi
Name: Patrick Quinn
Gender: Male
Wand: 10 inches, dragon heart string, best for Transfiguration
Ancestry: Half-blood (Muggle father.)


Screen Name:Kierou
Name:Robert Thorpe
Appearance: Tall, with a moderate build and lightly tanned skin. He has unruly green ((Magickally coloured)) hair and deep green eyes. He wears a simple white cotton t-shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers, and his school robes have the Kanji Sui, embroidered in blue, across the back.
Wand:13 inches, Acromantula fang, Best for Defense Against The Dark Arts.
Ancestrey: Pure blood.

Dog Food

Triforce_Luigi and Kierou, you are both accepted. You'll find out which House you were sorted into during the Sorting ceremony, as well.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.

Dog Food

((Okay, you can start RPing now. We'll begin on the Hogwarts Express and let people socialize during the train trip. I'll still accept new characters until the arrival at Hogwarts.))

Jasmin looked up at the large, red train. She carried her luggage over, and with some effort, managed to pull it through the train doors along with her. She found an empty compartment in the middle of the train, stowed away her luggage, and sat down in one of the seats by the window. It took her a moment, but she finally began smiling and could barely contain her excitement. She was leaving her foster life behind for a degree in magic. Things couldn't possibly get better than this. As Jasmin sat there, she began daydreaming of the past few days since the letter came to her.

Her first day in Diagon Alley had been the strangest, and possibly best, experience in her life. There had been so many exciting things to see and learn. What fascinated her the most were the racing brooms. A few other kids had been standing in front of one store, noses pressed against the glass, and she had curiously followed their gazes.

"It's the Lightningbolt," one boy said in awe. "The new Firebolt model."

"Took them long enough," the boy next to him was saying. "I was beginning to wonder if they'd never find a flaw with their last broom..."

"So this one is better, is it?" a girl, standing there looking only half-interested, asked.

"Better? Why, it's the best racing broom in the country! Every Quidditch team is trading in their Firebolts for one!"

Jasmin, not understanding much of what the kids were saying, but getting the gist of it, looked up at the Lightningbolt now with keen interest. It seemed to have a yellow hue to it, and at the handle of the broom it went from straight into jagged edges, like a lightningbolt. Jasmin also noted how perfectly the fingers would be able to slip into the holes the zigzags made, which was bound to make the broom better in some way or another.

"Lightningbolt," she whispered, taking one more glance at it before walking away. It was then that she became extremely interested in brooms. After that she had went to Flourish & Blotts, the book shop, and read many different books on brooms. She learned all about Quidditch there too, and the sport become extremely enticing to her. Sports had always came naturally to her, and now she suspected it might have been because magic had unknowingly helped her when she most needed it. And now, this new magical opportunity seemed to reach her grasps, and she couldn't wait to try it.

Jasmin was startled out of her wishes and secret desires by the loud blast of the train. It seemed they would be moving in five minutes. They'd be going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She fidgeted nervously in her seat. What could possibly await for her there, she wondered, as she waited for the train to take her into the unknown.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Peeking around the corner, into Jasmin's compartment, Robert said, "Mind if I join you? Everywhere else is a bit too noisy..."


The trains whistle blew out a blast for a warning of the trains departure. Keegan had already said his told his parents his good-byes. He walked through the train with his bag on his back. It was a small backpack that he couldn't even put on fully. He had one strap on and the other hanging. He moved through the crowded train as people moved to the sides and gave him stares. Either from his height or from wonder of who he was. He kept his eyes down to make sure that he didn't step on anyone.
"Mind if I join you? Everywhere else is a bit too noisy..."
"My names Arnold. What's yours?"
"I got mine from the new shop. It has Pixie dust. Great for charms!"
Every one his age was talking to everyone, except him. He moved through the train and found an apartment with just a girl, and one his age from the look of it. He opened the door and took a breathe of air. "May I take a seat please?" Keegan asked her.
She picked up her stuff and hurried through the door, 'freak' lingering on her breathe. He slowly entered through the door and closed it behind him. He did look young for his size, and everyone was figuring out what he was.
He sat down and pulled out a small broomstick from his backpack. Reducio had been cast on it by his father, a broomstick enthusiast. On it's side read Firebolt. He looked at it through parted hair and missed his father.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

Dog Food

Quote from: Kierou on July 27, 2009, 04:24:37 PM
Peeking around the corner, into Jasmin's compartment, Robert said, "Mind if I join you? Everywhere else is a bit too noisy..."
Jasmin nodded, moving her things to allow more room. "I'm Jasmin," she said, holding out a hand to shake the boy's, and waiting for him to introduce himself.
Harris pushed his way through the packed halls of the train. He was nervous, wondering how much everyone else must have known compared to him, and whether any other muggle-borns were on the train. He eventually found a compartment with only one other boy in it. A girl had just left, muttering something along the lines of 'freak' under her breath as she went.

"Er, hello," Harris greeted Keegan nervously. "Mind if I sit here?"
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"Robert Thorpe. It's a pleasure." He said, shaking her hand and taking a seat. He took out and examined his wand. It was a little longer and thicker than most, but it had chosen him, and Ollivander had said it was great for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"So. What house are you all hoping to be sorted into? I personally hope for Ravenclaw. My older brother, as well as my parents, were all in it, so I'm hoping for it as well."

Dog Food

Quote from: Kierou on July 27, 2009, 08:01:19 PM
"Robert Thorpe. It's a pleasure." He said, shaking her hand and taking a seat. He took out and examined his wand. It was a little longer and thicker than most, but it had chosen him, and Ollivander had said it was great for Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"So. What house are you all hoping to be sorted into? I personally hope for Ravenclaw. My older brother, as well as my parents, were all in it, so I'm hoping for it as well."
"Um, not sure," Jasmin replied, trying her best to conceal her confusion. She stood a little straighter and flung back her brown hair, pulling off nonchalant quite well. "I've found going with the flow to be more effective, and a whole lot easier." She stood there fore a moment longer, thinking.

"But your history sounds interesting," she went on to say. "So, your whole family has been in Ravenclaw? That makes you an even more likely candidate then, right?"
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Keegan looked at the mysterious boy who had come in. He shook his head and moved over a bit so the other boy could get in the room. He got as close to the window as he could to give him plenty of room. He looked at him and began to part his hair and tucked it behind his ears. "Keegan," he said to the stranger as he looked at the ground, his hair covering his eyes again.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change