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The Lion, the Witch, and the Wand

Started by Dog Food, July 26, 2009, 07:10:21 AM

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Dog Food

Quote from: MagnumSonic on July 27, 2009, 09:00:24 PM
Keegan looked at the mysterious boy who had come in. He shook his head and moved over a bit so the other boy could get in the room. He got as close to the window as he could to give him plenty of room. He looked at him and began to part his hair and tucked it behind his ears. "Keegan," he said to the stranger as he looked at the ground, his hair covering his eyes again.
"Oh, uh, Harris," the boy mumbled, sliding into one of the seats. He sat there awkwardly for a few moments, before taking a deep breath and suddenly saying, "I'm a Muggle. Well, at least, I was... But then I got this letter, and suddenly everything's changed. I never knew anything I could do was... well... magical. It's so strange, and everyone here acts like it's nothing new to them! I-I'm..." But Harris faltered, and he didn't continue. "Sorry," he apologized for the sudden outburst. "I'm still in shock a little, I guess..."
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"Yeah, but it's not always the case. Ever read that book about the exploits of Harry Potter? That Sirius black fellow was in Gryffindor, but the entire rest of his family were Slytherins". Robert replied.

((Try to imagine Robert with a moderate australian accent and a brisk manner of speaking))


Keegan sat in amazement from the boys outburst. "Mums a Muggle. Thinks I'm off to boarding school. Dads a wizard. Quite a broomstick enthusiast. He wants me to play Quidditch," Keegan told the boy, Harris, as he showed him the mini Firebolt in his hand.

"Reducio. A spell to make things small. Dad told me to learn Engorgio first thing to make this usable. It's the Firebolt. One of the best models for broomsticks. Behind the Lightningbolt, of course. You know what Quidditch is right?" Keegan asked him, amazed that the boy was talking to him.
((Dern Australian! >:( Get out of my Europe))

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


((And We're in the same compartment))

"Did you say quidditch? Pretty amazing how far the firebolt prices dropped when the lightningbolt came, eh?" Robert said.

Dog Food

((I thought Keegan and Harris were in a different compartment.))

Jasmin beamed at the thought of Quidditch. "Hopefully they've dropped enough that I can buy one for next year," Jasmin said, joining into the conversation. "I'm going to try out for the Quidditch team as soon as possible. Seeker sounds like the best position, but if I can't get that then I'd definitely want to be a Chaser. What about you guys?"  Jasmin was happy that the one thing she did learn while in Diagon Alley was about Quidditch, and glad she liked it so much. It seemed like it would be a very popular sport at Hogwarts.
Harris sat there, feeling slightly dumb, and went pink in the cheeks. "Er, no... What's Quidditch?"
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


((Yes, Harris and Keegan are in their own apartment. So I'm just going to go with what Harris said and kinda forget Jasmin & Robert's lines, K?))

"Sport. People ride on broomsticks like this one and try to win the game. There are a few elements. I'm not good at explaining so I'll just let you see," Keegan told him as he put the mini Firebolt back into his bag. He then took out some books. 'The Standard Book of Spells, A History of Magic, A Beginners' Guide to Transfiguration' were their labels. "Gotta start studying now, when I have the chance," he told Harris as he opened up The Standard Book of Spells and dove into it.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

Dog Food

Harris nodded, nervous again. How much did others know that he didn't, and how long would it take him to catch up? He looked outside to see that they had begun moving, and became engrossed in the scenery. Watching everything outside worked, and he soon became relaxed.
Cherri twirled a blond curl around her finger, giving it an extra spiral, as if it needed it. She kept a pink head band in her hair to keep it in place and out of her face. She hummed dreamily as she walked through the now deserted halls of the train. Eventually she found herself a compartment with only a girl and a boy people inside, having a discussion about Quidditch.

"Hello," she said in a singsong voice, smiling at both of them. She sat down next to Jasmin and looked at the boy. "Oh, wow, your hair is green." Jasmin snickered. She couldn't help it, this new girl had just been so blunt.

"Yes," Jasmin replied, smiling. "It really brings out his eyes."
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"Magickally colored. Mom said she'll try to teach me the spell next year. She's already taught me Wingardium Leviosa. Wanna' see?"

((If it's okay, that is.))

Dog Food

Quote from: Kierou on July 28, 2009, 05:04:51 PM
"Magickally colored. Mom said she'll try to teach me the spell next year. She's already taught me Wingardium Leviosa. Wanna' see?"

((If it's okay, that is.))
((He couldn't have actually tried the spell out at home, since Underage Wizards can't perform magic outside of school. But his mom could have showed him some spells so he can be familiar with how they work and be more confident about them for when he can actually try it himself at Hogwarts.))

"Sure, have a go," Jasmin said, interested in seeing magic.

Cherri sat down comfortably with her same dreamy smile. She didn't appear to be paying attention to Robert, but was searching through her own bag soundlessly and slowly.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


((Wasn't it explained somewhere in the books that in magical households, the Ministry can't detect who exactly performed a spell, and therefore trust to the parents of a young witch or wizard to stop their children from performing magic? So, technically, he could've learned magic from his parents, but it's presumably not that common, since pure-bloods aren't generally shown as being academically superior to half-bloods or Muggle-borns.))

Patrick made his way through the crowded train, having already said a quick goodbye to his parents, and finally came to a compartment that didn't seem too full. He peeked inside, and found two girls and a boy with odd green hair. His eyes lingered on said strangely-colored hair for a moment before he spoke.

"Mind if I sit here?" he asked. "Everywhere else is full."


Robert pulled out his wand and made a swish-and-flick motion while stating "Wingardium Leviosa." He manged to levitate his quill case onto his head before the spell broke.

"Uh, sure." He said, in response to Patrick's question.
((I was planning on making him the guy who is really good with magic, but average at potions.))

Dog Food

((Yeah now that you mention that, it sounds familiar. Lucky, he gets to use his magic at home, too ;-;))

Jasmin clapped as Robert finished his spell. "Wow, that was really good!" Her smile twitched slightly, as she realized how much better this boy seemed to be compared to her already, but she quickly let it go. Hopefully a few years and she'd become a decent witch as well.

When the new boy entered, Jasmin nodded and said, "Sure, the more the merrier." She looked over at the blond and added, "Sorry, what was your name?" Then looked over at Patrick, inevitably asking the same question without words.

"Cherri," the curly haired blond stated in her usual droll, not looking up from her bag.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"I'm Patrick," he replied, taking a seat. "And you are?"

Dog Food

"Jasmin," she said. "That guy over there with the green hair is Rob," she added, gesturing at the guy sitting across from her with a thumb.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"Is my hair really that odd?" Rob said, placing his quill case within his trunk.

((I smell a Luna Lovegood Ripoff))