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The Lion, the Witch, and the Wand

Started by Dog Food, July 26, 2009, 07:10:21 AM

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Dog Food

Quote from: Kierou on July 28, 2009, 09:10:38 PM
"Is my hair really that odd?" Rob said, placing his quill case within his trunk.

((I smell a Luna Lovegood Ripoff))
((I just noticed yesterday how much my character resembles her, and now I want to change that but I feel like it's too late so we'll just see how she evolves over time...))

"Yes," Jasmin said at once. "Do you see anyone else here with green hair?"
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"Not a very common hair color," remarked Patrick, as he retrieved a newspaper from his trunk.


"Well it's awesome.", Rob said, pulling a manga from his trunk, which immedietly explained his choice of hair colour.

((Very dark forest green, by the way.))

Dog Food

Jasmin shrugged, not disagreeing, but not agreeing either. She did like the fact that he stood out with his eccentric hair, and she wouldn't have minded having some tints of dark blue in her own hair.

There was a noise outside that sounded like a cart being pushed throughout the aisle, and suddenly their compartment door flew open. "Anything off the trolley, dearies?" a plump witch asked with a smile.

Jasmin, who had just been thinking about how hungry she was, rummaged through her pockets. She had a few spare Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts left over, so she went over to see what there was. She looked shocked at the choices. "Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans? Pumpkin Pasties? Chocolate Frogs?" Jasmin had never heard of any of these before, and realized wizards must have their own foods as well as schools. She ended up buying a few of each of the things she had named out loud, as well as some of Droobles Best Bubblegum.

She sat back down and placed all of the food around her on the table. "If anyone wants some, I won't be finishing all of this." She started first with tentatively opening the beans, wondering if there really was every flavor...
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"Be careful with those! They are EVERY flavour." Rob said, opening a chocolate frog, and quickly snatching it mid-jump. While chewing on the frog, he looked at the card. "Harry Potter huh? Already have three of him." Holding the card out to Jasmin, he said, "Here, you can start collecting."

Dog Food

Quote from: Kierou on July 29, 2009, 05:37:27 PM
"Be careful with those! They are EVERY flavour." Rob said, opening a chocolate frog, and quickly snatching it mid-jump. While chewing on the frog, he looked at the card. "Harry Potter huh? Already have three of him." Holding the card out to Jasmin, he said, "Here, you can start collecting."
Jasmin blinked, and took the card. She watched it for a few seconds. A man with untidy black hair, green eyes, and a lightningbolt shaped scar on his forehead waved back at her. She gasped. The picture moved. "Wow," she whispered, looking down to see the caption underneath. 'Harry Potter (The Boy Who Lived) - Currently the Head of the Auror Department. Harry Potter is most commonly known for vanquishing the Dark Lord, Voldemort, who gave him his prominent, cursed scar. He now lives a happy life with his wife and three children.'

"Thanks," Jasmin said to Rob, looking back at the card to see the picture of Harry had vanished. She frowned, hoping he'd come back soon, and pocketed the card. Next she moved onto trying one of the beans. There was a dark brown one that she thought might be chocolate, and she was thankful to be right. It turned out to be dark chocolate, which she didn't like quite as much. She finished it quickly, and moved onto a light yellow one which was a very sour lemon.

"This is so cool," she said excitedly, never knowing any of these things could have existed before, back when she was just a plain, old Muggle.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"Hey Harris, want to try a few spells?" Keegan asked as he pointed to a spell in his book. 'The Standard Book of Spells' was the book and on it was a simple spell. Expelliarmus. "Says it's the most basic disarm spell. Could be useful. Dad told me that Harry Potter used it to defeat the Dark Lord, Voldemort, twenty years ago," he told him as he remembered that Harris was Muggle born, and probably didn't know any of this. Keegan pulled out his wand and gave Harris a questioning look through his ragged hair.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


"Wait till ya get a chance to fly!" Rob said, eating a Pumpkin Pasty.

Dog Food

Quote from: MagnumSonic on July 29, 2009, 07:56:03 PM
"Hey Harris, want to try a few spells?" Keegan asked as he pointed to a spell in his book. 'The Standard Book of Spells' was the book and on it was a simple spell. Expelliarmus. "Says it's the most basic disarm spell. Could be useful. Dad told me that Harry Potter used it to defeat the Dark Lord, Voldemort, twenty years ago," he told him as he remembered that Harris was Muggle born, and probably didn't know any of this. Keegan pulled out his wand and gave Harris a questioning look through his ragged hair.
"Er... Okay," Harris said nervously, taking out his wand. "So, how does this work?"

Quote from: Kierou on July 29, 2009, 08:23:46 PM
"Wait till ya get a chance to fly!" Rob said, eating a Pumpkin Pasty.
"I think that's what I'm looking forward to the most!" Jasmin exclaimed, unwrapping a Chocolate Frog, and carefully holding it like she'd seen Rob do. It was delicious, she decided after a weary bite, and continued to eat it. "As soon as I can, I'm going to try out for my House's Quidditch team. Do you fly?"
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


"Yeah. I got to play quidditch once. Apparently I make a pretty good beater." He said, pretty sure she knew about quidditch.


"Well in here it says..." Keegan began as the door to the compartment flew open before he could react to see who it was.
"Anything off the trolley, dearies?" a bigger woman asked. He looked over at Harris as he pulled out a small, red bag. He opened it up and pulled out a few small coins.
As he handed the lady the money, he asked her, "May I have 2 Chocolate Frogs and 2 Every Flavor Beans?" She took the money and handed him two of each. She closed the door and then continued to walk off. Keegan tossed one of each of the candies in Harris' direction.
"We can even use these to make sure we don't lose our wands," he told Harris as he pulled his sleek, reddish-brown wand from a small section of his pants. "Want to go first, or shall I?" Keegan asked him, delightfully. This was the longest conversation he had with anyone except his father.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


"I'm horrible at Quidditch," remarked Patrick. "Doesn't really matter though. First years aren't allowed to have brooms anyway."

Dog Food

Quote from: MagnumSonic on July 29, 2009, 09:41:31 PM
"Well in here it says..." Keegan began as the door to the compartment flew open before he could react to see who it was.
"Anything off the trolley, dearies?" a bigger woman asked. He looked over at Harris as he pulled out a small, red bag. He opened it up and pulled out a few small coins.
As he handed the lady the money, he asked her, "May I have 2 Chocolate Frogs and 2 Every Flavor Beans?" She took the money and handed him two of each. She closed the door and then continued to walk off. Keegan tossed one of each of the candies in Harris' direction.
"We can even use these to make sure we don't lose our wands," he told Harris as he pulled his sleek, reddish-brown wand from a small section of his pants. "Want to go first, or shall I?" Keegan asked him, delightfully. This was the longest conversation he had with anyone except his father.
"Thanks," Harris said, examining the food put in front of him. He had never seen anything like it before. He held up the Chocolate Frog box, gripping it like he'd grip a wand, and readied himself. "O-Okay... Come at me, then."
Jasmin looked admiringly at Rob for a second, some small jealousy mingled in. She would have liked to bombard him with questions about what it was like, but held herself back. Instead, she listened as Patrick gave his own views. A new thought consumed her. She had always been very good at anything physical and sporty she did back at the Orphanage. But, ever since she learned she was magic, the fear that she was only good because of her unknown powers had overcome her. Now she could imagine herself against people like her, them all on an even-footing, and her failing because she no longer had the advantage. Her stomach lurched.

"Well," Jasmin said, trying to shed the feeling, "everyone has a strong point. D'you think you'll be any good at spells, Patrick?"
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Patrick shrugged as he helped himself to a Chocolate Frog.

"Mum showed me some basic spells, and I read through some books to learn the theory, so I think I'll be decent, at least."

Dog Food

Jasmin had been wondering how she would do with spells. It had been easy being a Muggle with lots of luck, but the prospect of being a witch without any knowledge of what to come was rather daunting. She glanced out the window to see the dark skies, and a castle in the distance.

"Wow, so that's Hogwarts?" she said, a finger tracing over the castle within the window. "It looks magnificent." They must have been very close now. Jasmin realized, as her stomach did a somersault, that they would reach it within the hour. She began getting nervous again, but excitement met her face, and she smiled beside herself.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.