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Merging with NS2's TF2 server

Started by Tsumaru, August 05, 2009, 07:44:38 AM

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I'll just copypaste my post on NS2.

The best way to do this would be to upgrade the existing NSF server, since it's obviously the better-quality server. We already have tons of maps on there and it was recently overhauled and a lot less crash-happy than before.

I think the mods and admins need a good talking to, however. The days of godmode, noclip, and kicking for no reason are going to have to end if we want everyone to be happy. Another thing that needs to end are the differences between NSF and NS2, as resentful as I am to say this. This is going to take a lot of growing up on NS2's part, and a lot of tolerance on NSF's part.

The merged server is a good idea, and there's no reason why two forums need to pay for two servers that no one uses. The server should be renamed The Nsider TF2 Server, and the splash page should advertise both NS2 and NSF.

Good day.


Do you think this is a good idea?  I think it's for the best, since both server's are relatively empty now that we've split.  Please, share your thoughts on this.


it's not going to happen :\. Also, posting this on the NS2 thread might have not helped your case either. With the "better-quality server" thing.


It's no question which server is of better quality, DDantas.  I got lag when there was over 15 people on the NS2 server, but the NSF server can hold 20 people without lag.

I'm saying whatever money is being spent on the NS2 server can be better spent combined with whatever money Silver spends on the NSF server.


the issue isn't about quality, it's about nationalism. Or forumalism in this case.

Some people don't want to deal with each other from either forum. Like I said and said, there would be a power struggle.


Some people meaning you?

You can just not come :U


Quote from: DDantas on August 05, 2009, 11:51:54 AM
the issue isn't about quality, it's about nationalism. Or forumalism in this case.

Some people don't want to deal with each other from either forum. Like I said and said, there would be a power struggle.
We dealled with eachother for plenty long enough before the split, so i don't see why we couldn't do it now.
Most of the supposed "power struggles" would be decided pretty easily.
Silver, me, and Burning would have FTP and top tier admin. Everyone else would have what they have now probably.


Tsu, you shouldn't have posted that about how it was our fault of killing the server :v. You reminded ns2 why we created a separate server :u.


Quote from: DDantas on August 05, 2009, 12:26:16 PM
Tsu, you shouldn't have posted that about how it was our fault of killing the server :v. You reminded ns2 why we created a separate server :u.

I shouldn't have stated a fact?  I'm sorry for wanting to put the truth out there.


Quote from: Tsumaru on August 05, 2009, 09:48:40 AM
It's no question which server is of better quality, DDantas.  I got lag when there was over 15 people on the NS2 server, but the NSF server can hold 20 people without lag.

I've never had lag on the NS2 server. In fact, the NS2 server gives me the lowest ping of any server I've ever been on (sometimes even down to 20)


Quote from: scy1192 on August 05, 2009, 12:32:25 PM
I've never had lag on the NS2 server. In fact, the NS2 server gives me the lowest ping of any server I've ever been on (sometimes even down to 20)
I've been on servers with 5 ping that give the the same in FPS.


Quote from: Tortilla on August 05, 2009, 12:41:45 PM
I've been on servers with 5 ping that give the the same in FPS.
Lag is actually the shortened term for latency (which is ping/2). I guess you meant graphical lag? If so, that's entirely client-side and has nothing to do with the server.


Quote from: scy1192 on August 05, 2009, 12:46:39 PM
Lag is actually the shortened term for latency (which is ping/2). I guess you meant graphical lag? If so, that's entirely client-side and has nothing to do with the server.
All I know is I get lag on the NS2 server when it's full, and I don't on the NSF one, even though it has more people.

Syntax Error

Both servers can have some bad times in terms of lag, mostly to those west of the Mississippi, due to the fact they are both situated in New York data centers, where the optical carrier traffic there is just as congested as their car traffic. The pings there range anywhere from 10 to 210 on average. My ping is about 100 consistently, but when I play on a Florida server, I get pings around 50, I live in California by the way. The best place, however, is Dallas Texas, right in the center of the country, and has many fiber backbone carriers going in and out of there, everyone in the US will have a ping less then 40 at all times, and less then 50 in Canada, as long as their connection is 2.5mpbs+.


Again, representing the staff view of the smaller forum brings up the question - why would we want to help promote NS2? As obviously they'd get more promotion out of it, where as the original intent of the TF2 Server was to draw in users (while having fun with the existing populace). On the NS2 Staff Side of things I see it as a good move, though. But we're on NSFCD, and I just don't like it. I still stand that our server should be OURS. Our only return from it is user retention, and possible gains...and I don't see how making if an official one with NS2 helps us do that.

Again, just a random, non TF2 Player, thought.


i don't really care, so long as it remains the NSFCD server by a fair portion, and that it doesn't go to 32player (unless you somehow manage to pull a 2fort2furious out of your ass, which you won't).

Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

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