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wtf is this poop? (Miyazaki's latest dubbed film)

Started by Lotos, August 11, 2009, 08:51:32 AM

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Disney just ruined a Miyazaki movie.  From the one I've seen, the guy seems like a genius.  They did good with the Spirited Away dubbing, but this is unspeakable *points to cast numbers 2 and 5*

Captain Justice

Quote from: Talim on September 04, 2009, 05:26:53 PM
Yesterday, sort of. I was on the verge of crying. Why? I got into an argument with a couple other people from #nsider and it got me really upset. I didn't really cry much though
Quote from: Tsumaru on September 20, 2009, 11:29:22 AM
Can we ban Hoss, please?


I thought you guys would love this, Disney going anime and poop.

If you don't speak Japanese fluently, you shouldn't be mad over voice acting.
Different languages, different inflection... it doesn't even make sense to compare voice acing between the 2.

Whatever, I'm not seeing it anyway.


Quote from: HTA on August 11, 2009, 09:40:33 AM
I thought you guys would love this, Disney going anime and poop.
I don't quite understand what you are saying.

I don't think it sounds bad. It's much better than all the other dubbed shows. Are you just upset they hired a Jonas and a Cyrus as voice actors?



I saw an advanced screening of it just yesterday.
While it was no Spirited Away, it was a good kids film.

My ultimate point is this though: THIS IS THE TYPE OF MOVIE DISNEY THEMSELVES SHOULD BE MAKING. But whatever, it was decently good, and Miyazaki's "meh" is still a million times better than anything Disney's animation studios has put out since the Lion King...

**addendum: BTW, the dubbing was just fine. It wasn't like "zomg it sounds better in english!" dub, but it was competent. Ironically I think Tina Fey does the best job. Matt Damon barely has any lines. Liam Neeson is always great though. Whomever played Ponyo and Sosuke (Sasuke? They use both. Standard American dubbing not being sure) both did okay.

Water ☮

Quote from: Nayrman on August 11, 2009, 10:34:40 AM
Whomever played Ponyo and Sosuke (Sasuke? They use both. Standard American dubbing not being sure) both did okay.
Ponyo was played by Noah Cyrus
Sosuke was played by Frankie Jonas

look at the last names...

Yup you guessed it!
Miley's little sister and the Bonus Jonas!

I liked it :D


they were very average. You could tell they were dubbing something from another completely unrelated language. Tina Fey and Liam Neeson obviously had experience doing such things though.

It was pretty good. Did you see one of the advance screenings?

Water ☮

Quote from: Nayrman on August 11, 2009, 01:43:56 PM
they were very average. You could tell they were dubbing something from another completely unrelated language. Tina Fey and Liam Neeson obviously had experience doing such things though.

It was pretty good. Did you see one of the advance screenings?
Yea. My best friend, who's going to college in NYC, got three tickets to see it there.
We went Sunday and he took me and his girlfriend, it was good.

I'm gonna go watch it again when it comes to theaters here with the rest of my friends, who are big fans of Miyazaki =]


Quote from: Water. on August 11, 2009, 01:58:08 PM
Yea. My best friend, who's going to college in NYC, got three tickets to see it there.
We went Sunday and he took me and his girlfriend, it was good.

I'm gonna go watch it again when it comes to theaters here with the rest of my friends, who are big fans of Miyazaki =]
I might go see it again too, depending on how busy I am.
A couple pals at my anime club at college got a whole bunch of passes, so I went with them.
It was funny though, the theater was half otaku's who just like Miyazaki's work (mostly college to adult people) and the rest were little kids and their middle aged parents looking at us like "wtf are these people doing here?".



Quote from: Fish on August 11, 2009, 10:02:42 AM
I don't quite understand what you are saying.

I don't think it sounds bad. It's much better than all the other dubbed shows. Are you just upset they hired a Jonas and a Cyrus as voice actors?

Lotos says the movie was ruined.
I thought this would be a "lol sweet anime" moment because I think this is the first time they've done something like this.

Disney that is.


HTA, Disney does an okay job. They found actors who can at least put a personality on the character, but trust me it's no where near "good dub" territory.

Disney can get it to work because it's the same kind of movies Disney made 20 years ago and SHOULD still be making know instead of that high school that isn't high school thing.


I've always wondered this, and its sort of off topic a little, but what is a good dub?
I don't understand the comparison between Japanese and English as have a "better or worse" quality.

The English actors should not sound like the Japanese... as a race we sound different.



Quote from: HTA on August 12, 2009, 10:27:49 AM
I've always wondered this, and its sort of off topic a little, but what is a good dub?
I don't understand the comparison between Japanese and English as have a "better or worse" quality.

The English actors should not sound like the Japanese... as a race we sound different.
a good dub is something that while translating the Japanese dialogue, makes it their own english version instead of just translating and saying the lines with mild variation, which is the standard "dub". Cowboy Bebop is essentially the "perfect" dub, as it completely encompasses the characters and what's going on, while adding it's own personality because it's english (for example Spike is more gritty in english while more snarky in Japanese).

Often times though the Japanese language is better purely because, frankly, they are better at voice acting that most American/Canadian/etc. (western in general). I've read that during most theater performances (which is where most actors get their start over there), actors/actresses are trained in voice, for acting purposes, so they're just trained to work with their voices more so than most American actors. Most Disney movies show this, as a lot of their more modern works are just regular actors "acting" in front of a mic instead of in front of a camera. And when it's done like that, it's usually obvious.