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Avatar Movie

Started by JrDude, August 23, 2009, 08:24:19 PM

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Look here for the trailer.
Looks Ok, huh?
Oh yeah, not what you expect.
[spoiler]NAME STEALER!
What does avatar mean anyway?[/spoiler]
Dude .


the problem is that it's being blatantly overhyped to the point to where it can't possibly match expectations. This is why I absolutely LOATHE trailers.


Well, I know the entire plot now just from watching the trailer and it's GENERIC AS WHITE PAINT. The aliens look like they were cut from the Clone Wars CG cartoon too. Awful. People were getting hyped for this? It reeks of cliches and big-budget bulls***. If a quality film can be salvaged from this, I will be amazed.
Explain to me if I'm missing something here, I haven't been following this movie.


Quote from: Cecil_and_Kain on August 24, 2009, 05:40:50 PM
Well, I know the entire plot now just from watching the trailer and it's GENERIC AS WHITE PAINT. The aliens look like they were cut from the Clone Wars CG cartoon too. Awful. People were getting hyped for this? It reeks of cliches and big-budget bulls***. If a quality film can be salvaged from this, I will be amazed.
Explain to me if I'm missing something here, I haven't been following this movie.
It's supposedly going to be good because the same guy made good movies... 12 years ago.


Quote from: Nayrman on August 24, 2009, 05:50:25 PM
It's supposedly going to be good because the same guy made good movies... 12 years ago.
So did George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. Null and void excuse.


Quote from: Cecil_and_Kain on August 24, 2009, 05:55:58 PM
So did George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. Null and void excuse.
I know, I'm giving you THEIR excuse.


Quote from: Nayrman on August 24, 2009, 05:56:22 PM
I know, I'm giving you THEIR excuse.
I wasn't really directing the hostility to you. Also, why do they peg this CG as "Photo-realistic" and "pushing the boundries of suspension of disbelief" when the CG has less texture than Shadow of the Colossus on the PS2? Am I the only one who sees this?


Quote from: Cecil_and_Kain on August 24, 2009, 06:08:59 PM
I wasn't really directing the hostility to you. Also, why do they peg this CG as "Photo-realistic" and "pushing the boundries of suspension of disbelief" when the CG has less texture than Shadow of the Colossus on the PS2? Am I the only one who sees this?
It's called hyping it up because the idiot masses are too stupid to think for themselves. Standard "Happy Slave" behavior of this moronic nation we live in. Too bad these people don't actually pay attention to what "The Matrix" is actually saying, dumbasses.


Once again, don't quote something as the "stupid masses." The phrase is soaked in irony.


Quote from: Cecil_and_Kain on August 25, 2009, 02:03:45 PM
Once again, don't quote something as the "stupid masses." The phrase is soaked in irony.
What? They ARE. Did you not see how much money Transformers 2 made!?


The amount of money that movie made is irrelevant to my point. The problem with quoting the "idiot masses" is that the only thing preventing you from being part of them is your ego.


Quote from: Cecil_and_Kain on August 25, 2009, 04:13:36 PM
The amount of money that mvoie made is irrelevant to my point. The problem with quoting the "idiot masses" is that the only thing preventing you from being part of them is your ego.
Yea, because I seriously think Halo and Madden "r liek teh best games evrr", any movie without explosions is "totally gay", and if it doesn't have a hot chick in it, I'm "totally not interested dude".

I would put Sarcasm quotes but I hope that would be obvious enough.



Quote from: Cecil_and_Kain on August 25, 2009, 04:48:59 PM

I figured I'd get that. Considering you're not making your own point very clear X_X:;


The problem with internet debate. Text isn't an easy medium.