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Yet Another Super Smash Bros. Fan Fic

Started by JrDude, August 27, 2009, 06:20:39 PM

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Ever since Brawl's "meh" storyline, my mind decided to make one, slowly change again and again, and add other characters.
This is my first fan fic, so it may suck. And one more thing: I have not read any of these other SSB Fan Fics, so if there are any ideas here that you used, it is merely coincidence.
Also, those who appear in my fan fic won't talk (unless they do in their game, like Fox and that, others might just say phrases like Mario does).


Welcome to the universe of gaming, where many galaxies thrive containing many different games within. Sounds retarded yes? Anyway, we are going to the Nintendo Galaxy (which is close to a few other galaxies as well). In this galaxy, there are many solar systems. In a few of those solar systems, time is broken, babies can meet their older selves, and some can bend time to change the past (or the future).
Just outside this galaxy is a little star, doomed to explode and become a black hole, but not yet. On this little star is a little being, it's purpose is unknown, and it's abilities are a mystery as well, due to the fact that it's been alone on that star. It's been alone it's whole life, so it knows no loneliness, there has never been anything to do on that star so it knows no boredom, nor curiosity. It knows it's home is going to explode soon, but it knows no sadness, nor any emotion for that matter. This being has no name, so let's call him Ted. Yes Ted. Why Ted? Why not?
So Ted is sitting there, watching the sky as one of his daily routines, then all of the sudden, something falls out of the sky. It lands on Ted and sticks to him, it is a gooey ball with an orange core. He looks at it with no expression, then looks back up at the sky. Then he feels something, he doesn't know what it is, but we call it pain, the gooey ball exploded on him. He is then built up with many feelings: Anger, pain, curiosity, "wtf was that" feeling, etc.
After that experience, Ted then got up, looked up at the sky and waited. Kept waiting... Continued to wait... Waaaaiiiitiiing..... Oh yeah he knows no boredom, oh look, he jumped. Oooh he grabbed a meteor. Ted is now holding on to a meteor that is moving towards Nintendo Galaxy.

*End of prologue*

Chapter 1
The Spider, the Shape Shifter, and the Masked Man

Ted is now traveling past many solar systems, he shows one of his abilities. By looking at the solar system, he can see what's going on in that solar system, and watch it like a TV, change channels to see other areas and beings. Since solar systems are big, he is able to watch for a long time before he reaches another. On this first one, there are a couple of being that interested him the most, the ones that appeared more than once, with him not knowing what time was, he just stared with curiosity why he saw this "being in red and blue" twice, once as a baby and once as an adult, along with others, but he seemed to be most interested in that one.
That solar system then went out of sight and he missed his chance to meet the mysterious "red being," but he wouldn't with the next one. Somehow the meteor goes past, but not in another solar system, this one confused Ted, because time was totally intercourse ed and he saw similar beings many times, the being in green. Since he saw this being many times, he jumped at the chance to meet him before it was too late, and literally jumped.
After a bit of time slowly flying towards the green being's universe Ted lands, he now has a new form, his body changed to fit this solar system's ways, he is now a spider with a skull-like body. He looks up and sees a large rock with a face just sitting there in the sky, not caring how he somehow went through that, he crawls along, looking for the being in green. He easily finds him, he crawls up to him, not knowing what to do once they met, but the being in green knew, he just cut him, killed Ted, Ted is dead now. Curiosity killed the spider eh? Well not quite.
As a dead spider corpse, he lied there, then when the rock in the sky got really big, it was far away, as if it went back up in the sky, but the sky was blue, and Ted was alive. =D Apparently the being in green has an instrument that can reverse time, and now Ted is alive. Ted easily found the being in green again, but this time kept his distance, he watched as the being in green became many things to suit his needs, he became a wooden duck thing that can spit bubbles, a giant walking rock-man, and a fish-man. He also put on other masks on his face to do other things, but still keeping his original shape. During his spying, Ted listened to the being not say a word but get what he wants, he also heard other beings talk, and then learned to talk himself, though he just learned, he understands everything he wants to say. After almost 3 days of watching this being, Ted finally decides to meet him again.
Ted follows the being into some giant wooden thingy when the rock in the sky was really big. As a small spider he is often lagging behind but catches up. 4 red things are seen in the corner of his sight, but he could care less. He sees another being, a masked one. After a little speech, the mask throws the being away like garbage. Again, he could care less, they are merely distractions. Ted goes up to the being in green, and tries to get his attention.
After some sparkly noises by the flies, the rock then eats the being in green! Ted tries to follow but doesn't know how. The being in green is gone, and now he's stuck in this place. Ted became angry and shouted. The purple fly finally noticed him and said "wtf?" Ted then transformed into a mask, that looked similar to the one that threw that being away, except with only one orange eye and the rest is white. The un-masked being gets up from it's unconsciousness and looks at the new Ted, eye contact happens then Ted forces himself onto the being, Skull Kid. He has now possessed Skull Kid in anger, then flies away.

*End of Chapter 1*

Tell me what you think so far, like I said above, first fan fic, and it's only the beginning.
Dude .


Chapter 2

Skull Kid is yet again possessed by a mask that isn't really a mask.
Ted slowly goes flies back to his doomed home, ignoring all of the solar systems he didn't visit.
After a while, he makes it, and his home is still there, unchanged. In his newly stolen body, Ted sits there, on his star, waiting. He doesn't know what he's waiting for, the end? a new beginning?
He sees a meteor pass by, and remembers what happened not too long ago, but he ignores it.
Days pass by, and his star is still fine, he then gets bored for the first time. He then grabs a little meteor, and messes around with it, he eventually changes it into his first real memory, the gooey ball. He becomes sad, and then it explodes in his hand. After that, he realized what he just did, he made something into something else. He decided, if his home is going to die, then he will make a new home, a home where he forces others from the other solar systems to live happily on this new planet he is about to create. He then floats off his star and starts to leave. But before he could make it a meter away, the star blows up into a black hole and sucks him in. As other things are sucked up into the nothingness, he uses his power to help himself out of the black hole. He takes one of the meteors that is sucked in, and slowly transforms it into a giant hand, which can go in and out of back holes as it pleases. This new hand took Ted out of the black hole. Ted created this out of pressure and anger, so it is a little unstable, you know it as Crazy Hand. To maintain order, Ted creates another hand that will Crazy Hand control his crazyness, this one is Master Hand. With his crazy sidekick and right-hand man, Ted puts his dream into motion.
Ted commands the Hands to get him the biggest meteor they could find. They leave and come back, but with a bunch of small meteors. Before Ted could get angry, both Hands clap and combine those meteors into a great big one. Ted then gets really happy. He touches it, and slowly changes it.
Back to where we saw the being in green, something makes him angry, and he reverses time, but only in that part of the solar system. Skull Kid is now in 2 places at once.
Ted has done it, the meteor is now a great big planet, somewhat based on what he saw in the solar system he visited, but with his own unique touch. He will now put his new plan into motion.

*End of Chapter 2*
Dude .


Before I start Chapter 3, I'm gonna show you an example of what Ted would look like (or close anyway)
The only difference would be the mask, but that's the best I could do with Paint.[/spoiler]

Chapter 3
The Beginning

Ted, an unknown being with no real name, has possessed the body of Skull Kid. The home of this unknown creature, Ted, has been destroyed by natural causes. If you looked at him, he would look like a villain, but he's just confused.
Now, Ted does Skull Kid's crazy scream. Then suddenly many black holes appear around the new planet, then they disappear instantly.
Mario leaves his house, he looks in the distance and sees... Bowser! In his Koopa Clown Car! and he's headed towards Peach's Castle! He runs as fast as he can, picking up some items on the way: Fire Flower, Coin Block, Feather, and F.L.U.D.D. (notice something there?). He reaches Peach's castle, Peach is fine, Bowser isn't in sight. Mario then looks around in confusion. He looks up and sees the Clown Car heading past the castle and over some hills. Mario runs after it.
Mario catches up to the Clown Car and jumps on Bowser's head. The car stops and Bowsers head pops off O_o Oh it's a fake, anyway. There's a note coming out of the neck.
"Bwahaha! I can't believe you fell for that!
<3 Bowser"
Mario looks down at the Clown Car and notices it has a different face, instead of it's usual ":)" face, it now has a ">:P" face. Mario looks back at the castle and sees Bowser in his Clown Car with Peach. Now baaack to the castle. He runs back and notices that Bowser hasn't left, he's staring at... wtf-oh, at a big black bubble. Bowser notices Mario and decides to go in the bubble, Mario follows in a hurry.
It's a portal, and after you go in, you pop out of one of the black holes that surrounds that new planet.
Mario appears in a strange new land, alone in the dark, or so it seems, it's dark, no light anywhere. Oh wait, Mario sees a little orange light... wait that's an eye. Oh hey it's Ted! But Mario doesn't know that, he panics and shoots a fireball at Ted. The light of that fireball made Ted realize that there's no light, so he puts up a new star close-but far away from the planet to create light. Mario still has no idea what's going on, then all of a sudden... an engine? car? what's that noise? From behind Mario, a pink flying car with the #5 on it drives by, right behind it is the Falcon Flyer. The pink car drives by and the Falcon Flyer slams into Ted. Ted is thrown far off into the distance, while the Falcon Flyer comes to a halt. It lands and out comes Captain Falcon.
Capt. Falcon ignores Mario and looks around. Disappointed, he comes down and asks Mario.
"Do you know where Goroh went?"
Mario looks at him and tilts his head in confusion.
Capt. Falcon: "The Pink car, do you know what direction it went in?
Mario does his thinking look and shakes his head no.
Capt. Falcon: "Too much confusion, 'eh? *sigh*"
Mario: "Oohh"
Capt. Falcon: "A turtle in a flying cart? Eh, no, I'd remember seeing that."
Mario: "*Sigh*"
Capt. Falcon: "Hey, since we're both looking for someone, wanna come join me? Falcon Flyer is a lot faster than walking."
Mario: "Oh yes."
Captain Falcon and Mario both enter the Falcon Flyer, then head off.
(BTW, The Falcon Flyer is the big ship you fight Meta Ridley on, not Captain Falcon's car)

*End of Chapter 3*
Dude .


Chapter 4
The Winning Trophy

Hello. This is the solar system with fluffy and cute animals, living together. These animals fight each other in unusual groups, they fight for reasons unknown, but they fight. Did I mention these fluffy animals fight with lasers in space while piloting spaceships?
Team Star Fox (Fox, Falco, Slippy, Krystal) is currently chasing part of Team Star Wolf (Wolf, Pigma, and Leon). There is shooting and blasting.
Wolf: "We could use some help, Panther, where are you?"
*No response from him*
Wolf: "Pigma, get this frog off me!"
Pigma: "K."
Slippy: "Ahh, Fox! Help me!"
Falco: "Geez, you're such a pain!"
*Falco shoots down Pigma*
Pigma: "Ah crud, I'm out." (ship destroyed)
All of the sudden, a big black bubble appears right in front of Wolf, and Wolf zooms in it, Leon follows.
Falco: "What the heck is that?"
Fox: "I don't know, but we gotta follow them. Go!"
The whole team goes in.
Wolf: "What the hell just happened?"
Leon: "I don't know, I thought you planned this, so I followed you."
Krystal: "Where are we?"
R.O.B. 64 (from the Great Fox): "I don't know, you don't seem to be on the map anymore, it must have been some kind of wormhole."
Fox: "A wormhole? Who created th-"
*Slippy interrupts*
Slippy: "Fox! Falco got hit by something!"
Fox: "What?!"
*Fox looks at the screen, and Falco's face is crossed off like his ship got destroyed."
Fox: "What hit him?"
Slippy: "I don't know, it just zoomed by, hit his ship and I can't see him anymore, I'm gonna go in the direction it went, you guys can keep following Wolf."
Fox: "Be careful Slippy, we don't know where we are."
*Slippy leaves to look for Falco*
~Captain Falcon (earlier)
*During a race*
Captain Falcon is in first while Goroh is right behind him.
Goroh: "You can't beat me this time Falcon! I've found a new way to win!"
Capt. Falcon: "Show ya moves"
Goroh then disappears in a black bubble, all of the other cars avoid it.
Capt. Falcon: "O_O"
*3 laps later*
And the winner is... Jody Summer!
Capt. Falcon: "Where did Goroh go? better go look for him."
Captain Falcon then drives his #7 car into the Falcon Flyer, then flies around the area. While in the sky, he notices another black bubble, out of curiosity, he flies in.
Capt. Falcon: "WHOA! When did it become night time?"
Captain Falcon turns his high beams on.
Capt. Falcon: "I can still barely see anything"
A pink blur drives through the high beams.
Capt. Falcon: "Huh?"
All of the sudden, light comes to the area.
Capt. Falcon: "HOLY CRAP I'M BLIND *__*"
Capt. Falcon: "Did I hit something?" *He looks around, still practically blinded, regains his sight and sees Mario, he sighs in relief and comes down*
Ted is now flying through the sky, and is now angry again, because he didn't get to speak to the man in red and blue.
*CRASH!!* (again)
Ted hits a white and blue figure and finally crashes down into the ground (with the figure) and makes a large crater. He gets up and wipes off the dust, as if he felt no pain in any of those impacts. He looks at the white and blue figure he hit and observed it. Not knowing what it was, he kicked it a couple times (lightly) and the glass on the window broke off. Ted looks inside to see a bird, no, a trophy of a bird, a big trophy of a bird. He picks it up and somehow recognizes that it's a trophy. He puts it down and looks around, no red and blue being in sight. He looks down in disappointment and and cries white tears, just stays there and cries until there's a puddle in front of him... He is then angry again, the puddle responds to the anger and moves towards the trophy. It completely covers the trophy in white goo, and then the trophy comes alive. It is a bird, white a bird with clothes and a broken mask covering part of his face.
Slippy: "Fox! I see Falco! He's fine! But his ship is completely destroyed :/."
Through Slippy's blue window, Falco looks no different.
Slippy: "Wait, what's that next to him? It looks like a monster!"
In panic, Slippy then shoots at Ted, and misses every shot. The white bird then looks at the ship, pulls out his guns and shoots it.
Slippy: "Ahh, Falco's shooting my ship!"
Fox: "What?! I thought his ship was wrecked!"
Slippy: "He's using his laser gun!"
Peppy (From the Great Fox): "Do a barrel roll (Z or R twice)!"
Slippy then does a barrel roll, but then turns around and flees.
Slippy: "Whew, that was close."
The white bird puts his guns away and attempts to chase Slippy, but then Ted tells his new minion to not chase him. The white bird obeys.

*End of Chapter 4*
Dude .


You seem to a beginner at fanfiction, aren't you?

Well, I'm here to give you some helpful hints.

In fanfiction, you usually write everything in past tense instead of present tense. Why? A fanfiction that has present tense means it could be written in script format, which most people do by accident. The past tense is always the best one to use, and script format isn't that good.

Also, people tend to describe the actions (taking in mind the past tense) and put some dialogue before or after depending of the situation. Nobody likes to see lines very close to each other.


"Pigma, get this frog off me!" shouted Wolf from his Wolfen.

"K," responded Pigma with a nod before he turned around, accelerated towards the frog, and began shooting quickly.

"Ahh, Fox! Help me!" Slippy yelled as he dangerously tilted his Arwing.

You see now?

Also, as an extra for people who like to write for SSBB, they make almost all the characters talk whether or not they don't seem to talk in their games. You could make an excuse like "translators devices" for characters like Pokemon. As long as you keep them with their personalities, everything will be fine.

For more examples of fanfiction, go here: This site is the main stream of any kind of fanfiction in the whole world.

Hope that helped. ;)


Thank you for the hints, I will think of those for next time, but for these first chapters you will have to accept that it is written cruddily.
And with the talking thing, the characters that don't talk will talk the way they normally do. Like Mario just says noises, then the person he's talking to repeats what he says, then respond, it will be like that for a few people, just like in the games. I showed that when Mario and Captain Falcon met.

Mario: "Oohh"
Capt. Falcon: "A Turtle in a flying cart? Eh, No, I'd remember seeing that"
which is very similar to
Mario: "Have you seen a giant turtle in a flying kart?"
Capt. Falcon: "Eh, no, I'd remember seeing that"

As for Pok?mon, I will either make them not need anything to say, or with another Pok?mon that can speak English (Like Lucario).
Dude .


Though I'm not good at making them, I like to try to give you a visual on the characters I create, or the changes to another character. (Note: I always use someone else's sprites, I just edit them to suit what I'm trying to do.)
[spoiler=The White Bird]

I'm not good with graphics, so I created the broken mask thing on a easy-to-do-with-paint sprite.[/spoiler]

Chapter 5
Seeing Green

Let's go back to the Mushroom Kingdom, but this time, we're gonna go in space~
Here we see many odd planets, some very small and some pretty large. Here, there is another plumber, this one's wearing green instead of red though. It's Luigi! Flying around some planets using a Red Star, just for fun. But knowing Luigi, he's gonna- *CRASH*
He crashed, into one of Bowser's space boats

"OooOoh, me head..." muttered Luigi as he sat there in a daze as the Red Star power faded.

"Hee hee ha ha huuu!" a mischievous little laugh, Luigi turns around to see who it is

"Nice of you to drop in Luigi, I've been waiting for you!" snickered Bowser Jr.

"You have?" responded Luigi in confusion.

"Yes, I have this cannon that I've been working on, I need a test subject to see if it will kill you, would you like to be the test subject?"


"Oh course you would," interrupted Jr., who then summoned a Chargin' Chuck.

A Chargin' Chuck then comes out of nowhere, grabs Luigi, and throws him into a Bill Blaster, this Bill Blaster has legs though. The blaster then stands and aims towards the ground, and fires.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" screamed Luigi as he plummeted towards the earth.

Wario and Petey Pirahna are currently playing soccer against each other, tied game and time is just about out. Petey has the ball and is just about to make the winning goal, he shoots!

Then before the Kritter could even attempt to block it, Luigi crashes down into the ball, preventing the goal. The ball rolls quickly around the stadium, hitting fences and players, the ball is moving around so fast that no one could keep up. It eventually rolls under Petey's Kritter and makes the winning goal for Wario.

"Wahahahah WAHAHAHAHAHAAA!" Wario laughs in excitement.

"Ow..." Luigi mutters with his head in the ground. As Luigi is getting up, he looks at Petey, who has a mad off look on his face. "Uhh oh..." Luigi panics, he then freezes in the current position.

"RAAAAAWR!" Petey roars as he flies towards Luigi.

Luigi unfreezes and screams "AAAAAHHH!" then runs. He ends up finding Wario's car (you know, the one from MK: DD), with Petey right behind him he steals it and floors it.

"Waaah?!" Wario panics and runs after him, "GAAAAAAH...."

Luigi is in a panic as Petey can somehow fly as fast as the car. Luigi looks around and tries to find somewhere to go without getting eaten by a flower. He ends up driving to Delfino Plaza (The Mario Kart DS version). He drives through the narrow gaps between the buildings, slowing Petey down because he can barely fit between them.

While riding his portable motorcycle and in his Wario Ware Clothing, Wario comes out of nowhere and drives up next to Luigi. "Gimme back my car! HURRY UP!" Wario screams. He then rides in front of the car and wipes out.

Luigi screams as he crashes into the bike and flies far forward, the bridge is open and Luigi falls through. By coincidence, there is one of the black bubbles under the bridge, which Luigi falls into.

Back to the solar system with the most intercourse ed up time system.
Young Link (or the being in green) just reversed time (again) and is now in front of the giant clock tower. Before he leaves to do whatever, the Happy Mask Salesman peeks his head out of the door. "Hello, I see you have found your precious item, but that's not important, can you come here?"
Link grudgingly goes.

"Look at this," Says the mask salesman, "there seems to be a disturbance here, you see that black ball there?"

Link looks at the not-so-hidden black bubble.

"What do you suppose it is?" Asks the happy salesman.

Link shrugs and attempts to leave. The Happy Mask salesman then grabs Link "You have found your precious item and did not give me back my precious item!" he yells as he's strangling Link, "I demand you to go investigate that bubble!"
He then throws Link into the bubble.

We are in Hyrule castle now, Link just defeated Phantom Zelda and she is knocked unconscious on the throne. Ganondorf mutters and transforms into a beast, once a beast he stands on his back legs and roars, when gets back on all fours, he roars again, but in Link's face this time. Beast Ganon jumps back and charges at Link. Link shoots his head, causing the beast to fall, this allows Link to attack the scar on Ganon's chest. He does so. Ganon gets up and starts charging at Link again, but then disappears in a black burst. Link mu--- Wait, it's too early for him to disappear isn't it? Link investigates the aftermath of his disappearance, which is a black bubble.

"Wait!" Cries Midna, a little imp that hides in Link's Shadow. She's glowing, then pixie dust come out of her stomach and into the unconscious Zelda.

Impatiently, Link enters the bubble, and while Midna still glows, she unwillingly followed him into the bubble. Zelda now sits there, with very little power, but conscious.

Sailing the ocean, we see another Link, riding the former King of Hyrule, King of Red Lions (which is a talking boat). He is sailing towards Ganondorf's old hideout, where there is a shortcut to where he is now hiding. He passes by a couple of ships that are shooting at him, and they miss. All of the sudden, a whirlpool starts!
Link gets his Boomerang read, but then sees that there is no squid, but a big black bubble sucking in the ocean itself.
"Heeeey, Kid, you can't fight whatever that is," says the King, "change the wind direction and let's sail out of here!"

Link nods and takes out his Wind Waker and changes the wind direction, right after that he flies out of the boat, he was bombed by one of the ships.

"No!" Link is in the whirlpool and slowly gets sucked into the black bubble. King of Red Lions tries to follow, but the wind is blowing the opposite direction, he can't get to him. "Noooooooooo!" He screams as Link falls into the bubble.

*End of Chapter 5*
Dude .


Chapter 6
Green Team

Ted and The White Bird have now taken separate paths, Ted goes towards the forest, and The White Bird towards the desert.

Beast Ganon has emerged from one of the black holes onto the new planet, in the middle of a forest. He looks around, confused, then hears a roaring sound. He turns around and gets hit by a giant wave. A waterfall was now coming out of the sky, a tree didn't let him see the source of it. The wave's impact knocked Beast Ganon unconscious, and turned him back into regular Ganondorf. Ganondorf is now carried away by the water.

Then almost simultaneously, one Link (Toon) comes out in the middle of the waterfall and one Link comes out of the place Ganondorf came out of, and they both fall into the new river created by the water. The current is strong, and since Toon Link has already been swimming for a long time, he is unable to stay above the water for very long. The other Link does not notice Toon Link, so he puts on his Zora Armour and swims to land. Midna then comes out of the same black hole and joins Link.

Another Link (Young) then comes out of a black hole from a very high point. While he's falling he notices a figure in the distance that also notices him. CRASH into the water below, as he's underwater he notices Toon Link about to drown, so he puts on his Zora Mask and swims to him. Zora Link rescues Toon Link and returns him to shore.

"EYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Ted screamed in Skull Kid's voice, "There's not supposed to be a waterfall here, there is already one somewhere else!" Ted then closed the black hole there and the water stopped pouring out. He looks down and notices two beings in green, and a fish-man who then takes off his face to reveal himself as the third being in green. "YOU!" Ted yelled as he pointed at Young Link, he then rushed to him and grabbed him by the neck.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Screamed Luigi as he fell to the ground, he face planted into the ground and stayed that way. The 3 Links and Ted starred at him with a "wtf" look on their face.

Then Petey Pirahna, still in his soccer gear, came out of the same spot, landing right in front of Luigi, but looking the wrong way. He saw green and flew towards it, "ROAAAAAAAAR!" Toon Link and Link run away, while Ted stares at Petey (while still holding Young Link by the neck).

Petey hit Ted and Young Link, causing them to fly, Young Link hit a tree and Ted just stopped in midair. "Grr..." Ted growls, he then flick's his fingers and disappears in a black bubble which disappeared after him.

With Luigi and Young Link unconscious, Link and Toon Link are faced with a giant flower. "ROAAAAAAAR!" he roars. And the battle begins. (Now, this is one of the many parts where you'd be the one doing the fighting [like in SSBB], I usually filled those spots in with a little bit of made-up-on-the-spot action [since this is a fan fic, not a game], but in this case I cannot, so you can decide on how he gets defeated by the two Links).

With Petey defeated, Toon Link delivered a final blow to his head with the Skull Hammer, Petey waddle around in a daze, and fell down unconscious. Young Link just now started to regain consciousness, while Luigi was conscious and watched with fear in his eyes. Link went to check on Young Link, while Toon Link checked up on Luigi.

"WAAH!" He screamed as he hopped in the air, "What do you want?!"

Toon Link looked at Luigi with a small smile and shook his head.

"You don't want anything? then go away!"

Toon Link laughed.

"I know you're not gonna hurt me..." Luigi muttered as he crossed his arms, "Who said you would?"

Link goes up to Young Link and says ""

"" Responded Young Link, ""

Link looks down with disappointment, then says ""

Young Link shakes his head.

"You have to go?" asked Luigi as he returned with Toon Link, "Go where?"


"Back to your time? A Moon is gonna hit the city?! WAH!" Luigi tried to run away, but Link grabed the collar of his shirt, which caused Luigi to run in place.

Young Link pulls out his Ocarina. Toon Link looks at and happily pulls out the Wind Waker, to mimic the song. Young Link plays the Song of Time, and Toon Link plays it too. "You learned the Song of Time." Young Link then disappears.

Toon Link, excited about getting to know himself twice, goes ahead, then tells the others "Come on!" Link and Luigi follow.

~Young Link
Young Link awakens in... the palace of time?

"What's wrong Link?" Asks Navi..?

Link looks around in panic, and notices that he's an adult now in the palace of time. He recognizes the black bubble in the spot above the Master Sword, and under the bubble is Shiek.

*End of Chapter 6*
Dude .


Chapter 7
Boiling Bowser

"Ugh, where are we going?"

"Shut up! First complete darkness prevents me from seeing, then a sandstorm you can't blame me for being lost."

"Yes I can," says Peach as she crosses her arms.

"What? How can you..." Bowser responds with a confused look on his face, "Ah forget it, I can never understand you."

"Well I'm going to take a nap, wake me when Mario comes for me."

Bowser facepalms and continues to drive in the never-ending desert.

Meanwhile, Lucas is walking in the desert, hot and scared. He hears a little engine going and looks up. "Gasp" he gasped, "It's a monster! and he has a princess!" Lucas held his hands up and yelled "PK FREEZE!" then a snowflake comes out of his hands and goes towards the Clown Car.

Bowser looks at the snowflake, "What the-" he says just before him Peach and the whole Clown car freezes, it then falls to the ground.

With a soft sand landing, the ice didn't shatter, but it started to melt quickly. After the ice around Peach melted, Lucas grabs her hand and runs. "Where are you taking me?" Asks Peach as she unwillingly runs.

"Away from that monster" Lucas replies as he runs short of breath.

Peach then shrugs and continues running.

Bowser unfreezes and awakens, "Ugg..." He moans, "UH?! Where'd..?" Bowser looks in Lucas' direction, "GAH! Why do short people always take the Princess away from me?!" He turns with an angry look on his face, notices a gun right in his face and gets shot. He becomes a trophy resting in front of The White Bird.

"Master, I got one, please come here to create another minion," The White Bird says in his headpiece.

"ROAAAAAAAAR!" he hears in the headpiece, then he hears a crash. "Grr..." Ted responds as appears right in front of The White Bird.

Ted puts his hand above the Bowser Trophy, and it appears as if Ted's hand melts. White goo lands on the trophy and Ted leaves. The goo then completely covers the trophy and it awakens. It is a white Bowser with a broken mask piece on his face.

Without another word, The White Bird and Ted's new minion walk separate paths, to create more minions.

*End of Chapter 7*
Dude .


Chapter 8
Clap Your Hands

Zelda has been sitting on the throne with very little power, waiting for the Hero to return... but nothing. She then got tired of waiting, and got up. She fell on her face, then she crawled toward the black bubble. She finally reached the bubble, and crawled in. She ends up falling in a forest, she is then in pain and has little power. She tried to get up, but couldn't.

"*Gasp*," Zelda heard something. She heard it again, then SMACK, Master Hand came out of nowhere and smacked her.

She flew over the trees and into a more open area, too weak to move, but still not a trophy. Crazy Hand then comes near, wondered if she was alive, he poked her a few times, she then froze (literally). Master Hand came, saw the frozen princess, and gave Crazy Hand a high five.

~Young Link (now an adult)
"Why have you come back?" Asked Sheik, "I sent you back to the past for a reason" She said as she removed her headgear, revealing her Zelda face.

"What?! Why would you send him back to the past?" Navi exclaimed, "You're the one who taught us how to go back by putting the sword back in the pedestal."

"Yes, but not far enough in the past" replied Zelda, "I needed Link to warn the king of Ganondorf's evil so this future wouldn't happen... But wait," she exclaimed, "How did you return?" she asked while walking out of the room with the Master Sword.

Link followed her and pulled out his Ocarina.

"A buy dressed like you played the song with you?" She asked as she took the Ocarina out of Link's hand. "Hmm... I wonder," Zelda then put her head back into it's Sheik look and walked back into the Master Sword room.

Link tried to follow, but the door slamed in his face. "Ugh," he complained, he then hit the door a couple of times, as Sheik jumped into the bubble on the other side.

The black hole opened and dropped Sheik on a tree. Right near the Hands. Shiek saw the frozen girl and then the hands slapping five.

Just to grab their attention, Sheik throws needles at both of them. They hit and the Hands look. BATTLE TIME!

The hands lie on the ground, seemingly useless.

Zelda unfroze and tried to stand. Master Hand noticed, and got up as if he was unharmed and went for her, as Crazy Hand got up and went for Sheik. Sheik noticed Master Hand go for Zelda and she ran to save her. Crazy Hand hit Sheik and Master Hand hit Zelda, the hands collided and made a loud clap.

Dark Bowser came, and tries to obtain his new trophies. The Hands unclap, and there lies Zelda, lying on the floor. Bowser assumes Sheik got away just in time and walks to Zelda. He got ready to breath fire and... BAM! He explodes and flies shortly away. Zelda used Din's Fire, and stood as if unharmed, and not weak. The Hands attempt to clap her, but she uses Farore's Wind to appear in front of them.

Bowser got up and roared a mighty roar, then Zelda ran away.

Crazy Hand blocked her way, and Master Hand tried to smash her from above. She jumped out of the way and avoided everything those hands kept throwing at her. Just as Bowser gets close enough to attack, something hits him and knocks him over, it appeared to be a shadowy wolf, but it was moving too fast. That wolf then attacked the hands, again making them appear useless. The wolf is then standing on all fours in the shadows.

Zelda walks towards the wolf, the wolf then stands on it's back legs and the shadows cleared to show... Wolf. "Looks like play time's over," he bragged.

Zelda looks at him surprised.

"What's the matter? Scared?" He joked.

"Oh, uh, no, it's just... You're a talking wolf," she explained, "wolves don't usually talk."

"Your welcome for rescuing you," he pointed out, "Now if you'll excuse me I gotta-" He paused, there are noises in the forest, "Oh poop, let's go," he grabed her hand and ran.

"Don't let him touch you," said an unknown voice, "You can run on your own."

Zelda looked around while she ran, nothing.

They stop and from the sky dropped a Wolfen. "Hop in, we gotta go, NOW!" Wolf yelled as he opened the the the window.

Zelda gets in, "not much room in here..." she said in a concerned voice.

"Live with it," he said rudely, he then pushes her over a little and closes the window. He takes off and flies away.

Fox then comes out of the bushes. "Dammit, missed him," he said. He then used his headgear to speak to Slippy. "Slippy, where are you? I need your help, Wolf blasted my ship down and now I'm stuck down here."

"Umm... a little busy right now Fox," Slippy replied. There is shooting noises in the background.

"Slippy? What's going on?!" Fox panicked.



*End of Chapter 8*

Dude .


BTW, I don't know if Lucas ever talked in his games (due to the fact that I never played Earthbound/Mother games), so I just had him talk.
And I don't know or care if anyone is even reading this/liking it, I'm just writing it because I like it, and I wanna see how it turns out (most of it is planned, but a lot of it is just something that came to me on the spot).

Chapter 9
Loose Cannons

We are in a building, white walls and such (like in SSE on Brawl). Samus came out of a door, prepared to blast an enemy that isn't there. She walked through the hall with caution, looked over her shoulder every now and again. Then, Ted rose from her shadow. She fired at him, but he deflected it and it made a hole in the wall. Ted then flew up to her and started to strangle her. But since she was in her armor, it didn't do anything. He noticed this and let go. Samus fell on her knees, looking down on the ground, when she looked up, he was gone. On her neck was a white hand print. The hand print became the white liquid and completely covered Samus. This merely turned her into a trophy, and the liquid disappeared. Ted came back out of nowhere and added some more liquid to posses her trophy, then disappeared in his black bubble. The evil Samus rose, she had white and black armor, with a little orange in the visor part of the helmet, part of a broken mask also covered part of her helmet, she immediately walked into the hole created earlier.

The hole led to a room with a computer, a robot is attached to the computer and is playing a game on it alone. It glanced at Samus, then looked back at the game and resumed playing. Samus is not bothered by it, so she looked around the room to see if she could find anything useful. A box with the words "CAUTION" on it is a broken, cords came out of it, the cords made sparks.

A door opened, in came... Mega Man X. Evil Samus is surprised and shot a charged blast at him, he dodged and returned fire. Not much effect. Samus ran up to him and pushed him to the ground, while holding his neck. X struggled, then punched her head. With no effect, he did it again, this time hitting and breaking the mask. She turned back into a trophy, and the broken mask piece melted into the liquid that possessed her.

The liquid jumped at X and he dodged again, and the liquid landed on the broken cords. The liquid got electrocuted and became a part of the computer. X revived Samus with a touch, and she woke up to a computer with a black hole image on the screen. Somehow the image sucked in Samus, X, and also broke the robot free, but he got sucked in too.

Now, Samus, Mega Man X, and the now realized R.O.B. are in the game ROB was playing. The game made them into black 2D characters (Guess who). (Now there would be a level, but let's skip that). The new group then walked up the end of the game level, and found, not a black Mr. Game & Watch, but a white one (again, with a broken mask piece on him). A black hole appeared above him and all four got sucked in. This released them back into the computer room. A battle starts (where you fight the White MG&W), and the battle ends with Game & Watch becoming a trophy and his mask melting into a liquid.

The liquid left without possessing anyone. ROB then revived the Game & Watch trophy, and a new team of 4 is created. Screw them for now, where did the liquid go?

The liquid scurried around the building, while sliding around on the ground, it soon transformed itself into a Primid. This Primid was all white, and a black face, on the right side of it's face is an orange eye, the other eye spot has no eye.

Lucas and Peach are now just walking, no longer in the desert, just in the plain. "Thank you for rescuing me from that monster," said Peach, "I'm Peach, can I ask the name of my rescuer?"

Lucas blushes, "I-I-- My name is Lucas," he stuttered.

"?! What's that?!" Peach screamed as she saw a village in the distance, there were people on the ground, not moving.

The run to check it out. It's a village filled with many people, people from the Zelda universe, Toads from Mario universe, people from Earthbound/Mother, Pok?mon city people, and more.

Lucas went down to one of them to see if he was alright, it's a Hiker (from Pok?mon games). He turned the hiker's face to see it. Lucas was shocked at the image he saw. He and Peach then heard something, something so awful, and it's getting closer.

*End of Chapter 9*
Dude .


Chapter 10
Odd Match-Ups

~Peach + Lucas
Peach and Lucas were terrified by the sound that they heard. The sound got louder, then it became clear what it was saying... "Jiiiiiggalyyypuff~, Jiggaaaalyyyy-yyyyypuuuff~" It sang as Peach and Lucas fell asleep. Jigglypuff kept singing, then noticed Peach and Lucas fall asleep. "JIGGLYYY!" she yelled as she ran up to them. She then drew ugly faces on their faces with a marker. Jigglypuff then walked away, and kept singing.

Ganondorf is unconscious in an ocean, face above the water. Something grabbed his cape and pulled him to land.

Ganondorf awoke on a beach, his cape over him like a blanket, and a campfire in front of him, it was still light out. Ganondorf got up and brushed sand off wherever he could, then put his cape back on the way it's supposed to be. He turned around and saw a Monkey, picking up wood to keep the fire burning. The monkey was Diddy Kong. Diddy noticed Ganondorf up and awake, dropped the wood and jumped onto him giving him a hug. "You're alive!~" He said in his monkey language.

Ganondorf had no idea what Diddy said, but he pushed him off with ease. "Get off of me you stupid monkey." He groaned.

"B-but... I saved your life..." He muttered.

He turned around and regretfully responded, "I have things to do, thank you and good b--" He fell on his ass, being pulled by Diddy after he grabbed his cape and dragged him in the direction he wanted to go in.

Moving back to the desert, we find Marth. He is walking around lost. He tripped over something buried in the sand. Not knowing what it was, He got up, and with nothing better to do, he dug it out. It was the Clown Car. He got in it, and wondered what it was for, and how it worked. He scratched his head, and dropped the tiara he wore in the sand. With worry, he tried to pick it up, the Clown Car started to fly. He jumped out before it rose too high and it dropped after him. He put the tiara back on, and got back in the machine. He wondered how he got it to rise.

Marth then looked forward and noticed something in the distance. He unsheathes his sword, jumps out of the car, and walks towards it. It's Pikachu. With fear, Pikachu uses Skull Bash on him. Marth fell over and started swinging his sword. Pikachu overcharged a skull bash and Marth dodged it, making Pikachu land next to the Clown Car. Pikachu gets up and dodges Marth's sword swing. Pikachu used Thunder (which doesn't have to hit Pikachu in the head), "PIKAAAA!" He yelled, and it hits the Clown Car, the car then rises far up in the sky, then soon drops back down.

Marth sheathes his sword and bowed down to Pikachu. Pikachu realized that Marth doesn't want to fight anymore and stopped attacking. Marth then goes back into the Clown Car and calls over Pikachu to join him. Pikachu then jumped in. (DUBBED) "Can you use your electricity powers again to make this thing move?" Asked Marth.

"Pika," responds Pikachu as he noded. Pikachu then used his ^Taunt (which does that electric charging thing) and the Clown Car moved upward. Marth tried to figure out a way to go forward, but couldn't think of anything, so they just kept rising. *THUMP* They hit something, or something hit them, either way it scared Pikachu and he stopped powering the car. The Clown Car dropped down quickly and made a big pit in the sand. Next to the Pit was an unconscious Pit.

Marth got worried about Pit and the car begun to move again. With Pikachu already jumped out, Marth wondered how he made it move again, and as he wondered the car dropped back down. Marth then got out and looked at it as he ran towards Pit.

"Pikaaa?" Pikachu says as he pokes Pit. Marth runs up and checks on him. Not knowing what to do, he picks up Pit and brought him to the Clown Car. Pikachu tharts charging up again to make it move. Marth feels bad about Pit and it starts to move forward. He then realizes that whenever he felt bad about something, it moved. With that in mind, he couldn't feel bad about Pit anymore, and it stopped going forward and just rose, he then thought about his sister on purpose, to make the car move forward.

*End of Chapter 10*
Dude .


Note: Any SSBB: SSE enemies will not have the SSE logo on it.
The circle e thing.[/spoiler]
Chapter 11
*Chapter names will no longer be available*

~Mario + Captain Falcon
Mario and Captain Falcon have been searching for a long long time now, and no sign of neither Bowser or Goroh. Captain Falcon got tired of driving, then suddenly a ship flew directly in front of the Falcon Flyer. Captain Falcon swerved to avoid it, and hit a different ship. Both the Falcon Flyer and this ship came crashing down.

Captain Falcon jumped out of his the Falcon Flyer to check on the other ship. He ripped off the window and inside was... a Slippy Trophy. Capt Falcon reached in to pull it out, but it then glowed and came to life!

"Aww, my aching..." Slippy complained as he left his ship, "Where'd Falco go?" He looked around with concern.

"Aww man..." Capt Falcon complained, "You're looking for someone too? Aww this will never end..."

Suddenly the ship came back, and Dark Falco is ejected. The ship kept on flying forward without a pilot.

Falco looked at Slippy and Captain Falcon, then looks at the Falcon Flyer, and out came... Mario. Falco pulls out a gun and aimed it at him. But suddenly...

A black hole opened up, bigger than usual, and out comes a giant flying boat, on board this boat is none other than Bowser Jr. Mario looked and ran towards it without hesitation. He pulled out a feather and he suddenly had a cape on. He jumped 3 times, and the third jump had him soaring through the sky towards the ships.

Falco looked mad and called his ship back, and it came back as if it never left. Falco jumped up and landed in perfectly. This ship was all white with an orange window, but other than that, it looked like his regular ship. Captain Falcon raced behind him and jumped onto the ship, Falco doesn't notice.

The boat is only half way through the black hole. Mario lands on it and doesn't see Jr. anymore, he runs towards the black hole and heads through it. Falco close behind does the same (while still in the ship).

Here would be a level back in the Mario universe (only as Mario) where you had to cross a bunch of ships to find Bowser Jr., then a fight with Bowser Jr., but moving on. Mario defeated Jr., and Mario was about to deliver the final blow, but Mario is then shot. Falco's ship did it. Mario is falling through space about to crash down on top of Princess Peach's Castle. Captain Falcon jumps off of Falco's ship and uses a Falcon Kick to race down past Mario.

Captain Falcon's kick broke through the roof of Peach's Castle, and Captain Falcon lands on the floor in the castle unharmed. Mario uses F.L.U.D.D.'s twin nozzles to hover right before he lands to have a safe landing. They both ran through the hall they were standing in. Falco's ship goes through the hole Capt. Falcon made and landed, Falco got out, then the ship melted into giant puddle of white goo, then transformed into a white and black Roader, AND into a Glire/Glice/Glunder type monster (Hard to tell since it's all white), let's call it a Gloo (Gl + Fire = Glire, Gl + Goo = Gloo), both having a single orange eye.

Here would be another level, small, but through Peach's Castle. Mario and Captain Falcon opened a door and closed it right behind them, they found themselves in a trophy room, a room with many trophies behind many glass walls. These trophies were of Peach, Luigi, and more, but mostly Mario, many trophies for many accomplishments, there were even trophies from tournaments like Baseball, Soccer, and whatnot. Most of these trophies were of Mario though, there were some of Fire Mario, Ice Mario, Mario w/FLUDD, Dr. Mario, Racoon Mario, Metal Mario, and many more. Though they were lifelike, they were the size of regular trophies, small, so they couldn't do anything useful with them.

The Roader broke through the door, Dark Falco riding on top of it. Mario and Captain Falcon got in a fighting stance. Falco laughed a little, the Roader then went to Capt. Falcon and pushed him away from Mario. Mario tried to fight off the Roader, but is shot with Falco's laser gun, the shot turned Mario into a trophy.

The Gloo now came in through the busted door. Capt. Falcon was still trying to escape the Roader, but it keept knocking him down. The Gloo Approaches Falco and opened up. Capt. Falcon stoped trying to escape, and broke one of the glass walls. The white goo come out of the holes inside, creating another puddle. Capt. Falcon grabs some random trophies and threw them at Falco. Falco shoots the approaching trophies with his laser, causing them to shatter. The Gloo closed it's shell. Capt. Falcon is about to throw another trophy, but is hit by the Roader unexpectedly, and the trophy flies out of his hand. The goo jumped towards Mario about to possess him, but the escaped trophy got in it's way, and it covered that in goo instead. The goo made the trophy grow into a life-sized trophy, and the goo was gone, like it became part of the trophy, yes?

Falco get's angered, "GRRR," he growled while starring at the Gloo, "Do it again, but this time don't miss... and You!" He points, but at a broken Roader.

The Gloo opened up again "Falcon Kick!" Captain Falcon yelled as he Falcon Kicked the Gloo. He now turned and aimed for Falco, "Falcon... PUNCH!" He punched Falco right in the face, shattering the mask piece on him, and a Falco trophy fell to the ground. "Show me your moves," he gloated.

Captain Falcon then rushed to Mario, and touches him to revive him. Mario awoke in a daze, and looked at the Trophy in front of him. He got up and touched it, thus, making it come alive. It is none other than..... Dr. Mario! Dr. Mario woke up in a daze, and looked at the Mario in front of him.

Captain Falcon made a confused face and scratched his head, as the 2 Mario's got up, and mimicked each others moves, to see if it was a mirror or something (like in cartoons). "Uh, sorry to ruin a Mario mirror moment," says Captain Falcon, "but..." He said as he pointed.

While the team was reuniting and adding another Mario to the team, the demolished Roader, the busted Gloo, and the broken mask piece all melted into puddles of goo. They all came together to make one giant puddle. The puddle then created one giant monster...

"Looks like the family reunion is over" Captain Falcon said as he pointed at the forming monster.

The monster got bigger and bigger, but just looked like a big glob of growing goo, it got too big for the room and broke the ceiling. The broken ceiling made a big cloud of dust, covering the completed transformation. The monster reveals it's one orange eye behind the dust, and then a slash comes out of nowhere and the 3 heroes are pushed outside. The monster broke the walls of the room, and there was now a battlefield of Mario-related trophies, bricks, and glass all over the ground.

The monster revealed itself as... Duon (Why Duon? Because Duon moves with a single wheel, as did the Roader, please note that this Duon is all white with some black Duon designs, each head has a single orange eye, possibly the only enemy you'll see here with more than 2 orange eyes). Captain Falcon, Mario, and Dr. Mario, have to fight this monster now.

After the fight was over, Duon lied down broken. The Mario's high fived each other, while Captain Falcon looked at the Falco trophy. He then ran up to it, and revived the regular Falco.

"Uhh......" he moaned with a daze. "WHA?!" He yelped, with a VERY confused look on his face, "I was driving my ship, then I black out... WHERE THE FUCK AM I?!" He looks at the concerned and confused Capt. Falcon, then at the 2 Marios. "AND WHY IS THERE 2 OF THOSE GUYS?! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!"

~Dark Bowser
Dark Bowser got up from his Wolf beating, and walked through the forest. He tripped over a trophy, it was Petey Pirahna, lifesize, and still in his soccer gear. Bowser picks up the trophy with much strength and walks out of the forest.

*End of Chapter 11*
Dude .


Hey it's been a while! Like you even care~

Chapter 12

~Luigi, Link, Toon Link
Green team was walking in a field. Toon Link looking at his Wind Waker, wondered what would happen if he played his newly learned Song. He stopped on top of a hill and played it. "> ? v > ? v" . Link and Luigi turned around and listened to the singing winds. After the song finished, a timer clock appeared in front of TLink. The clock then rose and faced down, and boots fell out of it's center, it then disappeared. Apparently it's a time portal, it seems to be able to send things from a different time to this time. Link and Luigi rushed back to see what happened.

Boots, too big for TLink, and Luigi doesn't want them, so Link tried them on. They were hard to walk in, they had no traction, so he just slid on the ground as he tried to walk up the hill. He starts losing his and turns around, he is now walking straight... in the air? Those boots appear to be the hover boots, Link is now walking on air. Link is amazed and put on a happy face. After a few seconds of "OHSHI- HE'S WALKING ON AIR!" Link falls, he then rolls down the hill. Luigi and TLink panicked and ran after him. Luigi tripped and started rolling down the hill as well, while TLink just kept running.

After Link reached the bottom of the hill, he got up and dusted himself off. SHABLAM! Luigi knocked him back on the ground. TLink reaches the bottom and sees Luigi and Link get up and dust off. Link looked angrily at Luigi, while Luigi made a "whoops, sorry" face as he rubbed the back of his head.

A few feet away from them was a cliff. TLink checked over the edge and saw sharp pointy rocks at the bottom. At the other side of the gap was another cliff, somewhat far, but not that far. Luigi and Link turned in TLink's direction, and TLink jumped. Both panicked at first, but the see him glide over the gap with a giant leaf. TLink landed on the other side, and yelled "Come on!"

Link runs up to the edge, but didn't jump, he used the Hover boots to walk over the gap part of the way, then jumped when it ran out of hover juice. Link made it easily.

Luigi's turn. Luigi walked up to the edge and looked over it, he saw the rocks at the bottom and screamed, "OH NONONONONONONONO...." He then sits down and holds his legs scared.

Link reaches in his pocket, but TLink beats him to it. He took out his Wind Waker, walked to the edge of the cliff, and played another song. "< ? > ?" The command melody. Luigi then got up, Link was amazed. He looked at TLink, but noticed that he's just standing there in some weird position. Link doesn't exactly realize this, but TLink has possessed Luigi. Luigi then does a whole bunch of fancy moves, his spinny move, his fireballs, and his ^B. He then tries to do his >B, but Link taps TLin's shoulder, distracting him, the move is then fired without warning. TLink-Luigi then launched into TLink, making him un-possess him. TLink fell on his butt, while Luigi fell into down the gap.

"NONONuh?!.." Luigi screamed as he realized he was falling, "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Link jumps down and hookshot Luigi's overalls, then he uses a second one to grab the edge of the cliff.

Luigi continued to scream, even though he's not falling, while Link and TLink sigh in relief.

Both Hookshots slowly started to reel into their normal state, so Link and Luigi could make it back without harm. TLink watched. He then heard a small noise, then hears something drop next to him, he looked at it. It's... a grenade? TLink jumped out of the way, but the grenade exploded. TLink is unharmed, but the edge of the cliff was crumbling and breaking. TLink tries to rescue them, but is blocked by.... Snake!

"It's show time," Snake says as he pulls out another grenade. He throws it at TLink, but he catches it and throws it back. Snake dodges it and it lands on the crumbling cliff, and finishes the cliff off.

Link starts screaming while Luigi continued to scream. They fell and a red flying thing barely missed them by going under them, then they went down more and a blue one passed over them, hitting the remaining hookshot chain, which still had a rock attached to it. The blue thing's impact on the chain dragged Link and Luigi in it's direction, and the rock straight into itself. It then went crashing down into a forest, it is now easy to see that it's an Arwing (then what was the red thing?). Link and Luigi are free from the Arwing's grasp, then fall down into a lake near the forest.

TLink runs past Snake and looks down into the cliff gap and sees them falling, but before he could even see the red thing, he is kicked off the cliff by Snake. He turned around and screamed, as he saw Snake speak on a Walkie Talkie.

*End of Chapter 12*
Dude .