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Started by Tupin, September 04, 2009, 07:54:59 PM

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We are just five days from the tenth anniversary of one of the greatest consoles ever released, the Dreamcast. Killed by the PS2 before its time, it made Sega a shell of its former self, but did go on to give birth to the Xbox, in that designers who worked on the Dreamcast went to work on the Xbox. It was supported in Japan with software officially until 2006, and homebrew games come out to this day.

This is a thread to post all of the awesome games on the Dreamcast. I'll start:

Talk about innovation. The genre was practically just invented, and we get one of the most fun rhythm games ever. Oh, and Michael Jackson was in it.

Wow, I remember playing this in the arcade when it came out, and the Dreamcast version doesn't fail in being not only arcade-perfect, but it also added some Dreamcast-only stuff.

Anyone else want to share their favorite Dreamcast games to commemorate ten years of existence?

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Crazy Taxi is easily one of the better titles out there. As for the others...well, it's been a while since I've checked my library. I'd say it's a good investigation topic for me :P


One of the most un-appreciated consoles by the public.
Also the FIRST console to have online gameplay, so the Xbox fanboys should stop bragging.

Finally, it's what really spelled doom for SEGA in the software department after it failed. Let's be honest, SEGA's games were a LOT better when they had their own console.


Sonic Adventure games go.

My bro had one until June 2001.


I still play my dreamcast.
Fucking awesome.

QuoteRobotnik: GET A LOAD OF THIS!!!!!!!!


My friend still has a Dreamcast.
Sadly, no Crazy Taxi. :(


Here's another game, while it isn't my favorite Sega fishing game, (that would be Sega Marine Fishing) it's still pretty good:

I figured I'd also show some of the games we never got to play in America. Here's Propeller Arena, which Sega said was canceled completely because of 9/11:

And here's a unique game from Japan where you play as a demolition team:

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


I loved Crazy Taxi. Such a fun game xD

But to be honest, Anniversary. Woop dee doo.

Click me ^


It's been ten years since the Dreamcast came out. Hooray.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Ten years... geez. I remember seeing SA1 on demos at Toys 'R' Us then.



I had the choice between a Dreamcast and a PS2 for Christmas 2000. I picked the PS2 without hesitation, as I thought it meant more awesome Spyro. Plus, EA didn't back the Dreamcast, so I also got it for sports games.

Quote from: SkyMyl
Tuppy frightens me with his knowledge of legacy technology.


Quote from: Tupin on September 09, 2009, 02:12:05 PM
I had the choice between a Dreamcast and a PS2 for Christmas 2000. I picked the PS2 without hesitation, as I thought it meant more awesome Spyro. Plus, EA didn't back the Dreamcast, so I also got it for sports games.
I still blame EA for all the lack of third party support the DC had.
But yea lack of DVD's was what probably doomed the system.

The Riddler

I loved Shenmue. I don't remember why, but it was epic.


Quote from: Nayrman on September 05, 2009, 06:27:47 AM
Finally, it's what really spelled doom for SEGA in the software department after it failed. Let's be honest, SEGA's games were a LOT better when they had their own console.
I don't play many non-Sonic Sega games, so I don't know about the other ones, but I will say that I think the two Dreamcast Sonic games were the only actually good 3D Sonic games. I never played the original versions much; rather, their remakes.

I never used a Dreamcast before myself (as far as I can remember, I haven't even seen one live), but those two remade-on-GCN Dreamcast games are among my favorite Gamecube games. Being only 6 at the time, I was just starting to get into video games and played the systems presented to me which were SNES, Gameboy Color, and N64. I didn't even know about the not-so-mainstream systems like Dreamcast then.

Commander Awesome

This is why I love Sega.