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Blazblue: The Wheel of Fate Turns Again

Started by Dr.Hobo2, September 07, 2009, 06:19:51 PM

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This was a surprise today. Tao was right, she always did choose. "Um..." Mark got a sort of feeling, a feeling he didn't like. It was the feeling of not knowing something. Sure, it may seem insignificant not to know what you want to do just for fun but to him it was like an annoying itch you had but can't itch because you're in public and people would look at you funny..."Well..." A quick solution came to his head, "Hey Tao, wanna learn more about being a vigalante?" He knew that Tao was a great fighter but she didn't exactly have the greatest mind. Maybe today he would devote himself to teaching Tao.


Tao gasped, shooting upright like a bullet. "You mean Tail Boy knows how to be a vigilante? Alright!" She exclaimed, propelling herself upwards.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"...I know isn't that great?..." he said with a nervous chuckle. This si why he didn't like knowing things...because bad things always come out of it but now he's made a promise to himself. He'll try his hardest to teach Tao. "Well...let's start of with the basics. You at least know what a vigilante is, right?"


"Of course Tao does!" The cat girl said proudly. "It's someone who hunts down people for money!" Things like this stuck with Taokaka easily. In other words, if it was simple, was jammed into her head far too many times than it should be for any normal person, and could be shown with a diagram involving food, she would remember it.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Oh thank god. Mark sighed to himself in releif. "Well, what else do you know? Do you know about the seithr that is all around us?"


"Sei...thr?" Tao asked, tilting her head again. "Nope. Tao doesn't remember any of that stuff, nyao."
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Ah, well, let's start there then." He said as he walked around a little. "Seithr is floating all around us. It's everywhere." He said waving his hand around in the air. "But you can't see it. Seithr powers a lot of things now of day. In fact it can even be used by certain people for really strong attacks!" He said hoping that Tao would understand. Maybe I should have simplified that a bit but...we'll see.


"Oh..." Tao said, trying to grasp the concept. "...So every time Tao fights, seithr is used?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Well...not every time," Mark said glad that he didn't have to repeat anything yet. "Only those fights when you use a really powerful attack...although, there are some people who use it all the time, but they're really powerful." The only person he knew who fought like this was Hakumen. He never met the warrior personally but he's overheard his mother talking to him over some sort of radio she has on him. Just...whenever he hears his name or even thinks of him, it sends chills down his back.


"A really powerful attack?" Tao asked, smiling absentmindedly. "Okay, I think Tao gets it. But does that mean that seithr is a good thing, or a bad thing?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Well, it depends on how it's used." He said continuing to walk back and forth. "If one uses it in a controlled, limited amount, then it is perfectly okay to use it. However, when used carelessly and greedily it can corrupt and even kill a person!" He said clutching his fist. "Generally, though, there's not enough around the cities for a serious problem to occur involving seithr overdose."


"That's good," Tao said, shivering slightly. "Tao wouldn't like it if evil people used seithr to hurt people." Her mind traversed back to when the village was attacked by Arakune; or, more commonly known to the Kaka clan as the "Black Squiggly".
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Oh, um...If that's what you meant before then that's a little different." Mark said. "There are people out there who use seithr to hurt others. I think it's terrible to do that especially if the other person can't even use seithr."


"So then people who use seithr like that are bullies?!" Tao asked, enraged. "Tao will beat them to a pulp whenever she sees them!"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Mark sighed " can't do that to them. Two wrongs don't make a right. Now, let's forget about all the bullies and focus on learning about being a vigilante."