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Blazblue: The Wheel of Fate Turns Again

Started by Dr.Hobo2, September 07, 2009, 06:19:51 PM

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Tao crossed her arms and pouted. She hated being told what to do... but then again, Tail Boy Mark was one of her best friends, so she didn't want to say anything against him.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Well, back to being a vigilante. You can't just fight and use seithr, you have to have a reason to fight." He said trying to remember the man who everyone was after. God! He knew his face, it's everywhere but he has a terrible time with names, almost as bad as Tao. "Um...Ragna! That's it, that's the guy who everyone's after!" He said to himself.


Tao's face lit up when Mark said that name. "Oh! You mean Rawrgna!" She said with her usual speech impediment. "That's the guy Tao was supposed to go after and bring back lots of money for!"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Yes, that's right." Mark said excited at how much Tao still remembers. "That's what a vigilante fights for. They fight for what they want, usually because it's what they think is right."


"That's great!" Tao shouted. "Tao knows she's right, so nothing can go wrong with that!" She smiled as she began punching in the air, feeling victorious.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Mark smiled. It always made him glad to see other people happy. He pulled out a blue lolipop out of his pocket, unwrapped the wrapper, and stuck it in his mouth. "Well, that's the basics of being a vigilante. There's still more to learn but you've done a good job so far."


Tao lied down on the ground, suddenly exahausted. "Tao's brain hurts nyao," she stated, rubbing the sides of her head slightly.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Uh oh...maybe I went too fast for her. "Is Tao feeling all right?" Mark asked leaning over her.


"Yeah, Tao is fine," the cat girl fibbed as she yawned again. "So what should Tao and Tail Boy do next?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


"Well..." Mark said as his stomach grumbled, " about we go to the ramen shop next to Lichi's clinic?"


"Food?!" Tao asked, feeling energized again. "Yay!" She exclaimed, leaping up on her feet.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


He knew that would perk her up again. Really, he just wanted to go there because maybe Tager was with Lichi right now...but of course, he was feeling a bit peckish too. "Alright then, let's go." He said walking back towards the city.


Tao grinned as she followed Mark, skipping all the way. "Meow, meow, meow..." She hummed to herself as they trekked towards the city.


I wonder when they're going to initiate the plan, The blonde thought as he sat on the edge of a cliff, looking down on the rest of the world. An advantage of the Hierarchical cities was that they were very high up, so one could look down and see for miles upon miles of land, sea, and sky. None of that mattered to Jin Kisaragi, though. I haven't been told anything yet, but I expect they'll do it soon. And as for him... He clenched his fists. "Where is he...?" He whispered, thinking out loud.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Heh, same old Tao...Mark continued enjoying his blue lolipop. If there was one thing he inherited from his mom, it was her sweet tooth. He snacked almost as much as she does. He placed his hands in his pocket and searched through them. Hm...only four lolipops left. That should get me through the day.

Dog Food

((You wanted me in, for whatever reason that was, so here I am. I'm really sorry if I seem like a n00b at times, but I'll try and learn fast. If you don't mind me asking, who are the bad guys and what advancements are in this world, since we're in the 2200's.))

Name: Marianna
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Species: Human
Occupation: None.
Appearance: Long brown hair, honey brown colored eyes, dark complexion, short and skinny. She is surprisingly well kept, and usually wears any common clothes that she can find. 
Bio: Marianna didn't grow up with her family. At the tender age of five, she was separated from them, and she does not know who or what caused it. But for eleven years she has been on her own. She is clueless about the world around her, and basically has only learned the necessary skills needed in order to survive. She travels from town to town, seeking food and shelter, before moving on before anyone can cast a pitying glance her way.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.