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The Official NSFCD TCG /Hiatus/

Started by Dog Food, September 12, 2009, 09:46:54 AM

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The Riddler

Hey, count me in.

Out of curiosity, back at Nsider, we had a card game called NTCG... Nsider Trading Card Game, and we actually had a program we could play it on. I think the program as called YVD... it was based on YuGiOh but you can alter your own rules into it.

I dunno if this interests you, but if you wanna look into it, maybe this could take the game to the next level? Have an actual downloadable game?


Would anyone sell a Resetti card for 50 coins+ the GF Trooper card?

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze

The Riddler

Hey, Jono2, I see you're the only one online.
Wanna play a match for one character card of choice and 50 coins?


I'm a bit confus about how it works.

1. You must have one character on the field at all times, right?  Then who starts the game?  Do you both start with one character automatically on the field?  What determines who gets the first move?

2. If you have all 3 cards required for a fusion combination (which I don't), what happens?  Say I have Samus out.  She loses one star and is down to 4 defence left.  I then use my fusion phazon beam and place Phazon Samus (should be Dark Samus tbqh) on the field.  Is Phazon Samus fresh, or has the card lost 1 star and 3 defence?

Quote from: LinkXLR on January 30, 2008, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: famy on January 30, 2008, 08:36:30 PM
is big willy unleashed a will smith game

...I'm not even gonna touch this one.

SteamID: Lazylen

The Riddler

Me vs. Silver.
Full transcript of a match between me and Silver in chat, if that's allowed. If not, please void this match.
[spoiler][17:48] <Riddler> let's play?
[17:48] <Silverhawk79> sure
[17:48] <Riddler> wanna do it here and show transcript to kj, or in thread?
[17:48] <Silverhawk79> just do it here
[17:48] <Riddler> alright
[17:48] <Riddler> any bets?
[17:48] <Silverhawk79> Uhh...
[17:49] <Riddler> i like the sound of 50 coins and one Character card :D
[17:49] <Silverhawk79> Sure.
[17:49] <Riddler> how do we decide who goes first
[17:49] <Silverhawk79> um
[17:49] <Silverhawk79> flip a coin?
[17:49] <Riddler> one sec
[17:50] <Riddler> check nsider chat
[17:50] <Riddler> call your coin
(silver called heads in Nsider chat, coin landed on heads)
[17:50] <Riddler> you decide who goes first
[17:50] <Silverhawk79> Um, lemme check my cards
[17:50] <Silverhawk79> Cards: Arwing, Waddle Dee, ZSS, Peach, Squirtle, Leftovers, Star Rod, Veggie, and Phazon Beam.
[17:51] <Silverhawk79> checking thread real quick
[17:51] <Riddler> Cards: Peach, Zelda, Falco, Wario, Squirtle, Bomb, Megaton Hammer, Freezie, and Thunder Stone.
[17:51] <Silverhawk79> I'll do Arwing first
[17:51] <Riddler> alright...
[17:51] <Silverhawk79> Hold on, reading the rules. :B
[17:52] <Silverhawk79> oh, I see
[17:52] <Silverhawk79> I'll use my Star Rod
[17:52] <Silverhawk79> (that's what she said)
[17:52] <Silverhawk79> wait, dajjdfs
[17:52] <Silverhawk79> (That's what he said_
[17:53] <Riddler> alright
[17:53] <Riddler> my turn?
[17:53] <Silverhawk79> sure
[17:53] <Silverhawk79> I'm probably doinitrong
[17:53] <Riddler> i think you're doing it right, but you probably should have saved the star rod since you can't attack first turn if you go first
[17:53] <Silverhawk79> Oh
[17:53] <Silverhawk79> Oh well
[17:54] <Riddler> i'm gonna put Wario on the field
[17:54] <Riddler> play my Freezie on your Arwing, it can't attack for two turns or be attacked.
[17:54] <Silverhawk79> D:<
[17:54] <Riddler> and i'm gonna end my turn like that.
[17:54] <Riddler> i did just intercourse  up though
[17:54] <Silverhawk79> I take my Arwing off the field and put in ZSS
[17:54] <Riddler> warios defense sucks
[17:54] <Riddler> you can't take if off the field =x
[17:54] <Silverhawk79> D:
[17:54] <Riddler> he's still there, but zss is on too
[17:54] <Silverhawk79> fine
[17:54] <Silverhawk79> oh
[17:55] <Silverhawk79> then I attack Wario with ZSS
[17:55] <Riddler> Wario loses one star, has one star left.
[17:55] <Silverhawk79> End turn
[17:56] <Riddler> i'm gonna add falco to the field
[17:56] <Riddler> and attack ZSS with both Wario and Falco
[17:56] <Riddler> 9+8
[17:56] <Silverhawk79> shi-
[17:57] <Riddler> i think that's ZSS ko'd. =x
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> yeah
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> rape time
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> i mean
[17:57] <Riddler> your turn
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> >.>
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> I put Squirtle on the field
[17:57] <Riddler> i'm not sure if arwing is still frozen
[17:57] <Riddler> D:
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> I think it has one turn left?
[17:57] <Riddler> i believe so
[17:57] <Riddler> k, go for it
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> Anyways
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> I attack Wario with Squirtle
[17:58] <Riddler> wario has 1 defense left.
[17:58] <Silverhawk79> and I guess...
[17:58] <Silverhawk79> Yeah, end turn.
[17:58] <Riddler> you gotta play items before you attack =P
[17:59] <Silverhawk79> I noticed D:
[17:59] <Silverhawk79> I'm not very good at this <_>
[17:59] <Riddler> I'm gonna add Squirtle to the field, for good measure.
[17:59] <Silverhawk79> SQUIRTLE SQUAD
[17:59] <Riddler> gonna attack your squirtle with Wario, Falco, and Squirtle
[18:00] <Riddler> 9+8+4
[18:00] <Silverhawk79> Squirtle's KO'd
[18:00] <Riddler> end my turn at that, your arwing is unfrozen
[18:00] <Silverhawk79> Okay
[18:00] <Silverhawk79> I'm using veggie on my Arwing
[18:01] <Silverhawk79> Attacking Squirtle with Arwing
[18:01] <Riddler> Veggie is peach only =P
[18:01] <Silverhawk79> kadlkjlaf
[18:01] <Silverhawk79> In that case
[18:01] <Silverhawk79> Leftovers on Arwing -_-
[18:01] <Riddler> still attacking squirtle?
[18:01] <Silverhawk79> yes
[18:01] <Riddler> squirtle loses a star and has 4 defense left.
[18:02] <Riddler> can we have more than three on the field at a time?
[18:02] <Riddler> i know three is to win
[18:02] <Riddler> oh wait
[18:02] <Silverhawk79> I dunno
[18:02] <Riddler> there it is
[18:02] <Riddler> "no more than three at once"
[18:02] <Riddler> ok
[18:02] <Riddler> i'm gonna play my megaton hammer on Wario (you shoulda killed him, olol)
[18:03] <Riddler> his attack goes up by 5 for the turn
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> I should have. D:
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> shi-
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> oh god i'm intercourse ed
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> ;_;
[18:03] <Riddler> attack arwing with wario, falco, and squirtle, 14+8+4
[18:03] <Riddler> =x
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> arwing explodes
[18:03] <Riddler> wait whats that add to
[18:03] <Riddler> 18...26...
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> 26
[18:03] <Riddler> yeah arwing explodes
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> :x
[18:03] * Riddler shakes silvers hand
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> Good game, even though I kinda failed.
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> D:
[18:04] <Riddler> good game. :P
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> I gotta go for a bit
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> brb
[18:04] <Riddler> i have to pick one of your character cards now
[18:04] <Riddler> hold up
[18:04] <Riddler> we bet =P
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> D:
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> Oh right
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> fffffff
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> I have um
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> ZSS, Arwing, Waddle Dee, Squirtle..
[18:04] <Riddler> i have squirtle and peach already...
[18:04] <Riddler> i don't wanna kill your game by taking arwing ;_;
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> and Peach
[18:04] <Riddler> so i'll take Waddle Dee
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> D:
[18:04] <Riddler> <3
[18:05] <Riddler> if KJ says we can't do that, you can keep him
[18:09] <Riddler> er
[18:09] <Riddler> we made a mistake
[18:09] <Riddler> but it didnt effect the game
[18:10] <Riddler> your attack on squirtle should have left him with 2 defense, not 4. :P  [/spoiler]

TL;DR: We agreed to 50 coins and One Character Card, and I won.
He played Arwing.
I played Wario and Freezie on Arwing.
He played ZSS, attacked Wario.
I played Falco and attacked ZSS with both Wario and Falco, KO'd ZSS.
He played Squirtle, attacked Wario.
I played Squirtle, attacked Squirtle with all three, KO'd Squirtle.
He attacked Squirtle with Arwing.
I played Megaton Hammer on Wario, attacked Arwing with all three, KO'd Arwing.
I claimed his Waddle Dee card.

Good Game :)


Yeah, Riddler kicked my ass. >.>

Dog Food

Quote from: Jono2 on September 14, 2009, 02:28:20 PM
I'm a bit confus about how it works.

1. You must have one character on the field at all times, right?  Then who starts the game?  Do you both start with one character automatically on the field?  What determines who gets the first move?

2. If you have all 3 cards required for a fusion combination (which I don't), what happens?  Say I have Samus out.  She loses one star and is down to 4 defence left.  I then use my fusion phazon beam and place Phazon Samus (should be Dark Samus tbqh) on the field.  Is Phazon Samus fresh, or has the card lost 1 star and 3 defence?
1. You're reading into that a little too much. Basically, it means that when it is your turn you can not choose to skip and not play a character card if you do not have one out on the field. You and your opponent can decide who starts, and as soon as it is your turn you play a character card.

2. There has been some debate on this topic. I must have overlooked it in the rules, so I'll be adding the explanation there as well. Here's what happens:

Upon creating a fusion card, the stats do not necessarily stay the same as what is written on the card. Although the attack and defense stats will remain the same, the amount of stars could change. This all depends on how many stars were lost to your previous character before it transformed. The amount of stars lost are subtracted from your fusion card. For example, if your character lost one star, then transformed, the new card would be one star less (if it was four, it would start at three, instead). This only applies to fusion cards (which can be identified as needing a character card and item card in order to be classified as fusion.)

Quote from: Riddler on September 14, 2009, 03:12:34 PM
Me vs. Silver.
Full transcript of a match between me and Silver in chat, if that's allowed. If not, please void this match.
[spoiler][17:48] <Riddler> let's play?
[17:48] <Silverhawk79> sure
[17:48] <Riddler> wanna do it here and show transcript to kj, or in thread?
[17:48] <Silverhawk79> just do it here
[17:48] <Riddler> alright
[17:48] <Riddler> any bets?
[17:48] <Silverhawk79> Uhh...
[17:49] <Riddler> i like the sound of 50 coins and one Character card :D
[17:49] <Silverhawk79> Sure.
[17:49] <Riddler> how do we decide who goes first
[17:49] <Silverhawk79> um
[17:49] <Silverhawk79> flip a coin?
[17:49] <Riddler> one sec
[17:50] <Riddler> check nsider chat
[17:50] <Riddler> call your coin
(silver called heads in Nsider chat, coin landed on heads)
[17:50] <Riddler> you decide who goes first
[17:50] <Silverhawk79> Um, lemme check my cards
[17:50] <Silverhawk79> Cards: Arwing, Waddle Dee, ZSS, Peach, Squirtle, Leftovers, Star Rod, Veggie, and Phazon Beam.
[17:51] <Silverhawk79> checking thread real quick
[17:51] <Riddler> Cards: Peach, Zelda, Falco, Wario, Squirtle, Bomb, Megaton Hammer, Freezie, and Thunder Stone.
[17:51] <Silverhawk79> I'll do Arwing first
[17:51] <Riddler> alright...
[17:51] <Silverhawk79> Hold on, reading the rules. :B
[17:52] <Silverhawk79> oh, I see
[17:52] <Silverhawk79> I'll use my Star Rod
[17:52] <Silverhawk79> (that's what she said)
[17:52] <Silverhawk79> wait, dajjdfs
[17:52] <Silverhawk79> (That's what he said_
[17:53] <Riddler> alright
[17:53] <Riddler> my turn?
[17:53] <Silverhawk79> sure
[17:53] <Silverhawk79> I'm probably doinitrong
[17:53] <Riddler> i think you're doing it right, but you probably should have saved the star rod since you can't attack first turn if you go first
[17:53] <Silverhawk79> Oh
[17:53] <Silverhawk79> Oh well
[17:54] <Riddler> i'm gonna put Wario on the field
[17:54] <Riddler> play my Freezie on your Arwing, it can't attack for two turns or be attacked.
[17:54] <Silverhawk79> D:<
[17:54] <Riddler> and i'm gonna end my turn like that.
[17:54] <Riddler> i did just intercourse  up though
[17:54] <Silverhawk79> I take my Arwing off the field and put in ZSS
[17:54] <Riddler> warios defense sucks
[17:54] <Riddler> you can't take if off the field =x
[17:54] <Silverhawk79> D:
[17:54] <Riddler> he's still there, but zss is on too
[17:54] <Silverhawk79> fine
[17:54] <Silverhawk79> oh
[17:55] <Silverhawk79> then I attack Wario with ZSS
[17:55] <Riddler> Wario loses one star, has one star left.
[17:55] <Silverhawk79> End turn
[17:56] <Riddler> i'm gonna add falco to the field
[17:56] <Riddler> and attack ZSS with both Wario and Falco
[17:56] <Riddler> 9+8
[17:56] <Silverhawk79> shi-
[17:57] <Riddler> i think that's ZSS ko'd. =x
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> yeah
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> rape time
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> i mean
[17:57] <Riddler> your turn
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> >.>
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> I put Squirtle on the field
[17:57] <Riddler> i'm not sure if arwing is still frozen
[17:57] <Riddler> D:
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> I think it has one turn left?
[17:57] <Riddler> i believe so
[17:57] <Riddler> k, go for it
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> Anyways
[17:57] <Silverhawk79> I attack Wario with Squirtle
[17:58] <Riddler> wario has 1 defense left.
[17:58] <Silverhawk79> and I guess...
[17:58] <Silverhawk79> Yeah, end turn.
[17:58] <Riddler> you gotta play items before you attack =P
[17:59] <Silverhawk79> I noticed D:
[17:59] <Silverhawk79> I'm not very good at this <_>
[17:59] <Riddler> I'm gonna add Squirtle to the field, for good measure.
[17:59] <Silverhawk79> SQUIRTLE SQUAD
[17:59] <Riddler> gonna attack your squirtle with Wario, Falco, and Squirtle
[18:00] <Riddler> 9+8+4
[18:00] <Silverhawk79> Squirtle's KO'd
[18:00] <Riddler> end my turn at that, your arwing is unfrozen
[18:00] <Silverhawk79> Okay
[18:00] <Silverhawk79> I'm using veggie on my Arwing
[18:01] <Silverhawk79> Attacking Squirtle with Arwing
[18:01] <Riddler> Veggie is peach only =P
[18:01] <Silverhawk79> kadlkjlaf
[18:01] <Silverhawk79> In that case
[18:01] <Silverhawk79> Leftovers on Arwing -_-
[18:01] <Riddler> still attacking squirtle?
[18:01] <Silverhawk79> yes
[18:01] <Riddler> squirtle loses a star and has 4 defense left.
[18:02] <Riddler> can we have more than three on the field at a time?
[18:02] <Riddler> i know three is to win
[18:02] <Riddler> oh wait
[18:02] <Silverhawk79> I dunno
[18:02] <Riddler> there it is
[18:02] <Riddler> "no more than three at once"
[18:02] <Riddler> ok
[18:02] <Riddler> i'm gonna play my megaton hammer on Wario (you shoulda killed him, olol)
[18:03] <Riddler> his attack goes up by 5 for the turn
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> I should have. D:
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> shi-
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> oh god i'm intercourse ed
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> ;_;
[18:03] <Riddler> attack arwing with wario, falco, and squirtle, 14+8+4
[18:03] <Riddler> =x
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> arwing explodes
[18:03] <Riddler> wait whats that add to
[18:03] <Riddler> 18...26...
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> 26
[18:03] <Riddler> yeah arwing explodes
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> :x
[18:03] * Riddler shakes silvers hand
[18:03] <Silverhawk79> Good game, even though I kinda failed.
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> D:
[18:04] <Riddler> good game. :P
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> I gotta go for a bit
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> brb
[18:04] <Riddler> i have to pick one of your character cards now
[18:04] <Riddler> hold up
[18:04] <Riddler> we bet =P
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> D:
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> Oh right
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> fffffff
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> I have um
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> ZSS, Arwing, Waddle Dee, Squirtle..
[18:04] <Riddler> i have squirtle and peach already...
[18:04] <Riddler> i don't wanna kill your game by taking arwing ;_;
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> and Peach
[18:04] <Riddler> so i'll take Waddle Dee
[18:04] <Silverhawk79> D:
[18:04] <Riddler> <3
[18:05] <Riddler> if KJ says we can't do that, you can keep him
[18:09] <Riddler> er
[18:09] <Riddler> we made a mistake
[18:09] <Riddler> but it didnt effect the game
[18:10] <Riddler> your attack on squirtle should have left him with 2 defense, not 4. :P  [/spoiler]

TL;DR: We agreed to 50 coins and One Character Card, and I won.
He played Arwing.
I played Wario and Freezie on Arwing.
He played ZSS, attacked Wario.
I played Falco and attacked ZSS with both Wario and Falco, KO'd ZSS.
He played Squirtle, attacked Wario.
I played Squirtle, attacked Squirtle with all three, KO'd Squirtle.
He attacked Squirtle with Arwing.
I played Megaton Hammer on Wario, attacked Arwing with all three, KO'd Arwing.
I claimed his Waddle Dee card.

Good Game :)

Okay, I read through your game and it seemed legit. You get 200 coins and Waddle Dee, congrats Rob. If Silver has any objections, he can PM me.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.

The Riddler

Thank you, ma'am.

I'm open to challenges, to everyone who wants to play.
I prefer IRC play.


Quote from: THEBIRD on September 13, 2009, 06:32:30 PM
Luigi killed Peach, therefore he can not attack this next turn because of Peach's ability.

Zelda attacks Luigi. He now has 1 star, same stats.

Me: 1
You: 1

Attacks Zelda.


Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on September 14, 2009, 03:58:24 PM

Attacks Zelda.
Zelda's gone, and after my turn your Warpstar will be gone, too.

Link kills Link in one turn with that. You still have your one star Luigi on the field.

Me: 2
You: 2

Dog Food

Quote from: Riddler on September 14, 2009, 03:50:39 PM
Thank you, ma'am.

I'm open to challenges, to everyone who wants to play.
I prefer IRC play.
I'll play you, Rob. There are the advantages and disadvantages to playing the card creator, but I'll give you something really cool if you win. There's always a consolation prize if you lose, too.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: THEBIRD on September 14, 2009, 04:04:40 PM
Zelda's gone, and after my turn your Warpstar will be gone, too.

Link kills Link in one turn with that. You still have your one star Luigi on the field.

Me: 2
You: 2


Both attack.


Quote from: Dog Food on September 14, 2009, 04:15:45 PM
I'll play you, Rob. There are the advantages and disadvantages to playing the card creator, but I'll give you something really cool if you win. There's always a consolation prize if you lose, too.
Actually I'm playing Rob in IRC right now also can you respond to my PM soon it's um kind of urgent D:
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

The Riddler

KJ, as soon as this match is over, I'll play you.

Dog Food

Quote from: Triforce_Luigi on September 14, 2009, 04:16:33 PM

Both attack.
You need Mario out, then use the Tanooki suit on him in order to play that card. I gave everyone a fusion card, but I don't think anyone has enough of the cards yet to actually make a fusion. It's my way of making you guys buy cards and sell. Clever, right?

Quote from: Big Brother on September 14, 2009, 04:17:53 PM
Actually I'm playing Rob in IRC right now also can you respond to my PM soon it's um kind of urgent D:
I did, I did. I sent you both one, that's how efficient I am.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.