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Alright, time for some SERIOUS TALK.

Started by Abstract Art, September 12, 2009, 06:52:26 PM

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Abstract Art

With all the things that have happened between members of the NS2 TF2 crowd and I in the past month or so, I really feel the need to discuss something that happened the other night, something that moved me. My feelings were greatly hurt by what happened, and I believe that the best way to cure strained relationships with others is by talking, so, Burninglink, Artemis, and anyone else from NS2 who cares to comment, let's put aside the BIG TROLLING and let's talk.

Burninglink, I need to talk to you about what happened the other night in your Pokemon Heart Gold live-stream. I'm talking about when you banned me from your channel for making whale jokes about Artemis.

BL, bud, you hurt me. Why? Why did you do that? I mean, people from /v/ got to stay. People like DDantas and Parker got to stay. I mean, what am I? Chopped liver? Seriously, why was I excluded?

You know, of all the things that have been said and done, I think the fact that you banned me from your live-stream probably cuts the deepest. I'm not good enough for you, is that it? Because, you  know, I can't eat 5% of my body weight per day like Artemis can, and I know that probably makes me inferior to her, probably in every conceivable way, and I've accepted that. I've accepted the fact that I would never be able to feed five starving Eskimo families for an entire winter, or that I won't constantly flaunt my femininity with terrible posts on online forums in an effort to gain approval on the Internet. Alright, I'll never be able to handle that level of dedication to my art, to my craft, as one might say.

And maybe, that doesn't make me worthy of being in your presence. But, you know, think of the little people, Burninglink. Think of the people who aren't god awful attention whores or the people who don't validate their existence by participating in Skype chats with handfuls of other lonely individuals. 

We still have feelings, and I don't think it's fair of you to just ignore me like that. I mean, you know, I understand that I'm not even on your radar, alright, I mean, that's cool, I understand, after all, you're an Internet celebrity, and who the hell am I, right? I mean, I'm just some b**** from a small, closed community who played Team Fortress 2 with some people on NSFCD, and I didn't go out and get all uppity when people called me out for being terrible at it, which actually hasn't happened yet, because I never sucked at it like you guys do.

But that's okay, the point is, I try. One day, maybe, maybe, and I'm crossing my fingers here, you can't see it, but trust me, I am, I'm hoping that one day, I can reach your level of perfection, maybe I can reach your level of streaming footage of you playing an emulated Pokemon game in Japanese and not be accused of being gay, I'm not sure if that's happened to you yet, I'm pretty sure that probably makes you gay. The point is, even if you ARE gay, I mean, that's cool, hey, it's an open society, America, it's a free country, you know what I'm saying, I'm assuming that you're American, if not, I hope that you don't live in one of those anti-gay countries, because, you know, it's cool, your sexuality is your own choice.

I think the idea here is that, I'm not you, and I'll never be Artemis, and I've accepted that. I was having trouble sleeping for a while, thinking, you know, "How can I ever match Artemis' excellence in being an attention whore to impress Burninglink?"  It took me a while, it took some therapy, I had to go talk to a shrink for a while about my feelings of inadequacy, and you know, after months and months of therapy, and lots of pills, I've come to the conclusion that I'll never be Artemis, and I have accepted that. It's still rough, I still kinda get shivers down my spine every time I see Artemis post on NSFCD, and I think just how glorious it would be to be her just for five minutes.

The point I'm making here is, you make a livestream, you let plenty of other high quality posters like DDantas and Artemis in, and you excluded me, and it cut deep, so I just wanted to make sure you understand that the things you say, and the people you include or don't include, it really does mean something to us, and it does touch us, and when the Burninglink, not just A Burninglink, but THE Burninglink, when he makes a live-stream, people watch, and the point is, people watched, and in the user list, they didn't see my name.

So, if you could just reach out, and badmouth me first next time instead of just getting pissy and throwing a temper tantrum and banning me when I insult Whalemis, it would mean so much to me, and to my future grandchildren, that you know, I would just savor it for eternity, so just please think of me next time, Burninglink, love ya, baby, bye.  :-*

This isn't just a thread about Burninglink and I, I'm also completely willing to talk about any other issues you wonderful NSider2 goers might have with me, so fire away!





Click me ^

Abstract Art

Lucky Seven

You have some nice writing skills there Abstract.  I've thouroughly enjoyed every story that you've posted about Nsider2.

Also you can thank Error for linking this thread to us. Again. :U

Abstract Art

Quote from: Lucky Seven on September 13, 2009, 01:05:30 PM
You have some nice writing skills there Abstract.  I've thouroughly enjoyed every story that you've posted about Nsider2.

Also you can thank Error for linking this thread to us. Again. :U
I love Error, he's so helpful.


Now I know you don't like NS2, but were you expecting NO consequences when you flame someone's friend like that, especially when they have moderator powers?

Hell, dunno if I'm taking it too seriously, but seriously, I do enjoy your posts, or rather, your talents at writing fiction demonstrated within. I wish they weren't so quickly descending to pure bile, though.

Nonetheless, if you got hired to write a humor column for some periodical, I'd probably buy it, if you have more material up your sleeve. 

Abstract Art

I don't understand why everyone at NS2 is so upset about this thread. All I'm trying to do is be helpful and solve a very, very serious issue between me and members of their community.

All they've done so far is act like JERKS.  :'(

Kachi Basoka

Quote from: Abstract Art on September 13, 2009, 01:37:56 PM
I don't understand why everyone at NS2 is so upset about this thread. All I'm trying to do is be helpful and solve a very, very serious issue between me and members of their community.

All they've done so far is act like JERKS.  :'(
Hey, I only laughed. D:

Abstract Art

Quote from: Burninglink
She must be getting quite bloated from all the feeding. She's almost as fat as Artemis!
Unfortunately, no one can be that fat.

Abstract Art

Quote from: Kachi Basoka on September 13, 2009, 01:41:03 PM
Hey, I only laughed. D:
Well, it's okay, because I like you Kachi, and therefore, you don't apply to that previous statement.