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Infinity - BETA

Started by Magnum, October 27, 2009, 06:58:45 PM

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"I'm Harver," the red-haired mage stated as he began to scan the quest board. Hm... the tournament sounds like something I'd like to enter after I've had some sort of training... His eyes then wandered over the notice of both the academy and the old man telling stories. I think I'll go to the academy after listening to this man... He thought as he began to walk to the square to find the man. And if there's time after that, I'll enter the tournament. Maybe.
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((;_; Let me have the tournament. It fits my character more. ))


((I think multiple people can join. You'll just have to be the better fighter if you want to win.)) Zigmor slowly walked up to the billboard with each step making a noticable indent on the ground. "Well...considering this is my first time in this world, maybe I should gather some knowledge...after that...If I have time, I could get into this tournament."


((Who said that only one character could take each thing? And besides; Harver even decided that he would do two other things first.))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


Zigmor saw that Harver was heading to where the town square was. "Well...He looks like he knows where he's going." He began to head in the direction Harver went.


Quote from: PokemasterJ on November 03, 2009, 08:00:29 PM
((;_; Let me have the tournament. It fits my character more. ))
((Multiple people can be in the tournament))

An old man jumped up in front of Harver. He watched as the giant man walked up and stood behind Harver. Just from his walking, the old man almost fell. "This is exactly what I mean by kids these days," the decrepit man stated as he took his walking stick and taped Harver in the back of the knees a bit. He looked up at the giant and simply shook his head at him.
He gave Harver a good, long look as he took a gasping breath that barely reached into his lungs. "Alright, whether you want to hear it or not, I'll begin,"

"This world began 500 hundred years ago. Back then, the world was torn in two with a war between four gods. The gods of Earth and Water, who believed that the world should be ruled by demons and beasts, and the gods of Wind and Fire, who believed the the world should be left in the hands of humans and animals.
The war waged for three centuries, with heroes on both sides, until finally the Fire God, Ramus, tore the world into two dimensions. While doing so, he gave up his own life, and destroyed most of the other world, so that the demons wouldn't be able to gain the strength to cross over into our world. It is said that the world of Demons is an exact copy of ours, except burned to a crisp from Ramus' final sacrifice.
The god of Wind, Sereh, went over into the other world, as to protect any human soul who crossed into their world, and guide them back. It is unknown if she is alive or dead."

The man took a grasp at air. "Recently, demons have been passing over to this world, however. This lead to the Monster's guild being created to deal with any animals that were tainted into darkness. The Sorceress' suspect that there is a way from our world into the Demon's, and have been working on finding, and closing this portal. Once they do, our world will be safe forever. Until then, we need people like you to pass on the stories so that we can continue to combat the monsters," he took one final breath before he moved beside the young mage and the enormous heavy.
"And don't think for a second that just because you aren't really from this world that it doesn't matter to you. You won't be feeling that piece of mechanical contraption on your head much longer," the old man told them as he disappeared into the crowd.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Zigmor listened to the story but was thrown back by the line about his helmet. Woah...did he just break the fourth wall?...Don't really see that in games these days...


"Not sure about you," Harver said, turning to Zigmor, "but that last comment he made left me a bit more than nervous about this place." He sighed and stretched his arms. "Well, I was going to check out the academy next. Care to tag along?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.


((Darn, I guess I won't be sweeping the tournament then. :P))

Jason sighed. "I guess I should get some money before I go to the tourney."

He walked towards the direction of the "Lost Cat" ad.


"I feel we might lose a lot of sleep over this game..." He said looking at Harver. "Sure, I might as well go."


"Cool," the mage said as he held his hand out for Zigmor to shake. "Not sure if you heard, but my name's Harver. How about yours?"
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.

Lohn Jocke

"Jerr!" The outburst was a bit sudden, since Jerr had mainly been in the background, and looking at his surroundings. "It's... Jerr."

He feels embarrassed and steps off. Talking isn't exactly a strong point, is it? He looks at the Bulletin Board. Hmm, lessee here... Cats? Nah, I hate those things. How about the tournament? Well, I have no money, so that's out of the question. Wait... assassination? That seems like a good job for me. He notes the name and address, and walks to the back of the group.


Quote from: PokemasterJ on November 03, 2009, 09:23:14 PM
((Darn, I guess I won't be sweeping the tournament then. :P))

Jason sighed. "I guess I should get some money before I go to the tourney."

He walked towards the direction of the "Lost Cat" ad.
A young girl sat pouting on the end of a stone stair heading up into a house. She saw the soldier walking up and she was excited. She just knew that this man was going to help.
"You must have saw my ad! I'm so glad. My cat! He's gone! And I don't know where he went. He doesn't even leave the house. PWEESE FIND HIM!" She begged the man as she handed him a small piece of paper.
On it was what looked like a gray blob. "That's what she looks like. She doesn't have a collar, but she answers to 'Mittens'. I'll pay you as much as I can if you find her. Also, pweese don't tell my parents. They didn't like the cat in the first place, and I feel like they are always trying to get rid of her. They work with a group of Sor... sorce... sorcrars if you know them," the girl explained with a happy look on her face.

*Warning* *Warning*
You are about to enter into a great quest. Continue at your own risk.
*Warning* *Warning*


A man enshrouded in a red cloak walked toward the edge of town. Near a small wall stood 6 men all in full attention. A dark sigh left the shadow where his face should be and he took off his hood. A look of disgust flew across 4 faces of the men, as the four of them walked away. The other two men looked at each other and simply bowed to the man.
"I won't allow only a tournament of two, we wait for more," the man said in a crackled voice. He took a seat on a bench and looked at the two men hard. They looked back into a face that had been scared over the right eye, a sign of a Magic Fencer.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


New missions added. One mission will require a quiet approach, and it is suggested that if you take it, you might want to take any noisy equipment off.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


((Don't think I can do much 'til Dr.H responds to me. :|))
Holy crap all my sigs were always poop. Best leave this space alone.