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Started by Magnum, October 27, 2009, 06:58:45 PM

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Quote from: PokemasterJ on November 07, 2009, 02:05:27 PM
" I just need the Sorcerers to help me find the cat."
"Oh dear. Well then, it appears I have a lot to explain. Get comfy," Almga told him as the room lit up from a fixture on the ceiling. Two chairs floated out from the ground and landed facing each other. Almga sat in one and allowed Jason to sit in the other. Without waiting to see if he would, Almga began.
"As you may know, this universe has two dimension. Our dimension is one of peace and order. The other dimension is one ruled by demons. It is for hate and discord. Long ago, the two dimensions were one, until they were separated by gods. But recently, the hatred from the other dimension has been seeping through, and has made this world a more violent one, and in such a simple amount of time."
"Not long ago, however, the Sorcerers of this town thought that they found a link to the other world. When they sent a person through, he came back after a short amount of time, but as a completely hideous creature. He killed the heads of the operation, and was only silenced when the Monster's Guild heard the screams, and came to check."
"Ever since then, the Monster's guild has been trying to keep the Sorcerers safe from the monsters that have been seeping through. We, the Monster's Guild, don't kill monsters because of money or glory. We destroy them to keep the balance of this world. And if those Sorcerers can find a way to close the portal, then this world would be safe forever. So, we shall do whatever it takes!"
"I hope I didn't explain it too complicated for you. If you have any questions, just ask," Almga offered to Jason when he finished up his story.

Quote from: SrDude on November 07, 2009, 02:14:34 PM
Well, at least I can hear what they're saying. Jerr lays down, setting his ear onto the floor, hearing the conversation beneath.
"That darn Monster killer fanatics just won't leave us alone for one second! We won't be able to open the portal up with them breathing down our necks!" a voice yelled. Rustling could be heard then it went quiet again.
"Do you think it smart to simple yell what we are doing. What if someone hears? I think that your loud mouth would be the perfect next experiment! Guards!" another voice exclaimed as more rustling could be heard, before it all went silent.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


"I...just need to see the sorcerers."

Lohn Jocke

Well... that wasn't very helpful. Jerr hops out of the window, hoping to find another entrance.


Quote from: PokemasterJ on November 07, 2009, 02:41:43 PM
"I...just need to see the sorcerers."
"Do you want to die!?" Almga asked him in an enraged tone. He stood up from his chair and began to tower over Jason again.

Quote from: ThisIsU on November 07, 2009, 02:49:59 PM
Well... that wasn't very helpful. Jerr hops out of the window, hoping to find another entrance.
There were no other windows, just the front door. But it sounded like something was in the room Jerr just exited from.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


"I think I can have a sorcerer tell me where a gosh darn cat is."

Lohn Jocke

On the way out, Jerr notices something in the room... he hops right back in, and walks toward it.


*Character Name: Xephyr

Real Name: Jamisson 'James' Kaiser

*Sex: Male

*Age: 16

*Class: Druid

*Attire: Wears a simple off-white cloth vest that exposes his muscular chest and allows for plenty of movement.  It's tucked into some shorts of similar material and color but sturdy.  He wears a red headband that holds back short to mid-length brown hair.  Wears an amber pendant that hangs close to his neck.


*Weapon Mastery: ((We can only use the weapons listed by the class?)) Dagger

*Background info: Xephyr was orphaned at a young age, but instead of being adopted and raised elsewhere, he ran away and lived by himself in the woods.  He learned how to survive and, to an extent, control the land.

Family: James is the oldest of eight.  Both of his parents work, but still his family is financially tight and can't afford much.  He works to support his family, and has saved up some of his own money to buy this game.

IQ: Never bothered to take a test, but gets good grades in all advanced classes.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


Quote from: ThisIsU on November 07, 2009, 04:02:31 PM
On the way out, Jerr notices something in the room... he hops right back in, and walks toward it.
A small opening in the floor appeared, and seems to lead down to where the people were talking. No one is there at the moment.

Quote from: PokemasterJ on November 07, 2009, 03:57:22 PM
"I think I can have a sorcerer tell me where a gosh darn cat is."
Almga let out a melancholic sigh. "You haven't been here long yet," he speculated.
Almga moved up to Jason, grabbed him by the shirt and threw him across the room. "Then allow me..." he began as grabbed out a dark green book and got into a battle position. "... TO SHOW YOU OUR WORLD!"



Meanwhile, at the academy

A fat, pompous man moved out to a balcony from the academy building, overlooking the people that had come. A chubby smile was planted across his face, and he seemed pleased at the turnout.
"Welcome, all you brave warriors! We are so glad you have volunteered yourselves to cross over to the Demon World to help end the war that started centuries ago!" he bellowed at the top of his lungs. A questioning look came onto the faces of all the people there, before they started to become outraged.
At all the angry shouts, the fat conductor simple waved his hand a little, and soldiers began to pour out of the castle. There had to be at least 100 of them.

"So this is why they brought us here. Going to the Demon World is like a suicide trip. I don't think I'll give my life up so easy! COME ON EVERYONE! SHOW THIS ASSHOLE WE ARE NOT ONES TO BE MESSED WITH!" Hines ordered to the men. They all seemed to be pumped up, but most of them were unarmed and weak.
"I don't want to go back to the bad place. You can't make me!" Ever said angrily as she pulled out a staff that was attached to her back.



Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

Lohn Jocke

...I'm going to regret this, aren't I? Jerr hops into the opening.


An old man in full black robs stood in the middle of several lab equipment. It was something you would see in a Hollywood movie. He was an old man, his hair grayed, his breathing deep. He stood staring at a small, black orb.
"How's the distortion?" He asked one of the Sorcerers.
"Going perfect, Rico. We think we might have it this time," he told him, with a touch of fear on his voice.
"Perfect. Soon, I'll rule this world and the next, and I'll live forever," he shortly lectured.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

Lohn Jocke

...Oh poop. Jerr may or may not be f*cked, as he had ran out of MP for Flesh Gorge, and the sorcerer might have already known a presence were there. He begins to leave.


Quote from: ThisIsU on November 07, 2009, 05:46:19 PM
...Oh poop. Jerr may or may not be f*cked, as he had ran out of MP for Flesh Gorge, and the sorcerer might have already known a presence were there. He begins to leave.
No, no he didn't. He was to busy being E-V-I-L

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

Lohn Jocke

Good enough for me! Jerr continues watching.


"Heh, I see you're intent of a fight," Jason replied, jumping before he hit the wall. After throwing the other man's Friend Card into the air, Jason drew his sword and cut through it like butter.

"Now I'll ask you again: where are the sorcerers?"


Quote from: PokemasterJ on November 07, 2009, 06:55:34 PM
"Heh, I see you're intent of a fight," Jason replied, jumping before he hit the wall. After throwing the other man's Friend Card into the air, Jason drew his sword and cut through it like butter.

"Now I'll ask you again: where are the sorcerers?"
"NOT FOR YOU TO KNOW!" Almga bursted out as his fist began to show a faint sign of glowing. Without a slight sign of worry, he charged Jason with his fist ready to strike.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change