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Hard copies or digital copies with PC games? (aka, should I start using Steam?)

Started by Lotos, October 31, 2009, 10:36:11 AM

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[spoiler=pretty much been answered]Which would you recommend?  I personally would like a hard copy of the game, but then again, would it be able to play with people who got their copy from Steam?  Also, why do I feel that the games gotten from the hard copy won't be able to have the mods that the Steam copies can get?  Also, don't you also get the .wav's from the Steam copies or something like that?

Please answer my questions, as I've been wanting to get into PC gaming (besides Touhou and the DOS games).[/spoiler]

Now for my final question (I think), people like Mastgrr use the sound effects from game like TF2 and L4D in remixes.  Will I need a program to extract the sounds from the game or are the files easily accessible after the game is installed?


digital copies mean you dont worry about scratched disks, and you cant void the warrenty. Also you never loose the game.

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Also, Syzothermy said that if the company goes out of business, either way, I will lost my game due to DRM, correct?


No. They most likely will let you burn the games to a disk and remove DRM.

Super Hyper Puzzle Gem street fighter 4 the new challengers hyper fighting championchip edition Turbo  3rd Strike Alpha 3 Upper The Movie: The world warrior fighters new generation giant attack The final fight for the future HD Remix EX2010 Online


Quote from: Omega12 on November 01, 2009, 11:08:59 AM
No. They most likely will let you burn the games to a disk and remove DRM.

Ok.  Any others want to share their thoughts?

Friendly Hostile

I personally prefer hard copies.  I like having something I physically own.  However, since my CD drive has bit the dust, I currently am only able to use digital.


Steam to great service. With there weekend deals and mid week madness sales I save a lot of money. Last week I got psychonauts for only two bucks for there mid week madness sale. Every week there is something different on sale. I only paid 15 dollars for left for dead one during a sale. With all the sales I personally can't afford not to use steam for my PC gaming needs. Also the DRM solution is fare unlike other games like the hard copys of spore where you only get five installs.
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Although I'd prefer a Hard Copy, Steam instant downloading is so easy and useful that I do that.
Not only that, the prices are great and there are always incredible deals.
I have about 15+ games, and I paid about $50 total for all of them.


The question is: Are you sentimental about a game?

-Yes? Get a hard copy, you can show it off to your friends or frame it once it gets to be a big deal.

-No? Go digital. Steam has sales like crazy, so you'll chances are it'll be cheaper.


I prefer Steam because you don't need to go though that junk with the CD keys and stuff. Once you buy a game on Steam it's yours unless you manually gift another copy. So unless someone knows your Steam password, it's almost impossible to steal it. Also the sales occur every 10 minutes.