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You told me so.

Started by Talim, November 24, 2009, 02:03:15 PM

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Yeah, i'm back. It's fine. You can be all "LOLOL WE KNEW YOU COULDN'T LEAVE US", I don't care.

I have to apologize to everyone anyways.

I'm sorry i've been such a ninny these past couple..years? Er, well maybe just the past year. Apparently you all didn't mind me the first year I was here(I was mostly on IRC though).

But yeah, I want to apologize for overreacting all those times, going on banning sprees in my channel when people said things to piss me off, causing pooploads of drama, and annoying the hell out of everyone when I kept rage quitting #nsider for no reason.

I hope you can all forgive me. I don't know what was wrong with me. I'd love to say it was stress and PMS, but I wasn't PMSing for the whole year, and I dun think I was stressed that much, either.

Yeah, grade 12 stress is getting to me, and that's why i've been very ninnyy lately. I have my math and english final exams in January. They're worth 50% of my final grade for each class, and well, yeah.

Anywho, I shall stop talking now. Once again, I hope you'll all forgive me for all the poop i've done. I'd really like it if things could go back to the way they were before I started being all batpoop crazy 50% of the time. >>

Kay, bai~

Also, Mack I know I lost intro board privelages. Erm, well it seems to be working now. >> Anywho, please don't delete this thread. I'd like everyone to read it.


Not sure I can say anything since I'm not in IRC that often, so my opinion is probably invalid, and not wanted.

All I can really say is, welcome back (Again) Talim. ^_^


Amazing how glitches happen. Welcome back, and you still lost your privileges.