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So... school.

Started by Kilroy, January 01, 2010, 03:14:33 PM

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Ah, yes, school, the fine education system of the United States of America. Quite interesting, isn't it?

What's your opinion on school? Also, favorite subject? Explanation of both?

Personally, I believe that it just gets me through the day. Friends, interesting teachers, actually semi-challenging subjects, etc.
"yes you are anusface, but i am better than!!" - taw, steam forums


Don't we already have like 5 favorite subject threads?

And yeah, school is...time passing. Math is lulz easy, English is boring as Obama's speeches, Science (forgot which) is kinda cool, US History is partially interesting, Basic Computer is mostly fun, PE is somewhat cool, somewhat boring, Teacher's Aid is sweet, and Study Hall is...well...Study Hall.


School's alright...
I mean I like to learn and all, but teachers kill you with work.
At least I get to see my friends everyday through school.

My favorite subject would probably be AP US History.
The teacher may give a lot of work from time to time, but at least she makes it interesting.

- AP Spanish isn't bad, but I'm afraid to open my mouth because I don't want the teacher to think I'm an idiot who doesn't belong in AP.
- AP Language & Composition is just terrible. The teacher has killed any love I had for English and butchered it.
- World Religions is just plain annoying due to my teacher who I swear has A.D.H.D.
- AP Psychology is a great class. One of the few classes that interests me. Second favorite.
- AP Biology. I'm getting ready to fail the AP Test. There's no way I can pass this test with such a terrible teacher.
- Pre-Calculus has actually been good to me. I have a great teacher who has allowed me to semi-enjoy math.
- AP US History is great. Teacher assigns a lot of work, but I definitely have learned a lot.


School is pretty easy, I could do great if I worked a little harder.

German 1-  Lol, way easy, coolest teacher in the school, really fun.  The only bad thing is my class is filled with complete idiots.

Health/P.E.- PE was interesting.  We never got much done but hey, it was a you-pass-if-you-participate class so what the hey.  I'm switching and taking Health this upcoming semester.  I don't think it'll be too hard.  Maybe boring, but whatever.

English 1 PAP- A really annoying class.  I don't get it, I hate reading at someone else's pace and psychoanalyzing every word in the book, I just screw it all and then only get Bs on the tests =/

Biology PAP-  Most boring class ever.  Ugh.

Algebra 2 PAP- My hardest class, only one I have to really work at.  But I enjoy it, great teacher.  Hard work, but eh, suck it up and deal with it.

JV Theatre Production- Very fun, but very demanding.  I've done thing in this class I would've never done.  Ever.

World Geography PAP-  Easy, boring.  Eh, whatever.

School is school, it especially sucks when you don't do any EC activities, so do them.

formerly: Marth Xero, Xero, Roy Khan, Diego Armando, Lux Aeterna, and more I forget it was like 11 years ago jeeze


Calculus -- Makes me feel dumb as I don't get it immediately.
Health -- I've learned more useful stuff in psychology last year, maybe I should take a health course in college so I can learn about my body.
Italian -- Boring, can't wait until I graduate, no more Italian ^^
Participation in  Government -- I don't want this class to end ;-;
Intro to Computer Programming -- Eh, I can visit you guys on here :3
English -- Last class of the day, no complaints except that we're going to start reading Beowulf.


90% of the kids at my school are idiots, but eh.
Favorite subject is probably Algebra II. Not too hard, and there's a lot of time to do homework.


I enjoy school. My favorite subject in general is computers and LA. At the moment, my favorite classes happen to be LA11 and Web Design 2.


I don't mind the work too much, but a lot of work bugs me, it's also a good place to socialize


I think that from 1st grade to 8th grade you should be required to be in school. To learn social skills and basic education.

I believe High school and College should be optional.

Once you get to them it's just useless extra information you will not need to use unless you want to apply for a job that will require them. Which is why they should be optional

School is no problem for me anymore. I dropped out after going pro in Halo. Good money for a good job. Plus I have my diploma with a 3.93 GPA so if I do need to find something else I will.