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KJ's Werewolf - The Cursed Blue Moon

Started by Dog Food, January 04, 2010, 02:19:12 PM

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Dog Food

Quote from: Third K on January 04, 2010, 09:28:28 PM
I say...
...What day does this start anyways?

Quote from: KJCurrent Date: Day 01 - Ends on Wednesday ~5:00 PM Eastern (if a landslide of votes are given to me and most roles have been used before this date, I may end it early).
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.

Dog Food

(Something had been nagging me about this thread, and I realized what it is I forgot to do. Here's your little intro story - it's optional to read. Just skim for the bold, that's where the important stuff will be:)

[spoiler]Prologue - Entering Gladys Village

The jagged blue lightning danced across the black sky... The rain made a soft pitter-patter noise against the muddy ground... I sighed. I had been traveling for days, maybe even weeks. I could no longer remember. I looked at my map again, hiding it carefully under my coat to offer it protection from the downpour. According to my map, there should have been a path about five miles back that would have taken me to a train that could have brought me to the city. I hadn't seen anything.

"That's what you get for failing Geography three times," I mumbled, kicking myself mentally for being so horrible with directions. "And if I don't get out of the rain soon I'll die from pneumonia." So, I continued walking. And walking. And just for a change of pace, I walked some more. Finally I gave up looking at the map (after checking it from every possible angle) and sat under a tree. The thunder rumbled and the lightning lit up the sky. It promised to be a long night...

I must have drifted off to sleep because my eyes suddenly shot open at a noise, and I found that the rain had let up and the storm had ceased. My path was lit up by the full moon in the sky, which gave off an eerie blue light. I shuddered from the cold and massaged my sore neck. Here's a tip: Never fall asleep during a storm under a tree. You'll feel like poop when you wake up and every bone in your body will ache. Then I remembered the noise I had heard and listened carefully. Silence. I sighed; it must have been a dream. I got up and stretched, ready to continue my journey, when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye.

Within seconds my hand went to my waist and a small, silver handgun was in my grip. I had it pointed at the darkness, where I had seen a shadow cast. Nothing. My breathing, which had quickened out of fright, began to return to normal and I put my gun back in its holster. Bad move on my part. Suddenly, without warning, something big ran at me. I let out a short, barely audible gasp before I was brought down by its gigantic paws. I heard a howl, it sounded distant but I knew it was probably ringing in my ears. My eyesight began to fade. There was a blur of blue, a gunshot, and then nothing.


"Welcome to Gladys Village."

"W-What?" My eyes fluttered open. Where was I? What happened? It was no longer night, and I was no longer in the woods. It looked like it was early morning, based on the position of the sun, and I was in some sort of town. There were houses and shops around, but I seemed to be in a circular clearing, laying right next to a small water fountain in the middle of the clearing.

"Welcome to Gladys Village, young'un." I looked up to see a round, portly man with a rather large mustache and an even larger top hat in front of me. I realized I must have been in the town square. People were gathering around us. I jumped up, suddenly very self-conscious and turning red. I heard someone snicker and I gave a nasty look in their direction.

"What the hell?" was all I could manage to put together.

"You're in Gladys Village, kid," someone shouted from the growing audience. "How many times does the Mayor have to tell ya?"

"You were attacked by something in the woods," the portly man, who turned out to be the Mayor, said. "You're lucky our Hunter was there with his gun to save you! And you're lucky our Tracker sniffed out the Werewo- er, the thing before it had a chance to sniff you out."

"Werewolf?" I blinked.

The Mayor ignored me. Instead he clapped his hands together, turned to the audience (which was now filled with about ten people, but I wasn't counting) and said, "Now, time for our vote! Since this will be our first one, here's how it works. You just write down the name on a piece of paper, put it in my hat, and I'll read out the votes. You've got until Wednesday evening, folks!"

"Excuse me, Mayor-guy, what's going on?" I asked, trying to act more politely, as hard as that was.

"It's the first vote!" he said cheerily.

"...That's all you have to say?" I asked, annoyance rising in my voice. "Listen, sir, I need some sort of explanation. I was just... There was that blue wolf thing... And then... Well, what the hell happened?"

The Mayor sighed, turned towards me, glanced back at the people who were all busy staring at their papers, then beckoned me to follow him. We walked through town, which was rather plain and boring. There were small huts, some unorganized shops, a farm here and there... Nothing out of the ordinary or that screamed anything other than the word 'plain'.

"Listen," the Mayor began eventually, "I told you what happened. You were attacked, my finest Hunter and Tracker found you and brought you here. What else do you need to know?"

"What about that blue wolf that attacked me," I said. "A blue wolf? And... Where is here?"

The Mayor seemed grim, as if these were the last questions he wished to answer. "This is Gladys Village. A small town pretty far out of the way from other areas. We get by on what we make ourselves and sometimes export for extra cash. As for a blue wolf, that's absurd. You were probably seeing things. It was late. You were attacked by a normal wolf, and that's all." I looked at the Mayor, who seemed a little red and refused to make eye contact with me.

"Well, I know what I saw," I muttered, thinking that he knew more then he was letting on. "What about this vote you are orchestrating?"

"Town matters," he said rather stiffly.

"Fine, fine... Well, do you happen to have a motel or something I can stay in for a bit? I need a rest from all this traveling."

"You can stay at Gladys Inn. We don't get many visitors, so Harold and Ann would be delighted to take in a paying customer." Something in the Mayor's tone hinted that the conversation was over. And sure enough, he stopped walking. He looked up at the musty, creaky old building we had stopped in front of, and I looked at it to. My lips formed a disapproving frown. It looks like I was about to be acquainted with Gladys Inn.

"...Great..." This was going to be a long day.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


So, how about that story? Damn good story.
She's not being lazy like a few other hosts, either!


So are we actually going to guess the WW's anytime soon?
[21:11] <mackormoses> let's take a look at today's stats
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> stats today are high
[21:11] <mackormoses> holy intercourse ing poop
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> you adding all these standards
[21:11] <Rosencrantz> is really pushing us [/quote]
Quote from: JrDude φ on May 31, 2010, 08:32:13 PM
3 of my friends smoke weed. Why? Well I asked one time, and this is what they said: "Because I can blow out smoke and it makes me feel like a intercourse ing dragon"

Dog Food

Quote from: Third K on January 05, 2010, 06:58:24 PM
So are we actually going to guess the WW's anytime soon?
Sure, PM me before Wednesday evening (Eastern time zone always) with your vote.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Sent mine in.

I'm curious on these moon phases

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

Dark Dragon

I am not sure either.

and why a waxing moon?
Check my art out on DA.
(and don't be insulted if you find a Pic that I did. XP)

Dog Food

(Wow, I'm really sorry for this long story. It's basically what you would see going on in your town if you were a part of it, with subtle hints here and there, but it isn't important and I just got carried away and wrote a poopload. These are probably supposed to be short and sweet and to the point, but I just said 'Fuck that' and did the exact opposite. Anyway, just skim to the bold for the information you need to know. Here's Chapter One:)

[spoiler]Chapter One - A Death in Gladys Village

The Mayor had seemed very keen on me staying in my dingy little room in the Inn for the day, but I, unfortunately for him, had other plans. I decided it was time to snoop around and figure out what was going on in Gladys Village before I made the mistake of sticking around any longer. The man and the woman who owned the Inn (Harriet and Arnold, or something like that) were an old couple who spent their days standing around the desolate hunk of wood they called a home, knitting and talking about how much they adored the Mayor. Sure, they seemed like nice, old people (I wouldn't have complained if they ended up being my grandparents), but they'd never win the 'Best Housekeeper' award. It's a shame, because I was pretty sure they were Polish-Americas.

Anyway, they didn't mind me leaving (although I could have sworn the Mayor whispered something about me staying inside to them before leaving to "attend matters in the Town Square"), which was probably when I first decided I really liked them. They might have liked the Mayor, but they believed in freedom more. Thank you, Harry and Mary (or whatever your names are)! So, I followed the yellow path back toward the Town Square, where I was sure the Mayor would be conducting some sort of secret organization that outsiders like me weren't supposed to know about. And the thought of stumbling on something exciting made me curious and eager to get to the bottom of things. As I neared, I could hear loud voices; there seemed to be some sort of riot breaking out.

"You're going to turn on me, after everything I've done for you?" asked one man in a low growl.

"Don't take it personally, Jade," said the man who was standing by the Mayor. "I just have my views and you have yours."

"Don't take it personally!? How can I not take it personally, Reiter, when you are condemning me to death!" I was hiding behind a small shack nearby, and peered from behind it to get a better view of the situation. The man by the Mayor, Reiter, was wearing long, white robes and had silver hair tied into a ponytail. He wore many gold necklaces with weird shapes engraved into them. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was some sort of guru. The man who was yelling at him, Jade, was a large, brawny man with long, jet black hair huge hands and feet. He was nicely dressed despite his greasy outlook.

"Calm down," Reiter said, a clear warning in his tone. "You wouldn't want your supporters thinking you to be a hotheaded wolf, now would you?" He was smirking now as Jade was forced to take long, deep breaths and repress his growing frustration. His fists were clenched and they were shaking, but other than that he looked calm. Reiter laughed, turned towards the Mayor and winked, before walking away.

"Er," the Mayor stuttered, obviously not wanting to openly show support to one man over the other. He looked towards Jade with a slightly frightened expression, before forcing a smile and then turning away.

"So I see how it is," Jade whispered, and then he raised his voice, "It seems like the Mayor is seeing this as an opportunity to get rid of his opponents in office." There was an audible gasp as the people began turning to watch Jade, who had made his way to the center of the stage.

"N-Now now, Jade. Please don't turn this into-"

"Oh, please, Mr. Mayor. I won't be turning this into any more than it is," Jade replied, a small grin breaking through his sallow face. "It just seems to me that what it is, is you and your supporters gaining up on the one man who had a chance in the elections last year. The one man who gathered enough support to actually beat out the incumbent!" He then turned toward the Mayor, anger burning in his eyes, and whispered something into the Mayor's ear that it seemed was so quiet that even the Mayor didn't hear, or at least the Mayor didn't react to what he had to say.

"Well then, Jade," the Mayor growled, clapping his hands together out of habit, "if you're done captivating the crowd with another one of your rabble-rousing speeches, I say it's time to read the votes."

"Go right ahead, Mayor," Jade said, a small smile on his face as he bowed his hand for the Mayor to take the stage. "We're all... dying to hear the results." Quite a few people clapped as Jade left the stage, and he bowed and waved animatedly. It seemed like Jade had won the popular vote, but the Mayor had reason and a more knowledgeable hand in politics on his side.

The Mayor cleared his throat, took his top hat off the table, and began looking at the names on the cards. An intense silence seemed to have washed over the crowd. The people who had been clapping and cheering moments ago, were now sitting in silence and biting in their nails, with the most curious expressions on their faces. I was intrigued. What was this vote? Was it for who would become the next Mayor? Some sort of town event that could change the lives of the people? Seriously, what the intercourse  was going on?

But then I heard a jingling noise that snapped me out of my wondering. I turned my head just in time to see the guru walking swiftly past me, with a man in a strange costume and a hat with bells on it walking by. I dove behind the bushes, just as they stopped to talk behind the building I had just been hiding behind. They were only about five feet away from me, and I could hear parts of what they were saying. Reiter's back was to me, and he was the one talking, but the weird-looking man seemed overjoyed by whatever Reiter had to say.

"Oh thank you, thank you!" he cried, jumping up and down. He was clutching some sort of necklace unlike the ones that Reiter wore in his hand.

"Sh!" Reiter said, bringing a finger up to his mouth. "I like you, and that is why I've decided to help you. But don't tell anyone else about this. I can't have a mob of people asking for favors. Understand, Miles?"

"Of course, of course!" Miles sang. He was hopping on one foot, then he was twirling himself around by his finger, and then he was humming a tune. And I had thought Jade was an animated man. Silly me. Then again, I had also thought Reiter wore a strange outfit. Now that I had a clearer look at Miles, Reiter walked swiftly away and let Miles celebrate by himself, he had a stranger outfit, too. In fact, he looked almost like some sort of... clown.

"We have the results!" I heard the Mayor's booming voice cry out. Miles jumped up at the noise, lost his balance and tripped, falling head first into the bushes.

"Ow!" we both yelled at the same time.

"Ah!" Miles screeched, jumping out of the bushes and backing against the wall. "W-Who are y-you!?"

"I'm the newcomer," I said, a little more forcefully than I should have as I rubbed my head in pain. "Do you have to be so jumpy?"

"S-Sorry ma'am! I didn't know anyone would be in the bushes..."

"It's fine," I sighed, feeling bad for hurting the fragile man's feelings. But then I had an idea, and I looked up at Miles with a sudden greediness that he jumped again out of fright. "Hold onto the ground there, Miles. I have a few questions for you..."

"N-Now, ma'am? There are about to read the votes!"

"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk about. What are these votes that the Mayor is being so secretive about?"

"Oh, no, no, no, no... I-I couldn't be the one to... Sorry ma'am, you're on your own. Gotta go, bye!"

"Wait a second there, Jumpy!" I called out, and he stopped, albeit, reluctantly. "If you don't tell me, I'll reveal that little chat you had with Sir Reiter the Sneaky."

"Oh! You know about that?"

"...Did you forget I was right there in those bushes?" I suddenly felt as if I placed my trust into the wrong guy.

"Oh, right. Well, I wasn't sure. It's rude to eavesdrop, you know."

"And it's rude to dive head first at someone. And to keep secrets. But I won't tell if you'll just give me this teeny-tiny bit of information."

"Mmf... Fine," Miles said, and he gasped in exasperation. "But I can't tell you now. I need to be there when they announce the person with the most votes or I'll look suspicious!" Before I could say another word, McAntsy was running off, bouncing off buildings and tripping over rocks as he made it back to the Town Square. I sighed; it looks like I'd have to wait a little longer than I wanted for my answers.

"With quite a few votes," the Mayor droned on, and I settled behind the building to listen, "and the unfortunate winner... Well, I'm sorry Kasey, but..."

"No!" screamed a mousy haired man in the front row. "No, no, no! Please, sir, it wasn't me! I didn't have anything to do with it! Mr. Mayor, I have some information that could help you! Please don't take me, please no!"

"I'm so sorry, my dear boy..." The Mayor seemed to be choking on his words as a man whose face was concealed by a black fedora brought the man named Kasey up to the front where the Mayor stood. The Mayor looked at the man who brought the boy up, seemed to silently ask him something, to which the man with the fedora nodded.

"Okay then," the Mayor said in a rather hoarse voice. "It was very close... I'm so sorry my dear old friend. I do not believe it is you. I did not vote for you. But I can't be making all the decisions... This is a democracy. Oh, please stop crying like that! Die with dignity, god dangit!"

"No, no, no..." Kasey kept on muttering, tears running down his face. The man with the fedora hat stood about ten paces away from Kasey, and I suddenly realized he had a revolver in his hand. What was he going to do with that? He was raising it in the air, pointing it at Kasey who looked at the ground, tears dripping down his face... It seemed as if Kasey knew something really bad was about to happen... Wait a second, the man wasn't going to-

There was a loud blast and a thud. Some people gasped, others turned away into their loved ones, some watched detachedly. My mouth was hanging open as I realized what happened. The people cleared the area quickly, most not saying a word, others praying kindly for Kasey, some with tears in their eyes as they said over and over how they thought he was a werewolf and they were so sorry that they were wrong.

The only person who stayed at the scene was the murderer, the man with the fedora hat. The Mayor had cleared out the area, too. I couldn't wait any longer. I left the safety of the building, and walked right up to the spot were Kasey once stood. There was now a bloody, headless body on the ground.

"He was supposed to transform," the man grunted. I looked up at him and blinked. But I didn't say anything. He turned to look at me, his face still hidden behind his hat, but he said, "Oh, you're the newcomer. I thought you were..." but his sentenced trailed off as he looked at the deformed figure laying on the floor. "Doesn't matter, I guess. We were wrong. He was a good guy. We were wrong."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

"We're catching werewolves," he said, glancing back at me. "If I recall, you're the girl we saved only a few hours ago. Too frightened to brave the road again knowing now the creatures that haunt it?"

"Werewolves?" I asked. I seemed to remember hearing that name come up a few times. In fact, one of the people exiting the square used that word, I was sure of it. "So, it was a blue werewolf..."

"Blue? Maybe. Never heard of a wolf other than a gray one before though."

"You're the Hunter?" I asked, eager now for more information as fast as I could get it, and ignoring any comments that disagreed with the fact that I had seen a blue wolf (because I knew I saw one, no matter how many people told me I was wrong).

"Yeah," he said, looking back at the body he had just mangled. "I used a silver bullet, in case it was a werewolf. It wasn't."

"How do you know?" I asked, my curiosity kicking in again.

"He didn't transform. If he was a werewolf, he would have transformed."

"So, who was he?"

"He was the Half-Knowing," a new voice said.
I turned around to see a man dressed in similar clothes to Reiter. In fact, he looked exactly like Reiter, except his voice had drastically changed. It was a lighter, calmer voice, rather than Reiter's dark and deep one.

"Who are you?" I asked, defensively.

"I am Spencer, the Seer," he said, opening his arms in a way of welcoming the world into them.

"Reiter's twin brother," the Hunter added. "Don't wanna get the two confused, or they might hit you over the head with your own gun."

"My brother would do that," Spencer corrected. "I will merely laugh and nod along."

"Yeah, well... We did bad today, Spencer. The Half-Knowing could have helped us a lot," the Hunter said with a sigh.

"Yes, well. That is what happens when we use these brutal means to uncover the bad. Let us hope he passed his knowledge onto someone good before meeting his end..."

"What can the Half-Knowing do?" I asked, feeling out of the loop, and although I found these questions to be inappropriate I couldn't help but ask.

"He knew two names. One good and one evil. But he did not know which. An interesting prize the Gods gave him. Deadly to the bad if he used it wisely, deadly to the good if he did not."

"Yeah, well... You two should probably get out of here. I'll clean up and take Kasey to the cemetery... Give him a proper burial and all that..."

"Good night, my friend. Do not feel guilty for his death, you could not have known." And with that, Spencer the Seer was gone.

"Nice to meet you," I said, suddenly feeling bad for the Hunter, who seemed to be taking it hard that he had killed an innocent man. "And thank you, for saving me and all that."

"Heh, no problem, kid." The Hunter then turned around toward the body. Before I left, he added, "I'd get out of here, and stay inside. You never know the creatures that prowl this area at night."

I left with my mind buzzing too fast for me to comprehend. Werewolves in Gladys Village? The Mayor must not have wanted the news out to outsiders... He didn't want potential visitors knowing of their problems. And now I was in danger. Crap. I made it back to the Inn in one piece and without disturbance. But the night was beginning to fall, and I could see an outline of the New Moon as I closed the door to the Inn and walked upstairs to my bed.

I had been wrong before. This wasn't going to be a long day. This was going to be the most intercourse ed up and yet most enthralling and probably the longest god darn experience of my life. Why was it that I couldn't stop smiling?

**KAOS died with about three votes in the lead of the next in line. He was the Half-Knowing. It is now the Night Phase, and it is the New Moon. This phase will end on Friday, around the same time as this post (check the time stamp). Once again, I'll end it earlier if everything is completed before the given date.**

Quote from: FoxPhantom on January 06, 2010, 03:27:19 PM
I am not sure either.

and why a waxing moon?
Because otherwise the Waning Moon would be lonely.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


I only have one thing to say, Dog Food.

You are a genius.
Gk! Wpd. Bthndl?

Dog Food

Quote from: SkyMyl on January 06, 2010, 03:41:52 PM
I only have one thing to say, Dog Food.

You are a genius.
Incoherent mumbling of a man's other mind.
Aw, thanks! ...But I can't be that much of a genius because it took me forever to realize what you meant by "half of a player"...

But yeah, as you figure it out more and more, probably best to keep it to PM's. Don't want to give away knowledge to the wrong people.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


* KAOS's ghost appears before the crowd:  Nice, guys. I'd like to know who voted for me. Not you don't have me, and I can't tell you what I know...
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.

Dark Dragon

Check my art out on DA.
(and don't be insulted if you find a Pic that I did. XP)

The Riddler

Quote from: FoxPhantom on January 06, 2010, 05:27:20 PM
what is the Half knowing?

He knows one good person and one evil person, but didn't know which was which. Now that he's dead he can't share.

Dark Dragon

oh, so in this case, wow DF you made this game surprising.
Check my art out on DA.
(and don't be insulted if you find a Pic that I did. XP)


* Voice of KAOS's ghost echoes again:  Well, it's your loss.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.