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KJ's Werewolf - The Cursed Blue Moon

Started by Dog Food, January 04, 2010, 02:19:12 PM

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Quote from: PokemasterJ on January 08, 2010, 11:26:09 AM
Heh, lying? Why are you covering for him? Are you a wolf too or something?
His name is FoxPhantom.
If names were any significance in this werewolf, you would be a prosecutor.

But J, you can't just go around aimlessly pointing fingers without any solid leads, evidence, or clues.
This only enhances my point. :3

Dark Dragon

Quote from: PokemasterJ on January 08, 2010, 11:26:09 AM
Heh, lying? Why are you covering for him? Are you a wolf too or something?

I am not trying to cover him, second The reason why I believe he is not a wolf is because my gut instinct, (not only does it work in real life, it works online).
Check my art out on DA.
(and don't be insulted if you find a Pic that I did. XP)

The Riddler

Hey guys shut the intercourse  up, I'm trying to sleep.

Dark Dragon

Check my art out on DA.
(and don't be insulted if you find a Pic that I did. XP)

The Riddler

Quote from: FoxPhantom on January 08, 2010, 12:20:49 PM
? what was that about?
It's the night phase. We're supposed to be in bed. So shhhhh.


The Riddler

That's cause you have a wolf breathing on  your neck.

*If you die  by wolf tonight it is entirely coincidental. I was just being a jerk.

Dark Dragon

no, it just that I never done this in a werewolf game before.
Check my art out on DA.
(and don't be insulted if you find a Pic that I did. XP)


Guys, lets just go with Ray for now. Or we can aimlessly go for someone again. Either we get Ray and have someone we know we can trust or know that J is suspicious and should be the next to go. AND SHUT THE FUCK UP! ROB'S TRYING TO SLEEP!!!!

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change

The Riddler

We're right next to you. No need to scream. I'm trying to intercourse ing sleep. Go away.

Also, I'm not voting Ray. I have my own suspicions and need to look into them before I decide.

Dog Food

(This came late, due to random plans that came up, but finally here's the update. If you bother with the story you'll find that it's short and not much really happened, although there is a lot I could have added, but unfortunately the character had a run-in with the wrong people, causing her journey to end shorter. I basically write these off of the top of my head, so that explains a lot, too. Anyway, the results:)

[spoiler]Chapter One - Part Two - A Night in the Life

I couldn't go to sleep that first night. With a groan from the rickety old bed, I slipped into the bathroom. I wasn't surprised to find that the bathroom was in as bad shape (if not worse) as the rest of the place. The sink sprayed out bits of brown water, if anything at all, and the shower's settings went from 'Cold' to 'Colder' and, my personal favorite, 'Coldest'. I grimaced as I touched a wet, slimy substance when cleaning the foggy mirror and decided a walk outside would be much more sanitary than the dilapidated Inn. The owners of the Inn must have been in bed, and I had an easy time getting out of the place.

Outside it was dark. There weren't any streetlamps, and there was only a faint outline of a dark moon in the sky. The New Moon. I squinted into the darkness ahead of me, feeling the chill of the wind on my cheek. I shivered and blinked to gain some focus. My eyes would adjust eventually, but I was beginning to feel uneasy. After all, what was it that Hunter had said?  'You never know the creatures that prowl this area at night.'

I bit my lip and wondered if I should turn back. I glanced behind me, but the road was engulfed by blackness. I sighed and decided to just keep on walking. I had needed time to think, after all. I had to think about what was going on and what was my part in all of it. Werewolves were attacking the village and that blue wolf had almost gotten me. Did the Hunter kill it? I never found out...

The image of that wolf flashed in front of my eyes, and I gasped. I jumped back, tripped over a rock, and fell into a pile of branches (otherwise known as bushes). "Ow," I muttered, pushing the branches out of my face and peering into the unknown. "Did I just see...?" But the night was silent and calm. I slowly lifted myself up and plucked some of the pine out of my hair. "Great, I startled myself..." I yawned and turned around, my fears and suspicions were getting the best of me, and I decided to toss and turn in my smelly old bed until I drifted off.

But, it seemed, another surprised awaited me.

"Hello, young one," came a deep, throaty voice surprisingly close to me. "I'm sorry, but you aren't going anywhere." My eyes were shut tight and my whole body must have been shaking. I felt hot air creep slowly up my arm and I knew whoever this person was, they were right next to me.

"Um," I stuttered, my eyes still closed (there was still a small chance I could have been dreaming, right?), and my mind wandering off to where I left my gun. In the moldy drawer next to my bed. Damn. "I'd stay back," I bluffed, opening my eyes slowly, "or you'll force me to go to drastic measures."

"Heh," came the hoarse chuckle, "and what will you do - poke me with your small, incapable human finger? Or perhaps you'd like to entertain me with the abilities of your opposable thumbs?"

And that's when it was clear to me what was going on. My fears had been realized. I was talking to a werewolf. Part of me had wanted a moment to face off against the terrible beast, but I had wanted time to prepare, to make sure I knew everything before allowing my reckless side to take control... Apparently it was fated for my face-off to come a little earlier than I would have liked, but when has fate ever been kind?

"Now, now, don't be frightened," the werewolf said in a not-so-soothing tone, "I won't be hurting you tonight."

I turned my head, finally, to face the beast. All I could see was a pair of bright yellow eyes staring back at me a few feet away, along with shiny, white fangs. "Why's that?" I asked, my fists clenching as I gained some courage now that I could see what I was facing (well, it was really only an outline - too dark to really see anything).

"I had other matters to attend to tonight," the werewolf said
, it's jaw moving ever so slightly to make words. "You and the other villagers are lucky. But I can't allow you to just go, after seeing me. It's a shame, my escape was almost without a hitch..."

"So that was you?" I asked, remembering that I had seen a hint of something running off into the woods. "I thought it was that blue wolf..." I noticed those gleaming, yellow eyes grew a little wider, if only for a second, before returning to normal. I raised an eyebrow at him, but said nothing. Come on, this giant black werewolf didn't believe I had seen a blue wolf either? I was beginning to feel desperate for at least one supporter. I mean, I know I saw it! It was definitely blue! Come on...

"I-" but there was a noise and the werewolf stopped talking and bent down low, until I could see his long, bushy tail swaying in the wind. I followed suit, although it probably would have been smarter to run out and yell, "HELP ME! HELP! THERE'S A FREAKIN' GIANT ASS BLACK CREATURE BACK THERE! IT'S GOING TO EAT EVERYONE! GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!" Oh well.

I saw outlines of two people running, the first was wearing a hat with a feather sticking out of it and the second seemed to be carrying some sort of binoculars or glasses in their hand. The man with the hat soon was out of sight, but the second man slowed down and came to a complete stop just before leaving out of sight like the man before him.

"What is it, Hadley?" called the man out of sight, and I recognized the deep, quiet voice from somewhere, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Something," mutter Hadley, and he put a finger to his lips as he raised the binocular-like object to his face. "There." I glanced at the werewolf, who seemed to be deep in thought.

"I will not be captured tonight," he growled. "I should have been out of here already, if it weren't for you."

"So it's my fault?" I asked in my annoyed voice (it's frequently used, if you haven't noticed). "Oh, I'm so sorry I prevented you from running away from a crime scene, your Wolfiness. Why don't I lie down, marinade myself, and make me into a nice dinner for you to take home too, while I'm at it?"

"It's a wolf!" Hadley yelled. "And... And someone else is with it!"



I gasped and looked up, two men were running towards us. The werewolf howled and jumped at me. I screamed, but was silenced by an unforgiving paw. I fell onto the cold, muddy ground, blood trickling from the gash in my head.

**No one died. Other stuff happened for them to know and you to find out. Day Phase begins now and will end Monday, January 11th, at around 5 PM Eastern.**
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.

The Riddler



Holy poop.
That was interesting. At least no one died, right?

...He's really soaking up the story, in case you couldn't tell, KJ.

Dark Dragon

Hmm, odd, why would he choose to not attack, What are the werewolf up to?
Check my art out on DA.
(and don't be insulted if you find a Pic that I did. XP)