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KJ's Werewolf - The Cursed Blue Moon

Started by Dog Food, January 04, 2010, 02:19:12 PM

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Well, that was certainly badass, miss naughty girl. Yeah, I saw what you did there. =3
He's more interested in the story than the actual results...

So, just one more wolf, eh?


Quote from: Blue on January 29, 2010, 01:11:22 AM
Well, that was certainly badass, miss naughty girl. Yeah, I saw what you did there. =3
He's more interested in the story than the actual results...

So, just one more wolf, eh?
2 more, 1 more to kill.
Also, there's an error on the front page, unless the death of the Red Wolf did something to everyone below him.
Dude .

Dog Food

Wow, am I updating fast or what? I wasn't even planning on writing up the next verdict, but I saw the document staring at me from the tabs and decided to start working on it. And what do you know, I ended up finishing it. Only took me, like, an hour. Now onto watching the Grammies with the 3D glasses I stole from the movie theater! Oh, and here's the verdict:

[spoiler]A noise woke me up. It sounded like the creaking of a floorboard. But as my body regained consciousness, all I could make out was the pounding of my head. I groaned and attempted to turn over in bed, until I realized where I was. I realized almost immediately I wasn't in my own bed - or my own room. In the darkness I could see a shape lying next to me, a hand limply placed over my stomach. Reiter let out a small sigh and turned over in bed, his bare back facing me (a few scratches by his shoulders prominent from the previous night), and his arm relinquishing its hold over me.

As quietly as I could, I slipped out of bed and collected my clothes. It was nearly three in the morning, I realized as I glanced at the clock. I tiptoed out of the room and redressed myself. I noticed my heart was beating almost as fast and loudly as my head was pounding. My memories seemed on the brink of returning to me, and I closed my eyes tightly to block them out. I didn't have time to think about what I had just done, what I needed now was to sleep.

I walked into the kitchen and found a small bottle of something that said it could cure headaches, along with some water. I gulped down the medicine and sighed. The headache didn't ebb away, instead as I concentrated on it, it seemed to grow worse. The memory of the party at the bar came like a jolt of lightning. All of the drinks, the playful banter between me and Reiter, which ultimately led into the bedroom. I groaned with embarrassment, but couldn't help not feeling too bad about it. I just didn't know how I'd be able to face him in a couple hours when he woke up. My last hope was that he didn't remember anything, and maybe I could achieve the normalcy we once had. Then again, nothing could ever really be normal - not with the ugly scar darkening my face. Not when whenever I saw myself in a reflective surface, I remembered the beast that gave it to me. And it was that scar that led me to live with Reiter in the first place...

I touched the soft, dead skin that was on my face. It was a small slash that the Black Wolf left on me. A memory that would forever haunt me, and I sighed at that knowledge. "Better get some sleep..." I grumbled, not wanting to give myself time to think. "Maybe I'll have more fantastic dreams about make-believe Blue Wolves and dilapidated libraries that hold the key to every secret about this god darned town..." As bad as a mood I was in, I couldn't suppress a smile as I passed Reiter's room.


I jumped up in bed. What was it that woke me up that time? It sounded like a knock on a door, and in my sleepy haze, I got out of bed to go answer it. I made it out of my room when I snapped out of my daydream and realized that no one would be coming into Reiter's house at four in the morning. I turned around to go back inside and sleep, when I realized the door to Reiter's room was open.

"Weird," I mumbled, and blinking back the sleep, I peered inside. My eyes widened and I stifled a gasp. Reiter was awake and glaring at his bed. Or, perhaps, whatever was on his bed... There was a loud creaking noise, and I saw the end of his bed sink.

"What do you want?" I heard Reiter hiss. He was talking quietly, and the response must have been even quieter, because Reiter went on with the conversation even though I could not hear a response. "You're too late, she doesn't have it. Someone else got it from her before you." Once again, I could not hear an answer, but Reiter continued to talk after a brief pause. "I won't tell you who has it now. You can search all you want, but you'll never find it," - a small smirk formed on Reiter's face - "it'll be the last thing you do and you still will not succeed."

The next thing, I did hear, but I wished I hadn't. It was a bloodcurdling voice, deep and sinister, a voice I remembered well from my own encounters. It was none other than the Black Wolf. "That is quite an arrogant claim. It leads me to believe you are bluffing. One of you has it, and since my lead says the girl, I will have to kill her." Reiter frowned and his eyes seemed to widen, even if only the tiniest bit. "Unless, of course, you can prove me otherwise."

"She doesn't have it," he replied through gritted teeth, his fists curling into little balls. "And if you think you are getting it, you'll have to go through me! And I mean that literally, because I ate it." Reiter was smiling, but his stance changed into a defensive position, and a horrible mental picture went through my head. The Black Wolf cutting as easily through Reiter's stomach as he did my face, tearing him to little bits until he found the invaluable item that he was after, whatever it was... And then, it dawned on me. They were talking about me, I was that girl. Which means that the "it" they were talking about could only be... the pamphlet? Reiter stole the pamphlet from me? At first I was angry, but as I remembered what I had just been witnessing, I understood. For some reason, that pamphlet was very important to the werewolves, and they hadn't been able to find it (although it seems they searched very hard in that library, that explains all the holes...), and when Reiter saw I had it he took it from me while I was still asleep...

I quickly shook out of my daydream, the past, present, and future suddenly mingling together in my mind and I realized what was going to happen if I didn't reveal myself and try to stop it.

"What the hell is going on in here?" I asked, pushing the door all the way open and stomping inside. I looked over at Reiter, who was observing me with what could only be terror in his eyes, and then I glanced at the Black Wolf. A big, black, hulking figure with yellow eyes and giant white fangs. He was regarding me curiously, and I saw his snout curl into a toothy grin.

"Ah, the girl," the Black Wolf stated. His eyes moved slowly over my face, and then rested on my scar. "I see you couldn't get that scar of yours treated... I also understand you were the one that warned the others of the Red Wolf attack on the Detective. I must ask you how you knew about that."


"Don't talk to her," Reiter snapped, and I glanced at him. He wasn't looking at me anymore, but staring at the Black Wolf with venom in his eyes and I was astounded by the emotion he was emitting.

"I had a dream," I said, looking back at the Black Wolf with determination in my eyes. The Black Wolf gave me that same curious expression, which was a close enough reaction to what I was hoping for. He knew something. I knew he had the answers I wanted, and so I pushed forward, another memory coming to my mind. "In fact, I had another dream like it afterwards."

"Oh?" the Black Wolf stated, his voice remaining indifferent, but I knew he was struggling to keep his stance. He was very curious, and so I pressed on.

"Yes, about you. And your friend."

"The White Wolf?" There was a glow in his eyes now, and I smiled despite myself.

"Yes, him. The blind one who believed too much in those rhymes of yours. In fact, he smelled blood - and then within the next hour he was dead. He thought it was a prophecy that you two were going to win the fights, but instead it was his own demise, wasn't it? And you knew it, too, didn't you? You knew the smell of blood didn't mean victory and-"

"Enough!" the Black Wolf shouted, a howling echo coursing through the room. "Enough of your foolish dreams. They are nothing more than dreams."

"Yes, that is quite enough," Reiter added, still not looking at me, and his calm stature back.

"But you and I both know it is more than just a dream," I continued, looking back at the Black Wolf. "Because you were there, and I was there, and we both know it happened. The White Wolf prophesized his own demise, but was too blind to see it for what it was, and the Blue Wolf chose the villagers over the werewolves."

"What do you know about that?" the Black Wolf asked, settling his glare on me. "How could you possibly-"

"The Blue Wolf visited me, that's how!" I shouted back. "I'm more connected in all of this than even you, it seems. I know more about any of this than you do. I have a connection with the wolves, don't I? You have the answers, don't you? When you gave me this scar, you weren't just giving me a scar! You gave me something else. Some of your... your power. Your connection to this whole werewolf-intercourse ed-up-war. You gave me an insight into your own pack. In a way, part of you has been instilled in me."

"Foolish girl!" he growled, and he rose up to his full height, the hair on his back sticking straight up. "That last night I promised not to kill you, but that doesn't mean I will hold back tonight!"

"Would you dare laying a paw on me?" I shouted back, empowered suddenly by some unknown force. "If you were to kill me, a person so deeply connected to you, what would the consequences be? I believe you are too much of a coward to attempt it!"

"Me? The Black Wolf, a coward!?"

"Yes, you! The big, bad wolf who hides behind his underlings to do his dirty work, and when they are all dead he is reduced to making petty deals for a piece of paper to uncover a sly way to kill the Blue Wolf instead of facing him head-on like a true man would!"

"I've had enough!" The Black Wolf jumped off the bed, now standing in between Reiter and I. "One of you is going to die tonight, if not both! You can either give me what I am after Reiter, and you will be the only one to suffer, or you can put up a fight and I will kill the both of you! You can call me a coward all you want, little girl, but I am still strong enough to finish both of you off with one claw while I am in this state!"

"You can just try to kill both of us!" I shouted, my fists clenched.

"No!" Reiter shouted.


"No," Reiter said again, cutting me off. He looked at me, suddenly tired and sad-looking, someone torn by a fatal decision. "You can't have her. Just take me and get this over with-"


"No," he repeated, raising a hand to cut me off. "But I have one last wish, if I am to go with you."

"What is it?" the Black Wolf asked, a small, twisted grin on his face. I gritted my teeth, Reiter was playing right into his hand! He must have had a plan. If I waited, Reiter would reveal his plan and everything would be okay...

"Don't do it in front of her. Please."

"Very well."

That didn't sound like a good enough plan. What was he going to do, try to escape later on? What he needed was to not go at all. "Wait, Reiter, you can't-" But the Black Wolf cut off my plea. I heard Reiter yelling something, but the Black Wolf was on top of me now, growling. I breathed in some of his foul breath and coughed, then held in my breath.

"Watch your back," came the Black Wolf's whisper. "Don't dream, or the demons will take over." I saw him raise one of his giant claws, and then felt nothing as the blackness consumed me.

**Rob, the Healer (could choose one person each Day to protect from the votes and from the werewolves), has passed. Hey, at least he got laid right before he died. That's all we can really ask for, isn't it? And now it is the Day Phase, so start sending in your votes!**[/spoiler]
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


O.K. this is strange. I'm surviving surprisingly longer than I normally do. Usually it's within the first 3.

Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Rob...I will never forget you. We were brothers from Day 1, and it is because of you that I have been able to get through this alive. Thank you, Red Link. I pray that you've found peace in the afterlife.
Someone is taking this quite seriously.

Quote from: Red on January 31, 2010, 07:07:37 PM
Oh, and I'd like to add that KJ is good in bed.
I just had a visual image of the actual KJ and the actual Rob. In bed.

...I'm going to have to kill myself now.


Quote from: Blue on January 31, 2010, 07:46:45 PM
I just had a visual image of the actual KJ and the actual Rob. In bed.


Oh Vesperia, never change... never change


Quote from: Blue on January 31, 2010, 07:46:45 PM
I just had a visual image of the actual KJ and the actual Rob. In bed.

...I'm going to have to kill myself now.
Quote from: Magnum on January 31, 2010, 08:25:38 PM

Dog Food



I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Quote from: KJ on January 31, 2010, 08:37:59 PM


I'm sure it was, when you were typing it.

Yes, teacher.


Whoa, we witnessed a new KJ tonight folks, well actually we already knew it existed, but to think she'd make herself do it in a story about herself with Rob? and not me since we were "lovers" once?
This offends me.
But I am literally giggling to death right now.
RIP Rob.
and RIP to everyone else who I didn't say RIP to.

Also, awesome story, I like how you kinda-sorta make it somewhat realistic if this stuff was possible.
Dude .


We have two (Or was it three?) WW couples.
Well, this is less "lovers" and more like your typical bar story.

I can't wait to see who's next.
I do agree, actually.


Shameless bump, because I'm desperate to make sure this doesn't end up like two other werewolves.
So you've stooped this low.

Dog Food

The next update will be up before Friday, I promise. Don't worry, I'll actually finish this.
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.


Dog Food

Here you guys go. Took me two hours to write. That's what I get for making this entire thing spontaneous and not coming up with an actual story (...while still giving a story when I could have just given you guys results and moved on). Everything your getting is the best I can do on the spot. Not like it matters. Once again, you can read or just scroll to the bottom for the bold.

[spoiler]Part One - The Puppeteer

The blackness slowly faded into white...

I picked up my head and looked around at the whiteness around me. On the white floor was a pool of red. I placed a hand on my head and felt a sting of agony. I winced and looked at my fingers. They were covered in blood. I blinked away the pain and racked my brain for something. Anything. My name, perhaps? Nothing. The feeling of loss seemed to weigh down on me, though. And for no reason I sat down on the white ground, around the white walls in an empty white room, and cried.

Something soft touched my finger and I let out a short intake of breath. I glanced at the ground through a blurry vision, to see a white outline against the white ground. I took a finger and poked at the strange-looking spot, and it made a crunching noise. It was a piece of paper. I scooped it up and looked at it. It was some sort of pamphlet with four different colored wolves on the cover. I opened it up and scanned the page.

Suddenly, my eyes bugged out as a connection was made and as I was about to let out a scream the world around me faded back into blackness...

I slowly pushed myself up. I was back in Reiter's house, only he was gone. My scar was reopened now, and fresh blood spilled out of my head. I grabbed a towel and dabbed it against my head, only feeling slightly dizzy. I remembered everything now, and the memory of the pamphlet that came to me in that dream world was fresh in my mind. I knew what I had to do.

I found some fresh bandages in one of Reiter's cabinets and wrapped it around my head carefully. Then I got changed, taking my time and making sure not to get dizzy and slip back into unconsciousness. When I was ready, I headed out the door.

I must have looked strange on that day. My face was set in an oddly determined, all-knowing sort of way. Anyone who saw me would know I had a secret that I was very intent on showing to the rest of the world. But I didn't pass anyone on that cold morning. Everyone was already at the square, the Mayor might have even been reading the votes. I was late, later than I had ever been. It didn't matter, I wasn't going to play their voting game this time. No, this time I wasn't about to gamble on innocent lives so that a select few could have their fun. This time I was going to go there with answers.

I saw the square up ahead, and sure enough, the Mayor was reading the vote. I watched as he put down the last index card with an unimportant name scribbled on it, and I was close enough to hear his voice say, "I'm sorry" in that detached, sad voice only he had. I could see his mouth forming its vowels, about to chant the name of the next victim in their senseless crimes.

"Stop," I called, halting at the edge of the square. Everyone turned and looked at me, frozen in shock at my outburst. A cool breeze followed my words, and the hat with the index cards spilled over. The white cards, each with a different handwriting of the unlucky victims, caught the wind and flew gracefully up into the air. On the other side of the square, a man walked up and caught one of the fluttering cards.

"Mayor," he called, walking up, and I could see that it was Jade. "This name has yours on it."

"Oh, so it does," the Mayor said, glancing at it momentarily. "Perhaps one of your supporters thought it would be funny to try and get rid of the competition."

"Don't be funny," Jade retorted, "my people wouldn't-"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I implied it was one of your posse, when I should have been pointing the finger at you."

"I wonder how many other of these have your name on them," I said, glancing down at Miles and over at the Hunter. Miles seemed like his same jumpy self, but the Hunter nodded at me, almost encouragingly.  "I mean, has anyone else really had a chance to do the voting? Or do we all just trust your reading capabilities, Mayor?"

"You should trust me, I am your elected ruler," the Mayor said, his face suddenly red. "And don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Why are you speaking such nonsense, you aren't even part of this town!"

"I may not be, but I've had more encounters with your little problems than anyone else," I said, standing taller and subconsciously touching my bandaged head, which felt wet again with seeping blood. "And I had another encounter last night, if you didn't pick up on that yet."

"Still alive and fighting, we see," the Mayor grumbled.

"I think you better than anyone else know that, Mayor," I whispered, the wind carrying my voice for the Mayor to hear. It seemed his eyes widened, but only shortly before they turned into slits at my accusation.

"What are you saying, that I was there when the Black Wolf attacked you?" he spat, his face redder than ever.

"The Black Wolf attacked me?" I said, faking a surprised look. "I don't remember ever saying that..."

"W-What? But you did..." the Mayor said, his eyes wide and his face red again. "It doesn't matter! Who else could have done it? He's the only wolf left!"

"Funny how that works out," I said, a small smile on my face. I glanced at the audience, who were captivated and glancing back and forth between the Mayor and me. Jade was still behind the Mayor, his arms folded and a small smile on his face. I had finally figured everything out. I had a chance to read that pamphlet, I wasn't sure how, but I did. Maybe Reiter came to me, one last time. I liked to think it was his doing, and I smiled at that thought.

But now it was time to reveal what I knew. The audience seemed hooked already, and the Mayor seemed like he was on the verge of spilling everything he knew. I had them all hooked, as long as I executed everything just right...

"Who was it this time, Mayor?" I asked, catching him off-guard.

"W-What?" he sputtered, losing his balance for a second.

"Who was a goner this time around? I'd like to know."

"M-Miles," the Mayor said, bowing his head.

"Seems like that kid can't catch a break. No matter how many people like him, he just can't seem to come out on top," I said, shaking my head. "Who here actually voted for Miles? Be honest, now!"

"You can't do that!" the Mayor shouted. "These votes are strictly anonymous!"

"Now, now," came Jade's deep voice. "I'd like to know as well. Go on, raise your hands up high and proud! Who here actually voted for our favorite clown?"

Not a single hand went into the air.

"Strange," I said, "how it was going to be his funeral, even though no one asked for it. It looks as if someone was out to get him. Doesn't it?" Miles made a squeaking noise and sunk low into the ground, as if to appear invisible. "Perhaps he knew something that someone else here didn't want getting out?" I looked over at the Mayor, who made a noise similar to Miles.

"I-I would never!"

"Mayor, if you say the truth now, everything might still work out," I said.

"Yes," came Jade's voice, quieter now. He moved closer to the Mayor and spoke in a whisper. "Yes, why don't you go ahead and tell everyone the truth, Mayor..."

"I-I... Oh, why did you have to come to this town?" the Mayor cried out and fell to his knees, sobbing. "I don't want this! The big decisions... they aren't mine to make!"

"What do you mean?" I asked calmly, with a hint of curiousness in my voice.

"I think what the Mayor means is that he is only a figurehead of this town," Jade said, standing up higher and prouder. "The man who makes the real decisions... is me."

There was some gasps from the audience, as well as cheers from the Jade supporters.

"Oh?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "That's strange."

"This wild goose chase was the Mayor's idea, of course," Jade went on to say.

"Naturally," I said, nodding along with him.

"I thought I'd let him have something. After all, he really has no power."

"How kind of you."

"Although this turned into a bigger issue than I thought it would be. I didn't actually think you people would go through with it." Jade shook his head. "Although, I'm impressed. You killed two of the wolves. Maybe it wasn't all for nothing."

"And yet whenever the people get close to finally getting a lead, things turn for the worst," I said, with some sad murmurs from the crowd as they remembered their lost loved ones. "Particularly a pamphlet..."

"Th-The pamphlet?" the Mayor spoke up, choking between his sniffles. "Do you have it?"

"No, it was unfortunately stolen before it could be read," I said, still watching Jade for a reaction. His face remained indifferent, although I felt as if it were harder than before. As if he picked up on the shift of blame and was moving toward the defensive.

"You lost it?" It was the first time Miles had spoken in his normal voice all day, and in my surprise I turned to him and blinked. In that moment I let my guard down, I compromised the entire mission.

There was a yell, and before I could turn my head around I felt a large weight land on top of me. I hit the ground with a thud and felt myself slip out of consciousness for a moment. When the blackness disappeared, I found the Mayor still on top of me, tying my hands together with rope.

"H-Hey!" I yelled out, struggling away from the Mayor's grasp. "Get off me you poop hole!"

"I'm doing this for your own good!" he said, turning me over so that my face was digging into the dirt. I felt him start tying my legs together, and I began kicking to get him off. I couldn't see what was happening, but I felt my feet make contact with something and then the tying stopped. With some effort I managed to roll over and look up. The Mayor was on the ground, in a tussle with someone else.

"Miles?" I whispered, surprised. "Damn, I didn't know you had it in you." The Hunter ran over and untied my hands. I thanked him and stood up, grabbing my head and groaning.

"You okay, kid?" the Hunter asked in his deep, raspy voice. I nodded, but felt myself wobble to the right. The Hunter grabbed me and straightened me. "Take it easy, kid. You've got one bad wound up there. We need to get Reiter in here to-"

"He's dead," I said quietly. I felt my throat get hot and my eyes burn for a moment, but it passed. "He died last night... for me."


There was a long awkward silence, until a gunshot filled the air. My ears were ringing, and my eyes were closed, waiting for a pain that never came. I opened my eyes and realized I hadn't been shot. I looked over to see that Jade had the gun, and he aimed it at the Mayor and Miles. I couldn't tell who had been hit, but the green grass was blotted out by red and the two of them were no longer rolling around in the ground together.

"Oh no," I whispered, running over to the two of them. "Miles! Mayor!" I noticed immediately that the gun had gotten both of them. There was a hole through the Mayor's arm and the bullet was now lodged inside of the Jester's shoulder. "Oh, God..."

"Nobody move!" Jade shouted, but it looked like the audience was too stunned to move.

But then, someone spoke up. "My brother. He's dead." I glanced over to see Reiter's twin, and winced at the similarity. It was too much to bare. I glanced away from Spencer and nodded. "He had the pamphlet." I nodded.

"How did anyone find it?" came the thick accented Detective's voice. "We hid that thing bloody well, we did."

"You knew-"

"We never actually read the thing," the Detective cut in. "It was given to us by a traveler. Told us to hide it safely for him, so when he returned he could give us a tidy sum. It was held together by tape, and he said that if he saw that it was tampered with he'd give us bloody hell. So, no one's read it. We want that money!"

"It slipped out of a book while I was at the library," I said. "So I took it."

"You went to the library to read?" Spencer asked, an amused smile on his face. "Not many here do that, so we just didn't think."

"Well, I wanted to learn more about the wolves. Miles showed me-"

"No!" came a cry from the hurt Jester, who slowly propped himself up. "S-She's lying. I didn't... I didn't..."

"It doesn't matter," Jade growled. "The gig's up. I always knew you'd show someone that information, Miles. I knew one day you'd slip up and I'd be forced to exterminate you!" Jade propped up the Hunter's gun once again, aiming clearly for Miles this time.

"Stop," I said, stepping in front of Miles. "If you want him, you'll have to go through me."

"Hmph, fine," Jade said, shrugging. "I don't care anymore. The gig's up, like I said. After I finish off the rest of you, I'm leaving this town and starting somewhere else. Somewhere with fresher blood."

"Jade, the powerful politician, turned out to be the last wolf," Spencer said, shaking his head.

"What, are you surprised, Mr. Seer?" sneered Jade. "Or you, new girl? How long have you known for, anyway?"

"Before I woke up, I had a dream," I said. "I was shown the pamphlet and finally read it. Had some interesting information in there, including who all the wolves were."

"Yes, except the Blue Wolf," Jade said. "Waste of paper, if you ask me!"

"No it was not, Jade. You have always been mistaken when it comes to great literature." My eyes widened at that voice. I knew that voice. I had heard it once before...

I turned to see the Blue Wolf walking towards us, its pelt shining in the sun.

"Y-You!" I stuttered, surprised. "How... Why?"

"I have come to protect the side I have chosen to protect. That is my duty."

"But, it's day!"

"The concept eludes you, young one. But it is possible that I have no human form. It is also possible that the moon is not what I feast on to maintain this form. Whatever reason you wish to use to explain this circumstance, please feel free to use it, for I wish not to explain things to a mere mortal as of right now, when times are dire for your kind."

"Ah, so you've come to watch your side lose?" Jade taunted. "I'm about to kill off the rest of them, and you're too late to do anything about it!"

"I am not too late for anything," replied the Blue Wolf calmly. It then sat down and stared intently at Jade. "Nothing of importance has happened yet. I am early."

"What is going on," I muttered, suddenly confused. Everything had been so clear only moments earlier. Jade was the Black Wolf, and he used his political power to use the Mayor, like a puppeteer, to do his bidding. Except the problem was, the Black Wolf had lost his pack, and so he did not know which of the villagers were part of his own. Sometimes he slipped up, and allowed his own fellow kind die at the hands of the Hunter. His next plan was to find the Blue Wolf and kill it, thus leaving the villagers helpless, but the pamphlet he stole didn't have the knowledge he thought it'd have.

But there was something else. There must have been a piece of the puzzle I was missing. The Blue Wolf came for a reason, but it didn't look like it was there to help. What was it waiting to happen? And then, something clicked. I finally understood. I finally knew what had to be done.

**A BUNCH OF SENSELESS PLOT STUFF HAPPENED. Results still not in, but I will give out some role information so you guys aren't totally disappointed.

Seer - Each Night Phase gets info on one person.
Mayor - 25% of vote. Also, if killed the Black Wolf is revealed.
Hunter - 50% of vote.
Detective - Gets a clue every other Night Phase of who wolf could be. Also can't be killed by wolves.
Jester - Can only be voted out if anonymous [I WONDER WHO I GAVE THIS ONE TO].
I get obsessively manic over things. It's a problem.