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Started by Thirdkoopa, January 06, 2010, 08:50:36 AM

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Quote from: Mona on February 26, 2012, 02:10:20 PM
Yep. I've gotten other notes and whatnot just not the Zelda one. I suppose I can always check my little brother's SwapNote because he keeps his 3DS on all the time.
Did you get the one from Reggie?



I think it has to do with the fact you haven't unlocked the rest of SwapNote features by sending more letters. Is there anything special about that letter as in features?


And just like that, I did in fact get that note today. I always leave my 3DS on too; actually I got other notes from Spotpass before I got this one, even though they were sent at a later date. (Aonuma's note actually slipped into the line with about 3 SpotPass notes to the right of it).

Must have just taken awhile for it to get to me.
I really hate how I've made more than 12,000 posts here. Thankfully this swaying, moving Chandelure makes it all worth it.


Aonuma never finished the original LoZ and I think he disliked it or something so I have my doubts. A New Legend of Zelda with less plot and nagging and more exploring would be awesome though so I'll get my expectations unrealistically high for GDC and E3.


Quote from: X-3 on February 27, 2012, 04:17:49 PM
Aonuma never finished the original LoZ and I think he disliked it or something so I have my doubts. A New Legend of Zelda with less plot and nagging and more exploring would be awesome though so I'll get my expectations unrealistically high for GDC and E3.
I'm thinking it would end up being more like ALttP than LoZ. I don't even know if I would pick up an LoZ1-like game unless it's cheap. Wandering around aimlessly isn't something I love.


I hate Zelda 1 and 2, they're practically painful to play.

Zelda 1 remake could be pretty awesome, but it'd need a major aesthetic overhaul to make it modernly appealing, not to mention a plot with a cutscene or two wouldn't hurt, and it would definitely need a map or hint system or something because I wouldn't pay money to get lost in nothingness for 3 hours before putting it down and never playing it again.

Basically it would need to be a brand new Zelda with the original just acting as a blueprint to build it on. And I know, plenty of people beat it before me, and I'm just spoiled because my first was Ocarina of Time, but frankly the vast, vast majority of modern gamers are just like me and I don't think there are too many 80s gamers willing to pay for a visual upgrade of a game they memorized 30 years ago and have gotten free ports of non-stop since then.


be careful guys you might hurt zeph's feelings


Quote from: Michio Kaku on February 28, 2012, 07:36:10 AM
be careful guys you might hurt zeph's feelings

I think you posted this on the wrong thread. Or does zeph just really love Zelda 1 & 2?


I wouldn't mind a Zelda modeled after the original with a little more sense of direction
Just enough to have an idea of where I should be going. Not necessarily one specific place to go, but anywhere I'm able to go.
None of the BOMB EVERY TILE AND BURN EVERY BUSH from the original


Quote from: Neerb on February 28, 2012, 08:12:06 AM
I think you posted this on the wrong thread. Or does zeph just really love Zelda 1 & 2?

nope. right thread. idk the nes makes him jizz.


Zelda 1 is intercourse ing great (both for its time, and as a hint at what the series would become, obviously if it were released today it would be a pretty poopty game)

Zelda 2 is poop and everyone knows it
~~ <3


Everyone seems to ride Zelda II's cock, but I thought it was a poopty direction for the series to take.
Now that I think about it, it's kind of like what Castlevania II is to its series.


Quote from: Doodle on February 28, 2012, 03:33:48 PM
Everyone seems to ride Zelda II's cock, but I thought it was a poopty direction for the series to take.

Where the heck have you heard that? Everyone I've ever talked to about it agreed 2 was garbage. The only nice thing was the magic meter, which Twilight Princess apparently removed forever. I want magic back, dang it! I want spells and elemental arrows and all kinds of mystic stuff. The first three 3D games were decent enough with it...


"Congratulations! Your attacks have missed three times in a row in Find Mii!"
